# Makefile for building Taste package (C++ version) # To use this file type "make -f unix.mk [entry-point]" # or copy it to "Makefile" to avoid using the "-f unix.mk" option # Entry Points: # all (Default) build Taste examples # clean Clean all object and executable files # dos2unix Fix source files that have any CR/LF -> LF #CC sets the name of the compiler to use (cc, gcc, etc) #You will have to change this to suit your system CC = ${CXX} CFLAGS = -g -I../cplus2 COCOR = ../cocor DOS2UNIX = ../dos2unix.sh LIB = ../cplus2/cr_lib.a *.o: *.cpp $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ *.o: *.cxx $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ all: taste pretty xref dos2unix: sh -c "$(DOS2UNIX) '*.c?? *.h?? *.h *.mk *.frm *.atg *.tas'" fix_2_cpp: for i in crossref prettypr tc tl;\ do (mv $$i.cxx $$i.cpp); done fix_2_cxx: for i in crossref prettypr tc tl;\ do (mv $$i.cpp $$i.cxx); done taste: tastep.o taste.o tc.o tl.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -otaste taste.o tl.o tc.o\ tastes.o tastep.o $(LIB) tastep.o: taste.atg $(COCOR) taste.atg $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c taste.c?? tastep.c?? tastes.c?? pretty: prettyp.o pretty.o prettypr.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -opretty pretty.o prettypr.o \ prettys.o prettyp.o $(LIB) prettyp.o: pretty.atg $(COCOR) pretty.atg $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c pretty.c?? prettyp.c?? prettys.c?? xref: xrefp.o xref.o crossref.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oxref xref.o crossref.o \ xrefs.o xrefp.o $(LIB) xrefp.o: xref.atg $(COCOR) xref.atg $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c xref.c?? xrefp.c?? xrefs.c?? clean: set -i; \ rm *.o rm pretty rm xref rm taste rm pretty.c?? rm xref.c?? rm taste.c?? rm taste?.c?? rm taste?.hpp rm xref?.c?? rm xref?.hpp rm pretty?.c?? rm pretty?.hpp rm *.h rm *.lst