/* Copyright (C) 1999-2004 IC & S dbmail@ic-s.nl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* $Id: list.c 1550 2005-01-07 12:23:02Z paul $ * * functions to create lists and add/delete items */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "list.h" void list_init(struct list *tlist) { memset(tlist,'\0', sizeof(struct list)); // tlist->start = NULL; // tlist->total_nodes = 0; } /* * list_freelist() * * frees a list and all the memory associated with it */ void list_freelist(struct element **start) { /* check if list exists */ if (!(*start)) return; /* free rest of list */ list_freelist(&(*start)->nextnode); /* free this item */ dm_free((*start)->data); dm_free(*start); *start = NULL; } /* * dbmail_list_reverse() * * reverse the order of a linked list */ struct element *dbmail_list_reverse(struct element *start) { struct element *newstart; if (!start) return NULL; /* nothing there */ if (!start->nextnode) return start; /* nothing to reverse */ newstart = dbmail_list_reverse(start->nextnode); /* reverse rest of list */ start->nextnode->nextnode = start; start->nextnode = NULL; /* terminate list */ return newstart; } /* * return a empty initialized element; */ static struct element *element_new(void) { struct element *new = (struct element *)dm_malloc(sizeof(struct element)); if (new != NULL) memset(new,'\0',sizeof(struct element)); return new; } /* * list_nodeadd() * * Adds a node to a linked list (list structure). * New item will be FIRST element of new linked list. * * returns NULL on failure or first element on success */ struct element *list_nodeadd(struct list *tlist, const void *data, size_t dsize) { struct element *p; if (!tlist) return NULL; /* cannot add to non-existing list */ if (! (p = element_new())) return NULL; if (! (p->data = (void *)dm_malloc(dsize))) { dm_free(p); return NULL; } p->data = memcpy(p->data, data, dsize); p->dsize=dsize; p->nextnode=tlist->start; tlist->start = p; /* updating node count */ tlist->total_nodes++; return tlist->start; } /* * list_nodepop() * * pops the first element of a linked list * ! MEMORY SHOULD BE FREED BY CLIENT ! */ struct element *list_nodepop(struct list *list) { struct element *ret; if (!list || !list->start) return NULL; ret = list->start; list->start = list->start->nextnode; return ret; } /* * list_nodedel() * * removes the item containing 'data' from the list preserving a valid linked-list structure. * * returns */ struct element *list_nodedel(struct list *tlist, void *data) { struct element *temp; struct element *item; item = NULL; if (!tlist) return NULL; temp = tlist->start; /* checking if lists exist else return NULL */ if (temp == NULL) return NULL; while (temp != NULL) { /* walk the list */ if (temp->data == data) { if (item == NULL) { tlist->start = temp->nextnode; dm_free(temp->data); dm_free((struct element *) temp); break; } else { item->nextnode = temp->nextnode; dm_free(temp->data); /* freeing memory */ dm_free((struct element *) temp); break; } /* updating node count */ tlist->total_nodes--; } item = temp; temp = temp->nextnode; } return NULL; } struct element *list_getstart(struct list *tlist) { return (tlist) ? tlist->start : NULL; } long list_totalnodes(struct list *tlist) { return (tlist) ? tlist->total_nodes : -1; /* a NULL ptr doesnt even have zero nodes (?) */ } void list_showlist(struct list *tlist) { struct element *temp; if (!tlist) { trace(TRACE_MESSAGE, "list_showlist(): NULL ptr received\n"); return; } temp = tlist->start; while (temp != NULL) { trace(TRACE_MESSAGE, "list_showlist():item found [%s]\n", (char *) temp->data); temp = temp->nextnode; } } /* basic binary tree */ void list_btree_insert(sortitems_t ** tree, sortitems_t * item) { int val; if(!(*tree)) { *tree = item; return; } val = strcmp(item->ustr,(*tree)->ustr); if(val < 0) list_btree_insert(&(*tree)->left, item); else if(val > 0) list_btree_insert(&(*tree)->right, item); } void list_btree_printout(sortitems_t * tree, int * i) { if(tree->left) list_btree_printout(tree->left, i); trace(TRACE_INFO, "list_btree_printout: i '%d' '%d', '%s'\n", *i, tree->mid, tree->ustr); (*i)++; if(tree->right) list_btree_printout(tree->right, i); } void list_btree_traverse(sortitems_t * tree, int * i, unsigned int *rset) { if(tree->left) list_btree_traverse(tree->left, i, rset); trace(TRACE_DEBUG, "list_btree_traverse: i '%d' '%d', '%s'\n", *i, tree->mid, tree->ustr); rset[*i] = tree->mid; (*i)++; if(tree->right) list_btree_traverse(tree->right, i, rset); } void list_btree_free(sortitems_t * tree) { if(tree->left) list_btree_free(tree->left); dm_free(tree->ustr); if(tree->right) list_btree_free(tree->right); else dm_free(tree); }