.TH DBMAIL-LMTPD 8 .ad .fi .SH NAME dbmail-lmtpd \- receive messages from an MTA supporting the Lightweight Mail Transport Protocol, as specified in RFC 2033. .SH SYNOPSIS .na .nf \fBdbmail-lmtpd\fR [\fB-f\fR configfile] [\fB-p\fR pidfile] [\fB\-nvVh\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .ad .fi The \fBdbmail-lmtpd\fR daemon will spawn child processes as specified in the \fBdbmail.conf\fR file. These processes listen, by default, on port 24 of the localhost interface. Mail Transfer Agents, MTA's such as Postfix and Exim, speak LMTP to their Mail Delivery Agents which receive and store messages. DBMail implements such a system using a database backend. .SH OPTIONS .IP "\fB\-f\fR configfile" Specify an alternate config file. The daemons are currently hardcoded to use /etc/dbmail.conf for their configs, and will halt if the config file cannot be found. Use the \fB\-f\fR configfile option to specify your system's preferred config file location. .IP "\fB\-p\fR pidfile" Specify an alternate pid file. The daemons are currently hardcoded to use /var/run/dbmail- for their pid files, and will halt if the pid file cannot be written. Use the \fB\-p\fR pidfile option to place the pid file in your system's preferred location. .IP \fB-n\fR No daemonize. The program remains attached to the console from which it was started. This is quite useful for debugging when combined with the \fB-v\fR option. .IP \fB-v\fR Operate verbosely. For daemons, this may only be useful with the \fB-n\fR option which keeps the program bound to the console. Some of the utilities in the DBMail suite can take two \fB-v\fR's for extra verbosity. Those which don't understand this convention won't complain about having the extra \fB-v\fR and will simply operate at their normal verbosity. .IP \fB-V\fR Show the version and copyright, then exit. .IP \fB-h\fR Show a brief summary of options, then exit. .SH DIAGNOSTICS .ad .fi Errors and notifications are send to the trace output as set in the \fBDBMail\fR configfile. .SH BUGS .PP Not all of the features recommended by RFC 2033 are implemented. .SH LICENSE .na .nf .ad .fi DBMail and its components are (c) IC&S and distributed under the GPL. .SH AUTHOR(S) .na .nf Aaron Stone Open Source Programmer Palo Alto, California USA