UPGRADING Modified: April 12, 2005 Instructions: Find the version you currently have installed from the list below (where it says "from _version_") and work your way up. For an example, to go from 0.7.2 to 0.7.5, you need to upgrade to 0.7.3, then upgrade to 0.7.5. 0.9 pre-20050412 to 20050412 ============================ Changes have been made to the MySQL backend schema. Check MySQL/0.9.0 to update. A new directive $DISABLE_BOOKMARKS_SHARING has been added to conf/conf.php. 0.9 pre-20050323 to 20050323 ============================ There are changes to the MySQL back-end. Check MySQL/0.9.0 to update. The file "conf/default.generic.inc" has been modified, 0.9 pre-20050312 to 20050312 ============================ There are changes to the MySQL back-end. Check MySQL/0.9.0 and run applicable commands. 0.9 pre-20050121 to 20050121 ============================ conf/conf.inc has been renamed to conf/conf.php. Make sure to copy your old conf.inc file to conf.php. Also, new configs have been added. 0.9-x to later version =============================== There have been some changes to the backend. Check MySQL/0.9.0.sql for changes since the version you're currently running. No changes required for FS backend. pre-0.9 to 0.9 ============== Fresh reinstall recommended. If you MUST upgrade from an existing installation of 0.8.x, a converter script needs to be run to preserve old user preferences and color options. The script is located in source/backend_converter.php. Run this script once, then remove the script from public access. DO NOT copy old configuration files. There are many new configuration directives. 0.7.x to 0.8.10 =============== Fresh reinstall recommended. If using MySQL backend, apply all incremental SQL updates in the MySQL folder. 0.8.9 to 0.8.10 =============== No backend changes, no changes in config options. 0.8.8 to 0.8.9 ============== No backend changes. No changes to conf files, except for $USE_COOKIES in conf/login.inc which is on by default (was off). Please see conf/login.inc for more details. 0.8.7 to 0.8.8 ============== No backend changes. A few new directives have been added to conf/conf.inc and conf/login.inc. from 0.8.6 to 0.8.7 =================== No major changes. A few new directives have been added to conf/conf.inc. from 0.7.11 to 0.8.6 ==================== Version 0.8 is still in development. It is recommended that you NOT UPGRADE and simply setup a separate installation for testing. from 0.7.9. to 0.7.10 ===================== No changes necessary to configuration or backend. from 0.7.8 to 0.7.9 ==================== Update MySQL backend using "MySQL/0.7.9.sql". No changes for file-based backend. Due to changes, it is recommended that configuration files NOT be copied, but reconfigured using the files included with the distribution. from 0.7.7 to 0.7.8 ==================== A couple of new optional directives have been added to conf/mysqlrc.inc and conf/conf.inc. Config files may be copied, and no changes are required to the backend. from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7 ==================== A few new options have been added to conf/login.inc, all other conf files may be copied over directly. No changes required to backend. from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6 ==================== A few new settings have been added to conf/conf.inc. It is recommended that you do NOT over write this file, but install the new version and modify the settings manually. If you are using a MySQL backend, upgrade your webmail database using the SQL file MySQL/0.7.6.sql. e.g. $mysql -u user -p webmail < MySQL/0.7.6.sql from 0.7.4 to 0.7.5 =================== A few new settings have been added to conf/conf.inc. It is recommended that you do NOT over write this file, but install the new version and modify the settings manually. If you are using a MySQL backend, upgrade your webmail database using the SQL file in MySQL/0.7.5.sql. e.g. $mysql -u user -p webmail < MySQL/0.7.5.sql from 0.7.4 to 0.7.4-2 ===================== If IlohaMail is working in your environment, you DO NOT need this upgrade. If you received errors related '../lang' in the login page, simply swap the "IlohaMail/include/super2global.inc" file with the new one. from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4 =================== No changes needed in backend (file or MySQL). You may copy configuration files over to new installation. from < 0.7.3 to 0.7.3 ===================== 0.7.3 includes some features and improvements that require changes to the configuration and backend structure. A "clean" re-install and configuration is recommended, and this document will walk you through some of the relevant changes. Configuration ------------ There are some new configuration options, as well as changes from previous versions. Namely, conf/defaults.inc has been moved to conf/conf.inc, and conf/hosts.inc has been moved to login.inc. There are some new configuration options in both new files (conf.inc, login.inc) so make sure you take a look at those as well. POP3 Cache ----------- In addition to the "upload" folder, a "cache" folder must be created at the same level as "source", "include", etc, if you wish to enable POP3 caching. POP3 caching will save network bandwidth and improve speed, however, POP3 functionality will work fine without it. If the "cache" folder does not exist, caching will be disabled. Log --- A new log feature has been added to monitor login/logout activity. This might be useful to detect unauthorized login attempts, and will log the user's IP as well as time. This feature supports both file and db based backends. See conf/conf.inc for configuration information. This feature is disabled by default. MySQL ------ The conf/mysqlrc.inc file is more or less unchanged, however, a new optional table for logging user activity has been added. To add this table to an exising database, run the mysql/0.7.3.sql file as such: $mysql -u user -p dbname < mysql/0.7.3.sql