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<META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="Fri, 02 Feb 1996 11:04:53 PDT 1996">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="MajorCool, Majordomo, Web, CGI, mailing list">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="MajorCool is a Web interface to Majordomo. This is an installed copy; the definitive site for MajorCool info is http://ncrinfo.ncr.com/pub/contrib/unix/MajorCool/">
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<TITLE>MajorCool Support, FAQs, & Credits</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
<IMG SRC="../icons/mc_cool_banner.gif" ALT="[MajorCool]" ALIGN=MIDDLE>
<H3 ALIGN=CENTER>MajorCool: A Web Interface To Majordomo</H3>
<FONT SIZE=-1><!--META-->(This is a copy of the <I>MajorCool</I> <A HREF="http://ncrinfo.ncr.com/pub/contrib/unix/MajorCool/">master</A> documentation set)</FONT>
<A HREF="index.htm">Introduction</A><BR>
<A HREF="usage.htm">Usage</A><BR>
<A HREF="prereq.htm">System Requirements</A><BR>
<A HREF="install.htm">Installation</A><BR>
<A HREF="config.htm">Configuration</A><BR>
<A HREF="future.htm">Future Direction</A><BR>
<B>Licensing, FAQs, & Credits</B><BR>
<P>Because <I>MajorCool</I> is of little use on its own, its
licensing restrictions mirror that of <I>Majordomo</I>. In brief
summary, <I>MajorCool</I> is:
<LI>Free to use.
<LI>As-is. No warranty or guarantees.
See the actual <A HREF="../LICENSE"><I>MajorCool</I> LICENSE</A> and
the <A HREF="ftp://www.greatcircle.com/pub/majordomo/LICENSE">license
agreement of <I>Majordomo</I></A> for additional information.
<H2>Frequently Asked Questions</H2>
<DT><P><B>Where can I get the latest version of <I>MajorCool</I>?</B>
<DD><A HREF="http://ncrinfo.ncr.com/pub/contrib/unix/MajorCool/">
http://ncrinfo.ncr.com/pub/contrib/unix/MajorCool/</A> is the definitive
site. Always check there for the
<A HREF="http://ncrinfo.ncr.com/pub/contrib/unix/MajorCool/ChangeLog">
latest version</A>. A quick way to get there from within the application
is to click on the <I>MajorCool</I> banner graphic and follow the link
<DT><P><B>Where can I ask questions about <I>MajorCool</I>?</B>
<DD>It is preferable that support for <I>MajorCool</I> be obtained via
the <A HREF="http://www.greatcircle.com/lists/majordomo-users/">
<I>Majordomo-users</I></A> mailing list at GreatCircle.COM. The many
others who have successfully implemented the application can assist
you in this forum. Hopefully, the knowledge base will continue to grow
along with that of <I>Majordomo</I>'s.
<P>If you request assistance on the <I>Majordomo</I> list, please
make the debugging process easier by identifying:
<LI><I>MajorCool</I> version, including:
<LI>the chosen <CODE>siteaddr()</CODE> function -- eg, custom-made or
one selected from the distribution
<LI>any config options that might be relevant to your problem/question
<LI><I>Majordomo</I> version
<LI>Perl version
<LI>Web server vendor/version
<LI>Web browser vendor/version (if behavior is browser-dependent)
<P>To subscribe to the list, send an appropriate <CODE>subscribe</CODE>
command to <A HREF="mailto:Majordomo@GreatCircle.COM"><CODE>Majordomo@GreatCircle.COM</CODE></A>.
<DT><P><B>Why isn't there a separate mailing list just for <I>MajorCool</I>?</B>
<DD>Although <I>MajorCool</I> is different from <I>Majordomo</I>,
the two are tightly integrated. As <I>Majordomo</I> evolves, so too
will <I>MajorCool</I> (hopefully). More importantly, it is planned
that <I>MajorCool</I> will eventually be included in the distribution
as an integral component of future <I>Majordomo</I> releases.
<DT><P><B>Do I <U>really</U> need a Web server on my mail machine?</B>
<DD>Yes. <I>MajorCool</I> requires direct file-system level access to
the <I>Majordomo</I> lists and config files -- you cannot install it
on a separate machine. If you prefer to provide your Web access from
a location other than the target mail server, I suggest looking at
the <A HREF="http://iquest.com/~fitz/www/mailserv/"><I>MailServ</I></A>
<DT><P><B>When "browsing", why...
<BR>...doesn't <I>MajorCool</I> show any of the lists that I have on my server?
<BR>...aren't any of my recently-added lists showing up in the pull-down?
<BR>...isn't my updated list description getting displayed?
<DD>In BROWSE mode, available lists and some of their attributes are taken
from the <A HREF="install.htm#CACHE">Key Cache</A> file rather than directly
from the <I>Majordomo</I> lists directory. Go back and check the Key Cache:
<LI>Does it exist?
<LI>Is it where you told the <CODE>cf</CODE> file it would be?
<LI>Is it non-empty?
<LI>Are the permissions such that it is readable by the Web process?
<LI>Have lists been changed since the Cache was last updated?
After any changes (config updates or list additions/deletions), you must
remember to re-run the Cache program. The burden of this task can be
minimized by adding a <I>cron</I> job or applying the contributed
<I>auto-cache</I> patch to <I>Majordomo</I>.
<DT><P><B>Why do I get the "not" symbol (red circle with slash) on
some/all of my lists when I use BROWSE mode?</B>
<LI>If 'QuickView' was selected, this is normal. Subscription tests
have been disabled for faster access, and without knowing the state
of each subscription, the values cannot be changed.
<LI>If the optional <CODE>web_access</CODE> keyword was implemented,
some list owners may have elected to exclude their lists from
<I>MajorCool</I> access.
<LI>In all other cases, a list is marked with that symbol to indicate
that it is "not configured": you have implemented <A HREF="install.htm#OWNER">
<I>owner</I> keyword support</A> without assigning a value to the
<CODE>owner</CODE> variable in the <CODE>list.config</CODE> file. Or
maybe you added the value but the Key Cache file has not been updated
yet? Remember: the <I>owner</I> support is completely optional; if you
don't add the <CODE>owner</CODE> keyword to <I>Majordomo</I>, you
won't have to modify all your config files. The main value of the
<I>owner</I> addition is the ability to automate alias creation.
<DT><P><B>I'm trying to access the (User's Guide|Admin Guide|FAQ)
listed in the <I>Local Majordomo/MajorCool Notes</I> Help section,
but the URL is giving me errors.</B>
<DD>The <CODE>site.info</CODE> file was included in the distribution
for example purposes only. The URLs are behind the NCR firewall and
not generally accessible.
In actuality, both Guides (Admin and User) are copies of the
documentation that came with <I>Majordomo</I>).
If you use the sample <CODE>site.info</CODE> file,
you should tailor it to display information specific to your site
rather than continue to reference unreachable NCR locations.
<DT><P><B>When I press the 'GO' button on the BROWSE screen, the
browser spins but eventually stops without leaving the initial
BROWSE screen. I am using Netscape browser and Apache server.</B>
<DD>There is a <A HREF="http://bugs.apache.org/index/full/2394/">
bug</A> in Apache 1.3.x (and earlier betas) that broke
"server push" scripts. As of 1.3.2, that bug has been fixed. Your
options are: upgrade/patch the server, disable server-push special
effects (<CODE>$opt_multipart</CODE>) in the <I>MajorCool</I> config
file, or use a non-Netscape browser.
<P><I>MajorCool</I> development was started in Feb'96 by Matt Bateman
of <A HREF="http://www.ncr.com">NCR Corporation</A> (before leaving for
greener pastures [literally -- Oregon is so much more verdant than
Southern California]). With Matt's departure, the torch was passed to
Bill Houle, where the code was folded, spindled, mutilated, and prepared
for release back to the <I>Majordomo</I> community in April of that
year. (Even if you manage to locate Matt, please don't ask him technical
questions about <I>MajorCool</I> -- the current version bears very
little resemblance to his initial prototype.)
<P>In addition to the many users who reported bugs and offered ideas
for improvement, we would also like to thank the following people who
directly contributed to the development of <I>MajorCool</I>:
Rick Hernandez <rick@sparc.sandiegoca.ncr.com><BR>
Tom Moore <tom.moore@daytonoh.ncr.com><BR>
Dave A. Roger <daroger@tisc.com><BR>
Marisa Giancarla <marisa@andromedia.com><BR>
Tom White <tom@net.msstate.edu><BR>
Karsten Mueller <karsten@zora.nadir.org><BR>
Ricardo Marek <ricky@ornet.co.il><BR>
Steve Snodgrass <ssnodgra@fore.com><BR>
<P>Send some words of encouragement to Ben Stassert & Ash
<{dasb,dszd0g}@dasb.fhda.edu> and Rick Perry
<perry@news.ee.vill.edu>, whose detail and diligence helped to
shore up the security of the program.
<P>Special praise to Gunnar Helliesen <gunnar@bitcon.no> who
spurred me to think about <I>Majordomo</I> virtual host support
(resulting in the addition of the multiple configuration file feature)
and was nice enough to help me test the beta implementation on his
<P>Credit power-user Martin.Fogel@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM for
requesting numerous features which I initially thought "who the heck
would need to do that?!?" yet in the end turned out to be well worth
<P>Extra special thanks to Cary.Canning and Robin.Cooper.Wood (both
@SanDiegoCA.NCR.COM). Cary's User-Interface Design Review led to the
creation of the Menu-style interface, which was complemented quite
nicely by Robin's graphic touch.
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