##!PERLBIN # # $1: Majordomo.cf file # $2: Majordomo $homedir # $3: MajorCool 'personality' name (eg, "default") $domocf = shift(@ARGV); $homedir = shift(@ARGV); $instance = shift(@ARGV); $shell_file = "$instance.sh"; $config_file = "$homedir/majorcool_$instance.cf"; $registration_file = "$homedir/.majorcool_$instance"; exit if -e $registration_file; chop($system = (`uname -a` || `arch` || "unknown\n")); push(@INC, $homedir); # load the configs # require "$domocf" || die "couldn't open $domocf, $!"; require "majordomo.pl"; require "majordomo_version.pl"; require "$config_file" || die "couldn't open $config_file, $!"; print <<"ZOT"; Purely out of curiosity, the author would like to know who is using this software. Would you like to let $author know that you have completed a successful installation by sending the cf file? This is only for "census" purposes, to get an idea of where and how the program is being used. There will be no unnecessary snooping, follow-up emails, or other solicitations; and you will not be advertised as a proud user in any documentation or propaganda unless you specifically request it. So...do you want to proclaim your victory? ZOT # just a 'touch' open(RF,">$registration_file") || die "couldn't create $registration_file, $!"; close RF; # ask print "[yes] "; if ( =~ /n/i) { print <<"ZOT"; Bummer...Oh well...If you ever change your mind, just delete the $homedir/$registration_file file and Configure will notice the next time it is run. Thanks for trying MajorCool... ZOT exit; } # prepare the mail $sendmail_command = "/usr/lib/sendmail" unless defined $sendmail_command; $bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t" unless defined $bounce_mailer; &set_abort_addr($whoami_owner); &set_mail_from($whoami_owner); $x = $whoami; # Keeps -w happy &set_mail_sender($whoami_owner); &set_mailer($bounce_mailer); # do it &sendmail(NOTIFY, "$register", "MajorCool $version Success!"); print NOTIFY <<"ZOT"; MajorCool $version was just successfully installed for Majordomo $majordomo_version at $whoami on System "$system". Here is how this particular installation was implemented: ZOT # open & send the file # open(SH,"<$shell_file"); while () { print NOTIFY; } close SH; close NOTIFY; print <<"ZOT"; Thanks for your trust. And thanks for trying MajorCool... PS: Drop $author a separate email if you ever feel comfortable enough to have your site listed in the MajorCool Web documents as an exemplary user. Greater visibility will encourage more people to try the product.... ZOT