<!-- =================================================================== -->
<META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="Fri, 02 Feb 1996 11:04:53 PDT 1996">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="MajorCool, Majordomo, Web, CGI, mailing list">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="MajorCool is a Web interface to Majordomo. This is an installed copy; the definitive site for MajorCool info is http://ncrinfo.ncr.com/pub/contrib/unix/MajorCool/">
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<TITLE>MajorCool Installation Census</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">

<IMG SRC="icons/mc_cool_banner.gif" ALT="[MajorCool]" ALIGN=MIDDLE><BR>
MajorCool Installation Survey

Out of curiosity, I began tracking installations of version 1.2.0
when it was released in Dec 1997. I was primarily interested in how
the various configuration options were being utilized. The
registration is optional; I don't know how many sites installed the 
software and didn't want to participate in the census for some
reason, but I'm guessing the collected data is a very small 
representation of the total user base. One thing is assured based
on the numbers collected: at least three new <I>MajorCool</I>
installations come to life each day.

Not suprisingly, most people just take the defaults during the 
initial install. However, I did notice some other possible "trends":
<LI>The "friendly name" (<CODE>$sitename</CODE>) is most often set
to be a domain name. Only a handful of sites chose to use the name
for descriptive text as it was originally intended.
<LI>The "simple" <CODE>siteaddr()</CODE> module is by far the most 
common, which is not unreasonable considering that it matches the 
behavior of <I>Majordomo</I>. Those that have experimented with the 
pattern match feature have done so mostly via the "domain" and 
"domain-smtp" modules.
<LI>Far more sites chose "paranoid mode" (<CODE>$opt_cmdverify</CODE>)
than I would have expected. While this mode is certainly a good 
<I>Majordomo</I> syntax teaching tool, it does not make for an
efficient list management process...
<LI>It's a 50/50 split as far as sites wanting their CGI indexed by
Spiders &amp; Crawlers (<CODE>$opt_robots</CODE>).
<LI>I have yet to find anyone who turned off the Multipart Server-Push
support (<CODE>$opt_multipart</CODE>). Not surprising given its
no-harm-done "cool" factor.
<LI>More sites hide the admin password (<CODE>$opt_hiddenpasswd</CODE>)
than hide their list-of-lists (<CODE>$opt_hiddenlists</CODE>). This
surprises me since disabling hidden lists provides a way to bypass the
<I>Majordomo</I> <CODE>advertise/noadvertise</CODE> security.

Since I am only notified during an initial install, I do not know
how these sites have subsequently tweaked their setup -- in my own
experience, the initial install rarely resembles the finished
product once all the various options have been appropriately
tailored. Therefore, this trend data is probably suspect.

<HR WIDTH="50%">
MajorCool -- MaggioreBravo -- MayorFresco -- BesondersToll
I have been surprised by the global appeal that the software seems to
have; the diverse user base for each release after only a few months of 
availability is a testament to the power of the Internet. Here's a 
domain breakdown of known sites (based on the census data from
version 1.2.0 and above).
NOTE: These are sites that have installed <I>MajorCool</I> <U>and</U> 
been willing to admit it; there's no telling how many installations 
are really out there. Also, these reflect new installs only;
upgrades from previously installed versions are not announced:

<!--exec cmd="./Registry.pl -rth4"-->
<CAPTION>By Root Domain (1297 Total)</CAPTION>
<TD>Argentina:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Australia:</TD> <TD>33</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Austria:</TD> <TD>4</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Belgium:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Brazil:</TD> <TD>16</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Canada:</TD> <TD>18</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Chile:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>China:</TD> <TD>13</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Columbia:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Cuba:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Czechoslovakia:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Denmark:</TD> <TD>11</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>England:</TD> <TD>35</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Estonia:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Finland:</TD> <TD>6</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>France:</TD> <TD>15</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Germany:</TD> <TD>43</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Greece:</TD> <TD>8</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Hong Kong:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Iceland:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>India:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Indonesia:</TD> <TD>10</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Ireland:</TD> <TD>3</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Israel:</TD> <TD>3</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Italy:</TD> <TD>17</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Japan:</TD> <TD>74</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Korea:</TD> <TD>4</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Latvia:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Luxembourg:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Malaysia:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Mali:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Mexico:</TD> <TD>6</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Moldova:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Netherlands:</TD> <TD>20</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>New Zealand:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Nicaragua:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Norway:</TD> <TD>4</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Phillipines:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Poland:</TD> <TD>3</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Portugal:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Romania:</TD> <TD>3</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Russia:</TD> <TD>28</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Singapore:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Slovenia:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Soviet Union:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Spain:</TD> <TD>4</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Sweden:</TD> <TD>9</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Switzerland:</TD> <TD>5</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Taiwan:</TD> <TD>11</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Thailand:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Tonga:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Turkey:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Ukraine:</TD> <TD>5</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>United States:</TD> <TD>14</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Uruguay:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Yugoslavia:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Zaire:</TD> <TD>23</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Zimbabwe:</TD> <TD>1</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>.[null]:</TD> <TD>4</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>.com:</TD> <TD>391</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>.edu:</TD> <TD>119</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>.gov:</TD> <TD>6</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>.int:</TD> <TD>2</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>.mil:</TD> <TD>10</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>.net:</TD> <TD>169</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>.org:</TD> <TD>110</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<!--exec cmd="./Registry.pl -vh2"-->
<CAPTION>Version Breakdown</CAPTION>
<TD>1.2.0 [circa 12/97]:</TD> <TD>463</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>1.3.0 [circa  3/98]:</TD> <TD>573</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>1.3.1 [circa  9/98]:</TD> <TD>261</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>
<FONT SIZE=-1>(Data current as of <!--#echo var="LAST_MODIFIED"-->)</FONT>

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