#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# mixmaster-update: (c) 2002 Peter Palfrader <peter@palfrader.org>
# $Id: mixmaster-update,v 1.10 2002/10/31 12:38:15 weasel Exp $
# This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
=head1 NAME
mixmaster-update Fetch new reliability stats and keyrings for mixmaster
=item B<mixmaster-update> [B<--verbose>] [B<--source>=I<SOURCE>] [B<--configfile>=I<FILE>] [B<--destination>=I<DIRECTORY>]
=item B<mixmaster-update> B<--list-sources>
=item B<mixmaster-update> B<--help>
=item B<mixmaster-update> B<--version>
B<mixmaster-update> is a simple yet configurable script that downloads latest
remailer reliability statistics and keyrings for your mixmaster.
As having uptodate reliability statistics is imperative if you want to make use
of remailers it is recommended that you always update this data should it be
older that twelve or twentyfour hours and you intent to use mixmaster.
B<mixmaster-update> has several built in stats sources. You can view the list
of stats sources with the B<--list-sources> parameter.
If you want to make use of another stats source which is not listed in the output
of B<--list-sources> you can do so by setting the location of B<mlist> and others
in your configuration file.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--verbose>
Print verbose output to standard output. May be given more than once to increase verbosity.
=item B<--source>=I<SOURCE>
Use this built in stats source.
=item B<--configfile>=I<FILE>
Also parse the configuration file I<FILE>.
=item B<--destination>=I<DIRECTORY>
Write output to I<DIRECTORY> rather than the directory given in the config file
or ~/.Mix/.
=item B<--list-sources>
List available stats sources.
=item B<--help>
Print a brief help message and exit successfully.
=item B<--version>
Print a version information and exit successfully.
=head1 FILES
=item B</etc/mixmaster/update.conf>
=item B<~/.Mix/update.conf>
=item MIXMASTER_UPDATE_CONF environment
=item B<--configfile> parameter
These files are parsed in this order. Later definitions overwrite older ones.
This config file defines proxy settings, where to write the results too and
which stats source to use
=item B</etc/mixmaster/allpingers.txt>
=item B<~/.Mix/allpingers.txt>
=item MIXMASTER_ALLPINGERS environment
=item B<--allpingers> parameter
These files are parsed in this order. Later definitions overwrite older ones.
The B<allpingers.txt> is a list of all pingers.
The B<update.conf> configuration file for B<mixmaster-update> is simple. Lines
with whitespace only are ignored as are lines that have the hash our pound
(C<#>) sign as their first non whitespace character.
Lines are always truncated at the first hash our pound (C<#>) sign.
Lines are pairs of keys and values seperated by a convenient amount of
whitespace. The key is case insensitive.
Allowed keys:
=item B<source>
Use the builtin stats source with this name
=item B<destination>
Write the downloaded data to this directory rather than ~/.Mix
=item B<proxy>
Set proxies for different protocols. The value is split into two parts:
protocol and proxy URL. They are seperated by whitespace.
PROXY http http://proxy.example.com:8080/
PROXY ftp http://proxy.example.com:8080/
The format for B<allpingers.txt> is simple too:
base = http://stats.example.net/
rlist = http://stats.example.net/rlist.txt
mlist = http://stats.example.net/mlist.txt
rlist2 = http://stats.example.net/rlist2.txt
mlist2 = http://stats.example.net/mlist2.txt
rlist_html = http://stats.example.net/rlist.html
mlist_html = http://stats.example.net/mlist.html
rlist2_html = http://stats.example.net/rlist2.html
mlist2_html = http://stats.example.net/mlist2.html
rchain_html = http://stats.example.net/mlist2.html
pgpring = http://stats.example.net/pgp-all.asc
pgpring_rsa = http://stats.example.net/pgp-rsa.asc
mixring = http://stats.example.net/pubring.mix
type2list = http://stats.example.net/type2.list
The file may contain several such definitions.
See the FILES section abobe.
=item HOME
Your homedirectory. Used for finding your user configuration file. Also the
default destination directory is $HOME/.Mix/
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 BUGS
Please report them to the Debian Bug Tracking System as described at
C<http://bugs.debian.org/> or use a tool like reportbug(1).
=head1 AUTHOR
Peter Palfrader E<lt>peter@palfrader.orgE<gt>
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use English;
use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
my $VERSION = '$Revision: 1.10 $';
rlist => 'rlist.txt',
mlist => 'mlist.txt',
rlist2 => 'rlist2.txt',
mlist2 => 'mlist2.txt',
mixring => 'pubring.mix',
pgpring => 'pubring.asc' );
my @configfiles = ( '/etc/mixmaster/update.conf',
my @sourcesfiles = ( '/etc/mixmaster/allpingers.txt',
my $destination = $ENV{'HOME'}.'/.Mix/';
my $params;
if (!GetOptions (
'help' => \$params->{'help'},
'version' => \$params->{'version'},
'verbose+' => \$params->{'verbose'},
'configfile=s' => \$params->{'conffile'},
'allpingers=s' => \$params->{'allpingers'},
'source=s' => \$params->{'source'},
'list-sources' => \$params->{'list-sources'},
'destination=s'=> \$params->{'destination'},
)) {
die ("$PROGRAM_NAME: Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME [-fwhv]\n");
if ($params->{'help'}) {
print "Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME [options]\n";
print "mixmaster-update $VERSION - (c) 2002 Peter Palfrader <peter\@palfrader.org>\n";
print " --configfile FILE Also source this config file.\n";
print " --source NAME Use this built in source.\n";
print " --destination Write files to this directory.\n";
print " --verbose Be verbose.\n";
print "\n";
print " --list-sources List available sources.\n";
print " --help Print this message.\n";
print " --version Print version information.\n";
print "\n";
print " MIXMASTER_UPDATE_CONF Also source this config file.\n";
print " HOME Home directory (base for user config\n";
print " file and destination).\n";
exit 0;
if ($params->{'version'}) {
print ("mixmaster-update $VERSION\n");
print ("(c) 2002 Peter Palfrader <peter\@palfrader.org>\n");
exit 0;
push (@configfiles, $ENV{'MIXMASTER_UPDATE_CONF'}) if defined $ENV{'MIXMASTER_UPDATE_CONF'};
push (@configfiles, $params->{'configfile'}) if defined $params->{'configfile'};
push (@sourcesfiles, $ENV{'MIXMASTER_ALLPINGERS'}) if defined $ENV{'MIXMASTER_ALLPINGERS'};
push (@sourcesfiles, $params->{'allpingers'}) if defined $params->{'allpingers'};
for my $file (@sourcesfiles) {
next unless (-e $file);
my $source;
open(F,$file) or die("Could not open $file: $!");
while(<F>) {
$source = $1, next if (/^\[(.*)\]$/);
if (/(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+)/) {
$SOURCES{$source}->{$1} = $2 if defined $source;
die("No stats sources available\n") unless scalar keys %SOURCES;
if ($params->{'list-sources'}) {
print (join(', ', sort {$a cmp $b} keys %SOURCES), "\n");
exit 0;
my %proxy;
my $source;
for my $file (@configfiles) {
next unless (-e $file);
open (FILE, $file) or
warn ("Cannot open '$file': $!\n"), next;
my $line=0;
while (<FILE>) {
next unless $_;
my ($key, $value) = split(/\s+/, $_, 2);
$key = lc($key);
warn ("$PROGRAM_NAME: Value is not defined (line $line of $file)\n"), next
unless defined $value;
if ($key eq 'source') {
warn ("$PROGRAM_NAME: Source '$value' is not defined (line $line of $file)\n"), next
unless defined $SOURCES{$value};
$source = $SOURCES{$value};
} elsif ($key eq 'destination' ) {
$destination = $value;
} elsif ($key eq 'proxy' ) {
my ($proto, $proxy) = split(/\s+/, $value, 2);
$proxy{$proto} = $proxy;
} else {
warn "$PROGRAM_NAME: key '$key' not known (line $line of $file)\n";
close (FILE);
$destination = $params->{'destination'} if defined $params->{'destination'};
if (defined $params->{'source'}) {
die ("$PROGRAM_NAME: Source '$params->{'source'}' is not defined\n")
unless (defined $SOURCES{$params->{'source'}});
$source = $SOURCES{$params->{'source'}};
die ("$PROGRAM_NAME: destination directory '$destination' does not exist or is not a directory.\n")
unless ( -d $destination );
require LWP::UserAgent;
my $user_agent =
LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1,
keep_alive => 1,
timeout => 30 );
for my $proto (keys %proxy) {
if ($proxy{$proto}) {
print "Setting proxy for protocol $proto to $proxy{$proto}\n"
if $params->{'verbose'};
$user_agent->proxy($proto, $proxy{$proto});
my %result;
for my $key (keys %$source) {
warn ("$PROGRAM_NAME: $key is not defined, Skipping download\n"), next
unless defined $source->{$key};
next unless defined ($DESTINATION_FILES{$key});
my $value = $source->{$key};
print "Getting $value\n"
if $params->{'verbose'};
my $uri = URI->new($value);
if ($user_agent->is_protocol_supported( $uri )) {
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm 35;
my $response = $user_agent->get($value);
unless ($response->is_success) {
warn ("$PROGRAM_NAME: Get failed for $value (".$response->code()." ".$response->message().")\n");
alarm 0;
my $content = $response->content;
$content =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
$result{$key} = $content;
alarm 0;
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
die unless ($EVAL_ERROR eq "alarm\n");
warn ("PROGRAM_NAME: Get timed out for $value\n");
} else {
warn ("$PROGRAM_NAME: Protocoll for '$value' not supported\n");
if (defined $params->{'verbose'} && $params->{'verbose'} >= 2) {
print "Got results for:\n";
for my $key (keys %result) {
print "$key\n";
print "-------------------\n";
print $result{$key},"\n";
print "-------------------\n";
die ("Downloading of mlist and/or mixring failed (do you need a proxy?). Aborting.\n")
unless (defined $result{'mlist'} && defined $result{'mixring'});
die ("mlist seems to not have the correct format (do you need a proxy?). Aborting.\n")
unless ($result{'mlist'} =~ /^Last update: /m && (
$result{'mlist'} =~ /^mixmaster\s/m ||
$result{'mlist'} =~ /^remailer\s/m));
die ("pubring.mix seems to not have the correct format (do you need a proxy?). Aborting.\n")
unless ($result{'mixring'} =~ /^-----Begin Mix Key-----$/m);
for my $key (keys %result) {
unless (open (F, '>'.$destination.'/'.$DESTINATION_FILES{$key})) {
my $hint = ($! == EACCES) ? ' (do you want --destination or run as a different user?)' : '';
warn ("$PROGRAM_NAME: Cannot write to $destination/$DESTINATION_FILES{$key}: $!$hint\n");
print F $result{$key};
close F;
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