# FuzzyOcr plugin, version 2.3b # Changelog: # version 2.0 # Replaced imagemagick with netpbm # Invoke giffix to fix broken gifs before conversion # Support png images # Analyze the file to detect the format without content-type # Added several configuration parameters # version 2.1 # Added scoring for wrong content-type # Added scoring for broken gif images # Added configuration for helper applications # Added autodisable_score feature to disable the OCR engine if the message has already enough points # version 2.1b # Rule bugfix to avoid warnings # version 2.1c # Applied patch provided by Howard Kash to fix problems with spamassassin + Mailscanner + FuzzyOcr # Removed '-' from jpegtopnm arguments to provide backwards compatibility for older netpbm versions # Fixed typo (treshold -> threshold) # version 2.2 # Small bugfix in content-type check for jpeg (jpg was not matching), thanks to Matthias Keller # Added more error handling # Removed debug files, added logfile instead # More messages with verbose = 2 # version 2.3 # Multiple scans with different pnm preprocessing and gocr arguments possible # Support for interlaced gifs # Support for animated gifs # Temporary file handling reorganized # External wordlist support # Personalized wordlist support # Spaces are now stripped from wordlist words and OCR results before matching # Experimental MD5 Database feature # version 2.3b # MD5 Database replaced by different feature database # Corrupted images are now handled better # Added a timeout function to avoid lockups # Added threshold overriding on word basis in wordlist # Various bugfixes # # # written by Christian Holler decoder_at_own-hero_dot_net package Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::FuzzyOcr; use strict; use warnings; use Mail::SpamAssassin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Util; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin; use String::Approx 'adistr'; use FileHandle; use Fcntl ':flock'; our @ISA = qw (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin); our @err_msges = ( "Failed to open pipe to external programs with pipe command \"%s\". Please check that all helper programs are installed and in the correct path. (Pipe Command \"%s\", Pipe exit code %d (\"%s\"), Temporary file: \"%s\")", "Unexpected error in pipe to external programs. Please check that all helper programs are installed and in the correct path. (Pipe Command \"%s\", Pipe exit code %d (\"%s\"), Temporary file: \"%s\")", "Cannot open \"%s\" to read previously produced data! (Previously used pipe: \"%s\", error code %d (\"%s\"), Temporary file: \"%s\")", "Unexpected error while trying executing gocr with arguments \"%s\". Make sure the gocr location is specified correctly and the arguments are correct.", "Failed to open global wordlist \"%s\" for reading. Please check that path and permissions are correct." ); our @words = (); our $self; our $pms; # Default values our $threshold = "0.3"; our $base_score = "4"; our $add_score = "1"; our $wctypescore = "1.5"; our $cimgscore = "2.5"; our $cimgscore2 = "5"; our $countreq = 2; our $verbose = 1; our $timeout = 10; our $pre314 = 0; our $enable_image_hashing = 0; our $hashing_learn_scanned = 1; our ($ts, $th, $tw, $tcn, $tc, $hash_ccnt) = (0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 5, 5); our $giffix = "/usr/local/bin/giffix"; our $giftext = "/usr/local/bin/giftext"; our $gifasm = "/usr/local/bin/gifasm"; our $gifinter = "/usr/local/bin/gifinter"; our $giftopnm = "/usr/local/bin/giftopnm"; our $jpegtopnm = "/usr/local/bin/jpegtopnm"; our $pngtopnm = "/usr/local/bin/pngtopnm"; our $pnmfile = "/usr/local/bin/pnmfile"; our $ppmhist = "/usr/local/bin/ppmhist"; our $convert = "/usr/local/bin/convert"; our $identify = "/usr/local/bin/identify"; our $gocr = "/usr/local/bin/gocr"; our $grep = "/usr/bin/grep"; our $max_images = 5; our $dscore = 10; our $logfile = "/usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.log"; our $pwordlist = ".spamassassin/fuzzyocr.words"; our $digest_db = "/usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.hashdb"; our @scansets = ( '$gocr -i -', '$gocr -l 180 -d 2 -i -' ); # constructor: register the eval rule sub new { my ( $class, $mailsa ) = @_; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa); bless( $self, $class ); $self->register_eval_rule("fuzzyocr_check"); $self->register_eval_rule("dummy_check"); return $self; } sub parse_config { my ( $self, $opts ) = @_; if ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_global_wordlist" ) { load_global_words( $opts->{value} ); } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_personal_wordlist" ) { $pwordlist = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_threshold" ) { $threshold = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_base_score" ) { $base_score = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_add_score" ) { $add_score = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_corrupt_score" ) { $cimgscore = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_corrupt_unfixable_score" ) { $cimgscore2 = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_wrongctype_score" ) { $wctypescore = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_counts_required" ) { $countreq = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_verbose" ) { $verbose = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_timeout" ) { $timeout = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_scansets" ) { parse_scansets( $opts->{value} ); } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_pre314" ) { $pre314 = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_giffix" ) { $giffix = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_giftext" ) { $giftext = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_gifasm" ) { $gifasm = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_gifinter" ) { $gifinter = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_giftopnm" ) { $giftopnm = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_jpegtopnm" ) { $jpegtopnm = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_pngtopnm" ) { $pngtopnm = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_ppmhist" ) { $ppmhist = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_convert" ) { $convert = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_identify" ) { $identify = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_gocr" ) { $gocr = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_bin_grep" ) { $grep = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_gif_max_frames" ) { $max_images = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_autodisable_score" ) { $dscore = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_enable_image_hashing" ) { $enable_image_hashing = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_digest_db" ) { $digest_db = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_hashing_learn_scanned" ) { $hashing_learn_scanned = $opts->{value}; } elsif ( $opts->{key} eq "focr_logfile" ) { $logfile = $opts->{value}; } } sub dummy_check { return 0; } sub fuzzyocr_check { ( $self, $pms ) = @_; my $t = Mail::SpamAssassin::Timeout->new({ secs => $timeout }); $t->run(\&check_fuzzy_ocr); if ($t->timed_out()) { logfile("FuzzyOcr received timeout after running \"$timeout\" seconds."); } return 0; } sub load_global_words { unless ( -r $_[0] ) { handle_error( $err_msges[3], ( $_[0] ) ); return; } open WORDLIST, "<$_[0]"; while() { chomp($_); if (( $_ =~ /^[ \t]*#.*$/ ) or ( $_ =~ /^[^a-zA-Z]$/ )) { next; } $_ =~ s/[ \t]*#.*$//; push( @words, $_ ); } close WORDLIST; return 1; } sub load_personal_words { unless ( -e $_[0] ) { debuglog("No personal wordlist found, skipping..."); return; } unless ( -r $_[0] ) { debuglog( "Unable to read from wordlist \"$_[0]\", please make sure that permissions are correct." ); return; } open WORDLIST, "<$_[0]"; while() { chomp($_); if ( $_ =~ /^[ \t]*#.*$/ ) { next; } $_ =~ s/[ \t]*#.*$//; push( @words, $_ ); } close WORDLIST; } sub parse_scansets { $_[0] =~ s/,[ ]*/,/g; @scansets = split( ',', $_[0]); debuglog( "Set scansets to values:\n" . join( "\n", @scansets ) ); return 1; } sub max { unless ( defined( $_[0] ) and defined( $_[1] ) ) { return 0 } unless ( defined( $_[0] ) ) { return $_[1] } unless ( defined( $_[1] ) ) { return $_[0] } if ( $_[0] < $_[1] ) { return $_[1] } else { return $_[0] } } sub reorder { my $tmp = join( '', @_ ); return split( '\n', $tmp ); } sub pipe_io { $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $pipecmd = shift; my $input = shift; my $filecount = 0; my $silent = 0; my $ignerror = 0; my $tmpdir; my @stdout = (); my @stderr = (); my ( $tmpfile, $tfilepath ) = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::secure_tmpfile(); my ( $errfile, $efilepath ) = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::secure_tmpfile(); close($tmpfile); close($errfile); if ($tmpfile eq $errfile) { debuglog("Got same tmpfile twice! Aborting pipe_io() to avoid deadlocking"); return ( 1, \@stdout, \@stderr ); unlink($tmpfile); } if($pipecmd =~ /\$tmpdir/) { $tmpdir = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::secure_tmpdir(); $pipecmd =~ s/\$tmpdir/$tmpdir/g; $filecount = shift; } else { $silent = shift; $ignerror = shift; } $pipecmd =~ s/\$errfile/$errfile/g; my $pipe_pid = open( PIPE_IN, "| $pipecmd 1>$tmpfile 2>>$errfile" ); unless ($pipe_pid) { unless($silent) { handle_error( $err_msges[0], ( $pipecmd, $? >> 8, $!, $tmpfile ) ); } unlink($tmpfile); unlink($errfile); return ( $?, \@stdout, \@stderr ); } flock( PIPE_IN, LOCK_EX ); print PIPE_IN $input; flock( PIPE_IN, LOCK_UN ); close(PIPE_IN); if ($? and not $ignerror) { unless($silent) { handle_error( $err_msges[1], ( $pipecmd, $? >> 8, $!, $tmpfile ) ); } unlink($tmpfile); unlink($errfile); return ( $?, \@stdout, \@stderr ); } if ($filecount) { my $tsize = 0; my $tcount = 0; foreach my $nr (0..$filecount-1) { my $filesize = 0; if ($nr < 10) { $filesize = -s "$tmpdir/out0$nr.gif"; } else { $filesize = -s "$tmpdir/out$nr.gif"; } if ($filesize > $tsize) { $tsize = $filesize; $tcount = $nr; } } if ($tcount < 10) { open( PIPE_OUT, "< $tmpdir/out0$tcount.gif" ); } else { open( PIPE_OUT, "< $tmpdir/out$tcount.gif" ); } flock( PIPE_OUT, LOCK_EX ); @stdout = ; flock( PIPE_OUT, LOCK_UN ); close PIPE_OUT; foreach my $nr (0..$filecount) { if ($nr < 10) { unlink("$tmpdir/out0$nr.gif"); } else { unlink("$tmpdir/out$nr.gif"); } } rmdir($tmpdir); unlink($tmpfile); unlink($errfile); return ( 0, \@stdout, \@stderr ); } else { unless (open( PIPE_OUT, "< $tmpfile" ) and open( PIPE_ERR, "< $errfile" ) ) { unless($silent) { handle_error( $err_msges[1], ( $pipecmd, $? >> 8, $!, $tmpfile ) ); } unlink($tmpfile); unlink($errfile); return ( $?, \@stdout, \@stderr ); } flock( PIPE_OUT, LOCK_EX ); flock( PIPE_ERR, LOCK_EX ); @stdout = ; @stderr = ; flock( PIPE_OUT, LOCK_UN ); flock( PIPE_ERR, LOCK_UN ); close(PIPE_OUT); close(PIPE_ERR); unlink($tmpfile); unlink($errfile); return ( 0, \@stdout, \@stderr ); } } sub handle_error { my ( $err_msg, @var_vals ) = @_; $err_msg = sprintf( $err_msg, @var_vals ); logfile($err_msg); } sub logfile { my $logtext = $_[0]; my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime(time); my $time = sprintf( "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec ); $logtext =~ s/\n/\n /g; unless ( open LOGFILE, ">> $logfile" ) { warn "Can't open $logfile for writing, check permissions"; } flock( LOGFILE, LOCK_EX ); seek( LOGFILE, 0, 2 ); print LOGFILE "[$time] $logtext\n"; flock( LOGFILE, LOCK_UN ); close LOGFILE; } sub check_image_hash_db { my $digest = $_[0]; my ($gpf, @gcf) = split('::', $digest); my ($gs, $gh, $gw, $gcn) = split(':', $gpf); unless(open(DB, "<$digest_db")) { debuglog("No Image Hash database found at \"$digest_db\", or permissions wrong."); return 0; } while() { chomp($_); my ($score, $dpf, @dcf) = split('::', $_); my ($ds, $dh, $dw, $dcn) = split(':', $dpf); if ((abs($ds - $gs) / $gs) > $ts) { next; } if ((abs($dh - $gh) / $gh) > $th) { next; } if ((abs($dw - $gw) / $gw) > $tw) { next; } if ((abs($dcn - $gcn) / $gcn) > $tcn) { next; } my (@dcfs, @gcfs); foreach (@dcf) { push(@dcfs, split(':', $_)); } foreach (@gcf) { push(@gcfs, split(':', $_)); } unless (scalar(@gcfs) eq scalar(@dcfs)) { logfile("Error in database format, aborting..."); return 0; } foreach (0..scalar(@gcfs) - 1) { if (abs($dcfs[$_] - $gcfs[$_]) > $tc) { next; } } return $score; } return 0; } sub add_image_hash_db { my $digest = shift; my $score = shift; my $ret; if (-e $digest_db) { $ret = open(DB, ">> $digest_db"); } else { $ret = open(DB, "> $digest_db"); debuglog("Image Hash Database not found to add hash, creating it..."); } unless ($ret) { logfile("Unable to open/create Image Hash database at \"$digest_db\", check permissions."); return; } debuglog("Adding hash \"$digest\" to Image Hash database..."); flock( DB, LOCK_EX ); seek( DB, 0, 2 ); print DB "${score}::${digest}\n"; flock( DB, LOCK_UN ); close(DB); } sub calc_image_hash { my ($rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref); my $picdata = $_[0]; my ($hash, $h, $w); my @ca = ( ); my $s = length ( $picdata ); ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io("$identify -", $picdata); foreach (@$stdout_ref) { if ($_ =~ /([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)/) { $h = $1; $w = $2; last; } } if ($rcode) { debuglog("Unable to calculate image hash, skipping..."); return ($rcode, $hash); } ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io("$ppmhist -noheader", $picdata); if ($rcode) { debuglog("Unable to calculate image hash, skipping..."); return ($rcode, $hash); } my $cnt = 0; my $c = scalar(@$stdout_ref); if ($hash_ccnt) { foreach (@$stdout_ref) { $_ =~ s/ +/ /g; my($r, $g, $b, $l, $c) = split(' ', $_); push(@ca, "::$r:$g:$b:$l:$c"); $cnt++; if ($cnt ge $hash_ccnt) { last; } } } $hash = "$s:$h:$w:$c" . join('', @ca); return(0, $hash); } sub debuglog { if ( $verbose > 1 ) { logfile("Debug mode: $_[0]"); } } sub wrong_ctype { my ( $format, $ctype ) = @_; if ($wctypescore) { my $debuginfo = ""; if ( $verbose > 0 ) { $debuginfo = ("Image has format \"$format\" but content-type is \"$ctype\""); debuglog($debuginfo); } for my $set ( 0 .. 3 ) { $pms->{conf}->{scoreset}->[$set]->{"FUZZY_OCR_WRONG_CTYPE"} = sprintf( "%0.3f", $wctypescore ); } $pms->_handle_hit( "FUZZY_OCR_WRONG_CTYPE", $wctypescore, "BODY: ", $pms->{conf}->{descriptions}->{FUZZY_OCR_WRONG_CTYPE} . "\n$debuginfo" ); } } sub corrupt_img { my ($unfixable, $err) = @_; my $score = 0; if ($unfixable) { $score = $cimgscore2; } else { $score = $cimgscore; } if ($score) { my $debuginfo = ""; if ( $verbose > 0 ) { chomp($err); $debuginfo = ("Corrupt image: $err"); debuglog($debuginfo); } for my $set ( 0 .. 3 ) { $pms->{conf}->{scoreset}->[$set]->{"FUZZY_OCR_CORRUPT_IMG"} = sprintf( "%0.3f", $score ); } $pms->_handle_hit( "FUZZY_OCR_CORRUPT_IMG", $score, "BODY: ", $pms->{conf}->{descriptions}->{FUZZY_OCR_CORRUPT_IMG} . "\n$debuginfo" ); } } sub known_img_hash { my $digest = shift; my $score = shift; my $debuginfo = ""; if ( $verbose > 0 ) { $debuginfo = ("Hash \"$digest\" is in the database."); debuglog($debuginfo); } for my $set ( 0 .. 3 ) { $pms->{conf}->{scoreset}->[$set]->{"FUZZY_OCR_KNOWN_HASH"} = sprintf( "%0.3f", $score ); } $pms->_handle_hit( "FUZZY_OCR_KNOWN_HASH", $score, "BODY: ", $pms->{conf}->{descriptions}->{FUZZY_OCR_KNOWN_HASH} . "\n$debuginfo" ); } sub check_fuzzy_ocr { my @found = (); my $image_type = 0; my $picture_data; my @hashes = (); my $cnt = 0; my $homedir = (getpwuid($<))[7]; debuglog("Starting FuzzyOcr..."); debuglog("Attempting to load personal wordlist..."); if ($homedir) { load_personal_words( $homedir . "/$pwordlist" ); } elsif (defined($ENV{HOME})) { load_personal_words( $ENV{HOME} . "/$pwordlist" ); } else { debuglog("Variable \$ENV{HOME} not defined and getpwuid failed, personal wordlist function not available..."); } foreach my $p ( $pms->{msg}->find_parts(qr/^image\b/i) ) { my $cscore = $pms->get_score(); if ( $cscore > $dscore ) { debuglog( "Scan canceled, message has already more than $dscore points."); return 0; } my $ctype = $p->{'type'}; if ( $ctype =~ /image/i ) { debuglog("Analyzing file with content-type \"$ctype\""); $picture_data = $p->decode(); my @used_scansets = (); my $stdout_ref; my $stderr_ref; my $rcode = 0; my $corrupt = 0; my $digest; if ( substr($picture_data,0,3) eq "\x47\x49\x46" ) { if ( $ctype !~ /gif/i ) { wrong_ctype( "GIF", $ctype ); } $image_type = 1; my $interlaced_gif = 0; my $image_count = 0; ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io( $giftext, $picture_data, 1, 1); foreach (@$stdout_ref) { unless ($interlaced_gif) { if ( $_ =~ /Image is Interlaced/i ) { $interlaced_gif = 1; } elsif ( $_ =~ /Image is Non Interlaced/i ) { } } if ( $_ =~ /^Image #/ ) { $image_count++; } } if ($interlaced_gif or ($image_count gt 1)) { debuglog("Image is interlaced or animated..."); } else { debuglog("Image is single non-interlaced..."); ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io( "$giffix", $picture_data, 0, 1); $picture_data = join('', @$stdout_ref); } foreach (@$stderr_ref) { if ( $_ =~ /GIF-LIB error/i ) { $corrupt = $_; last; } } if ($corrupt and ($interlaced_gif or ($image_count gt 1))) { debuglog("Skipping corrupted interlaced image..."); corrupt_img(1, $corrupt); next; } elsif ($corrupt) { unless($picture_data) { debuglog("Uncorrectable corruption detected, skipping non-interlaced image..."); corrupt_img(1, $corrupt); next; } debuglog("Image is corrupt, but seems fixable, continuing..."); corrupt_img(0, $corrupt); } if ($image_count gt 1) { debuglog("File contains more than one image..."); if ($image_count lt $max_images) { debuglog("Assembling images..."); ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io("$convert - +append -", $picture_data); if ($rcode) { next; }; $picture_data = join('', @$stdout_ref); } elsif ($pre314 eq 0) { debuglog("Image count exceeds limit, skipping some..."); ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io("$gifasm -d \$tmpdir/out", $picture_data, $image_count); if ($rcode) { next; }; $picture_data = join('', @$stdout_ref); } else { debuglog("Image count exceeds limit, but your version does not allow the required functions, skipping image..."); next; } } if ($interlaced_gif) { ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io( "$gifinter -s | $giftopnm -", $picture_data ); if ($rcode) { next; } } else { ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io( "$giftopnm -", $picture_data ); if ($rcode) { next; } } } elsif ( substr($picture_data,0,2) eq "\xff\xd8" ) { if ( $ctype !~ /jpe{0,1}g/i ) { wrong_ctype( "JPEG", $ctype ); } $image_type = 2; ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io( "$jpegtopnm", $picture_data ); if ($rcode) { next; } } elsif ( substr($picture_data,0,4) eq "\x89\x50\x4e\x47" ) { if ( $ctype !~ /png/i ) { wrong_ctype( "PNG", $ctype ); } $image_type = 3; ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io( "$pngtopnm -", $picture_data ); if ($rcode) { next; } } else { $image_type = 0; debuglog( "Image type not recognized, unknown format. Skipping this image..." ); next; } debuglog("Recognized file type: $image_type"); my @pnmdata = @$stdout_ref; if($enable_image_hashing) { debuglog("Calculating the image hash..."); ($rcode, $digest) = calc_image_hash(join('', @pnmdata)); if ($rcode) { debuglog("Error calculating the image hash, skipping hash check..."); } else { if (my $score = check_image_hash_db($digest)) { debuglog("Image found in hash database, message is spam..."); debuglog("Scoring with known old score and ending..."); known_img_hash($digest, $score); return 0; } } debuglog("Hash not yet known to the database, saving for later db storage..."); push(@hashes, $digest); } else { debuglog("Image hashing disabled in configuration, skipping..."); } my @ocr_results = (); foreach my $scanset (@scansets) { $scanset =~ s/\$gocr/$gocr/; ( $rcode, $stdout_ref, $stderr_ref ) = pipe_io( "$scanset", join( '', @pnmdata ), 1); if ($rcode) { debuglog(join( '', @$stderr_ref )); debuglog( "Skipping scanset \"$scanset\" because of errors, trying next..." ); next; } my @ocrdata = @$stdout_ref; push( @ocr_results, [@ocrdata] ); push( @used_scansets, $scanset ); } foreach my $w (@words) { my $wthreshold; if ($w =~ /^(.*?)::(0(\.\d+){0,1})/) { ($w, $wthreshold) = ($1, $2); } else { $wthreshold = $threshold; } $w =~ s/[^a-zA-Z]//g; $w = lc $w; my $wcnt = 0; my $gcnt = 0; foreach my $ocr_set (@ocr_results) { my $cwcnt = 0; foreach (@$ocr_set) { tr/!;|081/iiioal/; s/[^a-zA-Z]//g; $_ = lc; my $matched = adistr( $w, $_ ); if ( abs($matched) < $wthreshold ) { $cwcnt++; debuglog( "Found word \"$w\" in line\n \"$_\" \n with fuzz of " . abs($matched) . " scanned with scanset $used_scansets[$gcnt]" ); } } $wcnt = max( $wcnt, $cwcnt ); $gcnt++; } $cnt += $wcnt; if ( ( $verbose > 0 ) and ($wcnt) ) { push( @found, "\"$w\" in $wcnt lines" ); } } } } if ( $cnt >= $countreq ) { my $score = ( $base_score + ( $cnt - $countreq ) * $add_score ); if($enable_image_hashing and $hashing_learn_scanned) { debuglog("Message is spam (score $score), storing all image hashes in database..."); foreach (@hashes) { add_image_hash_db($_, $score); } } else { debuglog("Message is spam (score $score)..."); } my $debuginfo = ""; if ( $verbose > 0 ) { $debuginfo = ( "Words found:\n" . join( "\n", @found ) . "\n($cnt word occurrences found)" ); debuglog($debuginfo); } for my $set ( 0 .. 3 ) { $pms->{conf}->{scoreset}->[$set]->{"FUZZY_OCR"} = sprintf( "%0.3f", $score ); } $pms->_handle_hit( "FUZZY_OCR", $score, "BODY: ", $pms->{conf}->{descriptions}->{FUZZY_OCR} . "\n$debuginfo" ); } debuglog("FuzzyOcr ending successfully..."); return 0; } 1;