#!/usr/bin/perl -T -w # Postgrey: a Postfix Greylisting Policy Server # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 ETH Zurich # Copyright (c) 2007 Open Systems AG, Switzerland # released under the GNU General Public License # see the documentation with 'perldoc postgrey' package postgrey; use strict; use Pod::Usage; use Getopt::Long 2.25 qw(:config posix_default no_ignore_case); use Net::Server; # used only to find out which version we use use Net::Server::Multiplex; use BerkeleyDB; use Fcntl ':flock'; # import LOCK_* constants use Sys::Hostname; use Sys::Syslog; # used only to find out which version we use use POSIX qw(strftime setlocale LC_ALL); use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Net::Server::Multiplex); my $VERSION = '1.31'; my $DEFAULT_DBDIR = '/var/spool/postfix/postgrey'; my $CONFIG_DIR = '/usr/local/etc/postfix'; sub cidr_parse($) { defined $_[0] or return undef; $_[0] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\/(\d+)$/ or return undef; $1 < 256 and $2 < 256 and $3 < 256 and $4 < 256 and $5 <= 32 and $5 > 0 or return undef; my $net = ($1<<24)+($2<<16)+($3<<8)+$4; my $mask = ~((1<<(32-$5))-1); return ($net & $mask, $mask); } sub cidr_match($$$) { my ($net, $mask, $addr) = @_; return undef unless defined $net and defined $mask and defined $addr; if($addr =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { $addr = ($1<<24)+($2<<16)+($3<<8)+$4; } return ($addr & $mask) == $net; } sub read_clients_whitelists($) { my ($self) = @_; my @whitelist_clients = (); my @whitelist_ips = (); my @whitelist_cidr = (); for my $f (@{$self->{postgrey}{whitelist_clients_files}}) { if(open(CLIENTS, $f)) { while() { s/#.*$//; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if $_ eq ''; if(/^\/(\S+)\/$/) { # regular expression push @whitelist_clients, qr{$1}i; } elsif(/^\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){0,3}$/) { # IP address or part of it push @whitelist_ips, qr{^\Q$_\E\b}; } elsif(/^.*\:.*\:.*$/) { # IPv6? push @whitelist_ips, qr{^\Q$_\E\b}; } elsif(/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\/\d{1,2}$/) { my ($net, $mask) = cidr_parse($_); if(defined $mask) { push @whitelist_cidr, [ $net, $mask ]; } else { warn "$f line $.: invalid cidr address\n"; } } # note: we had ^[^\s\/]+$ but it triggers a bug in perl 5.8.0 elsif(/^\S+$/) { push @whitelist_clients, qr{(?:^|\.)\Q$_\E$}i; } else { warn "$f line $.: doesn't look like a hostname\n"; } } } else { # do not warn about .local file: maybe the user just doesn't have one warn "can't open $f: $!\n" unless $f =~ /\.local$/; } close(CLIENTS); } $self->{postgrey}{whitelist_clients} = \@whitelist_clients; $self->{postgrey}{whitelist_ips} = \@whitelist_ips; $self->{postgrey}{whitelist_cidr} = \@whitelist_cidr; } sub read_recipients_whitelists($) { my ($self) = @_; my @whitelist_recipients = (); for my $f (@{$self->{postgrey}{whitelist_recipients_files}}) { if(open(RECIPIENTS, $f)) { while() { s/#.*$//; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if $_ eq ''; my ($user, $domain) = split(/\@/, $_, 2); if(/^\/(\S+)\/$/) { # regular expression push @whitelist_recipients, qr{$1}i; } elsif(!/^\S+$/) { warn "$f line $.: doesn't look like an address\n"; } # postfix access(5) syntax: elsif(defined $domain and $domain ne '') { # user@domain (match also user+extension@domain) push @whitelist_recipients, qr{^\Q$user\E(?:\+[^@]+)?\@\Q$domain\E$}i; } elsif(defined $domain) { # user@ push @whitelist_recipients, qr{^\Q$user\E(?:\+[^@]+)?\@}i; } else { # domain ($user is the domain) push @whitelist_recipients, qr{(?:^|\.)\Q$user\E$}i; } } } else { # do not warn about .local file: maybe the user just doesn't have one warn "can't open $f: $!\n" unless $f =~ /\.local$/; } close(RECIPIENTS); } $self->{postgrey}{whitelist_recipients} = \@whitelist_recipients; } sub do_sender_substitutions($$) { my ($self, $addr) = @_; my ($user, $domain) = split(/@/, $addr, 2); defined $domain or return $addr; # strip extension, used sometimes for mailing-list VERP $user =~ s/\+.*//; # replace numbers in VERP addresses with '#' so that # we don't create a new key for each mail $user =~ s/\b\d+\b/#/g; return "$user\@$domain"; } # split network and host part and return both sub do_client_substitutions($$$) { my ($self, $ip, $revdns) = @_; if($self->{postgrey}{lookup_by_host}) { return ($ip, undef); } my @ip=split(/\./, $ip); return ($ip, undef) unless defined $ip[3]; # skip if it contains the last two IP numbers in the hostname # (we assume it is a pool of dialup addresses of a provider) return ($ip, undef) if $revdns =~ /$ip[2]/ and $revdns =~ /$ip[3]/; return (join('.', @ip[0..2], '0'), $ip[3]); } sub mylog($$$) { my ($self, $level, $string) = @_; $string =~ s/\%/%%/g; # for Net::Server <= 0.87 if(!defined $Sys::Syslog::VERSION or $Sys::Syslog::VERSION lt '0.15' or !defined $Net::Server::VERSION or $Net::Server::VERSION lt '0.94') { # Workaround for a crash when syslog daemon is temporarily not # present (for example on syslog rotation). # Note that this is not necessary with Sys::Syslog >= 0.15 and # Net::Server >= 0.94 thanks to the nofatal Option. eval { local $SIG{"__DIE__"} = sub { }; $self->log($level, $string); }; } else { $self->log($level, $string); } } sub mylog_action($$$;$$) { my ($self, $attr, $action, $reason, $additional_info) = @_; my $str; $str .= $attr->{queue_id} . ': ' if $attr->{queue_id}; my @info = ("action=$action"); push @info, "reason=$reason" if defined $reason; push @info, $additional_info if defined $additional_info; for my $a (qw(client_name client_address sender recipient)) { push @info, "$a=$attr->{$a}" if $attr->{$a}; } $str .= join(', ', @info); $self->mylog(2, $str); } sub do_maintenance($$) { my ($self, $now) = @_; my $db = $self->{postgrey}{db}; my $db_env = $self->{postgrey}{db_env}; # remove old db logs $self->mylog(1, "cleaning up old logs..."); $db_env->txn_checkpoint(0, 0) and warn "can't checkpoint !? $BerkeleyDB::Error"; for my $l ($db_env->log_archive(DB_ARCH_ABS)) { $self->mylog(1, "rm $l"); unlink $l or warn "can't remove db log $l: $!\n"; } # remove old keys # this is very expensive: We might refuse to speak to postfix for too # long, after which clients will start getting "450 Server configuration # problem" errors... do it only during the night and only if at least one # day has passed my $hour = (localtime($now))[2]; if($hour > 1 and $hour < 7 and $now - $self->{postgrey}{last_maint_keys} >= 82800) { $self->mylog(1, "cleaning up old entries..."); my $max_age = $self->{postgrey}{max_age}; my $retry_window = $self->{postgrey}{retry_window}; my ($nr_keys_before, $nr_keys_after) = (0,0); # note: deleteing hash elements in a 'each'-loop isn't supported # that's why we first put them in @old_keys and then delete them my @old_keys = (); while (my ($key, $value) = each %$db) { $nr_keys_before++; my ($first, $last) = split(/,/,$value); if(not defined $last) { # shouldn't happen push @old_keys, $key; } elsif($now - $last > $max_age) { # last-seen passed max-age push @old_keys, $key; } elsif($last-$first < $self->{postgrey}{delay} and $now-$last > $retry_window) { # no successful entry yet and last seen passed retry-window push @old_keys, $key; } else { $nr_keys_after++; } } my $db_obj = $self->{postgrey}{db_obj}; my $txn = $db_env->txn_begin(); $db_obj->Txn($txn); for my $key (@old_keys) { delete $db->{$key}; } $txn->txn_commit(); $self->mylog(1, "cleaning main database finished. before: $nr_keys_before, after: $nr_keys_after"); if($self->{postgrey}{awl_clients}) { # cleanup clients auto-whitelist database my $cawl_db = $self->{postgrey}{db_cawl}; ($nr_keys_before, $nr_keys_after) = (0, 0); $nr_keys_after=0; my @old_keys_cawl = (); while (my ($key, $value) = each %$cawl_db) { my $cawl_last_seen = (split(/,/, $value))[1]; $nr_keys_before++; if($now - $cawl_last_seen > $max_age) { push @old_keys_cawl, $key; } else { $nr_keys_after++; } } my $db_cawl_obj = $self->{postgrey}{db_cawl_obj}; $txn = $db_env->txn_begin(); $db_cawl_obj->Txn($txn); for my $key (@old_keys_cawl) { delete $cawl_db->{$key}; } $txn->txn_commit(); $self->mylog(1, "cleaning clients database finished. before: $nr_keys_before, after: $nr_keys_after"); } $self->{postgrey}{last_maint_keys}=$now; } } sub is_new_instance($$) { my ($self, $inst) = @_; return 1 if not defined $inst; # in case the 'instance' parameter # was not supplied by the client (Exim) # we keep a list of the last 20 "instances", which identify unique messages # so that for example we only put one X-Greylist header per message. $self->{postgrey}{instances} = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] unless defined $self->{postgrey}{instances}; my $i = $self->{postgrey}{instances}; return 0 if scalar grep { $_ eq $inst } @$i; # put new value into the array unshift @$i, $inst; pop @$i; return 1; } # main routine: based on attributes specified as argument, return policy decision sub smtpd_access_policy($$) { my ($self, $now, $attr) = @_; my $db = $self->{postgrey}{db}; # This attribute occurs in connections from the policy-test script, # not in a regular postfix query connection if(defined $attr->{policy_test_time}) { $now = $attr->{policy_test_time} } # whitelists for my $w (@{$self->{postgrey}{whitelist_clients}}) { if($attr->{client_name} =~ $w) { $self->mylog_action($attr, 'pass', 'client whitelist'); return 'DUNNO'; } } for my $w (@{$self->{postgrey}{whitelist_ips}}) { if($attr->{client_address} =~ $w) { $self->mylog_action($attr, 'pass', 'client whitelist'); return 'DUNNO'; } } for my $w (@{$self->{postgrey}{whitelist_cidr}}) { if(cidr_match($w->[0], $w->[1], $attr->{client_address})) { $self->mylog_action($attr, 'pass', 'client whitelist'); return 'DUNNO'; } } for my $w (@{$self->{postgrey}{whitelist_recipients}}) { if($attr->{recipient} =~ $w) { $self->mylog_action($attr, 'pass', 'recipient whitelist'); return 'DUNNO'; } } # auto whitelist clients (see below for explanation) my ($cawl_db, $cawl_key, $cawl_count, $cawl_last); if($self->{postgrey}{awl_clients}) { $cawl_db = $self->{postgrey}{db_cawl}; $cawl_key = $attr->{client_address}; if ($self->{postgrey}{privacy}) { $cawl_key = Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex($cawl_key); } my $cawl_val = $cawl_db->{$cawl_key}; ($cawl_count, $cawl_last) = split(/,/,$cawl_val) if defined $cawl_val; # whitelist if count is enough if(defined $cawl_count and $cawl_count >= $self->{postgrey}{awl_clients}) { if($now >= $cawl_last+3600) { $cawl_count++; # for statistics $cawl_db->{$cawl_key}=$cawl_count.','.$now; } $self->mylog_action($attr, 'pass', 'client AWL'); return 'DUNNO'; } } # lookup my $sender = $self->do_sender_substitutions($attr->{sender}); my ($client_net, $client_host) = $self->do_client_substitutions($attr->{client_address}, $attr->{client_name}); my $key = lc "$client_net/$sender/$attr->{recipient}"; if ($self->{postgrey}{privacy}) { $key = Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex($key); } my $val = $db->{$key}; my $first; my $last_was_successful=0; if(defined $val) { my $last; ($first, $last) = split(/,/,$val); # find out if the last time was unsuccessful, so that we can add a header # to say how much had to be waited if($last - $first >= $self->{postgrey}{delay}) { $last_was_successful=1; } else { # discard stored first-seen if it is the first retrial and # it is beyond the retry_window $first = $now if $now-$first > $self->{postgrey}{retry_window}; } } else { $first = $now; } # update (put as last element stripped host-part if it was stripped) if(defined $client_host) { $db->{$key}="$first,$now,$client_host"; } else { $db->{$key}="$first,$now"; } my $diff = $self->{postgrey}{delay} - ($now - $first); # auto whitelist clients # algorithm: # - on successful entry in the greylist db of a triplet: # - client not whitelisted yet? -> increase count, whitelist if count > 10 or so # - client whitelisted already? -> update last-seen timestamp if($self->{postgrey}{awl_clients}) { # greylisting succeeded if($diff <= 0 and !$last_was_successful) { # enough time has passed (record only one attempt per hour) if(! defined $cawl_last or $now >= $cawl_last + 3600) { # ok, increase count $cawl_count++; $cawl_db->{$cawl_key}=$cawl_count.','.$now; my $client = $attr->{client_name} ? $attr->{client_name}.'['.$attr->{client_address}.']' : $attr->{client_address}; $self->mylog(1, "whitelisted: $client") if $cawl_count==$self->{postgrey}{awl_clients}; } } } # not enough waited? -> greylist if ($diff > 0 ) { my $msg = $self->{postgrey}{greylist_text}; # Workaround for an Exchange bug related to Greylisting: # use DSN 4.2.0 instead of the default 4.7.1. This works # only with Postfix 2.3 though and we know that Postfix >= 2.3 # always defines the etrn_domain attribute (is this really true and # guaranteed in future versions? I don't know...) $msg = '4.2.0 ' . $msg if defined $attr->{etrn_domain} and $msg !~ /^\d/; $msg =~ s/\%s/$diff/; my $recip_domain = $attr->{recipient}; $recip_domain =~ s/.*\@//; $msg =~ s/\%r/$recip_domain/; $self->mylog_action($attr, 'greylist', $now != $first ? "early-retry (${diff}s missing)" : "new" ); return "$self->{postgrey}{greylist_action} $msg"; } # X-Greylist header: if(!$last_was_successful and $self->is_new_instance($attr->{instance})) { # syslog my $client = ($attr->{client_name} and $attr->{client_name} ne 'unknown') ? $attr->{client_name} : $attr->{client_address}; # add X-Greylist header my $date = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", localtime); $self->mylog_action($attr, 'pass', 'triplet found', 'delay='.($now-$first)); return 'PREPEND X-Greylist: delayed '.($now-$first). " seconds by postgrey-$VERSION at $self->{postgrey}{hostname}; $date"; } $self->mylog_action($attr, 'pass', 'triplet found'); return 'DUNNO'; } sub main() { # save arguments for Net:Server HUP restart my @ARGV_saved = @ARGV; # do not output any localized texts! setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C'); # parse options my %opt = (); GetOptions(\%opt, 'help|h', 'man', 'version', 'noaction|no-action|n', 'verbose|v', 'quiet|q', 'daemonize|d', 'unix|u=s', 'inet|i=s', 'user=s', 'group=s', 'dbdir=s', 'pidfile=s', 'delay=i', 'max-age=i', 'lookup-by-subnet', 'lookup-by-host', 'auto-whitelist-clients:s', 'whitelist-clients=s@', 'whitelist-recipients=s@', 'retry-window=s', 'greylist-action=s', 'greylist-text=s', 'privacy', 'hostname=s', 'exim', 'listen-queue-size=i' ) or exit(1); # note: lookup-by-subnet can be given for compatibility, but it is default # so do not do nothing with it... # note: auto-whitelist-clients:s and not auto-whitelist-clients:n so that # we can differentiate between --auto-whitelist-clients=0 and # auto-whitelist-clients if($opt{help}) { pod2usage(1) } if($opt{man}) { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) } if($opt{version}) { print "postgrey $VERSION\n"; exit(0) } if($opt{noaction}) { die "ERROR: don't know how to \"no-action\".\n" } defined $opt{unix} or defined $opt{inet} or die "ERROR: --unix or --inet must be specified\n"; # bind only localhost if no host is specified if(defined $opt{inet} and $opt{inet}=~/^\d+$/) { $opt{inet} = "localhost:$opt{inet}"; } # retry window my $retry_window = 24*3600*2; # default: 2 days if(defined $opt{'retry-window'}) { if($opt{'retry-window'} =~ /^(\d+)h$/i) { $retry_window = $1 * 3600; } elsif($opt{'retry-window'} =~ /^\d+$/) { $retry_window = $opt{'retry-window'} * 24 * 3600; } else { die "ERROR: --retry-window must be either a number of days or a number\n", " followed by 'h' for hours ('6h' for example).\n"; } } # untaint what is given on --dbdir. It is not security sensitive since # it is provided by the admin if($opt{dbdir}) { $opt{dbdir} =~ /^(.*)$/; $opt{dbdir} = $1; } # determine proper "logsock" for Sys::Syslog my $syslog_logsock; if(defined $Sys::Syslog::VERSION and $Sys::Syslog::VERSION ge '0.15' and defined $Net::Server::VERSION and $Net::Server::VERSION ge '0.97') { # use 'native' when Sys::Syslog >= 0.15 $syslog_logsock = 'native'; } elsif($^O eq 'solaris') { # 'stream' is broken and 'unix' doesn't work on Solaris: only 'inet' # seems to be useable with Sys::Syslog < 0.15 $syslog_logsock = 'inet'; } else { $syslog_logsock = 'unix'; } # Workaround: Net::Server doesn't allow for a value of 'listen' higher than 999 if(defined $opt{'listen-queue-size'} and $opt{'listen-queue-size'} > 999) { $opt{'listen-queue-size'} = 999; } # create Net::Server object and run it my $server = bless { server => { commandline => [ $0, @ARGV_saved ], port => [ $opt{inet} ? $opt{inet} : $opt{unix}."|unix" ], proto => $opt{inet} ? 'tcp' : 'unix', user => $opt{user} || 'postgrey', group => $opt{group} || 'nogroup', dbdir => $opt{dbdir} || $DEFAULT_DBDIR, setsid => $opt{daemonize} ? 1 : undef, pid_file => $opt{daemonize} ? $opt{pidfile} : undef, log_level => $opt{quiet} ? 1 : ($opt{verbose} ? 3 : 2), log_file => $opt{daemonize} ? 'Sys::Syslog' : undef, syslog_logsock => $syslog_logsock, syslog_facility => 'mail', syslog_ident => 'postgrey', listen => $opt{'listen-queue-size'} ? $opt{'listen-queue-size'} : undef, }, postgrey => { delay => $opt{delay} || 300, max_age => $opt{'max-age'} || 35, last_maint => time, last_maint_keys => 0, # do it on the first night lookup_by_host => $opt{'lookup-by-host'}, awl_clients => defined $opt{'auto-whitelist-clients'} ? ($opt{'auto-whitelist-clients'} ne '' ? $opt{'auto-whitelist-clients'} : 5) : 5, retry_window => $retry_window, greylist_action => $opt{'greylist-action'} || 'DEFER_IF_PERMIT', greylist_text => $opt{'greylist-text'} || 'Greylisted, see http://postgrey.schweikert.ch/help/%r.html', whitelist_clients_files => $opt{'whitelist-clients'} || [ "$CONFIG_DIR/postgrey_whitelist_clients" , "$CONFIG_DIR/postgrey_whitelist_clients.local" ], whitelist_recipients_files => $opt{'whitelist-recipients'} || [ "$CONFIG_DIR/postgrey_whitelist_recipients" ], privacy => defined $opt{'privacy'}, hostname => defined $opt{hostname} ? $opt{hostname} : hostname, exim => defined $opt{'exim'}, }, }, 'postgrey'; # max_age is in days $server->{postgrey}{max_age}*=3600*24; # read whitelist $server->read_clients_whitelists(); $server->read_recipients_whitelists(); # --privacy requires Digest::SHA1 if($opt{'privacy'}) { require Digest::SHA1; } $0 = join(' ', @{$server->{server}{commandline}}); $server->run; # shouldn't get here $server->mylog(1, "Exiting!"); exit 1; } ##### Net::Server::Multiplex methods: # reload whitelists on HUP sub sig_hup { my $self = shift; $self->mylog(1, "HUP received: reloading whitelists..."); $self->read_clients_whitelists(); $self->read_recipients_whitelists(); } sub post_bind_hook() { my ($self) = @_; # unix socket permissions should be 666 if($self->{server}{port}[0] =~ /^(.*)\|unix$/) { chmod 0666, $1; } } sub pre_loop_hook() { my ($self) = @_; # be sure to put in syslog any warnings / fatal errors if($self->{server}{log_file} eq 'Sys::Syslog') { $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { Sys::Syslog::syslog('warning', '%s', "WARNING: $_[0]") }; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Sys::Syslog::syslog('crit', '%s', "FATAL: $_[0]"); die @_; }; } # write files with mode 600 umask 0077; # ensure that only one instance of postgrey is running my $lock = "$self->{server}{dbdir}/postgrey.lock"; open(LOCK, ">>$lock") or die "ERROR: can't open lock file: $lock\n"; flock(LOCK, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) or die "ERROR: locked: $lock\n"; # my $setflags = DB_TXN_NOSYNC; my $setflags = 0; # see http://bugs.debian.org/334430 if($BerkeleyDB::db_version >= 4.1) { $setflags |= BerkeleyDB::DB_AUTO_COMMIT; } else { warn "disabling DB_AUTO_COMMIT because you are using BerkeleyDB version $BerkeleyDB::db_version. Version 4.1 is required for DB_AUTO_COMMIT. You might have problems in case of system failures to recover the database.\n"; } # open database with transactions, logging and auto-commit to make it as # safe as possible. Note that locking is not required since only one # process is running $self->{postgrey}{db_env} = BerkeleyDB::Env->new( -Home => $self->{server}{dbdir}, -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER|DB_INIT_TXN|DB_INIT_MPOOL|DB_INIT_LOG, -SetFlags => $setflags, ) or die "ERROR: can't create DB environment: $! (" . "dbdir: ".$self->{server}{dbdir}." uid/gid: $<,$>)\n"; $self->{postgrey}{db_obj} = tie(%{$self->{postgrey}{db}}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree', -Filename => 'postgrey.db', -Flags => DB_CREATE, -Env => $self->{postgrey}{db_env} ) or die "ERROR: can't create database $self->{server}{dbdir}/postgrey.db: $!\n"; if($self->{postgrey}{awl_clients}) { $self->{postgrey}{db_cawl_obj} = tie(%{$self->{postgrey}{db_cawl}}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree', -Filename => 'postgrey_clients.db', -Flags => DB_CREATE, -Env => $self->{postgrey}{db_env} ) or die "ERROR: can't create database $self->{server}{dbdir}/postgrey_clients.db: $!\n"; } } sub mux_input() { my ($self, $mux, $fh, $in_ref) = @_; defined $self->{postgrey_attr} or $self->{postgrey_attr} = {}; my $attr = $self->{postgrey_attr}; # consume entire lines while ($$in_ref =~ s/^([^\r\n]*)\r?\n//) { next unless defined $1; my $in = $1; if($in =~ /([^=]+)=(.*)/) { # read attributes $attr->{substr($1, 0, 512)} = substr($2, 0, 512); } elsif($in eq '') { defined $attr->{request} or $attr->{request}=''; if($attr->{request} ne 'smtpd_access_policy') { $self->{net_server}->mylog(0, "unrecognized request type: '$attr->{request}'"); } else { my $now = time; # decide my $action = $self->{net_server}->smtpd_access_policy($now, $attr); # give answer print $fh "action=$action\n\n"; # attempt maintenance if one hour has passed since the last one my $server = $self->{net_server}; if($server->{postgrey}{last_maint} && $now-$server->{postgrey}{last_maint} >= 3600) { $server->{postgrey}{last_maint} = $now; $server->do_maintenance($now); } # close the filehandle if --exim is set if ($self->{net_server}->{postgrey}{exim}) { close($fh); last; } } $self->{postgrey_attr} = {}; } else { $self->{net_server}->mylog(1, "ignoring garbage: <".substr($in, 0, 100).">"); } } } sub fatal_hook() { my ($self, $error, $package, $file, $line) = @_; # Net::Server calls $self->server_close but, unfortunately, # it does exit(0) (with Net::Server 0.97)... # It is however useful for init-script to detect non-zero exit codes die('ERROR: ' . $error); } main; __END__ =head1 NAME postgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I...] -h, --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit -v, --verbose increase verbosity level -q, --quiet decrease verbosity level -u, --unix=PATH listen on unix socket PATH -i, --inet=[HOST:]PORT listen on PORT, localhost if HOST is not specified -d, --daemonize run in the background --pidfile=PATH put daemon pid into this file --user=USER run as USER (default: postgrey) --group=GROUP run as group GROUP (default: nogroup) --dbdir=PATH put db files in PATH (default: /var/spool/postfix/postgrey) --delay=N greylist for N seconds (default: 300) --max-age=N delete entries older than N days since the last time that they have been seen (default: 35) --retry-window=N allow only N days for the first retrial (default: 2) append 'h' if you want to specify it in hours --greylist-action=A if greylisted, return A to Postfix (default: DEFER_IF_PERMIT) --greylist-text=TXT response when a mail is greylisted (default: Greylisted + help url, see below) --lookup-by-subnet strip the last 8 bits from IP addresses (default) --lookup-by-host do not strip the last 8 bits from IP addresses --privacy store data using one-way hash functions --hostname=NAME set the hostname (default: `hostname`) --exim don't reuse a socket for more than one query (exim compatible) --whitelist-clients=FILE default: /usr/local/etc/postfix/postgrey_whitelist_clients --whitelist-recipients=FILE default: /usr/local/etc/postfix/postgrey_whitelist_recipients --auto-whitelist-clients=N whitelist host after first successful delivery N is the minimal count of mails before a client is whitelisted (turned on by default with value 5) specify N=0 to disable. --listen-queue-size=N allow for N waiting connections to our socket Note that the --whitelist-x options can be specified multiple times, and that per default /usr/local/etc/postfix/postgrey_whitelist_clients.local is also read, so that you can put there local entries. =head1 DESCRIPTION Postgrey is a Postfix policy server implementing greylisting. When a request for delivery of a mail is received by Postfix via SMTP, the triplet C / C / C is built. If it is the first time that this triplet is seen, or if the triplet was first seen less than I seconds (300 is the default), then the mail gets rejected with a temporary error. Hopefully spammers or viruses will not try again later, as it is however required per RFC. Note that you shouldn't use the --lookup-by-host option unless you know what you are doing: there are a lot of mail servers that use a pool of addresses to send emails, so that they can change IP every time they try again. That's why without this option postgrey will strip the last byte of the IP address when doing lookups in the database. =head2 Installation =over 4 =item * Create a C user and the directory where to put the database I (default: C) =item * Write an init script to start postgrey at boot and start it. Like this for example: postgrey --inet=10023 -d =item * Put something like this in /usr/local/etc/main.cf: smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks ... reject_unauth_destination check_policy_service inet: =item * Install the provided postgrey_whitelist_clients and postgrey_whitelist_recipients in /usr/local/etc/postfix. =item * Put in /usr/local/etc/postfix/postgrey_whitelist_recipients users that do not want greylisting. =back =head2 Whitelists Whitelists allow you to specify client addresses or recipient address, for which no greylisting should be done. Per default postgrey will read the following files: /usr/local/etc/postfix/postgrey_whitelist_clients /usr/local/etc/postfix/postgrey_whitelist_clients.local /usr/local/etc/postfix/postgrey_whitelist_recipients You can specify alternative paths with the --whitelist-x options. Postgrey whitelists follow similar syntax rules as Postfix access tables. The following can be specified for B: =over 10 =item domain.addr C domain and subdomains. =item name@ C and extended addresses C. =item name@domain.addr C and extended addresses. =item /regexp/ anything that matches C (the full address is matched). =back The following can be specified for B: =over 10 =item domain.addr C domain and subdomains. =item IP1.IP2.IP3.IP4 IP address IP1.IP2.IP3.IP4. You can also leave off one number, in which case only the first specified numbers will be checked. =item IP1.IP2.IP3.IP4/MASK CIDR-syle network. Example: =item /regexp/ anything that matches C (the full address is matched). =back =head2 Auto-whitelisting clients With the option --auto-whitelist-clients a client IP address will be automatically whitelisted if the following conditions are met: =over 4 =item * At least 5 successfull attempts of delivering a mail (after greylisting was done). That number can be changed by specifying a number after the --auto-whitelist-clients argument. Only one attempt per hour counts. =item * The client was last seen before --max-age days (35 per default). =back =head2 Greylist Action To set the action to be returned to postfix when a message fails postgrey's tests and should be deferred, use the --greylist-action=ACTION option. By default, postgrey returns DEFER_IF_PERMIT, which causes postfix to check the rest of the restrictions and defer the message only if it would otherwise be accepted. A delay action of 451 causes postfix to always defer the message with an SMTP reply code of 451 (temp fail). See the postfix manual page access(5) for a discussion of the actions allowed. =head2 Greylist Text When a message is greylisted, an error message like this will be sent at the SMTP-level: Greylisted, see http://postgrey.schweikert.ch/help/example.com.html Usually no user should see that error message and the idea of that URL is to provide some help to system administrators seeing that message or users of broken mail clients which try to send mails directly and get a greylisting error. Note that the default help-URL contains the original recipient domain (example.com), so that domain-specific help can be presented to the user (on the default page it is said to contact postmaster@example.com) You can change the text (and URL) with the B<--greylist-text> parameter. The following special variables will be replaced in the text: =over 4 =item %s How many seconds left until the greylisting is over (300). =item %r Mail-domain of the recipient (example.com). =back =head2 Privacy The --privacy option enable the use of a SHA1 hash function to store IPs and emails in the greylisting database. This will defeat straight forward attempts to retrieve mail user behaviours. =head2 SEE ALSO See L for a description of what greylisting is and L for a description of how Postfix policy servers work. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004-2007 by ETH Zurich. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2007 by Open Systems AG. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =head1 AUTHOR Sdavid@schweikert.chE> =cut # vi: sw=4 et