# Don't edit Makefile! Use conf-* for configuration.
# uncomment -lz if you get compilation errors about compress
# uncomment -lsocket -lnsl if you get compilation errors about sockets
MYSQL_LIBS=/usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a -lm -lz #-lsocket -lnsl
# read README.queries before uncommenting the next two lines
# MAGIC_FORWARDING is not recommended: read the changelog online
default: it
connect_mysql.o: compile connect_mysql.c
./compile connect_mysql.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE) $(LOGGING)
vdoms_mysql.o: compile vdoms_mysql.c mysql_queries.h
./compile vdoms_mysql.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE) $(LOGGING) $(QUERY_STYLE) $(MAGIC)
rcpthosts_mysql.o: compile rcpthosts_mysql.c mysql_queries.h
./compile rcpthosts_mysql.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE) $(LOGGING)
checkuser_mysql.o: compile checkuser_mysql.c
./compile checkuser_mysql.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE)
getpw_mysql.o: compile getpw_mysql.c mysql_queries.h
./compile getpw_mysql.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE)
dotqmail_mysql.o: compile dotqmail_mysql.c mysql_queries.h
./compile dotqmail_mysql.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE) $(LOGGING) $(QUERY_STYLE)
do_query.o: compile do_query.c
./compile do_query.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE) $(LOGGING)
make_query.o: compile make_query.c mysql_queries.h
./compile make_query.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE)
addrexp.o: \
compile addrexp.c
./compile addrexp.c
addrexp: \
load addrexp.o connect_mysql.o make_query.o do_query.o \
checkuser_mysql.o getpw_mysql.o vdoms_mysql.o \
qsutil.o auto_break.o auto_qmail.o fmt_ulong.o fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o \
open_read.o stralloc.a str.a getln.a case.a substdio.a error.a alloc.a \
constmap.o control.o scan_ulong.o mysql_queries.h
./load addrexp constmap.o control.o scan_ulong.o \
connect_mysql.o qsutil.o make_query.o do_query.o checkuser_mysql.o \
getpw_mysql.o vdoms_mysql.o auto_break.o auto_qmail.o fmt_ulong.o \
fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o open_read.o getln.a substdio.a stralloc.a \
str.a error.a alloc.a case.a $(MYSQL_LIBS)
addresses.0: \
nroff -man addresses.5 > addresses.0
alloc.a: \
makelib alloc.o alloc_re.o
./makelib alloc.a alloc.o alloc_re.o
alloc.o: \
compile alloc.c alloc.h error.h
./compile alloc.c
alloc_re.o: \
compile alloc_re.c alloc.h byte.h
./compile alloc_re.c
auto-ccld.sh: \
conf-cc conf-ld warn-auto.sh
( cat warn-auto.sh; \
echo CC=\'`head -1 conf-cc`\'; \
echo LD=\'`head -1 conf-ld`\' \
) > auto-ccld.sh
auto-gid: \
load auto-gid.o substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
./load auto-gid substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
auto-gid.o: \
compile auto-gid.c subfd.h substdio.h substdio.h readwrite.h exit.h \
scan.h fmt.h
./compile auto-gid.c
auto-int: \
load auto-int.o substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
./load auto-int substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
auto-int.o: \
compile auto-int.c substdio.h readwrite.h exit.h scan.h fmt.h
./compile auto-int.c
auto-int8: \
load auto-int8.o substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
./load auto-int8 substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
auto-int8.o: \
compile auto-int8.c substdio.h readwrite.h exit.h scan.h fmt.h
./compile auto-int8.c
auto-str: \
load auto-str.o substdio.a error.a str.a
./load auto-str substdio.a error.a str.a
auto-str.o: \
compile auto-str.c substdio.h readwrite.h exit.h
./compile auto-str.c
auto-uid: \
load auto-uid.o substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
./load auto-uid substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
auto-uid.o: \
compile auto-uid.c subfd.h substdio.h substdio.h readwrite.h exit.h \
scan.h fmt.h
./compile auto-uid.c
auto_break.c: \
auto-str conf-break
./auto-str auto_break \
"`head -1 conf-break`" > auto_break.c
auto_break.o: \
compile auto_break.c
./compile auto_break.c
auto_patrn.c: \
auto-int8 conf-patrn
./auto-int8 auto_patrn `head -1 conf-patrn` > auto_patrn.c
auto_patrn.o: \
compile auto_patrn.c
./compile auto_patrn.c
auto_qmail.c: \
auto-str conf-qmail
./auto-str auto_qmail `head -1 conf-qmail` > auto_qmail.c
auto_qmail.o: \
compile auto_qmail.c
./compile auto_qmail.c
auto_spawn.c: \
auto-int conf-spawn
./auto-int auto_spawn `head -1 conf-spawn` > auto_spawn.c
auto_spawn.o: \
compile auto_spawn.c
./compile auto_spawn.c
auto_split.c: \
auto-int conf-split
./auto-int auto_split `head -1 conf-split` > auto_split.c
auto_split.o: \
compile auto_split.c
./compile auto_split.c
auto_uids.c: \
auto-uid auto-gid conf-users conf-groups
( ./auto-uid auto_uida `head -1 conf-users` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidd `head -2 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidl `head -3 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uido `head -4 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidp `head -5 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidq `head -6 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidr `head -7 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uids `head -8 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-gid auto_gidq `head -1 conf-groups` \
&&./auto-gid auto_gidn `head -2 conf-groups | tail -1` \
) > auto_uids.c.tmp && mv auto_uids.c.tmp auto_uids.c
auto_uids.o: \
compile auto_uids.c
./compile auto_uids.c
auto_usera.c: \
auto-str conf-users
./auto-str auto_usera `head -1 conf-users` > auto_usera.c
auto_usera.o: \
compile auto_usera.c
./compile auto_usera.c
binm1: \
binm1.sh conf-qmail
cat binm1.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> binm1
chmod 755 binm1
binm1+df: \
binm1+df.sh conf-qmail
cat binm1+df.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> binm1+df
chmod 755 binm1+df
binm2: \
binm2.sh conf-qmail
cat binm2.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> binm2
chmod 755 binm2
binm2+df: \
binm2+df.sh conf-qmail
cat binm2+df.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> binm2+df
chmod 755 binm2+df
binm3: \
binm3.sh conf-qmail
cat binm3.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> binm3
chmod 755 binm3
binm3+df: \
binm3+df.sh conf-qmail
cat binm3+df.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> binm3+df
chmod 755 binm3+df
bouncesaying: \
load bouncesaying.o strerr.a error.a substdio.a str.a wait.a
./load bouncesaying strerr.a error.a substdio.a str.a \
bouncesaying.0: \
nroff -man bouncesaying.1 > bouncesaying.0
bouncesaying.o: \
compile bouncesaying.c fork.h strerr.h error.h wait.h sig.h exit.h
./compile bouncesaying.c
byte_chr.o: \
compile byte_chr.c byte.h
./compile byte_chr.c
byte_copy.o: \
compile byte_copy.c byte.h
./compile byte_copy.c
byte_cr.o: \
compile byte_cr.c byte.h
./compile byte_cr.c
byte_diff.o: \
compile byte_diff.c byte.h
./compile byte_diff.c
byte_rchr.o: \
compile byte_rchr.c byte.h
./compile byte_rchr.c
byte_zero.o: \
compile byte_zero.c byte.h
./compile byte_zero.c
case.a: \
makelib case_diffb.o case_diffs.o case_lowerb.o case_lowers.o \
./makelib case.a case_diffb.o case_diffs.o case_lowerb.o \
case_lowers.o case_starts.o
case_diffb.o: \
compile case_diffb.c case.h
./compile case_diffb.c
case_diffs.o: \
compile case_diffs.c case.h
./compile case_diffs.c
case_lowerb.o: \
compile case_lowerb.c case.h
./compile case_lowerb.c
case_lowers.o: \
compile case_lowers.c case.h
./compile case_lowers.c
case_starts.o: \
compile case_starts.c case.h
./compile case_starts.c
cdb.a: \
makelib cdb_hash.o cdb_unpack.o cdb_seek.o
./makelib cdb.a cdb_hash.o cdb_unpack.o cdb_seek.o
cdb_hash.o: \
compile cdb_hash.c cdb.h uint32.h
./compile cdb_hash.c
cdb_seek.o: \
compile cdb_seek.c cdb.h uint32.h
./compile cdb_seek.c
cdb_unpack.o: \
compile cdb_unpack.c cdb.h uint32.h
./compile cdb_unpack.c
cdbmake.a: \
makelib cdbmake_pack.o cdbmake_hash.o cdbmake_add.o
./makelib cdbmake.a cdbmake_pack.o cdbmake_hash.o \
cdbmake_add.o: \
compile cdbmake_add.c cdbmake.h uint32.h
./compile cdbmake_add.c
cdbmake_hash.o: \
compile cdbmake_hash.c cdbmake.h uint32.h
./compile cdbmake_hash.c
cdbmake_pack.o: \
compile cdbmake_pack.c cdbmake.h uint32.h
./compile cdbmake_pack.c
cdbmss.o: \
compile cdbmss.c readwrite.h seek.h alloc.h cdbmss.h cdbmake.h \
uint32.h substdio.h
./compile cdbmss.c
check: \
it man
chkshsgr: \
load chkshsgr.o
./load chkshsgr
chkshsgr.o: \
compile chkshsgr.c exit.h
./compile chkshsgr.c
chkspawn: \
load chkspawn.o substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_spawn.o
./load chkspawn substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_spawn.o
chkspawn.o: \
compile chkspawn.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h fmt.h select.h \
exit.h auto_spawn.h
./compile chkspawn.c
clean: \
rm -f `cat TARGETS`
coe.o: \
compile coe.c coe.h
./compile coe.c
commands.o: \
compile commands.c commands.h substdio.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h str.h \
./compile commands.c
compile: \
make-compile warn-auto.sh systype
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-compile "`cat systype`" ) > \
chmod 755 compile
condredirect: \
load condredirect.o qmail.o strerr.a fd.a sig.a wait.a seek.a env.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
./load condredirect qmail.o strerr.a fd.a sig.a wait.a \
seek.a env.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
condredirect.0: \
nroff -man condredirect.1 > condredirect.0
condredirect.o: \
compile condredirect.c sig.h readwrite.h exit.h env.h error.h fork.h \
wait.h seek.h qmail.h substdio.h strerr.h substdio.h fmt.h
./compile condredirect.c
config: \
warn-auto.sh config.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh config.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> config
chmod 755 config
config-fast: \
warn-auto.sh config-fast.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh config-fast.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> config-fast
chmod 755 config-fast
constmap.o: \
compile constmap.c constmap.h alloc.h case.h
./compile constmap.c
control.o: \
compile control.c readwrite.h open.h getln.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
substdio.h error.h control.h alloc.h scan.h
./compile control.c
date822fmt.o: \
compile date822fmt.c datetime.h fmt.h date822fmt.h
./compile date822fmt.c
datemail: \
warn-auto.sh datemail.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh datemail.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> datemail
chmod 755 datemail
datetime.a: \
makelib datetime.o datetime_un.o
./makelib datetime.a datetime.o datetime_un.o
datetime.o: \
compile datetime.c datetime.h
./compile datetime.c
datetime_un.o: \
compile datetime_un.c datetime.h
./compile datetime_un.c
direntry.h: \
compile trydrent.c direntry.h1 direntry.h2
( ./compile trydrent.c >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& cat direntry.h2 || cat direntry.h1 ) > direntry.h
rm -f trydrent.o
dns.lib: \
tryrsolv.c compile load socket.lib dns.o ipalloc.o ip.o stralloc.a \
alloc.a error.a fs.a str.a
( ( ./compile tryrsolv.c && ./load tryrsolv dns.o \
ipalloc.o ip.o stralloc.a alloc.a error.a fs.a str.a \
-lresolv `cat socket.lib` ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& echo -lresolv || exit 0 ) > dns.lib
rm -f tryrsolv.o tryrsolv
dns.o: \
compile dns.c ip.h ipalloc.h ip.h gen_alloc.h fmt.h alloc.h str.h \
stralloc.h gen_alloc.h dns.h case.h
./compile dns.c
dnscname: \
load dnscname.o dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a dns.lib socket.lib
./load dnscname dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a `cat dns.lib` `cat \
dnscname.o: \
compile dnscname.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h stralloc.h \
gen_alloc.h dns.h dnsdoe.h readwrite.h exit.h
./compile dnscname.c
dnsdoe.o: \
compile dnsdoe.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h exit.h dns.h dnsdoe.h
./compile dnsdoe.c
dnsfq: \
load dnsfq.o dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a dns.lib socket.lib
./load dnsfq dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a `cat dns.lib` `cat \
dnsfq.o: \
compile dnsfq.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
dns.h dnsdoe.h ip.h ipalloc.h ip.h gen_alloc.h exit.h
./compile dnsfq.c
dnsip: \
load dnsip.o dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a dns.lib socket.lib
./load dnsip dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a `cat dns.lib` `cat \
dnsip.o: \
compile dnsip.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
dns.h dnsdoe.h ip.h ipalloc.h ip.h gen_alloc.h exit.h
./compile dnsip.c
dnsmxip: \
load dnsmxip.o dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o now.o stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a dns.lib socket.lib
./load dnsmxip dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o now.o \
stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a `cat \
dns.lib` `cat socket.lib`
dnsmxip.o: \
compile dnsmxip.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h stralloc.h \
gen_alloc.h fmt.h dns.h dnsdoe.h ip.h ipalloc.h ip.h gen_alloc.h \
now.h datetime.h exit.h
./compile dnsmxip.c
dnsptr: \
load dnsptr.o dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a dns.lib socket.lib
./load dnsptr dns.o dnsdoe.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a `cat dns.lib` `cat \
dnsptr.o: \
compile dnsptr.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
str.h scan.h dns.h dnsdoe.h ip.h exit.h
./compile dnsptr.c
dot-qmail.0: \
nroff -man dot-qmail.5 > dot-qmail.0
dot-qmail.5: \
dot-qmail.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat dot-qmail.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> dot-qmail.5
elq: \
warn-auto.sh elq.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh elq.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> elq
chmod 755 elq
env.a: \
makelib env.o envread.o
./makelib env.a env.o envread.o
env.o: \
compile env.c str.h alloc.h env.h
./compile env.c
envelopes.0: \
nroff -man envelopes.5 > envelopes.0
envread.o: \
compile envread.c env.h str.h
./compile envread.c
error.a: \
makelib error.o error_str.o error_temp.o
./makelib error.a error.o error_str.o error_temp.o
error.o: \
compile error.c error.h
./compile error.c
error_str.o: \
compile error_str.c error.h
./compile error_str.c
error_temp.o: \
compile error_temp.c error.h
./compile error_temp.c
except: \
load except.o strerr.a error.a substdio.a str.a wait.a
./load except strerr.a error.a substdio.a str.a wait.a
except.0: \
nroff -man except.1 > except.0
except.o: \
compile except.c fork.h strerr.h wait.h error.h exit.h
./compile except.c
fd.a: \
makelib fd_copy.o fd_move.o
./makelib fd.a fd_copy.o fd_move.o
fd_copy.o: \
compile fd_copy.c fd.h
./compile fd_copy.c
fd_move.o: \
compile fd_move.c fd.h
./compile fd_move.c
fifo.o: \
compile fifo.c hasmkffo.h fifo.h
./compile fifo.c
find-systype: \
find-systype.sh auto-ccld.sh
cat auto-ccld.sh find-systype.sh > find-systype
chmod 755 find-systype
fmt_str.o: \
compile fmt_str.c fmt.h
./compile fmt_str.c
fmt_strn.o: \
compile fmt_strn.c fmt.h
./compile fmt_strn.c
fmt_uint.o: \
compile fmt_uint.c fmt.h
./compile fmt_uint.c
fmt_uint0.o: \
compile fmt_uint0.c fmt.h
./compile fmt_uint0.c
fmt_ulong.o: \
compile fmt_ulong.c fmt.h
./compile fmt_ulong.c
fmtqfn.o: \
compile fmtqfn.c fmtqfn.h fmt.h auto_split.h
./compile fmtqfn.c
forgeries.0: \
nroff -man forgeries.7 > forgeries.0
fork.h: \
compile load tryvfork.c fork.h1 fork.h2
( ( ./compile tryvfork.c && ./load tryvfork ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& cat fork.h2 || cat fork.h1 ) > fork.h
rm -f tryvfork.o tryvfork
forward: \
load forward.o qmail.o strerr.a alloc.a fd.a wait.a sig.a env.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
./load forward qmail.o strerr.a alloc.a fd.a wait.a sig.a \
env.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
forward.0: \
nroff -man forward.1 > forward.0
forward.o: \
compile forward.c sig.h readwrite.h exit.h env.h qmail.h substdio.h \
strerr.h substdio.h fmt.h
./compile forward.c
fs.a: \
makelib fmt_str.o fmt_strn.o fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o fmt_ulong.o \
scan_ulong.o scan_8long.o
./makelib fs.a fmt_str.o fmt_strn.o fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o \
fmt_ulong.o scan_ulong.o scan_8long.o
getln.a: \
makelib getln.o getln2.o
./makelib getln.a getln.o getln2.o
getln.o: \
compile getln.c substdio.h byte.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h getln.h
./compile getln.c
getln2.o: \
compile getln2.c substdio.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h byte.h getln.h
./compile getln2.c
getopt.a: \
makelib subgetopt.o sgetopt.o
./makelib getopt.a subgetopt.o sgetopt.o
gfrom.o: \
compile gfrom.c str.h gfrom.h
./compile gfrom.c
hasflock.h: \
tryflock.c compile load
( ( ./compile tryflock.c && ./load tryflock ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASFLOCK 1 || exit 0 ) > hasflock.h
rm -f tryflock.o tryflock
hasmkffo.h: \
trymkffo.c compile load
( ( ./compile trymkffo.c && ./load trymkffo ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASMKFIFO 1 || exit 0 ) > hasmkffo.h
rm -f trymkffo.o trymkffo
hasnpbg1.h: \
trynpbg1.c compile load open.h open.a fifo.h fifo.o select.h
( ( ./compile trynpbg1.c \
&& ./load trynpbg1 fifo.o open.a && ./trynpbg1 ) \
>/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASNAMEDPIPEBUG1 1 || exit 0 ) > \
rm -f trynpbg1.o trynpbg1
hassalen.h: \
trysalen.c compile
( ./compile trysalen.c >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASSALEN 1 || exit 0 ) > hassalen.h
rm -f trysalen.o
hassgact.h: \
trysgact.c compile load
( ( ./compile trysgact.c && ./load trysgact ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASSIGACTION 1 || exit 0 ) > hassgact.h
rm -f trysgact.o trysgact
hassgprm.h: \
trysgprm.c compile load
( ( ./compile trysgprm.c && ./load trysgprm ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASSIGPROCMASK 1 || exit 0 ) > hassgprm.h
rm -f trysgprm.o trysgprm
hasshsgr.h: \
chkshsgr warn-shsgr tryshsgr.c compile load
./chkshsgr || ( cat warn-shsgr; exit 1 )
( ( ./compile tryshsgr.c \
&& ./load tryshsgr && ./tryshsgr ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASSHORTSETGROUPS 1 || exit 0 ) > \
rm -f tryshsgr.o tryshsgr
haswaitp.h: \
trywaitp.c compile load
( ( ./compile trywaitp.c && ./load trywaitp ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASWAITPID 1 || exit 0 ) > haswaitp.h
rm -f trywaitp.o trywaitp
headerbody.o: \
compile headerbody.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h substdio.h getln.h \
hfield.h headerbody.h
./compile headerbody.c
hfield.o: \
compile hfield.c hfield.h
./compile hfield.c
hier.o: \
compile hier.c auto_qmail.h auto_split.h auto_uids.h fmt.h fifo.h
./compile hier.c
home: \
home.sh conf-qmail
cat home.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> home
chmod 755 home
home+df: \
home+df.sh conf-qmail
cat home+df.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> home+df
chmod 755 home+df
hostname: \
load hostname.o substdio.a error.a str.a dns.lib socket.lib
./load hostname substdio.a error.a str.a `cat dns.lib` \
`cat socket.lib`
hostname.o: \
compile hostname.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h readwrite.h exit.h
./compile hostname.c
idedit: \
load idedit.o strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a wait.a open.a \
./load idedit strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a \
wait.a open.a seek.a
idedit.o: \
compile idedit.c readwrite.h exit.h scan.h fmt.h strerr.h open.h \
seek.h fork.h
./compile idedit.c
install: \
load install.o fifo.o hier.o auto_qmail.o auto_split.o auto_uids.o \
strerr.a substdio.a open.a error.a str.a fs.a
./load install fifo.o hier.o auto_qmail.o auto_split.o \
auto_uids.o strerr.a substdio.a open.a error.a str.a fs.a
install-big: \
load install-big.o fifo.o install.o auto_qmail.o auto_split.o \
auto_uids.o strerr.a substdio.a open.a error.a str.a fs.a
./load install-big fifo.o install.o auto_qmail.o \
auto_split.o auto_uids.o strerr.a substdio.a open.a error.a \
str.a fs.a
install-big.o: \
compile install-big.c auto_qmail.h auto_split.h auto_uids.h fmt.h \
./compile install-big.c
install.o: \
compile install.c substdio.h strerr.h error.h open.h readwrite.h \
./compile install.c
instcheck: \
load instcheck.o fifo.o hier.o auto_qmail.o auto_split.o auto_uids.o \
strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
./load instcheck fifo.o hier.o auto_qmail.o auto_split.o \
auto_uids.o strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
instcheck.o: \
compile instcheck.c strerr.h error.h readwrite.h exit.h
./compile instcheck.c
ip.o: \
compile ip.c fmt.h scan.h ip.h
./compile ip.c
ipalloc.o: \
compile ipalloc.c alloc.h gen_allocdefs.h ip.h ipalloc.h ip.h \
./compile ipalloc.c
ipme.o: \
compile ipme.c hassalen.h byte.h ip.h ipalloc.h ip.h gen_alloc.h \
stralloc.h gen_alloc.h ipme.h ip.h ipalloc.h
./compile ipme.c
ipmeprint: \
load ipmeprint.o ipme.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a \
error.a str.a fs.a socket.lib
./load ipmeprint ipme.o ip.o ipalloc.o stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a `cat socket.lib`
ipmeprint.o: \
compile ipmeprint.c subfd.h substdio.h substdio.h ip.h ipme.h ip.h \
ipalloc.h ip.h gen_alloc.h exit.h
./compile ipmeprint.c
it: \
qmail-local qmail-lspawn qmail-getpw qmail-remote qmail-rspawn \
qmail-clean qmail-send qmail-start splogger qmail-queue qmail-inject \
predate datemail mailsubj qmail-upq qmail-showctl qmail-newu \
qmail-pw2u qmail-qread qmail-qstat qmail-tcpto qmail-tcpok \
qmail-pop3d qmail-popup qmail-qmqpc qmail-qmqpd qmail-qmtpd \
qmail-smtpd sendmail tcp-env qmail-newmrh config config-fast dnscname \
dnsptr dnsip dnsmxip dnsfq hostname ipmeprint qreceipt qsmhook qbiff \
forward preline condredirect bouncesaying except maildirmake addrexp \
maildir2mbox maildirwatch qail elq pinq idedit install-big install \
instcheck home home+df proc proc+df binm1 binm1+df binm2 binm2+df \
binm3 binm3+df
load: \
make-load warn-auto.sh systype
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-load "`cat systype`" ) > load
chmod 755 load
lock.a: \
makelib lock_ex.o lock_exnb.o lock_un.o
./makelib lock.a lock_ex.o lock_exnb.o lock_un.o
lock_ex.o: \
compile lock_ex.c hasflock.h lock.h
./compile lock_ex.c
lock_exnb.o: \
compile lock_exnb.c hasflock.h lock.h
./compile lock_exnb.c
lock_un.o: \
compile lock_un.c hasflock.h lock.h
./compile lock_un.c
maildir.0: \
nroff -man maildir.5 > maildir.0
maildir.o: \
compile maildir.c prioq.h datetime.h gen_alloc.h env.h stralloc.h \
gen_alloc.h direntry.h datetime.h now.h datetime.h str.h maildir.h \
./compile maildir.c
maildir2mbox: \
load maildir2mbox.o maildir.o prioq.o now.o myctime.o gfrom.o lock.a \
getln.a env.a open.a strerr.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
str.a fs.a datetime.a
./load maildir2mbox maildir.o prioq.o now.o myctime.o \
gfrom.o lock.a getln.a env.a open.a strerr.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a datetime.a
maildir2mbox.0: \
nroff -man maildir2mbox.1 > maildir2mbox.0
maildir2mbox.o: \
compile maildir2mbox.c readwrite.h prioq.h datetime.h gen_alloc.h \
env.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h subfd.h substdio.h substdio.h getln.h \
error.h open.h lock.h gfrom.h str.h exit.h myctime.h maildir.h \
./compile maildir2mbox.c
maildirmake: \
load maildirmake.o strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a
./load maildirmake strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a
maildirmake.0: \
nroff -man maildirmake.1 > maildirmake.0
maildirmake.o: \
compile maildirmake.c strerr.h exit.h
./compile maildirmake.c
maildirwatch: \
load maildirwatch.o hfield.o headerbody.o maildir.o prioq.o now.o \
getln.a env.a open.a strerr.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
./load maildirwatch hfield.o headerbody.o maildir.o \
prioq.o now.o getln.a env.a open.a strerr.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a
maildirwatch.0: \
nroff -man maildirwatch.1 > maildirwatch.0
maildirwatch.o: \
compile maildirwatch.c getln.h substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h prioq.h \
datetime.h gen_alloc.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h str.h exit.h hfield.h \
readwrite.h open.h headerbody.h maildir.h strerr.h
./compile maildirwatch.c
mailsubj: \
warn-auto.sh mailsubj.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh mailsubj.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> mailsubj
chmod 755 mailsubj
mailsubj.0: \
nroff -man mailsubj.1 > mailsubj.0
make-compile: \
make-compile.sh auto-ccld.sh
cat auto-ccld.sh make-compile.sh > make-compile
chmod 755 make-compile
make-load: \
make-load.sh auto-ccld.sh
cat auto-ccld.sh make-load.sh > make-load
chmod 755 make-load
make-makelib: \
make-makelib.sh auto-ccld.sh
cat auto-ccld.sh make-makelib.sh > make-makelib
chmod 755 make-makelib
makelib: \
make-makelib warn-auto.sh systype
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-makelib "`cat systype`" ) > \
chmod 755 makelib
man: \
qmail-local.0 qmail-lspawn.0 qmail-getpw.0 qmail-remote.0 \
qmail-rspawn.0 qmail-clean.0 qmail-send.0 qmail-start.0 splogger.0 \
qmail-queue.0 qmail-inject.0 mailsubj.0 qmail-showctl.0 qmail-newu.0 \
qmail-pw2u.0 qmail-qread.0 qmail-qstat.0 qmail-tcpto.0 qmail-tcpok.0 \
qmail-pop3d.0 qmail-popup.0 qmail-qmqpc.0 qmail-qmqpd.0 qmail-qmtpd.0 \
qmail-smtpd.0 tcp-env.0 qmail-newmrh.0 qreceipt.0 qbiff.0 forward.0 \
preline.0 condredirect.0 bouncesaying.0 except.0 maildirmake.0 \
maildir2mbox.0 maildirwatch.0 qmail.0 qmail-limits.0 qmail-log.0 \
qmail-control.0 qmail-header.0 qmail-users.0 dot-qmail.0 \
qmail-command.0 tcp-environ.0 maildir.0 mbox.0 addresses.0 \
envelopes.0 forgeries.0
mbox.0: \
nroff -man mbox.5 > mbox.0
myctime.o: \
compile myctime.c datetime.h fmt.h myctime.h
./compile myctime.c
ndelay.a: \
makelib ndelay.o ndelay_off.o
./makelib ndelay.a ndelay.o ndelay_off.o
ndelay.o: \
compile ndelay.c ndelay.h
./compile ndelay.c
ndelay_off.o: \
compile ndelay_off.c ndelay.h
./compile ndelay_off.c
newfield.o: \
compile newfield.c fmt.h datetime.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
date822fmt.h newfield.h stralloc.h
./compile newfield.c
now.o: \
compile now.c datetime.h now.h datetime.h
./compile now.c
open.a: \
makelib open_append.o open_excl.o open_read.o open_trunc.o \
./makelib open.a open_append.o open_excl.o open_read.o \
open_trunc.o open_write.o
open_append.o: \
compile open_append.c open.h
./compile open_append.c
open_excl.o: \
compile open_excl.c open.h
./compile open_excl.c
open_read.o: \
compile open_read.c open.h
./compile open_read.c
open_trunc.o: \
compile open_trunc.c open.h
./compile open_trunc.c
open_write.o: \
compile open_write.c open.h
./compile open_write.c
pinq: \
warn-auto.sh pinq.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh pinq.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> pinq
chmod 755 pinq
predate: \
load predate.o datetime.a strerr.a sig.a fd.a wait.a substdio.a \
error.a str.a fs.a
./load predate datetime.a strerr.a sig.a fd.a wait.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a
predate.o: \
compile predate.c datetime.h fork.h wait.h fd.h fmt.h strerr.h \
substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h readwrite.h exit.h
./compile predate.c
preline: \
load preline.o strerr.a fd.a wait.a sig.a env.a getopt.a substdio.a \
error.a str.a
./load preline strerr.a fd.a wait.a sig.a env.a getopt.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a
preline.0: \
nroff -man preline.1 > preline.0
preline.o: \
compile preline.c fd.h sgetopt.h subgetopt.h readwrite.h strerr.h \
substdio.h exit.h fork.h wait.h env.h sig.h error.h
./compile preline.c
prioq.o: \
compile prioq.c alloc.h gen_allocdefs.h prioq.h datetime.h \
./compile prioq.c
proc: \
proc.sh conf-qmail
cat proc.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> proc
chmod 755 proc
proc+df: \
proc+df.sh conf-qmail
cat proc+df.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
> proc+df
chmod 755 proc+df
prot.o: \
compile prot.c hasshsgr.h prot.h
./compile prot.c
qail: \
warn-auto.sh qail.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh qail.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> qail
chmod 755 qail
qbiff: \
load qbiff.o headerbody.o hfield.o getln.a env.a open.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a
./load qbiff headerbody.o hfield.o getln.a env.a open.a \
stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a
qbiff.0: \
nroff -man qbiff.1 > qbiff.0
qbiff.o: \
compile qbiff.c readwrite.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h substdio.h subfd.h \
substdio.h open.h byte.h str.h headerbody.h hfield.h env.h exit.h
./compile qbiff.c
qmail-clean: \
load qmail-clean.o fmtqfn.o now.o getln.a sig.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o auto_split.o
./load qmail-clean fmtqfn.o now.o getln.a sig.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o \
qmail-clean.0: \
nroff -man qmail-clean.8 > qmail-clean.0
qmail-clean.o: \
compile qmail-clean.c readwrite.h sig.h now.h datetime.h str.h \
direntry.h getln.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h substdio.h subfd.h \
substdio.h byte.h scan.h fmt.h error.h exit.h fmtqfn.h auto_qmail.h
./compile qmail-clean.c
qmail-command.0: \
nroff -man qmail-command.8 > qmail-command.0
qmail-control.0: \
nroff -man qmail-control.5 > qmail-control.0
qmail-control.5: \
qmail-control.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-control.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-control.5
qmail-getpw: \
load qmail-getpw.o case.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_break.o \
qsutil.o auto_usera.o auto_qmail.o connect_mysql.o getpw_mysql.o \
make_query.o do_query.o scan_ulong.o open_read.o \
getln.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a env.a
./load qmail-getpw \
qsutil.o auto_break.o auto_usera.o auto_qmail.o connect_mysql.o \
getpw_mysql.o make_query.o do_query.o scan_ulong.o open_read.o \
case.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a \
getln.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a env.a str.a $(MYSQL_LIBS)
qmail-getpw.0: \
nroff -man qmail-getpw.8 > qmail-getpw.0
qmail-getpw.8: \
qmail-getpw.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-getpw.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-getpw.8
qmail-getpw.o: \
compile qmail-getpw.c readwrite.h substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h \
error.h exit.h byte.h str.h case.h fmt.h auto_usera.h auto_break.h \
./compile qmail-getpw.c $(OS_SPECIFIC)
qmail-header.0: \
nroff -man qmail-header.5 > qmail-header.0
qmail-inject: \
load qmail-inject.o headerbody.o hfield.o newfield.o quote.o now.o \
control.o date822fmt.o constmap.o qmail.o case.a fd.a wait.a open.a \
getln.a sig.a getopt.a datetime.a token822.o env.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
./load qmail-inject headerbody.o hfield.o newfield.o \
quote.o now.o control.o date822fmt.o constmap.o qmail.o \
case.a fd.a wait.a open.a getln.a sig.a getopt.a datetime.a \
token822.o env.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
qmail-inject.0: \
nroff -man qmail-inject.8 > qmail-inject.0
qmail-inject.o: \
compile qmail-inject.c sig.h substdio.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
subfd.h substdio.h sgetopt.h subgetopt.h getln.h alloc.h str.h fmt.h \
hfield.h token822.h gen_alloc.h control.h env.h gen_alloc.h \
gen_allocdefs.h error.h qmail.h substdio.h now.h datetime.h exit.h \
quote.h headerbody.h auto_qmail.h newfield.h stralloc.h constmap.h
./compile qmail-inject.c
qmail-limits.0: \
nroff -man qmail-limits.7 > qmail-limits.0
qmail-limits.7: \
qmail-limits.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-limits.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-limits.7
qmail-local: \
load qmail-local.o qmail.o quote.o now.o gfrom.o myctime.o \
qsutil.o slurpclose.o connect_mysql.o do_query.o \
dotqmail_mysql.o case.a getln.a getopt.a sig.a open.a seek.a lock.a fd.a \
wait.a env.a stralloc.a alloc.a strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
fs.a datetime.a auto_qmail.o auto_patrn.o socket.lib
./load qmail-local qmail.o quote.o now.o gfrom.o myctime.o \
qsutil.o slurpclose.o connect_mysql.o do_query.o \
dotqmail_mysql.o case.a getln.a getopt.a sig.a open.a seek.a \
lock.a fd.a wait.a env.a stralloc.a alloc.a strerr.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a datetime.a auto_qmail.o \
auto_patrn.o `cat socket.lib` $(MYSQL_LIBS)
qmail-local.0: \
nroff -man qmail-local.8 > qmail-local.0
qmail-local.o: \
compile qmail-local.c readwrite.h sig.h env.h byte.h exit.h fork.h \
open.h wait.h lock.h seek.h substdio.h getln.h strerr.h subfd.h \
substdio.h sgetopt.h subgetopt.h alloc.h error.h stralloc.h \
gen_alloc.h fmt.h str.h now.h datetime.h case.h quote.h qmail.h \
substdio.h slurpclose.h myctime.h gfrom.h auto_patrn.h
./compile qmail-local.c
qmail-log.0: \
nroff -man qmail-log.5 > qmail-log.0
qmail-lspawn: \
load qmail-lspawn.o spawn.o prot.o slurpclose.o coe.o sig.a wait.a \
case.a cdb.a fd.a open.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
fs.a auto_qmail.o auto_uids.o auto_spawn.o
./load qmail-lspawn spawn.o prot.o slurpclose.o coe.o \
sig.a wait.a case.a cdb.a fd.a open.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o auto_uids.o \
qmail-lspawn.0: \
nroff -man qmail-lspawn.8 > qmail-lspawn.0
qmail-lspawn.o: \
compile qmail-lspawn.c fd.h wait.h prot.h substdio.h stralloc.h \
gen_alloc.h scan.h exit.h fork.h error.h cdb.h uint32.h case.h \
slurpclose.h auto_qmail.h auto_uids.h qlx.h
./compile qmail-lspawn.c
qmail-newmrh: \
load qmail-newmrh.o cdbmss.o getln.a open.a cdbmake.a seek.a case.a \
stralloc.a alloc.a strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a auto_qmail.o
./load qmail-newmrh cdbmss.o getln.a open.a cdbmake.a \
seek.a case.a stralloc.a alloc.a strerr.a substdio.a \
error.a str.a auto_qmail.o
qmail-newmrh.0: \
nroff -man qmail-newmrh.8 > qmail-newmrh.0
qmail-newmrh.8: \
qmail-newmrh.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-newmrh.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-newmrh.8
qmail-newmrh.o: \
compile qmail-newmrh.c strerr.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h substdio.h \
getln.h exit.h readwrite.h open.h auto_qmail.h cdbmss.h cdbmake.h \
uint32.h substdio.h
./compile qmail-newmrh.c
qmail-newu: \
load qmail-newu.o cdbmss.o getln.a open.a seek.a cdbmake.a case.a \
stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a auto_qmail.o
./load qmail-newu cdbmss.o getln.a open.a seek.a cdbmake.a \
case.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
qmail-newu.0: \
nroff -man qmail-newu.8 > qmail-newu.0
qmail-newu.8: \
qmail-newu.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-newu.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-newu.8
qmail-newu.o: \
compile qmail-newu.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h subfd.h substdio.h \
getln.h substdio.h cdbmss.h cdbmake.h uint32.h substdio.h exit.h \
readwrite.h open.h error.h case.h auto_qmail.h
./compile qmail-newu.c
qmail-pop3d: \
load qmail-pop3d.o commands.o case.a timeoutread.o timeoutwrite.o \
maildir.o prioq.o now.o env.a strerr.a sig.a open.a getln.a \
stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a socket.lib
./load qmail-pop3d commands.o case.a timeoutread.o \
timeoutwrite.o maildir.o prioq.o now.o env.a strerr.a sig.a \
open.a getln.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
fs.a `cat socket.lib`
qmail-pop3d.0: \
nroff -man qmail-pop3d.8 > qmail-pop3d.0
qmail-pop3d.o: \
compile qmail-pop3d.c commands.h sig.h getln.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
substdio.h alloc.h open.h prioq.h datetime.h gen_alloc.h scan.h fmt.h \
str.h exit.h maildir.h strerr.h readwrite.h timeoutread.h \
./compile qmail-pop3d.c
qmail-popup: \
load qmail-popup.o commands.o timeoutread.o timeoutwrite.o now.o \
case.a fd.a sig.a wait.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
fs.a socket.lib
./load qmail-popup commands.o timeoutread.o timeoutwrite.o \
now.o case.a fd.a sig.a wait.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a `cat socket.lib`
qmail-popup.0: \
nroff -man qmail-popup.8 > qmail-popup.0
qmail-popup.o: \
compile qmail-popup.c commands.h fd.h sig.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
substdio.h alloc.h wait.h str.h byte.h now.h datetime.h fmt.h exit.h \
readwrite.h timeoutread.h timeoutwrite.h
./compile qmail-popup.c
qmail-pw2u: \
load qmail-pw2u.o constmap.o control.o open.a getln.a case.a getopt.a \
stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_usera.o \
auto_break.o auto_qmail.o
./load qmail-pw2u constmap.o control.o open.a getln.a \
case.a getopt.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
fs.a auto_usera.o auto_break.o auto_qmail.o
qmail-pw2u.0: \
nroff -man qmail-pw2u.8 > qmail-pw2u.0
qmail-pw2u.8: \
qmail-pw2u.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-pw2u.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-pw2u.8
qmail-pw2u.o: \
compile qmail-pw2u.c substdio.h readwrite.h subfd.h substdio.h \
sgetopt.h subgetopt.h control.h constmap.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
fmt.h str.h scan.h open.h error.h getln.h auto_break.h auto_qmail.h \
./compile qmail-pw2u.c
qmail-qmqpc: \
load qmail-qmqpc.o slurpclose.o timeoutread.o timeoutwrite.o \
timeoutconn.o ip.o control.o auto_qmail.o sig.a ndelay.a open.a \
getln.a substdio.a stralloc.a alloc.a error.a str.a fs.a socket.lib
./load qmail-qmqpc slurpclose.o timeoutread.o \
timeoutwrite.o timeoutconn.o ip.o control.o auto_qmail.o \
sig.a ndelay.a open.a getln.a substdio.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
error.a str.a fs.a `cat socket.lib`
qmail-qmqpc.0: \
nroff -man qmail-qmqpc.8 > qmail-qmqpc.0
qmail-qmqpc.o: \
compile qmail-qmqpc.c substdio.h getln.h readwrite.h exit.h \
stralloc.h gen_alloc.h slurpclose.h error.h sig.h ip.h timeoutconn.h \
timeoutread.h timeoutwrite.h auto_qmail.h control.h fmt.h
./compile qmail-qmqpc.c
qmail-qmqpd: \
load qmail-qmqpd.o received.o now.o date822fmt.o qmail.o auto_qmail.o \
env.a substdio.a sig.a error.a wait.a fd.a str.a datetime.a fs.a
./load qmail-qmqpd received.o now.o date822fmt.o qmail.o \
auto_qmail.o env.a substdio.a sig.a error.a wait.a fd.a \
str.a datetime.a fs.a
qmail-qmqpd.0: \
nroff -man qmail-qmqpd.8 > qmail-qmqpd.0
qmail-qmqpd.o: \
compile qmail-qmqpd.c auto_qmail.h qmail.h substdio.h received.h \
sig.h substdio.h readwrite.h exit.h now.h datetime.h fmt.h env.h
./compile qmail-qmqpd.c
qmail-qmtpd: \
load qmail-qmtpd.o rcpthosts.o control.o constmap.o received.o \
date822fmt.o now.o qmail.o cdb.a fd.a wait.a datetime.a open.a \
getln.a sig.a case.a env.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
./load qmail-qmtpd rcpthosts.o control.o constmap.o \
received.o date822fmt.o now.o qmail.o cdb.a fd.a wait.a \
datetime.a open.a getln.a sig.a case.a env.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
qmail-qmtpd.0: \
nroff -man qmail-qmtpd.8 > qmail-qmtpd.0
qmail-qmtpd.o: \
compile qmail-qmtpd.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h substdio.h qmail.h \
substdio.h now.h datetime.h str.h fmt.h env.h sig.h rcpthosts.h \
auto_qmail.h readwrite.h control.h received.h
./compile qmail-qmtpd.c
qmail-qread: \
load qmail-qread.o fmtqfn.o readsubdir.o date822fmt.o datetime.a \
open.a getln.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a \
auto_qmail.o auto_split.o
./load qmail-qread fmtqfn.o readsubdir.o date822fmt.o \
datetime.a open.a getln.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a \
error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o auto_split.o
qmail-qread.0: \
nroff -man qmail-qread.8 > qmail-qread.0
qmail-qread.o: \
compile qmail-qread.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h substdio.h subfd.h \
substdio.h fmt.h str.h getln.h fmtqfn.h readsubdir.h direntry.h \
auto_qmail.h open.h datetime.h date822fmt.h readwrite.h error.h \
./compile qmail-qread.c
qmail-qstat: \
warn-auto.sh qmail-qstat.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh qmail-qstat.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> qmail-qstat
chmod 755 qmail-qstat
qmail-qstat.0: \
nroff -man qmail-qstat.8 > qmail-qstat.0
qmail-queue: \
load qmail-queue.o triggerpull.o fmtqfn.o now.o date822fmt.o \
datetime.a seek.a ndelay.a open.a sig.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o auto_split.o auto_uids.o
./load qmail-queue triggerpull.o fmtqfn.o now.o \
date822fmt.o datetime.a seek.a ndelay.a open.a sig.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o \
auto_split.o auto_uids.o
qmail-queue.0: \
nroff -man qmail-queue.8 > qmail-queue.0
qmail-queue.o: \
compile qmail-queue.c readwrite.h sig.h exit.h open.h seek.h fmt.h \
alloc.h substdio.h datetime.h now.h datetime.h triggerpull.h extra.h \
auto_qmail.h auto_uids.h date822fmt.h fmtqfn.h
./compile qmail-queue.c
qmail-remote: \
load qmail-remote.o control.o constmap.o timeoutread.o timeoutwrite.o \
timeoutconn.o tcpto.o now.o dns.o ip.o ipalloc.o ipme.o quote.o \
ndelay.a case.a sig.a open.a lock.a seek.a getln.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o dns.lib socket.lib
./load qmail-remote control.o constmap.o timeoutread.o \
timeoutwrite.o timeoutconn.o tcpto.o now.o dns.o ip.o \
ipalloc.o ipme.o quote.o ndelay.a case.a sig.a open.a \
lock.a seek.a getln.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o `cat dns.lib` `cat socket.lib`
qmail-remote.0: \
nroff -man qmail-remote.8 > qmail-remote.0
qmail-remote.o: \
compile qmail-remote.c sig.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h substdio.h \
subfd.h substdio.h scan.h case.h error.h auto_qmail.h control.h dns.h \
alloc.h quote.h ip.h ipalloc.h ip.h gen_alloc.h ipme.h ip.h ipalloc.h \
gen_alloc.h gen_allocdefs.h str.h now.h datetime.h exit.h constmap.h \
tcpto.h readwrite.h timeoutconn.h timeoutread.h timeoutwrite.h
./compile qmail-remote.c
qmail-rspawn: \
load qmail-rspawn.o spawn.o tcpto_clean.o now.o coe.o sig.a open.a \
seek.a lock.a wait.a fd.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
auto_qmail.o auto_uids.o auto_spawn.o
./load qmail-rspawn spawn.o tcpto_clean.o now.o coe.o \
sig.a open.a seek.a lock.a wait.a fd.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a auto_qmail.o auto_uids.o \
qmail-rspawn.0: \
nroff -man qmail-rspawn.8 > qmail-rspawn.0
qmail-rspawn.o: \
compile qmail-rspawn.c fd.h wait.h substdio.h exit.h fork.h error.h \
./compile qmail-rspawn.c
qmail-send: \
load qmail-send.o qsutil.o control.o constmap.o newfield.o prioq.o \
trigger.o fmtqfn.o quote.o now.o readsubdir.o connect_mysql.o \
checkuser_mysql.o getpw_mysql.o vdoms_mysql.o make_query.o do_query.o qmail.o date822fmt.o auto_break.o \
datetime.a case.a ndelay.a getln.a wait.a seek.a fd.a sig.a open.a \
lock.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o \
./load qmail-send qsutil.o control.o constmap.o newfield.o \
prioq.o trigger.o fmtqfn.o quote.o now.o readsubdir.o \
connect_mysql.o checkuser_mysql.o getpw_mysql.o vdoms_mysql.o \
make_query.o do_query.o qmail.o date822fmt.o datetime.a case.a ndelay.a getln.a auto_break.o \
wait.a seek.a fd.a sig.a open.a lock.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o auto_split.o \
qmail-send.0: \
nroff -man qmail-send.8 > qmail-send.0
qmail-send.8: \
qmail-send.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-send.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-send.8
qmail-send.o: \
compile qmail-send.c readwrite.h sig.h direntry.h control.h select.h \
open.h seek.h exit.h lock.h ndelay.h now.h datetime.h getln.h \
substdio.h alloc.h error.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h str.h byte.h fmt.h \
scan.h case.h auto_qmail.h trigger.h newfield.h stralloc.h quote.h \
qmail.h substdio.h qsutil.h prioq.h datetime.h gen_alloc.h constmap.h \
fmtqfn.h readsubdir.h direntry.h
./compile qmail-send.c $(MYSQL_INCLUDE)
qmail-showctl: \
load qmail-showctl.o auto_uids.o control.o open.a getln.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o auto_break.o \
auto_patrn.o auto_spawn.o auto_split.o
./load qmail-showctl auto_uids.o control.o open.a getln.a \
stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a \
auto_qmail.o auto_break.o auto_patrn.o auto_spawn.o \
qmail-showctl.0: \
nroff -man qmail-showctl.8 > qmail-showctl.0
qmail-showctl.o: \
compile qmail-showctl.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h exit.h fmt.h \
str.h control.h constmap.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h direntry.h \
auto_uids.h auto_qmail.h auto_break.h auto_patrn.h auto_spawn.h \
./compile qmail-showctl.c
qmail-smtpd: \
load qmail-smtpd.o rcpthosts.o commands.o timeoutread.o \
timeoutwrite.o ip.o ipme.o ipalloc.o control.o constmap.o received.o \
date822fmt.o now.o qmail.o connect_mysql.o rcpthosts_mysql.o \
qsutil.o do_query.o cdb.a fd.a wait.a datetime.a getln.a \
open.a sig.a case.a env.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
fs.a auto_qmail.o socket.lib
./load qmail-smtpd rcpthosts.o commands.o timeoutread.o \
timeoutwrite.o ip.o ipme.o ipalloc.o control.o constmap.o \
qsutil.o received.o date822fmt.o now.o qmail.o connect_mysql.o \
rcpthosts_mysql.o do_query.o cdb.a fd.a wait.a \
datetime.a getln.a open.a sig.a case.a env.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o `cat \
socket.lib` $(MYSQL_LIBS)
qmail-smtpd.0: \
nroff -man qmail-smtpd.8 > qmail-smtpd.0
qmail-smtpd.o: \
compile qmail-smtpd.c sig.h readwrite.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
substdio.h alloc.h auto_qmail.h control.h received.h constmap.h \
error.h ipme.h ip.h ipalloc.h ip.h gen_alloc.h ip.h qmail.h \
substdio.h str.h fmt.h scan.h byte.h case.h env.h now.h datetime.h \
exit.h rcpthosts.h timeoutread.h timeoutwrite.h commands.h
./compile qmail-smtpd.c
qmail-start: \
load qmail-start.o prot.o fd.a auto_uids.o
./load qmail-start prot.o fd.a auto_uids.o
qmail-start.0: \
nroff -man qmail-start.8 > qmail-start.0
qmail-start.8: \
qmail-start.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-start.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-start.8
qmail-start.o: \
compile qmail-start.c fd.h prot.h exit.h fork.h auto_uids.h
./compile qmail-start.c
qmail-tcpok: \
load qmail-tcpok.o open.a lock.a strerr.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
./load qmail-tcpok open.a lock.a strerr.a substdio.a \
error.a str.a auto_qmail.o
qmail-tcpok.0: \
nroff -man qmail-tcpok.8 > qmail-tcpok.0
qmail-tcpok.o: \
compile qmail-tcpok.c strerr.h substdio.h lock.h open.h readwrite.h \
auto_qmail.h exit.h
./compile qmail-tcpok.c
qmail-tcpto: \
load qmail-tcpto.o ip.o now.o open.a lock.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
fs.a auto_qmail.o
./load qmail-tcpto ip.o now.o open.a lock.a substdio.a \
error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o
qmail-tcpto.0: \
nroff -man qmail-tcpto.8 > qmail-tcpto.0
qmail-tcpto.o: \
compile qmail-tcpto.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h auto_qmail.h \
fmt.h ip.h lock.h error.h exit.h datetime.h now.h datetime.h
./compile qmail-tcpto.c
qmail-upq: \
warn-auto.sh qmail-upq.sh conf-qmail conf-break conf-split
cat warn-auto.sh qmail-upq.sh \
| sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPLIT}"`head -1 conf-split`"}g \
> qmail-upq
chmod 755 qmail-upq
qmail-users.0: \
nroff -man qmail-users.5 > qmail-users.0
qmail-users.5: \
qmail-users.9 conf-break conf-spawn
cat qmail-users.9 \
| sed s}QMAILHOME}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g \
| sed s}BREAK}"`head -1 conf-break`"}g \
| sed s}SPAWN}"`head -1 conf-spawn`"}g \
> qmail-users.5
qmail.0: \
nroff -man qmail.7 > qmail.0
qmail.o: \
compile qmail.c substdio.h readwrite.h wait.h exit.h fork.h fd.h \
qmail.h substdio.h auto_qmail.h
./compile qmail.c
qreceipt: \
load qreceipt.o headerbody.o hfield.o quote.o token822.o qmail.o \
getln.a fd.a wait.a sig.a env.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
str.a auto_qmail.o
./load qreceipt headerbody.o hfield.o quote.o token822.o \
qmail.o getln.a fd.a wait.a sig.a env.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
substdio.a error.a str.a auto_qmail.o
qreceipt.0: \
nroff -man qreceipt.1 > qreceipt.0
qreceipt.o: \
compile qreceipt.c sig.h env.h substdio.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
subfd.h substdio.h getln.h alloc.h str.h hfield.h token822.h \
gen_alloc.h error.h gen_alloc.h gen_allocdefs.h headerbody.h exit.h \
open.h quote.h qmail.h substdio.h
./compile qreceipt.c
qsmhook: \
load qsmhook.o sig.a case.a fd.a wait.a getopt.a env.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a
./load qsmhook sig.a case.a fd.a wait.a getopt.a env.a \
stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a
qsmhook.o: \
compile qsmhook.c fd.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h readwrite.h sgetopt.h \
subgetopt.h wait.h env.h byte.h str.h alloc.h exit.h fork.h case.h \
subfd.h substdio.h error.h substdio.h sig.h
./compile qsmhook.c
qsutil.o: \
compile qsutil.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h readwrite.h substdio.h \
./compile qsutil.c
quote.o: \
compile quote.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h str.h quote.h
./compile quote.c
rcpthosts.o: \
compile rcpthosts.c cdb.h uint32.h byte.h open.h error.h control.h \
constmap.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h rcpthosts.h
./compile rcpthosts.c
readsubdir.o: \
compile readsubdir.c readsubdir.h direntry.h fmt.h scan.h str.h \
./compile readsubdir.c
received.o: \
compile received.c fmt.h qmail.h substdio.h now.h datetime.h \
datetime.h date822fmt.h received.h
./compile received.c
remoteinfo.o: \
compile remoteinfo.c byte.h substdio.h ip.h fmt.h timeoutconn.h \
timeoutread.h timeoutwrite.h remoteinfo.h
./compile remoteinfo.c
scan_8long.o: \
compile scan_8long.c scan.h
./compile scan_8long.c
scan_ulong.o: \
compile scan_ulong.c scan.h
./compile scan_ulong.c
seek.a: \
makelib seek_cur.o seek_end.o seek_set.o seek_trunc.o
./makelib seek.a seek_cur.o seek_end.o seek_set.o \
seek_cur.o: \
compile seek_cur.c seek.h
./compile seek_cur.c
seek_end.o: \
compile seek_end.c seek.h
./compile seek_end.c
seek_set.o: \
compile seek_set.c seek.h
./compile seek_set.c
seek_trunc.o: \
compile seek_trunc.c seek.h
./compile seek_trunc.c
select.h: \
compile trysysel.c select.h1 select.h2
( ./compile trysysel.c >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& cat select.h2 || cat select.h1 ) > select.h
rm -f trysysel.o trysysel
sendmail: \
load sendmail.o env.a getopt.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
./load sendmail env.a getopt.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
str.a auto_qmail.o
sendmail.o: \
compile sendmail.c sgetopt.h subgetopt.h substdio.h subfd.h \
substdio.h alloc.h auto_qmail.h exit.h env.h str.h
./compile sendmail.c
setup: \
it man
sgetopt.o: \
compile sgetopt.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h sgetopt.h subgetopt.h \
./compile sgetopt.c
shar: \
REMOVE.sendmail REMOVE.binmail TEST.deliver TEST.receive UPGRADE \
PIC.local2alias PIC.local2ext PIC.local2local PIC.local2rem \
PIC.local2virt PIC.nullclient PIC.relaybad PIC.relaygood \
BIN.Makefile BIN.setup idedit.c conf-break auto_break.h conf-spawn \
auto_spawn.h chkspawn.c conf-split auto_split.h conf-patrn \
auto_patrn.h conf-users conf-groups auto_uids.h auto_usera.h extra.h \
addresses.5 except.1 bouncesaying.1 condredirect.1 dot-qmail.9 \
envelopes.5 forgeries.7 forward.1 maildir2mbox.1 maildirmake.1 \
maildirwatch.1 mailsubj.1 mbox.5 preline.1 qbiff.1 qmail-clean.8 \
qmail-command.8 qmail-control.9 qmail-getpw.9 qmail-header.5 \
qmail-inject.8 qmail-limits.9 qmail-local.8 qmail-log.5 \
qmail-lspawn.8 qmail-newmrh.9 qmail-newu.9 qmail-pop3d.8 \
qmail-popup.8 qmail-pw2u.9 qmail-qmqpc.8 qmail-qmqpd.8 qmail-qmtpd.8 \
qmail-qread.8 qmail-qstat.8 qmail-queue.8 qmail-remote.8 \
qmail-rspawn.8 qmail-send.9 qmail-showctl.8 qmail-smtpd.8 \
qmail-start.9 qmail-tcpok.8 qmail-tcpto.8 qmail-users.9 qmail.7 \
qreceipt.1 splogger.8 tcp-env.1 config.sh config-fast.sh \
qmail-clean.c qmail-getpw.c qmail-inject.c qmail-local.c \
qmail-lspawn.c qmail-newmrh.c qmail-newu.c qmail-pop3d.c \
qmail-popup.c qmail-pw2u.c qmail-qmqpc.c qmail-qmqpd.c qmail-qmtpd.c \
qmail-qread.c qmail-qstat.sh qmail-queue.c qmail-remote.c \
qmail-rspawn.c qmail-send.c qmail-showctl.c qmail-smtpd.c \
qmail-start.c qmail-tcpok.c qmail-tcpto.c spawn.c dnscname.c dnsfq.c \
dnsip.c dnsmxip.c dnsptr.c hostname.c ipmeprint.c tcp-env.c \
sendmail.c qreceipt.c qsmhook.c qbiff.c forward.c preline.c predate.c \
except.c bouncesaying.c condredirect.c maildirmake.c maildir2mbox.c \
maildirwatch.c splogger.c qail.sh elq.sh pinq.sh qmail-upq.sh \
datemail.sh mailsubj.sh qlx.h rcpthosts.h rcpthosts.c commands.h \
commands.c dnsdoe.h dnsdoe.c fmtqfn.h fmtqfn.c gfrom.h gfrom.c \
myctime.h myctime.c newfield.h newfield.c qsutil.h qsutil.c \
readsubdir.h readsubdir.c received.h received.c tcpto.h tcpto.c \
tcpto_clean.c trigger.h trigger.c triggerpull.h triggerpull.c \
trynpbg1.c trysyslog.c conf-cc conf-ld home.sh home+df.sh proc.sh \
proc+df.sh binm1.sh binm2.sh binm3.sh binm1+df.sh binm2+df.sh \
binm3+df.sh find-systype.sh make-compile.sh make-load.sh \
make-makelib.sh trycpp.c warn-auto.sh auto-str.c auto-int.c \
auto-int8.c auto-gid.c auto-uid.c hier.c install.c instcheck.c \
install-big.c alloc.3 alloc.h alloc.c alloc_re.c case.3 case.h \
case_diffb.c case_diffs.c case_lowerb.c case_lowers.c case_starts.c \
cdb.3 cdb.h cdb_hash.c cdb_seek.c cdb_unpack.c cdbmake.h \
cdbmake_add.c cdbmake_hash.c cdbmake_pack.c cdbmss.h cdbmss.c coe.3 \
coe.h coe.c fd.h fd_copy.3 fd_copy.c fd_move.3 fd_move.c fifo_make.3 \
fifo.h fifo.c trymkffo.c fork.h1 fork.h2 tryvfork.c now.3 now.h now.c \
open.h open_append.c open_excl.c open_read.c open_trunc.c \
open_write.c seek.h seek_cur.c seek_end.c seek_set.c seek_trunc.c \
conf-qmail auto_qmail.h qmail.h qmail.c gen_alloc.h gen_allocdefs.h \
stralloc.3 stralloc.h stralloc_eady.c stralloc_pend.c stralloc_copy.c \
stralloc_opyb.c stralloc_opys.c stralloc_cat.c stralloc_catb.c \
stralloc_cats.c stralloc_arts.c strerr.h strerr_sys.c strerr_die.c \
substdio.h substdio.c substdi.c substdo.c substdio_copy.c subfd.h \
subfderr.c subfdouts.c subfdout.c subfdins.c subfdin.c readwrite.h \
exit.h timeoutconn.h timeoutconn.c timeoutread.h timeoutread.c \
timeoutwrite.h timeoutwrite.c remoteinfo.h remoteinfo.c uint32.h1 \
uint32.h2 tryulong32.c wait.3 wait.h wait_pid.c wait_nohang.c \
trywaitp.c sig.h sig_alarm.c sig_block.c sig_catch.c sig_pause.c \
sig_pipe.c sig_child.c sig_term.c sig_hup.c sig_misc.c sig_bug.c \
trysgact.c trysgprm.c env.3 env.h env.c envread.c byte.h byte_chr.c \
byte_copy.c byte_cr.c byte_diff.c byte_rchr.c byte_zero.c str.h \
str_chr.c str_cpy.c str_diff.c str_diffn.c str_len.c str_rchr.c \
str_start.c lock.h lock_ex.c lock_exnb.c lock_un.c tryflock.c getln.3 \
getln.h getln.c getln2.3 getln2.c sgetopt.3 sgetopt.h sgetopt.c \
subgetopt.3 subgetopt.h subgetopt.c error.3 error_str.3 error_temp.3 \
error.h error.c error_str.c error_temp.c fmt.h fmt_str.c fmt_strn.c \
fmt_uint.c fmt_uint0.c fmt_ulong.c scan.h scan_ulong.c scan_8long.c \
slurpclose.h slurpclose.c quote.h quote.c hfield.h hfield.c \
headerbody.h headerbody.c token822.h token822.c control.h control.c \
datetime.3 datetime.h datetime.c datetime_un.c prioq.h prioq.c \
date822fmt.h date822fmt.c dns.h dns.c trylsock.c tryrsolv.c ip.h ip.c \
ipalloc.h ipalloc.c select.h1 select.h2 trysysel.c ndelay.h ndelay.c \
ndelay_off.c direntry.3 direntry.h1 direntry.h2 trydrent.c prot.h \
prot.c chkshsgr.c warn-shsgr tryshsgr.c ipme.h ipme.c trysalen.c \
maildir.5 maildir.h maildir.c tcp-environ.5 constmap.h constmap.c
shar -m `cat FILES` > shar
chmod 400 shar
sig.a: \
makelib sig_alarm.o sig_block.o sig_catch.o sig_pause.o sig_pipe.o \
sig_child.o sig_hup.o sig_term.o sig_bug.o sig_misc.o
./makelib sig.a sig_alarm.o sig_block.o sig_catch.o \
sig_pause.o sig_pipe.o sig_child.o sig_hup.o sig_term.o \
sig_bug.o sig_misc.o
sig_alarm.o: \
compile sig_alarm.c sig.h
./compile sig_alarm.c
sig_block.o: \
compile sig_block.c sig.h hassgprm.h
./compile sig_block.c
sig_bug.o: \
compile sig_bug.c sig.h
./compile sig_bug.c
sig_catch.o: \
compile sig_catch.c sig.h hassgact.h
./compile sig_catch.c
sig_child.o: \
compile sig_child.c sig.h
./compile sig_child.c
sig_hup.o: \
compile sig_hup.c sig.h
./compile sig_hup.c
sig_misc.o: \
compile sig_misc.c sig.h
./compile sig_misc.c
sig_pause.o: \
compile sig_pause.c sig.h hassgprm.h
./compile sig_pause.c
sig_pipe.o: \
compile sig_pipe.c sig.h
./compile sig_pipe.c
sig_term.o: \
compile sig_term.c sig.h
./compile sig_term.c
slurpclose.o: \
compile slurpclose.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h readwrite.h slurpclose.h \
./compile slurpclose.c
socket.lib: \
trylsock.c compile load
( ( ./compile trylsock.c && \
./load trylsock -lsocket -lnsl ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& echo -lsocket -lnsl || exit 0 ) > socket.lib
rm -f trylsock.o trylsock
spawn.o: \
compile chkspawn spawn.c sig.h wait.h substdio.h byte.h str.h \
stralloc.h gen_alloc.h select.h exit.h coe.h open.h error.h \
auto_qmail.h auto_uids.h auto_spawn.h
./compile spawn.c
splogger: \
load splogger.o substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a syslog.lib socket.lib
./load splogger substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a `cat \
syslog.lib` `cat socket.lib`
splogger.0: \
nroff -man splogger.8 > splogger.0
splogger.o: \
compile splogger.c error.h substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h exit.h str.h \
scan.h fmt.h
./compile splogger.c
str.a: \
makelib str_len.o str_diff.o str_diffn.o str_cpy.o str_chr.o \
str_rchr.o str_start.o byte_chr.o byte_rchr.o byte_diff.o byte_copy.o \
byte_cr.o byte_zero.o
./makelib str.a str_len.o str_diff.o str_diffn.o str_cpy.o \
str_chr.o str_rchr.o str_start.o byte_chr.o byte_rchr.o \
byte_diff.o byte_copy.o byte_cr.o byte_zero.o
str_chr.o: \
compile str_chr.c str.h
./compile str_chr.c
str_cpy.o: \
compile str_cpy.c str.h
./compile str_cpy.c
str_diff.o: \
compile str_diff.c str.h
./compile str_diff.c
str_diffn.o: \
compile str_diffn.c str.h
./compile str_diffn.c
str_len.o: \
compile str_len.c str.h
./compile str_len.c
str_rchr.o: \
compile str_rchr.c str.h
./compile str_rchr.c
str_start.o: \
compile str_start.c str.h
./compile str_start.c
stralloc.a: \
makelib stralloc_eady.o stralloc_pend.o stralloc_copy.o \
stralloc_opys.o stralloc_opyb.o stralloc_cat.o stralloc_cats.o \
stralloc_catb.o stralloc_arts.o stralloc_free.o
./makelib stralloc.a stralloc_eady.o stralloc_pend.o \
stralloc_copy.o stralloc_opys.o stralloc_opyb.o \
stralloc_cat.o stralloc_cats.o stralloc_catb.o \
stralloc_arts.o stralloc_free.o
stralloc_arts.o: \
compile stralloc_arts.c byte.h str.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h
./compile stralloc_arts.c
stralloc_cat.o: \
compile stralloc_cat.c byte.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h
./compile stralloc_cat.c
stralloc_catb.o: \
compile stralloc_catb.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h byte.h
./compile stralloc_catb.c
stralloc_cats.o: \
compile stralloc_cats.c byte.h str.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h
./compile stralloc_cats.c
stralloc_copy.o: \
compile stralloc_copy.c byte.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h
./compile stralloc_copy.c
stralloc_free.o: \
compile stralloc_free.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h
./compile stralloc_free.c
stralloc_eady.o: \
compile stralloc_eady.c alloc.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
./compile stralloc_eady.c
stralloc_opyb.o: \
compile stralloc_opyb.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h byte.h
./compile stralloc_opyb.c
stralloc_opys.o: \
compile stralloc_opys.c byte.h str.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h
./compile stralloc_opys.c
stralloc_pend.o: \
compile stralloc_pend.c alloc.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
./compile stralloc_pend.c
strerr.a: \
makelib strerr_sys.o strerr_die.o
./makelib strerr.a strerr_sys.o strerr_die.o
strerr_die.o: \
compile strerr_die.c substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h exit.h strerr.h
./compile strerr_die.c
strerr_sys.o: \
compile strerr_sys.c error.h strerr.h
./compile strerr_sys.c
subfderr.o: \
compile subfderr.c readwrite.h substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h
./compile subfderr.c
subfdin.o: \
compile subfdin.c readwrite.h substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h
./compile subfdin.c
subfdins.o: \
compile subfdins.c readwrite.h substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h
./compile subfdins.c
subfdout.o: \
compile subfdout.c readwrite.h substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h
./compile subfdout.c
subfdouts.o: \
compile subfdouts.c readwrite.h substdio.h subfd.h substdio.h
./compile subfdouts.c
subgetopt.o: \
compile subgetopt.c subgetopt.h
./compile subgetopt.c
substdi.o: \
compile substdi.c substdio.h byte.h error.h
./compile substdi.c
substdio.a: \
makelib substdio.o substdi.o substdo.o subfderr.o subfdout.o \
subfdouts.o subfdin.o subfdins.o substdio_copy.o
./makelib substdio.a substdio.o substdi.o substdo.o \
subfderr.o subfdout.o subfdouts.o subfdin.o subfdins.o \
substdio.o: \
compile substdio.c substdio.h
./compile substdio.c
substdio_copy.o: \
compile substdio_copy.c substdio.h
./compile substdio_copy.c
substdo.o: \
compile substdo.c substdio.h str.h byte.h error.h
./compile substdo.c
syslog.lib: \
trysyslog.c compile load
( ( ./compile trysyslog.c && \
./load trysyslog -lgen ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& echo -lgen || exit 0 ) > syslog.lib
rm -f trysyslog.o trysyslog
systype: \
find-systype trycpp.c
./find-systype > systype
tcp-env: \
load tcp-env.o dns.o remoteinfo.o timeoutread.o timeoutwrite.o \
timeoutconn.o ip.o ipalloc.o case.a ndelay.a sig.a env.a getopt.a \
stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a dns.lib socket.lib
./load tcp-env dns.o remoteinfo.o timeoutread.o \
timeoutwrite.o timeoutconn.o ip.o ipalloc.o case.a ndelay.a \
sig.a env.a getopt.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
str.a fs.a `cat dns.lib` `cat socket.lib`
tcp-env.0: \
nroff -man tcp-env.1 > tcp-env.0
tcp-env.o: \
compile tcp-env.c sig.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h str.h env.h fmt.h \
scan.h subgetopt.h ip.h dns.h byte.h remoteinfo.h exit.h case.h
./compile tcp-env.c
tcp-environ.0: \
nroff -man tcp-environ.5 > tcp-environ.0
tcpto.o: \
compile tcpto.c tcpto.h open.h lock.h seek.h now.h datetime.h ip.h \
byte.h datetime.h readwrite.h
./compile tcpto.c
tcpto_clean.o: \
compile tcpto_clean.c tcpto.h open.h substdio.h readwrite.h
./compile tcpto_clean.c
timeoutconn.o: \
compile timeoutconn.c ndelay.h select.h error.h readwrite.h ip.h \
byte.h timeoutconn.h
./compile timeoutconn.c
timeoutread.o: \
compile timeoutread.c timeoutread.h select.h error.h readwrite.h
./compile timeoutread.c
timeoutwrite.o: \
compile timeoutwrite.c timeoutwrite.h select.h error.h readwrite.h
./compile timeoutwrite.c
token822.o: \
compile token822.c stralloc.h gen_alloc.h alloc.h str.h token822.h \
gen_alloc.h gen_allocdefs.h
./compile token822.c
trigger.o: \
compile trigger.c select.h open.h trigger.h hasnpbg1.h
./compile trigger.c
triggerpull.o: \
compile triggerpull.c ndelay.h open.h triggerpull.h
./compile triggerpull.c
uint32.h: \
tryulong32.c compile load uint32.h1 uint32.h2
( ( ./compile tryulong32.c && ./load tryulong32 && \
./tryulong32 ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& cat uint32.h2 || cat uint32.h1 ) > uint32.h
rm -f tryulong32.o tryulong32
wait.a: \
makelib wait_pid.o wait_nohang.o
./makelib wait.a wait_pid.o wait_nohang.o
wait_nohang.o: \
compile wait_nohang.c haswaitp.h
./compile wait_nohang.c
wait_pid.o: \
compile wait_pid.c error.h haswaitp.h
./compile wait_pid.c
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1