=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Congratulations! Qmail-Scanner is now installed! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ATTENTION!!! For qmail-scanner work correctly, be sure to have QMAILQUEUE patch applied on your qmail. Please, configure correctly your anti-virus and anti-spam. You HAVE to reinstall this port each time you add or remove an Anti-Virus or Anti-Spam; Now configure the environment variable to use qmail-scanner: You just need to add for your tcpserver file (generally called as: tcp.smtp): QMAILQUEUE="%%PREFIX%%/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl" Or create an new file in /service/smtpd/env, with the following content and called as "QMAILQUEUE": %%PREFIX%%/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl NOTE: always you change anything in your environment dir, you just need to restart your smtpd, for it use: "svc -k /service/smtpd". You can test your installation by running 'make test' in port dir. Remember to rename quarantine-events.txt.sample in /var/spool/qscand and then run "qmail-scanner-queue.pl -g" to generate DB version. Please log into an unpriviledged account and run %%PREFIX%%/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl -g