#!/bin/csh -f # # $FreeBSD: ports/mail/qmail/files/pkg-install.in,v 1.4 2006/01/30 16:25:14 garga Exp $ # # Author : Marcos Tischer Vallim # E-Mail : tischer@gmail.com # Date : Tue Mar 22 00:40:45 BRT 2005 set path = ( /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin ) if ($uid != 0) then echo "It is necessary to add missing qmail users/groups at"; echo "this stage. Please either add them manually or retry"; echo "as root."; exit 1; endif if (! -x `which pw`) then echo "This system looks like a pre-2.2 version of FreeBSD. We see that it"; echo "is missing the "pw" utility. We need this utility. Please get and"; echo "install it, and try again. You can get the source from:"; echo ""; echo " ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/FreeBSD-current/src/usr.sbin/pw.tar.gz"; echo ""; echo "No pw"; exit 1; endif switch ($argv[2]) case "PRE-INSTALL": set groups = (qmail qnofiles); set gids = (82 81); set users = (alias qmaild qmaill qmailp qmailq qmailr qmails); set users_g = (qnofiles qnofiles qnofiles qnofiles qmail qmail qmail); set uids = (81 82 83 84 85 86 87); set k = 1; foreach group ($groups) pw groupshow $group >& /dev/null; if ($status) then pw groupadd $group -g $gids[$k]; if ($status) then echo "Failed to add group '$group' as gid '$gids[$k]'"; exit 1; endif endif set chkgid = (`pw groupshow $group | sed -e "s,:, ,g"`); if ($chkgid[3] != $gids[$k]) then echo "Group '$group' should have gid '$gids[$k]'"; exit 1; endif @ k++; end set k = 1; foreach user ($users) pw usershow $user >& /dev/null; if ($status) then if ($user == "alias") then set home = ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias; else set home = ${PKG_PREFIX}; endif pw useradd $user -g $users_g[$k] -d $home -s /nonexistent -u $uids[$k]; if ($status) then echo "Failed to add user '$user' as uid '$uids[$k]'"; exit 1; endif endif set chkuid = (`pw usershow $user | sed -e "s,:, ,g"`); if ($chkuid[3] != $uids[$k]) then echo "User '$user' should have uid '$uids[$k]'"; exit 1; endif @ k++; end breaksw; case "POST-INSTALL": ${PKG_PREFIX}/configure/install x; if ( ! `filetest -e ${PKG_PREFIX}/control/me` ) then cd ${PKG_PREFIX}/configure && ./config; endif ln -s ${PKG_PREFIX}/rc /usr/local/etc/rc.d/qmail.sh; touch ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias/.qmail-{postmaster,root,mailer-daemon}; if ($status) then echo "Failed to create files :"; echo " ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias/.qmail-postmaster"; echo " ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias/.qmail-root"; echo " ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon"; exit 1; endif breaksw; endsw exit 0;