# EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT PROSELYTIZING SPAMMER # # Current patterns. # # Updated and verified 4/04/05 # LOCALSCORE=-1000 :0 * ^Subject:.*[^0-9a-z](Defeat Satan|\ Do not wait too long|\ Do yourself a favor|\ Get on the right road|\ It(\')?s forever|\ Let him help|\ open your eyes|\ Will you be (there|their))([0-9a-z]|$) { :0 * $ ${LOCALSCORE}^0 * 600^0 { LOCALSCORE=$= } } :0 * LEANTAG ?? no { :0 B * !--.*forwarded message -- * !^forwarded message: * $ ${LOCALSCORE}^0 * 200^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Are you saved\?([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 200^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Before it(\')?s too late([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 200^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])get baptized([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 200^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Make peace with God([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 200^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])repent([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 200^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])See you in heaven([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])It(\')?s the greatest pleasure you can ever have and it lasts for?ever([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])If you are not saved please do so today if you are pass it on to someone([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 \"Oh God, save my soul\. I\'m so sorry that I have([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])sinned against you, but I have come home\. I will([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])serve you, Lord, the rest of my life\. Deliver me([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])from all my sinful habits\. Set me free! I do believe([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Jesus died on Calvary for me, and I believe in His([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])blood, that there is power in His blood to wash away([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])all my sins, all my sins!\" Say, \"Come into my heart,([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Jesus; come on in, Jesus\. Come on in!\"([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])If you meant it, He has come\. If you meant it,([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])blood, that there is power in His blood to wash away([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Jesus is yours. Start reading your Bible, pray daily([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])and believe that somebody's listening; His name is([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Contact a local churc?h today\.([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Tomorrow is promised to nobody\.([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Put God in your life today\.([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Call a prayer line or contact a local churc?h today,([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])you will be glad you did\.([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Jesus loves you\. Give your life to him and be at peace\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Tomorrow is promised to nobody\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Get God in your life today do not put it off\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])You will be glad you did when you are in heaven, * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])you will certainly regret it if you are in hell\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Don(\')?t lose your soul\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Accept God into your life while you have time\. * 800^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Contact a local church or prayer( )?line today\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])He is real do not be in Hell when you realize it! * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])God is real you will regret it for eternity if you do not accept him\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Once a person is in hell it is too late! * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Save your soul\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])If your not saved you need to be\. * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Eternity is (a very|really a|too) long time\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Do not spend it in hell\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])prayer can save you([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])If your not saved you really need to be\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])if.*not accepted God([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Eternity is.*$?.*long.*$?.*time\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Do not spend it in hell\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Get God in your life today and do not put it off\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Call a prayer line or contact a local church today, * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])You will be glad you did when you are in heaven, * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])you will certainly regret it if you end up in hell\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Don't make the mistake of not accepting God while alive\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Don't end up in hell with them\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Contact a local church or prayerline today\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])He is real do not be in Hell by the time you realize it! * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])The greatest deception sat[ae]n ever did is convincing the world that he does not exist\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])He is real but so is God\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Accept(ed)? God.*toda?y\. * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Pray toda?y\. * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])Oh God, save my soul\. * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])so sorry.*$?.*sinned .*$?.*against.*$?.*you([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])before it.?s too late([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])make.*$?.*peace.*$?.*with.*$?.*God([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 300^0 (^|[^-_0-9a-z])have a nice eternity([^a-z0-9.]|\. |\.$|$) * 600^0 ^[^0-9a-z]*The Resume of Yahshua[^0-9a-z]*$ * 600^0 ^[^0-9a-z]*Address: Ephesians 1:20[^0-9a-z]*$\ [^0-9a-z]*Phone: Romans 10:13[^0-9a-z]*$\ [^0-9a-z]*Website: The Bible\. { LT3=yes SBLOG="C3R-${SPAMMERNAME} (Subject/Message Body: Pattern Match)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc } }