# DELIVERY-SPAMTRAP-RETIRED.RC # # Last updated 10/09/2005 # 0ffshorepharm # :0 * ^X-SBRule: 0ffshorepharm { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/0ffshorepharm.txt } # 1upautomated # :0 * ^X-SBRule: 1UpAutomated { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/1upautomated.txt } # AdultFreely.com # :0 * ^X-SBRule: AdultFreely { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/adultfreely.txt } # Ambrose, Gary # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Gary Ambrose { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/gary-ambrose.txt } # Amend, Andrew # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Andrew Amend { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/andrew-amend.txt } # AmeriLink # :0 * ^X-SBRule: AmeriLink { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/amerilink.txt } # ArtPrice # :0 * ^X-SBRule: ArtPrice { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/artprice.txt } # Atherton, Jon # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Jon Atherton { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/jon-atherton.txt } # Auman, Drew # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Drew Auman { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/drew-auman.txt } # Australian Porn Mafia # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Australian Porn Mafia { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/australian-porn-mafia.txt } # Avary, Philippine # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Philippine Avary { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/philippine-avary.txt } # Banks, Tony # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Tony Banks { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/tonybanks.txt } # BlueRockDove # :0 * ^X-SBRule: BlueRockDove { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/bluerockdove.txt } # Borzilleri, James # :0 * ^X-SBRule: James Borzilleri { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/james-borzilleri.txt } # Brown, Chris # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Chris Brown { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/chrisbrown.txt } # Brunenieks, Elmar # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Elmar Brunenieks { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/elmar-brunenieks.txt } # BSB Publishing # :0 * ^X-SBRule: BSB Publishing { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/bsb-publishing.txt } # BulkMarketing # :0 * ^X-SBRule: BulkMarketing { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/bulkmarketing.txt } # BusinessBooster # :0 * ^X-SBRule: BusinessBooster { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/businessbooster.txt } # Carnegie Sun # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Carnegie Sun { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/carnegie-sun.txt } # Champion, Ryan # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Ryan Champion { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/ryan-champion.txt } # Chan, Vincent # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Vincent Chan { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/vincent-chan.txt } # Clickman LLC # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Clickman LLC { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/clickman-llc.txt } # Conta/Love4Lust # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Conta { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/conta-love4lust.txt } # Cowles, Thomas # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Thomas Cowles { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/cowles.txt } # CP Cyberwurx # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Cyberwurx { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/cyberwurx.txt } # Daily Mislead # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Daily Mislead { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/daily-mislead.txt } # Dangtran, Quang # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Quang Dangtran { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/dangtran.txt } # Davidson, Eddie # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Eddie Davidson { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/eddie-davidson.txt } # Dealcop # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Dealcop { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/dealcop.txt } # DeCrescenzo, Damon # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Damon DeCrescenzo { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/decrescenzo.txt } # Devincenzi, Kevin # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Kevin Devincenzi { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/devincenzi.txt } # DialPadMail # :0 * ^X-SBRule: DialPadMail { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/dialpadmail.txt } # DirectQlick # :0 * ^X-SBRule: DirectQlick { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/directqlick.txt } # Dukarossa, Bonnie # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Bonnie Dukarossa { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/bonnie-dukaossa.txt } # Ehostz.org # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Ehostz\.org { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/ehostz-org.txt } # Ellis, Kelly Joe # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Kelly Joe Ellis { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/kjellis.txt } # EqualaMail # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Equalamail { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/equalamail.txt } # Etracks # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Etracks { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/etracks.txt } # Evergreen Corporation # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Evergreen Corporation { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/evergreencorp.txt } # Evidence Eliminator # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Evidence Eliminator { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/evidence-eliminator.txt } # Five Elements # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Five Elements { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/five-elements.txt } # FlyInAds # :0 * ^X-SBRule: FlyInAds { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/flyinads.txt } # Francis-Macrae, Peter # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Peter Francis-Macrae { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/francis-macrae.txt } # Friesner, Ryan # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Ryan Friesner { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/friesner.txt } # FutureVision (was Southern Networks) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: FutureVision Communication { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/futurevision.txt } # Gandhi, Husein # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Husein Gandhi { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/husein-gandhi.txt } # Garavaglia, Juan # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Juan Garavaglia { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/garavaglia.txt } # GetPaidForum # :0 * ^X-SBRule: GetPaidForum { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/getpaidforum.txt } # GetResponse # :0 * ^X-SBRule: GetResponse { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/getresponse.txt } # Giantrewards # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Giantrewards { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/giantrewards.txt } # GiantWeb # :0 * ^X-SBRule: GiantWeb { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/giantweb.txt } # Global Submit # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Global Submit { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/global-submit.txt } # Glowing Edge # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Glowing Edge { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/glowingedge.txt } # Godino, Bob # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Bob Godino { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/bob-godino.txt } # Goldman, Marc # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Marc Goldman { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/marcgoldman.txt } # Gorlach, Alexander # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Alexander Gorlach { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/gorlach.txt } # Goudreault, Steve # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Steve Goudreault { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/goudreault.txt } # Goyetche, Tim # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Tim Goyetche { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/timgoyetche.txt } # Grandinetti, John # :0 * ^X-SBRule: John Grandinetti { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/grandinetti.txt } # GraviComm Webhosting # :0 * ^X-SBRule: GraviComm { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/gravicomm.txt } # Gregorios, Kristoffer # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Kristoffer Gregorios { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/kristoffer-gregorios.txt } # Haberli, Ernesto # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Ernesto Haberli { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/haberli.txt } # Hannifin, Glen # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Glen Hannifin { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/glen-hannifin.txt } # Hirsch, Scott # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Scott Hirsch { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/hirsch.txt } # Ho, Calvin # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Calvin Ho { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/calvin-ho.txt } # H&R Block # :0 * ^X-SBRule: H&R Block { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/hr-block.txt } # iexpect.com # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Iexpect { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/iexpect.txt } # Imagine2020.com # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Imagine2020 { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/imagine2020.txt } # Impact Consulting # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Impact Consulting { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/impact-consulting.txt } # Integratix # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Integratix { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/integratix.txt } # Internet Laboratory Corporation # :0 * ^X-SBRule: ILCorp { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/ilcorp.txt } # InternetSeer # :0 * ^X-SBRule: InternetSeer { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/internetseer.txt } # James, Bennedict (Levelhost, Inc.) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Bennedict James { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/bennedict-james.txt } # Jones, Dana (Golfballsunlimitedusa.com/we-deliver.net) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Dana Jones { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/dana-jones.txt } # KLH Enterprises # :0 * ^X-SBRule: KLH Enterprises { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/scitx.txt } # Kokinos, George (Miles Marketing) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: George Kokinos { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/george-kokinos.txt } # Lane, Trevor # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Trevor Lane { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/trevor-lane.txt } # Lantz, Gordon and Gretchen Aitken # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Gordon Lantz { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/gordon-lantz.txt } # Lin, Daniel # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Daniel Lin { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/daniel-lin.txt } # LinkBuilder # :0 * ^X-SBRule: LinkBuilder { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/linkbuilder.txt } # LMI Hosting # :0 * ^X-SBRule: LMI Hosting { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/lmi-hosting.txt } # Mansfield, Wayne # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Wayne Mansfield { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/wayne-mansfield.txt } # McCausland, Glen & Stacey # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Glen McCausland { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/mccausland.txt } # Netcreations/PostmasterDirect # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Netcreations { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/netcreations.txt } # Net Nexus, Inc. # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Net Nexus { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/net-nexus.txt } # NetworkDNS.BIZ # :0 * ^X-SBRule: NetworkDNS.BIZ { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/networkdns.txt } # Nowakowski, Greg (Chris Tibaldo/Racksource/Zacson) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Greg Nowakowski { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/greg-nowakowski.txt } # OEM Warez spammer # :0 * ^X-SBRule: OEM Warez { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/identified/oem-warez.txt } # Omegalead.com # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Omegalead.com { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/omegalead.txt } # Oregon Processing Services # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Oregon Processing Services { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/oregon-processing-services.txt } # Padborg, Kristin (Word-Of-Mouth Fraud) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Kristin Padborg { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/kristin-padborg.txt } # Parker, Dustin # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Dustin Parker { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/dustin-parker.txt } # Penn Media/Pulse Direct # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Penn Media { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/penn-media.txt } # Pexicom/Realtime Marketing/Global Hosting # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Pexicom { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/pexicom.txt } # PostNote # :0 * ^X-SBRule: PostNote { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/postnote.txt } # PracticalOffers # :0 * ^X-SBRule: PracticalOffers { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/practicaloffers.txt } # Rand, George # :0 * ^X-SBRule: George Rand { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/george-rand.txt } # Reinertsen, Eric # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Eric Reinertsen { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/reinertsen.txt } # Romero, Tim, Greg Williams and Jim Carbone (Franpro/gtwinc.com/azmalink.net) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Romero/Carbone { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/romero-carbone.txt } # Rustinkov, Andrei # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Andrei Rustinkov { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/andrei-rustinkov.txt } # SendPotential.com # :0 * ^X-SBRule: SendPotential { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/sendpotential.txt } # Sheck Media # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Sheck Media { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/sheck-media.txt } # ShopperMatrix # :0 * ^X-SBRule: ShopperMatrix { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/shoppermatrix.txt } # SiteProNews # :0 * ^X-SBRule: SiteProNews { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/sitepronews.txt } # Smith, Chris ("John Rizler") # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Chris Smith { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/chris-smith.txt } # SouthCityStreet/NetParkway # :0 * ^X-SBRule: SouthCityStreet { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/southcitystreet.txt } # SpamArrest # :0 * ^X-SBRule: SpamArrest { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/spamarrest.txt } # SpamSuckz.biz # :0 * ^X-SBRule: SpamSuckz\.biz { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/spamsuckz.txt } # SpecialInboxDeliveries # :0 * ^X-SBRule: SpecialInboxDeliveries { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/specialinboxdeliveries.txt } # Svadbik, John ("Christian Family Coalition"/"God Bless America"/MDCCC) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: John Svadbik { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/john-svadbik.txt } # Tasman, Larry # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Larry Tasman { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/larry-tasman.txt } # Topoligy, LLC # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Topoligy { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/topoligy.txt } # TopSitez # :0 * ^X-SBRule: TopSitez { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/topsitez.txt } # Trafficmagnet # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Trafficmagnet { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/trafficmagnet.txt } # Tripac International, Ltd. # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Tripac International { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/tripac-international.txt } # Tyler, Shay # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Shay Tyler { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/shay-tyler.txt } # Valued Client Marketing # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Valued Client Marketing { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/valued-client-marketing.txt } # Wagner, Robert (Stargate 2000) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Robert Wagner { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/robert-wagner.txt } # Westby, Brian David (Married But Lonely) # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Brian David Westby { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/brian-david-westby.txt } # Whitcon/USWives # :0 * ^X-SBRule: Whitcon { :0 { LOCALTAG=yes } :0 c: ${SPAMTRAPROOT}/retired/whitcon.txt }