# CHAIN-LETTER-PATTERNS.RC # # Last updated: 10/15/2005 :0 * LEANTAG ?? no { :0 B * -1000^0 * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])^[ ]?\$.*(days|weeks|months)([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])160 times.*money.*least([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])A One Time Investment.*Plus This Simple Technology([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])AGAIN, DO NOT CHEAT\. IF YOUR \"BRANCH\" is BROKEN([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])AS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])BECAUSE THIS THING WORKS LIKE CRAZY!!([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])brown paper bag.*suspiciously buried([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])decision.*changed my life([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])delete.*figured.*junk.*e.?mail([^0-9a-z]|$) * 400^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])DO NOT DELETE THIS - READ FIRST([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])entire show([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Five-dollar bills, twenties, fifties and hundreds([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Future Millionaires?([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])growing popularity.*system.*internet([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Hey - have you seen this letter before\?([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^0 (^|[^0-9a-z])Howfarwillthisgo@aol\.com([^0-9a-z]|$) * 400^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^0 (^|[^0-9a-z])Kingstree([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])legal.*money.*making.*(opportunity|phenomenon)([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])letter you have been hearing about([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Log into your paypal account\, and send \$[0-9]+ dollars to\:$ * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])major nightly news([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Method #2[0-9]:([^0-9a-z]|$) * 25^1.5 (^|[^0-9a-z])millionaires?([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])national weekly news([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])need.*(4|four|5|five).*reports([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 ^NEXT DUE[ ]?:[ ]+[a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9]*@ * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])nightly news program([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])not a chain-letter([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])order.*(4|four|5|five).*reports([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])PARENTS.*FIND.*CASH HIDDEN([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 ^PENDING 1[ ]?:[ ]+[a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9]*@ * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])postal.*lottery.*laws([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])prohibiting.*participation.*program([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])READ THIS MESSAGE.*want more([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])read it.*read it again([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])report[ ]?\#([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^0 (^|[^0-9a-z])Science Fair Project([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])should have around \$[0-9,]+ as the response rate will be HUGE due to$ * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])so-called .chain-letter([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])testimonials?([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])This really works!+([^0-9a-z]|$) * 600^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])tiny investment required and the MASSIVE potential\.([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])title 18.*section (1302|1342|3005)([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Tripp & Clay([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])wish.*taken.*chances([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Johnathan Rourke([^0-9a-z]|$) * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Postal Lottery: Turn \$[0-9,]+ into \$[0-9,]+ in [0-9]+ days * 800^1 (^|[^0-9a-z])Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:-([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^0 (^|[^0-9a-z])I\'m going to make you a promise(\.)+([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^0 (^|[^0-9a-z])You will find this is amazingly simple([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^0 (^|[^0-9a-z])You will be shocked when you see([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^0 (^|[^0-9a-z])how much you can be earning([^0-9a-z]|$) * 500^0 (^|[^0-9a-z])more time for you and your loved ones([^0-9a-z]|$) * 300^1 ^Step [1-9]:- { LT3=yes SBLOG="C3R-Pattern Match (Chain Letter)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc } }