# Spam Channel Testing Email # # Recently (10/2003) there has been a huge upswing in blank message # bodies or single words in message bodies that appear to be spammers # testing to see if a particular server or channel will deliver email. # It's a nuisance, and is cluttering up inboxes just as email with # advertisements does. # # Last updated: 10/16/2005 # :0 * LEANTAG ?? no { :0 B * ! [0-9a-zàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ] { SBLOG="A1R-Spam Channel Testing (blank message body)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc :0 * $ ${SBSCORE}^0 * 5^0 { SBSCORE=$= } } } :0 * LEANTAG ?? no { :0 B * ^(- )?--[_-0-9a-z\.=+/$()/]+$Content-Type: text/plain;$[^0-9a-z]*charset( )?=( )?(\")?[0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]+(\")?$\ Content-Transfer-Encoding: [0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]+$$$(- )?--[_-0-9a-z\.=+/$()/]+$Content-Type: text/html;$\ [^0-9a-z]*( )?=( )?(\")?[0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]+(\")?$Content-Transfer-Encoding: [0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]+$\ ((<[^<>]+>| )+$)+$(- )?--[_-0-9a-z\.=+/$()/]+$ { SBLOG="A1R-Spam Channel Testing (MIME/blank message body)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc :0 * $ ${SBSCORE}^0 * 5^0 { SBSCORE=$= } } } :0 * LEANTAG ?? no { :0 B * -1000^0 * ! --.*forwarded message -- * ! ^forwarded message: * ! Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 * ! Content-Type: text/html;? * 1100^0 ^(- )?--[-_0-9a-z.=+/$]+$Content-Type: text/plain;$Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable$$(([b-df-hj-np-tv-xz]+ )+[b-df-hj-np-tv-xz]*$)+$$^(- )?--[-_0-9a-z.=+/$]+$ * 1100^0 ^(- )?--[-_0-9a-z.=+/$]+$Content-Type: text/plain;$Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable$$(([aeiouy]+ )+[aeiouy]*$)+$$^(- )?--[-_0-9a-z.=+/$]+$ * 1100^0 ^(- )?--[-_0-9a-z.=+/$]+$Content-Type: text/plain;$Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable$$(([aeiouy]+ )+\[[0-9]$)+$$^(- )?--[-_0-9a-z.=+/$]+$ { SBLOG="A1R-Spam Channel Testing (hashbusting garbage)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc :0 * $ ${SBSCORE}^0 * 5^0 { SBSCORE=$= } } } :0 * LEANTAG ?? no { :0 * -1000^0 * ! --.*forwarded message -- * ! ^forwarded message: * H ?? 1100^0 ^Subject: is it legal or not, how do u think \?$ * B ?? 1100^0 ^hi let me know how school is going[0-9a-zàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝ]+$ * B ?? 1100^0 ^hi let me know how school is going[0-9a-zàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝ]+$(.*$)(.*$)(.*$)+ * B ?? 1100^0 ^I need answers to all questions ASAP\.$ * B ?? 1100^0 ^Where are you, man \? What a problem \?$ * B ?? 1100^0 ^what a problem, man \? Where is my money \?$ * B ?? 1100^0 ^back in the UK at last - did you get my email \?\? $ * B ?? 1100^0 ^Was it the right address \?\? - bit lost !$ * B ?? 1100^0 ^I NEED MY MONEY ASAP!!!$ * B ?? 1100^0 ^I mean, that i send this bullshit to u.*$ * B ?? 1100^0 ^Do u receive this message, dude \?$ { SBLOG="A1R-Spam Channel Testing (stock message)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc :0 * $ ${SBSCORE}^0 * 5^0 { SBSCORE=$= } } } :0 * LEANTAG ?? no * ! Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 * ! ^Content-Type: text/(plain|html); charset=.?(big5|chinesebig5|euc.(jp|kr)|gb-?(1988|2312|18030)|iso-10646|iso-2022-(cn|jp|kr)|jis.C622[06]|jis.x02(01|08|12)|shift.jis|koi8-r|ks.c.5601-198[79]|utf.?[78]|windows.31j).?$ * ! ^Subject: .*=\?(big5|chinesebig5|euc.(jp|kr)|gb-?(1988|2312|18030)|iso-10646|iso-2022-(cn|jp|kr)|jis.C622[06]|jis.x02(01|08|12)|shift.jis|koi8-r|ks.c.5601-198[79]|utf.?[78]|windows.31j)\? { :0 B * ! ^Content-Type: text/(plain|html); charset=.?(big5|chinesebig5|euc.(jp|kr)|gb-?(1988|2312|18030)|iso-10646|iso-2022-(cn|jp|kr)|jis.C622[06]|jis.x02(01|08|12)|shift.jis|koi8-r|ks.c.5601-198[79]|utf.?[78]|windows.31j).?$ * ! ^http://([0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]+\.)+[a-z][a-z][a-z]?[a-z]? * ! ^([0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]+\.)*[0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]*[0-9a-z]@([0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]+\.)+[a-z][a-z][a-z]?[a-z]?$ * ! ( )*[0-9a-zàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ]+( |$)+[0-9a-zàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞ]+ * [0-9a-zàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞ]+ { SBLOG="A1R-Spam Channel Testing (single word message body)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc :0 * $ ${SBSCORE}^0 * 5^0 { SBSCORE=$= } } } :0 * LEANTAG ?? no * ^Content-Type: multipart/(alternative|mixed|related) { :0 B * ^(- )?--[_-0-9a-z\.=]+$Content-Type: text/html;$Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable$$([^<>]*$)+(- )?--[_-0-9a-z\.=]+$ { SBLOG="A1R-Spam Channel Testing (HTML mime type/no HTML in body)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc :0 * $ ${SBSCORE}^0 * 5^0 { SBSCORE=$= } } } :0 * LEANTAG ?? no { :0 B * ! --.*forwarded message -- * ! ^forwarded message: * ! ^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- * ! Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 * ! Content-Type: text/html;? * -1000^0 * 1100^0 ^This email has been sent to confirm that ([0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z.])+@([0-9a-z][-_0-9a-z]\.)+[a-z][a-z][a-z]?[a-z]? has been subscribed to GAY CHAT\.$ * 1100^0 ^Soon you will receive messages and pictures from other users and can even get kinky using your microphone and webcam!$ { SBLOG="A1R-Spam Channel Testing (Bogus Subscription)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc :0 * $ ${SBSCORE}^0 * 5^0 { SBSCORE=$= } } } :0 * LEANTAG ?? no { :0 B * ! --.*forwarded message -- * ! ^forwarded message: * -1000^0 * 600^0 ^404 Not Found$ * 500^0 ^

Not Found

$ * 500^0 ^
$ { SBLOG="A1R-Spam Channel Testing (404 Web Server Error)" INCLUDERC=${SBDIR}/functions/loglevel.rc :0 * $ ${SBSCORE}^0 * 5^0 { SBSCORE=$= } } }