# New ports collection makefile for: squirrelmail # Date created: 17 March 2006 # Whom: Simon Dick # # $FreeBSD: ports/mail/squirrelmail-devel/Makefile,v 1.4 2007/03/22 05:09:06 rafan Exp $ # PORTNAME= squirrelmail PORTVERSION= 1.5.1 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= mail www MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME} PKGNAMESUFFIX= -devel DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} \ all_locales-${PORTVERSION}-20060219${EXTRACT_SUFX} DIST_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME} MAINTAINER= simond@irrelevant.org COMMENT= A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP (Development version) USE_PHP= session mhash gettext mbstring pcre openssl xml WANT_PHP_WEB= yes USE_BZIP2= yes .ifdef WITH_DATABASE RUN_DEPENDS+= ${PREFIX}/share/pear/DB.php:${PORTSDIR}/databases/pear-DB .endif .ifdef WITH_LDAP USE_PHP+= ldap .endif SQUIRRELDEVELDIR?= ${PREFIX}/www/${PORTNAME}${PKGNAMESUFFIX} PLIST_SUB+= PORTVERSION=${PORTVERSION} \ SQUIRRELDEVELDIR="${SQUIRRELDEVELDIR:S,^${PREFIX}/,,}" SUB_FILES+= pkg-message pkg-install pkg-deinstall SUB_LIST+= SQUIRRELDEVELDIR="${SQUIRRELDEVELDIR}" DOCSDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PORTNAME}${PKGNAMESUFFIX} PORTDOCS= * pre-everything:: @${ECHO_CMD} "Use WITH_LDAP to ensure PHP LDAP support is installed" @${ECHO_CMD} "Use WITH_DATABASE to ensure PEAR framework for database support is installed" @${ECHO_CMD} " (note that this does not install the database specific PEAR support, e.g. MySQL)" @${ECHO_CMD} post-patch: .ifndef PATCH_DEBUG @${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/config/config_default.php.orig .endif @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name '*.orig' -delete @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|ispell|${LOCALBASE}/bin/ispell|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/plugins/squirrelspell/sqspell_config.php @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/plugins/squirrelspell/sqspell_config.php.bak # Rearrange the documentation do-build: .for file in AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL README UPGRADE @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/${file} ${WRKSRC}/doc/ .endfor @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/ReleaseNotes ${WRKSRC}/doc/ReleaseNotes-${PORTVERSION}.txt @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/themes/README.themes ${WRKSRC}/doc/ @cd ${WRKSRC} ; for f in `find plugins -name "README*" -or \ -name INSTALL -or -name CHANGES -or -name HISTORY`; \ do \ ${MKDIR} doc/`dirname $$f` ; \ ${MV} $$f doc/`dirname $$f` ; \ done; \ ${MV} doc/plugins/squirrelspell/doc/README doc/plugins/squirrelspell ; \ ${RM} -rf doc/plugins/squirrelspell/doc ; \ ${MV} plugins/squirrelspell/doc/* doc/plugins/squirrelspell ; \ ${RM} -f doc/plugins/squirrelspell/index.php ; \ ${RM} -rf plugins/squirrelspell/doc @${ECHO} "left_refresh=300" >> ${WRKSRC}/config/default_pref @${CP} -r ${WRKSRC}/../locale ${WRKSRC} @${CP} -r ${WRKSRC}/../images ${WRKSRC} @${CP} -r ${WRKSRC}/../help ${WRKSRC} pre-install: @${ECHO} "Your umask should be lax while installing this. Like, 022 or something." @${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PKGNAME} PRE-INSTALL do-install: ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/etc/periodic/daily ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/111.clean-squirrelmail ${PREFIX}/etc/periodic/daily ${MKDIR} ${SQUIRRELDEVELDIR} @${CP} -pv ${WRKSRC}/index.php ${SQUIRRELDEVELDIR} @${CP} -pv ${WRKSRC}/configure ${SQUIRRELDEVELDIR} .for DIR in class config functions help images include locale plugins po src templates themes @${CP} -rpv ${WRKSRC}/${DIR} ${SQUIRRELDEVELDIR} .endfor .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) ${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} @${CP} -Rv ${WRKSRC}/doc/* ${DOCSDIR} .endif post-install: @${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PKGNAME} POST-INSTALL @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include