# # To configure Postfix # Add to your postfix master.cf: tumgreyspf unix - n n - - spawn user=nobody argv=/usr/local/bin/python2.3 /usr/local/bin/tumgreyspf Next, main.cf must be configured so that "smtpd_sender_restrictions" includes a call to the tumgreyspf policy filter. If you already have a "smtpd_sender_restrictions" line(s), you can add the following line anywhere after the line which reads "reject_unauth_destination". check_policy_service unix:private/tumgreyspf WARNING: It's very important that you have "reject_unauth_destination" before the "check_policy_service". If you do not, your system may be an open relay. So, for example, a minimal "smtpd_sender_restrictions" may look like: smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unauth_destination, check_policy_service unix:private/tumgreyspf You will also need to have a line in the main.cf which reads: tumgreyspf_time_limit = 3600 Please consult the postfix documentation for more information on these and other settings you may wish to have in the "smtpd_recipient_restrictions" configuration.