This script will test your configurations and try to tell you a solution.
All configurations are located in /inc folder and appears as config.*.php

- Testing inc/config.php
(if the script stops here, there are a parse problem with your file, eg you have misstyped some " ou ;, try getting a fresh copy and re-editing it)

- Testing your $temporary_directory variable... FAILED
The path given in $temporary_directory points to a folder that is no writable
The user wich your webserver runs on (apache in *nix or IUSR_name in windows) MUST have rights to create folder and files
on this directory. try chmod or Properties dialog
- Testing your PHP version... PASSED

- Testing your memory limits... PASSED

- Testing server installation... PASSED

Your system is not ready to run UebiMiau.

Please fix all FAILED topics and run this page again