# ldapextras.pl
# version 0.11
# licensed under the LGPL - see http://www.gnu.org
# Jules Agee
# August 17 2001
# configuration options need to be defined in ldapextras.conf
sub ldapextras {
$userisadmin = 1 if( $uid eq $manageruid );
for( $op ) {
/ldapsearch/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; ldapsearch(); last; };
/printuser/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; printuser(); last; };
/printgroup/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; printgroup(); last; };
/createuser/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; createuser(); last; };
/creategroup/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; creategroup(); last; };
/changeuser/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; changeuser(); last; };
/changegroup/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; changegroup(); last; };
/deleteuser/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; deleteuser(); last; };
/deletegroup/ and do { undef $gomodifyit; deletegroup(); last; };
# Parses form data from the printuser HTML form when the op parameter
# is set to createuser, and creates a new INBOX and Trash folder,
# then creates an LDAP entry
sub createuser {
if( !$userisadmin ) {
# make sure the admin filled out at least the minimum number of fields to
# successfully create an account
my %reqatts = ( 'sn'=>'Last Name',
'givenname'=>'First Name',
'pass2'=>'Password (again)',
'ldapuid'=>'Employee UID'
while( my( $att, $desc ) = each %reqatts ) {
if( param( $att ) eq '' ) {
printerr("\"$desc\" is a required field. Try again.");
if( param( 'pass1' ) ne param( 'pass2' )) {
printerr("Password fields don't match. Try again.");
# Get the new users data from the submitted HTML form
my $ldapuid = param( 'ldapuid' );
my $mail = $ldapuid . "\@" . $maildomain;
my $cn = param( 'givenname' ) ." ". param( 'sn' ) ." (". $ldapuid .")";
my $dn = "cn=" . $cn . "," . $ldapperson_ou;
param( 'dn', $dn );
# create their mailboxes
$imap = openimap( $uid, $pass, $imapserver, $imapport, $useimapSSL );
my $err = createmailfolder( "user." . $ldapuid );
if( $err ) {
printerr( "createuser: imaperr $err" );
$err = createmailfolder( "user." . $ldapuid . ".Trash" );
if( $err ) {
printerr( "createuser: imaperr $err" );
$ldap = ldapbind();
return if $ldap < 0;
# here we're using the default LDAP atts array to start making a
# complete set of attributes for one user
my $ldapentry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new;
$ldapentry->dn( $dn );
$ldapentry->add( %ldappersondefatts );
$ldapentry->add( 'cn'=> $cn,
'uid'=> $ldapuid,
'mail'=> $mail,
'sn' => param( 'sn' ),
'givenname'=> param( 'givenname' ),
'mailHost'=> $imapserver,
$ldappassattr=>encrypt( param( 'pass1' ))
# All possible entries for the @ldappersonatts array are defined
# in the ldapextras.conf file, with the odd elements naming an LDAP attrib.
# Or, the even elements, depending how you look at it. The first, third
# and fifth elements of the array, or array index values 0, 2, 4...
# In the loop below, for every @ldappersonatts attribute that is
# defined in an HTML param in the current environment, we want to add
# the name of the attribute and the value of its corresponding HTML param
# to the $ldapentry object so we can just call $ldapentry->update to create
# the user's directory entry
for( $i = 0; $i < $#ldappersonatts; $i += 2 ) {
my $key = $ldappersonatts[ $i ];
my $value = param( $key );
if( $value ) {
$ldapentry->add( $key => $value );
my $result = $ldapentry->update( $ldap );
if( $result->code ) {
printerr( "createuser: error creating LDAP entry:". $result->error);
} else {
print "User ", param( 'cn' ),
" directory entry created successfully.<BR>";
param( 'entrytype', 'user' );
print hidden( 'entrytype' );
# Parses form data from the printgroup HTML form when the op parameter
# is set to creategroup, and creates a new LDAP entry for that group
sub creategroup {
if( !$userisadmin ) {
my $cn = param( 'cn' );
my $dn = "cn=" . $cn . "," . $ldapgroup_ou;
my $mail = $cn . "\@" . $maildomain;
my $ldap = ldapbind();
return if $ldap < 0;
# @memberDNs is a list of the DNs of entries we are adding to this group
my @memberDNs;
my @memberarray = split( '\n', param( 'memberchanges' ));
my $filter = "(|";
# for performance reasons we don't want to perform a separate search
# for every DN in the group, so we'll build a search filter that will
# only capture these DNs.
for( @memberarray ) {
$filter .= "(cn=$_)(uid=$_)";
$filter .= ")";
$mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$LDAP_BASEDN,
attrs=>[ "uid", "cn", "objectClass" ]
printerr("creategroup:" . $mesg->error) if( $mesg->code );
@entries = $mesg->entries;
for( @entries ) {
push( @memberDNs, $_->dn() );
# here we're using the default LDAP atts array to start making a
# complete set of attributes for one group
my $ldapentry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new;
$ldapentry->dn( $dn );
$ldapentry->add( %ldapgroupdefatts );
$ldapentry->add( 'cn'=> $cn,
'mail'=> $mail,
my $result = $ldapentry->update( $ldap );
if( $result->code ) {
printerr( "creategroup: error creating LDAP entry:". $result->error);
} else {
print "Group ", param( 'cn' )," created successfully in directory.<BR>";
param( 'dn', $dn );
param( 'entrytype', 'group' );
print hidden( 'entrytype' );
# Parses form data from the printuser HTML form when the ldapaction parameter
# is set to changeuser, and makes changes to the user's LDAP directory entry and
# their quotas if necessary
sub changeuser {
if( !$userisadmin ) {
my $pass1 = param( 'pass1' );
my $pass2 = param( 'pass2' );
if( $pass1 ne $pass2 ) {
printerr("Password fields don't match. Try again.");
my $ldapuid = param( 'ldapuid' );
# set new maxquota value
my $maxquota = param( 'maxquota' );
$imap = openimap( $uid, $pass, $imapserver, $imapport, $useimapSSL );
my $err = setquota( "user.$ldapuid", $maxquota );
my $ldap = ldapbind();
my $dn = param( 'dn' );
# get the existing entry for this user from the directory
$ldapentry = ldapget( $ldap, $dn );
# and update it with the new data
for( $i = 0; $i < $#ldappersonatts; $i += 2 ) {
$ldapentry->replace( $ldappersonatts[ $i ]=>
param( $ldappersonatts[ $i ] ));
# change password if necessary
if( $pass1 && $pass1 ne "" ) {
$ldapentry->replace( $ldappassattr=>encrypt( $pass1 ));
# and dump it all back onto the server
my $result = $ldapentry->update( $ldap );
if( $result->code ) {
printerr( "changeuser: error changing LDAP entry:". $result->error);
} else {
print "User ", param( 'cn' )," updated successfully.<BR>";
undef $ldap;
print hidden( 'entrytype', 'user' );
# Parses form data from the printgroup HTML form when the op parameter
# is set to changegroup, and makes changes to that group's directory entry
sub changegroup {
if( !$userisadmin ) {
my $dn = param( 'dn' );
my $ldap = ldapbind();
return if $ldap < 0;
# @memberDNs is a list of the DNs of entries in this group
my @memberDNs;
my @memberarray = split( '\n', param( 'memberchanges' ));
my $filter = "(|";
# for performance reasons we don't want to perform a separate search
# for every DN in the group, so we'll build a search filter that will
# capture all the DNs in one search.
for( @memberarray ) {
$filter .= "(cn=$_)(uid=$_)";
$filter .= ")";
$mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$LDAP_BASEDN,
attrs=>[ "uid", "cn", "objectClass" ]
printerr("changegroup:" . $mesg->error) if( $mesg->code );
@entries = $mesg->entries;
for( @entries ) {
push( @memberDNs, $_->dn() );
# get the existing entry for this group from the directory
$ldapentry = ldapget( $ldap, $dn );
# and update it with the new list of members
$ldapentry->replace( $ldapmemberatt=>\@memberDNs );
my $result = $ldapentry->update( $ldap );
if( $result->code ) {
printerr( "changegroup: error changing LDAP entry:". $result->error);
} else {
print "Group ", param( 'cn' )," updated successfully.<BR>";
param( 'dn', $dn );
param( 'entrytype', 'group' );
print hidden( 'entrytype' );
# Parses form data from the confirmdelete HTML form and deletes that user's
# LDAP entry and IMAP mailboxes. Also deletes references to that user from
# all mail groups.
sub deleteuser {
if( !$userisadmin ) {
$imap = openimap( $uid, $pass, $imapserver, $imapport, $useimapSSL );
my $err = setacl( "user." . param( 'ldapuid' ),
$err .= deletemailbox( "user." . param( 'ldapuid' ));
if( $err ) {
printerr( "deleteuser: imapdelerr $err" );
if( $err =~ m/Mailbox does not exist/ ) {
print "<BR>LDAP entry only will be deleted<BR>";
} else {
} else {
print "IMAP account for " . param( 'ldapuid' ) . " deleted.<BR>";
$ldap = ldapbind();
return if( $ldap < 0 );
$err = "";
my $dn = param( 'dn' );
my $mesg = $ldap->delete( ldapclean( $dn ));
$err .= $mesg->error if ( $mesg->code );
# get a list of all groups this person was a member of
my @groups;
$mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$LDAP_BASEDN,
filter=>"( $ldapmemberatt=" .ldapclean($dn). ")",
attrs=>[ 'dn' ]
$err .= $mesg->error if( $mesg->code );
if( $err ) {
printerr( "Deleting LDAP entry: $err" );
$err = "";
my @results = $mesg->entries;
foreach $result ( @results ) {
push( @groups, $result->dn() );
my $whattodelete = { $ldapmemberatt, $dn };
# And delete the user from each group he/she was listed in
for( @groups ) {
my $mesg = $ldap->modify( $_, delete=>$whattodelete );
$err .= $mesg->error if( $mesg->code );
if( $err ) {
printerr( "Deleting LDAP entries: $err" );
} else {
print "User ", param( 'cn' ), " deleted successfully.<BR>";
param( 'op', 'ldapsearch' );
param( 'dn', '' );
# Parses form data from the confirmdelete HTML form and deletes that group's
# entry from the directory
sub deletegroup {
if( !$userisadmin ) {
$ldap = ldapbind();
return if( $ldap < 0 );
my $err = "";
my $dn = param( 'dn' );
my $mesg = $ldap->delete( ldapclean( $dn ));
$err = $mesg->error if ( $mesg->code );
if( $err ) {
printerr( "Deleting LDAP entries: $err" );
} else {
print "Group ", param( 'cn' ), " deleted successfully.<BR>";
param( 'op', 'ldapsearch' );
param( 'dn', '' );
# Prints a form asking the user to confirm the deletion of a user or group
# when the op attribute is set to confirmdelete. Possible op attribute values
# generated from this form are deleteuser, deletegroup
sub confirmdelete {
my $dn = param( 'dn' );
my $cn = param( 'cn' );
my $entrytype = param( 'entrytype' );
if( !$userisadmin ) {
if(( $entrytype ne "user" )&&( $entrytype ne "group" )) {
printerr( "Unknown entry type - can't delete entry $cn." );
$op = "delete" . $entrytype;
param( 'op', $op );
print hidden( 'dn' );
print hidden( 'cn' );
print hidden( 'ldapuid' );
print "<CENTER><BR><H4> Confirm: Really delete $entrytype $cn? </H4><BR>";
print "<BR> If so, press the Save Changes button.\n";
print "<BR> If not, press the back button in your browser.\n</CENTER>";
# Prints an HTML form that lets an admin edit user data or create new users.
# If the user running this script doesn't have admin privs, it prints the data
# in a read-only format instead of as an editable form.
# Possible op attributes generated from this form are createuser and changeuser
sub printuser {
my ( $getgroupinfo ) = @_;
param( 'entrytype', 'user' );
my $ldap = ldapbind();
my $op = param( 'op' );
my $ldapdata;
my $passvalue;
my $entrytype = 'user';
my $dn = param( 'dn' );
if ( $dn ) {
# get user info from LDAP and ( if $userisadmin ) IMAP servers
$ldapdata = ldapget( $ldap, $dn );
# First we want to clear out all the HTML parameters in case $ldapdata
# returns null values and fails to overwrite existing param values
param( 'cn', '' );
param( 'ldapuid', '' );
param( 'mail', '' );
param( 'sn', '' );
param( 'givenname', '' );
param( 'maxquota', '' );
if( $userisadmin ) {
$op = "changeuser";
$imap = openimap($uid, $pass, $imapserver, $imapport, $useimapSSL);
my @imapquota =
getquota( "user." . scalar( $ldapdata->get_value( 'uid' )));
param( 'usedquota', $imapquota[1] );
param( 'maxquota', $imapquota[2] );
param( 'cn', scalar( $ldapdata->get_value( 'cn' )));
param( 'ldapuid', scalar( $ldapdata->get_value( 'uid' )));
param( 'mail', scalar( $ldapdata->get_value( 'mail' )));
param( 'sn', scalar( $ldapdata->get_value( 'sn' )));
param( 'givenname', scalar( $ldapdata->get_value( 'givenname' )));
# loop through the rest of the attributes
for( $i = 0; $i < $#ldappersonatts; $i += 2 ) {
param( $ldappersonatts[ $i ], '' );
param( $ldappersonatts[ $i ],
scalar( $ldapdata->get_value( $ldappersonatts[ $i ] )));
} else {
$op = "createuser" if( $userisadmin );
# print the HTML - different for users than admins
print "<TABLE WIDTH=90%><TR><TD>";
if( param( 'photo' )) {
print "<IMG ALIGN=RIGHT SRC=", param( 'photo' ), " TITLE=\"Photo of ",
param( 'cn' ), "\" >";
print "<CENTER>";
if( $userisadmin ) {
# print the screen that lets one make changes to user information
print "<TABLE WIDTH=60%><TR><TD>Employee UID:</TD><TD>";
if( $op eq "changeuser" ) { #user is admin and op is changeuser
print param( 'ldapuid' ), "</TD></TR>\n<TR><TD>E-mail Address:<BR>";
print "</TD><TD>", param( 'ldapuid' ), "\@", $maildomain, "<BR>";
print "</TD></TR>\n<TR><TD>Name:</TD><TD>",
param( 'givenname' ), " ", param( 'sn' );
print hidden( 'entrytype' );
print hidden( 'ldapuid' );
print hidden( 'dn' );
print hidden( 'mail' );
print hidden( 'cn' );
# Note that we don't allow the admin to change the user's uid.
# With a Cyrus server using LDAP that would be a complex,
# configuration-dependant process that would involve changing the
# the RDN on the LDAP server, and on the Cyrus server we would have
# to create a new user, then copy all the mailboxes from the user's
# old account to their new one, and delete the old ones. With all
# the possible different system configurations that seems risky
# and very difficult to implement robustly. We'll just force
# the admin to create a new user account and have the user copy
# their messages from the old account to the new one.
} else { # user is admin and op is createuser
# if not "changeuser" then $op must equal "createuser", so we will
# need to allow the admin to enter the new user's uid and passwd
print textfield( -name=>'ldapuid',
print "</TD></TR>\n<TR><TD>First Name:</TD><TD>",
-value=>param( 'givenname' ) || "",
print "</TD></TR>\n<TR><TD>Last Name:</TD><TD>",
-value=>param( 'sn' ) || "",
if( $suggestpass ) {
# suggest a random password when creating new users
$passvalue = scalar( `$suggestpass` );
chomp( $passvalue );
} # below here printed for any op value if user is admin
if( $passvalue ) { # if configured to suggest a default password
# Note that if $suggestpasswd is undefined in the ldapextras.conf
# file, $passvalue will always be undefined, too
print "</TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=2>A random alphabetic",
" password has been entered for your convenience.";
print "</TD></TR><TR><TD>Password:</TD><TD>",
textfield( -name=>pass1,
-value=>$passvalue || "",
print "</TD></TR><TR><TD>Password (again):</TD><TD>",
textfield( -name=>pass2,
-value=>$passvalue || "",
} else { #print blank password fields
print "</TD></TR><TR><TD>Password:</TD><TD>",
password_field( -name=>pass1,
print "</TD></TR><TR><TD>Password (again):</TD><TD>",
password_field( -name=>pass2,
# still in the userisadmin block
#Loop through the rest of the attributes
for( $i = 0; $i < $#ldappersonatts; $i += 2 ) {
print "</TD></TR>\n<TR><TD>",
$ldappersonatts[ $i + 1 ], ":</TD><TD>";
if( $ldappersonatts[ $i ] !~ /street/i ) {
# for any attributes except the street address:
print textfield(-name=>$ldappersonatts[ $i ],
-value=>param( $ldappersonatts[ $i ])||(""),
} else {
# print a textarea instead of textbox for street addresses
print textarea(-name=>$ldappersonatts[ $i ],
-value=>param( $ldappersonatts[ $i ] )||(""),
if( $op eq 'changeuser' ) {
print "</TD></TR>\n<TR><TD>Disk Quota Limit (KB):</TD><TD>",
"</TD></TR>\n<TR><TD>Disk Quota Used (KB):</TD><TD>",
param('usedquota'), "</TD></TR>\n<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>";
print "<HR><CENTER>", submit( 'Save Changes' ),
submit( 'Get Group Info' ), submit( 'Delete This User' ),
print "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
} else { # if user is not the admin
# print the screen ordinary mortals will see
print hidden( 'dn' );
print hidden( 'mail' );
print hidden( 'cn' );
print hidden( 'sn' );
print hidden( 'givenname' );
print "<TABLE WIDTH=60%><TR><TD>Employee:</TD><TD>", param( 'cn' ),
print "<TR><TD>E-mail Address:</TD><TD>", param( 'mail' ),
# loop through the rest of the attributes
for( $i = 0; $i < $#ldappersonatts; $i += 2 ) {
next if exists $donotdisplay{ $ldappersonatts[ $i ] };
print hidden( $ldappersonatts[ $i ] );
if( param( $ldappersonatts[ $i ] )) {
print "<TR><TD>", $ldappersonatts[ $i + 1 ], "</TD><TD>",
param( $ldappersonatts[ $i ] ), "</TD></TR>";
print "<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><BR></TD></TR><TR><TD>",
"Click here to see which e-mail groups<BR>",
"will forward mail to this person. </TD><TD>";
print submit( 'Get Group Info' );
print "</TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=2><BR></TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
} # Below here will apply whether or not $userisadmin
getallgroups( $ldap, $dn, param( 'cn' )) if( $getgroupinfo );
print "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
undef $ldap;
param( 'op', $op );
# Prints an HTML form that lets an admin edit the members of a group.
# If the user running this script doesn't have admin privs, it prints the data
# read-only instead of as an HTML form, and members of the group are listed
# as links to display info about that member.
# Possible op attributes from this form are creategroup and changegroup
sub printgroup {
my $buttonpush = checkbuttons();
return if( $buttonpush );
# print the ldapsearch textbox
my $dn = param( 'dn' );
my $ldap = ldapbind();
if ( $dn ) {
# get group info from LDAP server
my $ldapdata = ldapget( $ldap, $dn );
# clear out old param values in case $get_value returns null and fails
# to overwrite the HTML parameter will a null value
param( 'cn', '' );
param( 'members', '' );
param( 'cn', scalar( $ldapdata->get_value( 'cn' )));
my @members;
my $entrytype;
my $filter = "(|";
my @memberarray = $ldapdata->get_value( $ldapmemberatt );
# for performance reasons we don't want to perform a seperate search
# for every DN in the group, so we'll build a search filter that will
# only capture these DNs.
for( @memberarray ) {
$_ =~ m/([^,]*),.*/;
my $cn = ldapclean( $1 );
$filter .= "($cn)";
$filter .= ")";
$mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$LDAP_BASEDN,
attrs=>[ "uid", "cn", "objectClass" ]
printerr( "printgroup:" . $mesg->error ) if( $mesg->code );
my @entries = $mesg->entries;
my $count = 0;
foreach $memberentry ( @entries ) {
getentrytype( $memberentry );
my $displayname;
my $entrytype = $memberentry->get_value( 'entrytype' );
my $cn = $memberentry->get_value( 'cn' );
if( $entrytype eq 'group' ) {
$displayname = $cn
} else {
$displayname = $memberentry->get_value( 'uid' );
my $dn = $memberentry->dn();
# the data to be stored in the 'members' HTML param will be a tab-
# delimited string.
# @members is an array of anonymous arrays. The first element of
# these subarrays will be the line as written to the members HTML
# param. The second and third elements will be the cn and entrytype
# respectively, lowercased to use in sorting the @members array
$members[ $count ] = [ $entrytype . "\t" . $displayname . "\t" .
$cn . "\t" . $dn . "\n" ,
lc( $cn ),
# Sort @members first by entrytype, then alphabetically
@members = sort {
$b->[2] cmp $a->[2]
$a->[1] cmp $b->[1]
} @members;
# write the sorted results to the members HTML param
my $output = "";
for( @members ) {
$output .= $_->[0];
param( "members", $output );
$op = 'changegroup' if( $userisadmin );
} else {
$op = 'creategroup' if( $userisadmin );
my @members = split( /\n/, param( 'members' ));
# print the HTML
print "<CENTER>";
if( $userisadmin ) {
if( $op eq 'changegroup' ) {
print "<H3>Members of Group ",param('cn'),":</H3><BR>";
my $displaystring;
print hidden( 'members' );
print hidden( 'dn' );
print hidden( 'cn' );
for( @members ) {
my ( $entrytype, $displayname, $cn, $dn ) = split( '\t' );
$displaystring .= $displayname . "\n";
param( 'memberchanges', '' );
param( 'memberchanges', $displaystring );
param( 'entrytype', 'group' );
print hidden( 'entrytype' );
print "<CENTER>";
print textarea(-name=>'memberchanges',
print "<BR>", submit( 'Save Changes' ),
submit( 'Delete This Group' );
} elsif( $op eq 'creategroup' ) {
param( 'cn', '' );
param( 'members', '' );
print "Group Name: ";
print textfield( -name=>'cn',
print "<BR><BR>" , textarea(-name=>'memberchanges',
} else { # print the page as everyday users will see it
print "<H3>Members of Group ",param('cn'),":</H3><BR>";
param( 'members', '' );
param( 'mail', '' );
print "<TABLE WIDTH=80%><TR>";
my $count = -1;
my $realop = $op;
for ( @members ) {
my ( $entrytype, $displayname, $cn, $dn ) = split( '\t' );
param( 'op', "print" . $entrytype );
param( 'dn', $dn );
print "<TD WIDTH=33%><A HREF=", url( -query_string=>1 ), ">", $cn,
print "</TR>\n<TR>" if(( ++$count % 3 ) == 2 );
print "</TR></TABLE>\n";
$op = $realop;
undef $ldap;
param( 'op', $op );
# Accepts a search string in an HTML param, searches the directory for entries
# that match the string, and prints an HTML page with a list of the matching
# entries. Matching entries are printed as HTML links to display info about
# those entries.
# Possible op attributes from this form are printgroup, printuser and ldapsearch
sub ldapsearch {
# If the user entered a string to search for, search and get the results
my $searchstring = param( 'searchstring' );
param( 'searchstring', '' );
my @results;
my $realop = param( 'op' );
if( $searchstring ) {
# make sure searchstring doesn't contain funny chars such as ';' that
# might cause unpredictable behavior
$searchstring =~ s/[^\w\(\)\-]//;
ldapclean( $searchstring );
param( 'Search', '' );
my $ldap = ldapbind();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$LDAP_BASEDN,
attrs=>[ "cn", "objectclass", "uid" ]
printerr("ldapsearch error:" . $mesg->error) if( $mesg->code );
@results = $mesg->entries(["cn"]);
# Figure out whether each entry is a user or group
# and put that data into the entry perl object as attribute 'entrytype'
# note that this data is not written to the LDAP server
foreach $result ( @results ) {
getentrytype( $result );
@results = sortldapentries( @results );
undef $ldap;
# print the HTML
print "<CENTER><TABLE border=1 WIDTH=90%><TR $cb><TD $tb><CENTER>",
"Search the Directory for:</TD></CENTER><TD $tb><CENTER>";
print textfield( -name=>'searchstring',
print "</CENTER></TD><TD $tb><CENTER>", submit( 'Search' );
print "</CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>";
if( $searchstring && @results ) {
print "<BR><CENTER>You can get more information about any entry ",
"listed below by clicking on it.<HR>";
# print a table of all the LDAP entries that matched the searchstring
my $count = -1;
# prevent putting too much data in link query_string
param( 'members', '' );
param( 'mail', '' );
foreach $result ( @results ) {
my $dn = $result->dn;
my ( $cn ) = $result->get_value( 'cn' );
my ( $ldapuid ) = $result->get_value( 'uid' );
$op = "print" . $result->get_value( 'entrytype' );
# clear out previous values of params in case one of the get_value
# calls returned null
param( 'op', '' );
param( 'dn', '' );
param( 'cn', '' );
param( 'ldapuid', '' );
param( 'op', $op );
param( 'dn', $dn );
param( 'cn', $cn );
param( 'ldapuid', $ldapuid );
print "<TD WIDTH=33%><A HREF=", url( -query_string=>1 ), ">", $cn,
print "</TR>\n<TR>" if(( ++$count % 3 ) == 2 );
if( !@results && $realop eq "ldapsearch" ) {
print "<TD><CENTER><BR>",
"Hint: Enter someone's first or last name, or the first few ",
"letters of<BR>their e-mail address, or part of the name of an ",
"e-mail group.</TD></CENTER>";
print "</TR></TABLE><BR><HR>\n";
$op = $realop;
param( 'op', $op );
# Accepts the entry's DN, a printable name, and a reference to a Net::LDAP object
# that has already been been successfully binded to (bound?). Uses the
# grouprecurse function to search the LDAP group structure to determine all
# groups that refer to that uid or cn, either directly or indirectly through
# references from groups that are members of other groups.
sub getallgroups {
my( $ldap, $dn, $name ) = @_;
my @indirectgroups;
my @directgroups;
# first, we'll search for groups that the DN is directly a member of
# so we can differentiate those from indirect ones when printing the HTML
my $mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$LDAP_BASEDN,
filter=>"( $ldapmemberatt=" .ldapclean($dn). ")",
attrs=>[ 'dn' ]
my $err .= $mesg->error if( $mesg->code );
my @results = $mesg->entries;
foreach $result ( @results ) {
push( @directgroups, $result->dn() );
# then, we'll use the grouprecurse sub to get a list of all other groups
# that contain groups that the DN is a member of to make sure we get 'em all
for( @directgroups ) {
my $arrayref = \@indirectgroups;
my $count = 0;
$err .= grouprecurse( $ldap, $arrayref, $_, $count );
return $err if( $err );
# and print the HTML
print "<TABLE WIDTH=60%><TR><TD>$name is a member of the following groups:",
# prevent putting extra data in link querystring
param( 'mail', '' );
param( 'members', '' );
for( @directgroups ) {
my ( $cn ) = ldapgetatt( $ldap, $_, "cn" );
param( 'op', "printgroup" );
param( 'dn', $_ );
print "<A HREF=", url(-query=>1), ">", $cn, "</A><BR>\n";
print "<BR></TD></TR><TR><TD>This user will also receive mail ",
"sent to these groups:</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>\n";
for( @indirectgroups ) {
my ( $cn ) = ldapgetatt( $ldap, $_, "cn" );
param( 'op', "printgroup" );
param( 'dn', $_ );
print "<A HREF=", url(-query=>1), ">", $cn, "</A><BR>\n";
print "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
# recursive function called by getallgroups above. Accepts a reference to a
# Net::LDAP object that has already been binded successfully, a reference to the
# array that will be storing all the results, the name of the cn to search
# the groups in the directory for, and a counter variable to detect circular
# references.
sub grouprecurse {
my( $ldap, $array, $dn, $count ) = @_;
return "Error! Circular references in groups?\n" if( $count > 20 );
my $mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$LDAP_BASEDN,
filter=>"( $ldapmemberatt=".ldapclean($dn).")",
attrs=>[ "dn" ]
my $err .= $mesg->error if( $mesg->code );
my @results = $mesg->entries;
foreach $result ( @results ) {
push( @$array, $result->dn );
$err .= grouprecurse( $ldap, $array, $result->dn, $count );
return $err;
# Quick shortcut for typing $ldap->search(blah blah blah) if you only want
# the contents of one attribute from one dn. Returns an array containing
# the value(s) of that attribute for the dn in question.
sub ldapgetatt {
my @results;
my( $ldap, $dn, $attribute ) = @_;
my $user = ldapget( $ldap, $dn );
@results = $user->get_value( $attribute );
return @results;
# Gets an entry from the LDAP server given the dn and a bound Net::LDAP object
sub ldapget {
my( $ldap, $dn ) = @_;
my $mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$dn,
if( $mesg->code ) {
printerr( "ldapget: $dn <BR>" . $mesg->error );
my @entries = $mesg->entries;
return $entries[0];
# Accepts a string containing error text and prints an error screen
sub printerr {
my( $err ) = @_;
print "<H3> Error: </H3><B> $err </B>";
# what to do in the even of an authentication err
sub autherr {
printerr( "<BR>Think you're sneaky, huh? :)<BR>\nYou don't have access." );
# We need to escape certain characters to prevent Net::LDAP from interpreting
# some characters in DN's from screwing up LDAP searches when the DN is part
# of the searchfilter - this adds backslashes in front of parenthesis, asterisks
# or backslasheatts that appear as literal characters in the DN.
sub ldapclean {
my ( $dn ) = @_;
$dn =~ s/([\(\)\\\*])/\\$1/g;
return $dn;
# for a given Net::LDAP::Entry object, determine whether it's a user or group
# and add an attribute to that object called entrytype
sub getentrytype {
my ( $ldapentry ) = @_;
my @objectclasses = $ldapentry->get_value( "objectClass" );
for( @objectclasses ) {
if( /person/i ) {
} elsif( /group/i ) {
# for a given array of Net::LDAP::Entry objects, sort the objects by
# entrytype (see getentrytype function above) and then alphabetically by cn
sub sortldapentries {
my @results = @_;
# sort the entries alphabetically and by entrytype
@results = sort {
lc( $b->get_value( 'entrytype' )) cmp lc( $a->get_value( 'entrytype' ))
lc( $a->get_value( 'cn' )) cmp lc( $b->get_value( 'cn' ))
} @results;
return @results;
# Bind to the LDAP directory as the current user, return the $ldap object
sub ldapbind {
# first, bind anonymously to get the DN of the current user
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $LDAP_SERVER ) || do {
printerr( "ldapbind: Couldn't connect to LDAP server: $@" );
return -1;
my $mesg = $ldap->bind;
if ( $mesg->code ) {
printerr( "ldapbind: couldn't bind anonymously: $@" );
return -1;
$mesg = $ldap->search( base=>$LDAP_BASEDN,
my @entries = $mesg->entries;
my $user = $entries[0];
my $dn = $user->dn;
undef $ldap;
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $LDAP_SERVER ) || do {
printerr( "ldapbind: Couldn't connect to LDAP server: $@" );
return -1;
$mesg = $ldap->bind( dn=>$dn, password=>$pass );
if ( $mesg->code ) {
printerr( "ldapbind: couldn't bind with dn $dn: $@" );
return -1;
return $ldap;
# check for button pushes and run the appropriate function if
# they have been pushed
sub checkbuttons {
if( param( 'Search' )) {
param( 'Search', '' );
param( 'op', 'ldapsearch' );
print hidden( 'op' );
print end_form;
print end_html;
if( param( 'Delete This Group' )) {
param( 'Delete This Group', '' );
param( 'op', 'confirmdelete' );
print hidden( 'op' );
print end_form;
print end_html;
if( param( 'Delete This User' )) {
param( 'Delete This User', '' );
param( 'op', 'confirmdelete' );
print hidden( 'op' );
print end_form;
print end_html;
if( param( 'Get Group Info' )) {
param( 'Get Group Info', "");
printuser( "getgroupinfo" );
print hidden( 'op' );
print end_form;
print end_html;
1; # make require happy
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1