=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The enviroment var, SPFBEHAVIOR needs to be set. If it is not set, xf-spf will not run, and will log a message stating SPFBEHAVIOR en- viroment var is not available. SPFBEHAVIOR will define the proper behavior of xf-spf. SPFBEHAVIOR enviroment may have values between 0 and 6, similar to qmail's SPF patch. You can have a full description off all behavior values reading the installed README file: /usr/local/share/doc/xf-spf/README If you want to disable xf-spf for some reason, or disable it's che- cking for one particular IP address, using tcprules(1), set SPFBEHAVIOR to 0. Configure xf-spf usage on qmail-smtpd's SMTPEXTFORK patch: Add /var/qmail/bin/xf-spf to the appropriated enviroment var: echo /var/qmail/bin/xf-spf > /var/service/smtpd/env/SMTPEXTFORK Or use it with tcprules: :allow,SMTPEXTFORK="/var/qmail/bin/xf-spf" Remember that more than one program can be used with SMTPEXTFORK patch. If you already use any other, add xf-spf separated by comma: :allow,SMTPEXTFORK="/var/qmail/bin/xf-spf,/some/other/prog" Or echo "/some/other/prog,/var/qmail/bin/xf-spf" \ > /var/service/smtpd/env/SMTPEXTFORK =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=