# New ports collection makefile for: Elmer-mathlibs # Date created: 5 Jan 2006 # Whom: Pedro Giffuni # # $FreeBSD: ports/math/elmer-mathlibs/Makefile,v 1.12 2007/01/16 02:33:37 maho Exp $ # PORTNAME= mathlibs PORTVERSION= 1.0.0 PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= math MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/sci/physics/elmer/src/ PKGNAMEPREFIX= elmer- MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Math libraries build with F90 for used in ELMER FEM DEPRECATED= No ports depends on this as migrated to gfortran IGNORE= No ports depends on this as migrated to gfortran .ifdef WITH_MPI BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/mpich/include/mpif.h:${PORTSDIR}/net/mpich .endif CONFLICTS= atlas-[0-9]* blas-[0-9]* arpack-[0-9]* lapack-[0-9]* .ifdef WITH_MPI CONFLICTS+= scalapack-[0-9]* .endif WANT_FORTRAN=yes #dummy but future use BUILD_DEPENDS+= gfortran42:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gcc42 FC= gfortran42 F77= gfortran42 .ifdef WITH_OPTIMIZED_FLAGS FFLAGS+= -O3 -ffast-math .endif CONFIGURE_ENV+= F77=${FC} FFLAGS="${FFLAGS}" GNU_CONFIGURE= yes .ifdef WITH_MPI CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-mpi=yes --with-mpi-dir=${LOCALBASE}/mpich .endif ALL_TARGET= PLIST_FILES= lib/libarpack.a lib/libblas.a lib/liblapack.a .ifdef WITH_MPI PLIST_FILES+= lib/libparpack.a .endif .include