{ @(#)WZScript.scp 95/06/20 } if DG:findtype exit script end if repaint off if environment()=2 map font "Helvetica" to "Helv" map font "Geneva" to "Helv" map font "New York" to "Tms Rmn" map font "Times" to "Tms Rmn" map font "Chicago" to "System Proportional" end if date 1 "d-mon-yy" date 2 "d-mon" date 3 "mon-yy" date 4 "mm-dd-yy" date 5 "mm-dd" time 1 "hr:mn:scam" time 2 "hr:mnam" time 3 "hh:mn:sc" time 4 "hh:mn" add menubar "main" with 39 menus add submenu "edit paste special" with 7 items add menuitem "Values" command "paste values" add menuitem "Format" command "paste format" add menu separator add menuitem "Add" command "paste add" add menuitem "Subtract" command "paste subtract" add menuitem "Multiply" command "paste multiply" add menuitem "Divide" command "paste divide" add submenu "edit clear special" with 3 items add menuitem "Format" command "remove format" add menuitem "Formula" command "remove formula" add menuitem "Data" command "remove data" add submenu "go recalc" with 8 items add menuitem "Manual Recalc" type 16 add menuitem "Automatic Recalc" type 17 add menu separator add menuitem "Natural Recalc" type 18 add menuitem "Row Recalc" type 20 add menuitem "Column Recalc" type 19 add menu separator add menuitem "Iteration..." type 201 command "@call DG:DGIteration()" {add name submenu "go name" command "select range ""*"""} add submenu "go select" command "select *" with 26 items add menuitem "Notes" add menuitem "Fields" add menuitem "Controls" add menuitem "Graphics" add menu separator add menuitem "Text Cells" add menuitem "Value Cells" add menuitem "Formula Cells" add menuitem "Error Cells" add menuitem "Locked Cells" add menuitem "Blank Cells" add menuitem "Heading" add menu separator add menuitem "All Precedents" add menuitem "All Dependents" add menuitem "Direct Precedents" add menuitem "Direct Dependents" add menuitem "References to Blanks" add menuitem "Unreferenced Cells" add menu separator add menuitem "Current Cell" add menuitem "Last Cell" add menuitem "Active Cells" add menu separator add menuitem "Report Header" add menuitem "Report Footer" add menuitem "Report Border" add submenu "go create names" command "create names *" with 2 items add menuitem "Top Row" add menuitem "Left Column" {add name submenu "go remove name" command "remove name ""*"""} add submenu "format number" command "format *" with 14 items add menuitem "Fixed" type 23 add menuitem "Currency" type 24 add menuitem "Percent" type 25 add menuitem "Scientific" type 26 add menuitem "General" type 22 add menuitem "D-Mon-YY" type 27 command "format date 1" add menuitem "D-Mon" type 28 command "format date 2" add menuitem "Mon-YY" type 29 command "format date 3" add menuitem "MM-DD-YY" type 30 command "format date 4" add menuitem "MM-DD" type 31 command "format date 5" add menuitem "HR:MN:SC AM" type 32 command "format time 1" add menuitem "HR:MN AM" type 33 command "format time 2" add menuitem "HH:MN:SC" type 34 command "format time 3" add menuitem "HH:MN" type 35 command "format time 4" add menuitem "Custom..." type 199 command "@call DG:DGCustom()" add submenu "format attribute" with 4 items add menuitem "Hide Zero" type 36 command "hide zeroes", "show zeroes" add menuitem "Commas" type 37 command "use commas", "no commas" add menuitem "Parenthesis" type 38 command "use parenthesis", "no parenthesis" add menuitem "Hidden" type 39 command "hide cells", "show cells" add submenu "format neg" command "negative text color *()" with 9 items add menuitem "Red" type 41 add menuitem "Green" type 42 add menuitem "Blue" type 43 add menuitem "Cyan" type 44 add menuitem "Magenta" type 45 add menuitem "Yellow" type 46 add menuitem "Black" type 47 add menuitem "White" type 48 add menuitem "Other..." type 49 command "@call DG:DGTextColor(""negative "")" {add font submenu "format font" command "text font ""*"""} add submenu "format size" command "text size *" with 10 items add menuitem "8" type 51 add menuitem "10" type 51 add menuitem "12" type 51 add menuitem "14" type 51 add menuitem "18" type 51 add menuitem "24" type 51 add menuitem "36" type 51 add menuitem "48" type 51 add menuitem "72" type 51 add menuitem "Other..." type 52 command "@call DG:DGTextSize()" add submenu "format style" with 6 items add menuitem "Plain" type 53 command "text style ""biuos""" add menuitem "Bold" type 54 key "B" command "text style ""B""", "text style ""b""" menuitem text style "B" add menuitem "Italic" type 55 command "text style ""I""", "text style ""i""" menuitem text style "I" add menuitem "Underline" type 56 key "U" command "text style ""U""", "text style ""u""" menuitem text style "U" add menuitem "Outline" type 57 command "text style ""O""", "text style ""o""" menuitem text style "O" add menuitem "Shadow" type 58 command "text style ""S""", "text style ""s""" menuitem text style "S" add submenu "format color" command "text color *()" with 9 items add menuitem "Red" type 59 add menuitem "Green" type 60 add menuitem "Blue" type 61 add menuitem "Cyan" type 62 add menuitem "Magenta" type 63 add menuitem "Yellow" type 64 add menuitem "Black" type 65 add menuitem "White" type 66 add menuitem "Other..." type 67 command "@call DG:DGTextColor("""")" add submenu "format align" command "Align *" with 4 items add menuitem "General" type 69 add menuitem "Left" type 70 add menuitem "Center" type 71 add menuitem "Right" type 72 add submenu "sheet report" with 16 items add menuitem "Report Print Range" add menu separator add menuitem "Add Page Break" add menuitem "Remove Page Break" add menuitem "Remove All Page Breaks" add menu separator add menuitem "Report Header Left" type 77 add menuitem "Report Header Center" type 78 add menuitem "Report Header Right" type 79 add menuitem "Hide Report Header" type 80 add menuitem "Report Header Range" add menu separator add menuitem "Report Footer Left" type 81 add menuitem "Report Footer Center" type 82 add menuitem "Report Footer Right" type 83 add menuitem "Hide Report Footer" type 84 add menuitem "Report Footer Range" add submenu "sheet sort" with 8 items add menuitem "Sort Now" add menu separator add menuitem "Sort Range" type 10 add menuitem "Ascending Key" type 13 add menuitem "Descending Key" type 13 add menu separator add menuitem "Add Ascending Key" type 13 add menuitem "Add Descending Key" type 13 add submenu "sheet table" with 5 items add menuitem "Recalc Table" add menu separator add menuitem "Table Range" type 10 add menuitem "Input Cell 1" type 10 add menuitem "Input Cell 2" type 10 add submenu "sheet distribution" with 4 items add menuitem "Distribute" add menu separator add menuitem "Values Range" type 10 add menuitem "Bin Range" type 10 add submenu "sheet database" with 6 items add menuitem "Find" command "Data Find" add menuitem "Extract" command "Data Extract" add menuitem "Delete" command "Data Delete" add menu separator add menuitem "Data Range" type 10 add menuitem "Criteria Range" type 10 add submenu "sheet matrix" with 8 items add menuitem "Transpose" type 10 add menuitem "Invert" type 179 add menu separator add menuitem "Regress" type 181 add menuitem "N-Solve" type 179 add menuitem "Determinant" type 179 add menu separator add menuitem "Multiply" type 180 add submenu "sheet protection" with 7 items add menuitem "Protect Cells" type 85 add menuitem "Unprotect Cells" type 86 add menu separator add menuitem "Enable Protection" type 87 add menuitem "Disable Protection" type 88 add menu separator add menuitem "Password..." type 7 command "@call DG:DGPassword()" add submenu "Gallery" with 23 items add menuitem "Bar" type 111 command "Vertical Bar" add menuitem "Line" type 112 add menuitem "Layer" type 113 add menuitem "Step" type 114 add menuitem "Combination" type 115 add menu separator add menuitem "3D Bar" type 116 add menuitem "3D Line" type 117 add menuitem "3D Layer" type 118 add menuitem "3D Step" type 119 add menuitem "3D Combination" type 120 add menu separator add menuitem "Horizontal Bar" type 121 add menuitem "Pie" type 122 add menuitem "3D Pie" type 123 add menuitem "HiLo" type 124 add menu separator add menuitem "XY" type 125 add menuitem "Scatter" type 126 add menuitem "Polar" type 127 add menuitem "Contour" type 129 add menuitem "Surface" type 130 add menuitem "Wireframe" type 128 add submenu "Title" with 6 items add menuitem "Title Left" type 132 add menuitem "Title Center" type 133 add menuitem "Title Right" type 134 add menuitem "Hide Title" type 135 add menu separator add menuitem "Title Range" type 136 add submenu "Footnote" with 6 items add menuitem "Footnote Left" type 137 add menuitem "Footnote Center" type 138 add menuitem "Footnote Right" type 139 add menuitem "Hide Footnote" type 140 add menu separator add menuitem "Footnote Range" type 236 add submenu "Legend" with 5 items add menuitem "Legend Left" type 141 add menuitem "Legend Right" type 142 add menuitem "Legend Bottom" type 143 add menuitem "Legend Top" type 144 add menuitem "Hide Legend" type 145 add submenu "Axes" with 13 items add menuitem "Linear Scale" type 147 command "axis linear scale" add menuitem "Percent Scale" type 148 command "axis percent scale" add menuitem "Log Scale" type 149 command "axis log scale" add menuitem "Scale Info..." command "@call DG:DGScaleInfo()" add menu separator add menuitem "Hide Axis" type 150 command "hide axis", "show axis" add menuitem "Axis Line Only" type 151 command "show axis line", "show axis" add menuitem "Major Grids..." command "@call DG:DGMajGrid()" add menuitem "Minor Grids..." command "@call DG:DGMinGrid()" add menu separator add menuitem "Title Range" type 152 command "axis title range" add menuitem "Hide Title" type 153 command "hide axis title", "show axis title" add menuitem "Rotate Title" type 154 command "vertical axis title", "horizontal axis title" add submenu "Series" with 14 items add menuitem "Range" type 156 command "series data range" add menu separator add menuitem "Hide" type 157 command "hide series", "show series" add menuitem "Smooth" type 158 command "series smoothing on", "series smoothing off" add menuitem "Explode" type 159 command "series pie offset 50 percent", "series pie offset 0 percent" add menuitem "Aux Axis" type 160 command "series axis 2", "series axis 1" add menu separator add menuitem "Label..." type 161 command "@call DG:DGLabel()" add menuitem "Symbol..." type 162 command "@call DG:DGSymbol()" add menuitem "Combination..." type 163 command "@call DG:DGCombo()" add menu separator add menuitem "Add Series" add menuitem "Delete Series" command "remove series" add menuitem "Show All Series" add submenu "General" with 17 items add menuitem "Automatic Layout" type 166 command "Automatic Layout", "Manual Layout" add menu separator add menuitem "Automatic Stacking" type 167 add menuitem "Stack Chart" type 168 add menuitem "Unstack Chart" type 169 add menu separator add menuitem "No Parsing" type 170 command "no chart parsing" add menuitem "Automatic Parsing" type 171 command "automatic chart parsing" add menuitem "Horizontal Parsing" type 172 command "horizontal chart parsing" add menuitem "Vertical Parsing" type 173 command "vertical chart parsing" add menu separator add menuitem "Chart Range" type 174 add menuitem "Series Label Range" type 174 add menuitem "Division Label Range" type 225 add menu separator add menuitem "Plot Interior Brush..." type 175 command "@call DG:DGPlotFill()" add menuitem "Plot Interior Pen..." type 224 command "@call DG:DGPlotLine()" add submenu "Info3D" with 9 items add menuitem "View..." command "@call DG:DG3DView()" add menu separator add menuitem "Base Pen..." type 195 command "@call DG:DGBaseLine()" add menuitem "Base Side..." type 223 command "@call DG:DGBaseSideFill()" add menuitem "Base Top..." type 196 command "@call DG:DGBaseTopFill()" add menu separator add menuitem "Shadow..." type 197 command "@call DG:DGShadow()" add menu separator add menuitem "Surface Pen..." type 165 command "@call DG:DGSurfaceLine()" add remove-script submenu "remove script" command "remove script ""*""" add submenu "window scale" command "window scale *" with 11 items add menuitem "25%" type 93 add menuitem "33%" type 93 add menuitem "50%" type 93 add menuitem "67%" type 93 add menuitem "75%" type 93 add menuitem "100%" type 93 add menuitem "150%" type 93 add menuitem "200%" type 93 add menuitem "300%" type 93 add menuitem "400%" type 93 add menuitem "Other..." type 188 command "@call DG:DGScale()" add submenu "window show" command "Show *", "Hide *" with 13 items add menuitem "Sheet" type 94 add menuitem "Titles" type 95 add menuitem "Headings" type 106 add menuitem "Notes" type 96 add menuitem "Fields" type 97 add menuitem "Controls" type 98 add menuitem "Graphics" type 99 add menuitem "Tool Box" type 100 add menuitem "Entry Bar" type 101 add menuitem "Cell Grid" type 102 add menuitem "Title Grid" type 103 add menuitem "Heading Grid" type 104 add menuitem "Formula Text" type 105 add submenu "window column heading" with 2 items add menuitem "A1..B2" type 107 command "column letters" add menuitem "R1C1..R2C2" type 108 command "column numbers" add menu "~File" with 13 items add menuitem "~New" type 201 key "N" command "+New Worksheet """"" add menuitem "~Open..." type 201 key "O" command "+@Open Dialog" add menu separator add menuitem "~Close" type 186 key "W" command "+Close" add menuitem "~Save" type 192 key "S" add menuitem "Save ~As..." type 193 command "@save dialog" add menuitem "~Revert to Saved" type 5 add menu separator add menuitem "Pa~ge Setup..." type 6 command "Page Setup" add menuitem "Page Pre~view..." type 7 command "Page Preview" add menuitem "~Print..." type 6 key "P" command "Print Dialog" add menu separator add menuitem if(environment()=8,"~Exit","Quit") type 201 key "E" command "+Quit" add menu "~Edit" with 17 items add menuitem "Cant Undo" type 8 key 520 command "undo" add menu separator add menuitem "Cu~t" type 176 key 383 add menuitem "~Copy" type 204 key 3072 add menuitem "~Paste" type 9 key 2304 add menuitem "Cl~ear" type 176 add menu separator add menuitem "Select ~All" type 189 key "A" if environment() = 8 add menuitem "S~how Clipboard" type 201 end if add menu separator add menuitem "~Insert" type 10 key "I" add menuitem "~Delete" type 10 key "K" add menuitem "Copy Ri~ght" type 11 key "R" add menuitem "Copy Dow~n" type 12 key "D" add menu separator add menuitem "Pa~ste Special" type 177 submenu "edit paste special" add menuitem "C~lear Special" type 13 submenu "edit clear special" add menu "G~o" with 11 items add menuitem "~Recalc" type 178 key "=" add menuitem "Recalc ~Info" type 7 submenu "go recalc" add menuitem "~Paste Formula..." type 191 command "@call DG:DGPasteFormula()" add menu separator add menuitem "~Find..." type 4 key "F" command "@call DG:DGFind()" add menuitem "~Select" type 7 submenu "go select" {add menuitem "~Name" type 14 submenu "go name"} add menuitem "~Name..." type 14 command "@call DG:DGRangeName(""Goto"")" add menu separator add menuitem "~Define Name..." type 10 command "@call DG:DGName()" add menuitem "~Create Names" type 15 submenu "go create names" {add menuitem "Re~move Name" type 14 submenu "go remove name"} add menuitem "Re~move Name..." type 14 command "@call DG:DGRangeName(""Remove"")" add menu "For~mat" with 16 items add menuitem "~Number" type 21 submenu "format number" add menuitem "~Attribute" type 21 submenu "format attribute" add menuitem "Ne~gatives" type 40 submenu "format neg" add menuitem "C~ell Border..." type 40 command "@call DG:DGCellBorder()" add menuitem "~Precision..." type 21 command "@call DG:DGPrecision()" add menu separator add menuitem "F~ont..." type 50 command "@call DG:DGFontList()" {add menuitem "F~ont" type 50 submenu "format font"} add menuitem "~Size" type 50 submenu "format size" add menuitem "St~yle" type 50 submenu "format style" add menuitem "~Color" type 50 submenu "format color" add menuitem "Al~ign" type 68 submenu "format align" add menu separator add menuitem "~Fill..." type 73 command "@call DG:DGFill()" add menuitem "~Line..." type 74 command "@call DG:DGLine()" add menuitem "~Border..." type 75 command "@call DG:DGBorder()" add menu separator add menuitem "a" type 76 command "@call DG:DGObjectInfo()" add menu "~Sheet" with 9 items add menuitem "~Report" type 7 submenu "sheet report" add menuitem "~Protection" type 7 submenu "sheet protection" add menu separator add menuitem "~Fill" type 13 key 4098 add menuitem "~Sort" type 10 submenu "sheet sort" add menuitem "~Table" type 7 submenu "sheet table" add menuitem "D~istribution" type 7 submenu "sheet distribution" add menuitem "~Database" type 7 submenu "sheet database" add menuitem "~Matrix" type 13 submenu "sheet matrix" add menu "~Graph" with 17 items add menuitem "~Gallery" type 110 submenu "Gallery" add menuitem "~Title" type 131 submenu "Title" add menuitem "~Footnote" type 231 submenu "Footnote" add menuitem "L~egend" type 187 submenu "Legend" add menuitem "~Axes" type 146 submenu "Axes" add menuitem "~Series" type 155 submenu "Series" add menuitem "~3D Info" type 164 submenu "Info3D" add menuitem "Ge~neral" type 110 submenu "General" add menu separator add menuitem "~Bring to Front" type 182 add menuitem "Sen~d to Back" type 182 add menu separator add menuitem "G~roup" type 183 add menuitem "~Ungroup" type 184 add menu separator add menuitem "~Lock Object" type 202 add menuitem "Unloc~k Object" type 203 add menu "S~cript" with 11 items add menuitem "~New Script" type 201 command "@New Script """"" add menuitem "~Open Script..." type 201 command "@open script dialog" add menu separator add menuitem "~Get Script..." type 201 command "@get script dialog" add menuitem "Re~move Script" type 194 submenu "remove script" add menu separator add menuitem "~Attach Script..." type 89 command "@attach script dialog" add menuitem "~Run Script..." type 201 command "@run script dialog" add menu separator add menuitem "~Learn" type 90 command "@learn on", "@learn off" add menuitem "~Compile" type 91 command "@compile" add menuitem "R~un" type 91 command "@Run """"" add menu separator add menuitem "a" type 92 command "@Edit Script" add window menu "~Window" with 8 items add menuitem "~Help Window" type 190 command "+@help ""WngzHelp""" add menuitem "~New Window" type 7 command "New Window" add menuitem "~Arrange Windows" type 186 command "+Arrange Windows" add menuitem "Set ~Titles" type 13 command "Titles" add menu separator add menuitem "~Scale" type 7 submenu "window scale" add menuitem "Sh~ow" type 7 submenu "window show" add menuitem "~Column Heading" type 7 submenu "window column heading" show menubar "main" DG:findtype = 1 DG:findstr = "" DG:edtype = 1 DG:edfind = "" DG:edrep = "" repaint on break on if file("Startup.scz") run script "Startup.scz" end if define WZ_Startup WZ_Startup = GetEnv("WZ_STARTUP") if file (WZ_STARTUP & "/Startup.scz") run script (WZ_STARTUP & "/Startup.scz") end if