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colorBackspace keyBIFFBlank cellBorder commandBring to Front commandButtonClickcolorCreateMake transparentNameSelectTitleButton Info commandButton Script commandButton ToolCalculation orderCellBlankColorCurrentEmptyLastLockedSelectionCell Border commandCell noteCell referenceRelativeChart3DAlign with worksheetAxisAxis scaleBackground areaChange rangeColorCopy seriesCreateDivisionElementsElevationExplode pie sliceFootnoteFootnote areaHide seriesLegendLegend areaManual layoutModify axisMoveParsingPerspectivePlot areaRemove seriesRotationSelect typeSeriesSeries label rangeSeries labelsStack seriesSymbolTitleTitle areaChart Info commandChart ToolCheck buttonHyperScriptIn menusClear commandClear SpecialDataFormatFormulaClipboardClose commandColorBackgroundCellsChartForegroundLineNumbersObjectPatternTextColor commandColumnheadingInsertSelectionWidthColumn Heading commandCompile commandConstantDefinitionControl keyControl Script commandCopy commandCopy Down commandCopy Right commandCreate Names commandCurrent cellCurrent windowCustom FormatDeletingCut commandData commandData tableOne variableTwo variablesDatabaseCriteria RangeData RangeDefinition ofDeleteExtractFindRangeDateEnterFormatDate numberDefine Name commandDelete commandDIFDirect command entryDistributionBin RangeDistributeValues RangeDivisionDrawing toolsEdit menuClearClear SpecialCopyCopy DownCopy RightCutDeleteInsertPastePaste SpecialRedoSelect AllShow ClipboardUndoEmpty cellEncrypt FileEnd keyEntry BarAccept iconHideNavigator iconError messagesExpressionDateErrorFormulaLogicalNumericRangeTextTimeExternal referenceField InfoCell NoteExtra LeadingFixed HeightIndentLeadingLine SpaceLockedMarginsNameScroll BarTabsTitleWord WrapField Script commandFile menuCloseExitNewOpenPage PreviewPage SetupPrintRevert to SavedSaveSave AsFill commandFormat menuSheet menuFind commandDatabaseText fieldWorksheetFont commandFooterFootnoteFootnote RangeHide FootnoteForeground colorFormat commandFormat menuAlignArc InfoAttributeAuto SaveBorderButton InfoCell BorderChart InfoColorCustom formatField InfoFillFontLineLine InfoNegativesNumberObject InfoOval InfoPicture InfoPolygon InfoPolyline InfoPrecisionRectangle InfoSheet InfoSizeStyleFormulaCalculateDefinitionFunctionIn text fieldFormula commandFrequency distributionFunctionArgumentDefinition ofFunction argumentsGalleryCombinationGeneralAutomatic LayoutAutomatic ParsingAutomatic StackingChart RangeDivision Label RangeHorizontal ParsingNo ParsingPlot Interior BrushPlot Interior PenSeries Label RangeStack ChartUnstack ChartVertical ParsingGet script commandGo menuCreate NamesDefine NameFindNamePaste FormulaRecalcRecalc InfoRemove NameSelectGraph menu3D InfoAxesBring to FrontFootnoteGalleryGeneralGroupLegendLock ObjectSend to BackSeriesTitleUngroupUnlock ObjectGroup commandHandlesHeaderHeadingGridSelectHelpHelp windowIndexInteractiveRelated topicsHelp keyHide cell contentsHide objectsHome keyHyperScriptArgumentCommandControl structureDirect command entryEventImageImport graphicsInsert commandInsertion pointIterationKeyboardArrow keysBackspace keyControl keyControl-ReturnEnd keyHelp keyHome keyNext Screen keyPrevious Screen keyReturn keyShift keyShift-ReturnShift-TabTab keyLast cellLearn commandLegendHide LegendLineArrowColorPatternWidthLine commandFormat menuLine ToolLinking worksheetsLocked cellLocking objectsLogicalLotus 1-2-3Major GridManual Recalc commandMatrixDeterminantInvertMultiplyN-SolveRegressTransposeMeasurementMinor GridMonochrome monitorName commandNavigatorNegatives commandNetworkNew commandNew Script commandNew Window commandNext Screen keyNumberAs textColorCommasDecimal placesEnterFormatNegativePoint sizePrecisionNumber commandCurrencyFixedGeneralPercentScientificNumericObjectBorderChange sizeColorDistortionDrawGroupHideMoveNameNumberOutline colorOutline patternOutline widthPatternSelectionStackObject nameObject ToolOpen commandOpen Script commandOperatorDefinitionOperatorsOval ToolPage breakPage Preview commandPage Setup commandPassword commandPasteCell valuesFormatPaste commandPaste Formula commandPaste SpecialAddDivideFormatMultiplySubtractValuesPatternObjectPictureImportPlot Interior BrushPlot Interior PenPoint sizePointerPoly ToolPolygonPolylinePrecedencePrecision commandPrevious Screen keyPrint commandProtectionPasswordProtection commandQuit commandRangeChange chart rangeEnter dataInsertNameSelectionRecalc commandRecalc InfoAutomatic RecalcColumn RecalcIterationManual RecalcNatural RecalcRow RecalcRecalc table commandRectangle ToolRedo commandRegression analysisRelationalRelative referenceRemoveRemove Name commandRemove Script commandReportAdd Page BreakFooterFooter alignmentHeaderHeader alignmentHide Report FooterHide Report HeaderMarginsPage BreakPrint RangeRemove Page BreakReport Footer RangeReport Header RangeReport Print RangeReturn keyRevert to Saved commandRowHeadingHeightInsertSelectionRun commandRun Script commandSave As commandSave commandScale commandScriptAttachCompileCreateDG.scpEditEventFormatLoad into memoryNameOpenPrintRunSaveSave as textStartupTextWZScript.scpScript editorScript menuAttach ScriptButton ScriptCompileControl ScriptField ScriptGet scriptLearnNew ScriptOpen ScriptRemove ScriptRunRun ScriptSheet ScriptScroll barsSelectActive CellsBlank CellsControlsCurrent CellDependentsError CellsFieldsGraphicsHeadingLast CellLocked CellsNotesPrecedentsReferences to BlanksReport FooterReport HeaderUnreferenced CellsSelect All commandSelect commandSend to Back commandSeriesAdd SeriesCombinationDelete SeriesExplodeHideLabelRangeShow All SeriesSmoothSymbolSet Titles commandSheet Info commandSheet menuDatabaseDistributionFillMatrixProtectionReportSortTableSheet Script commandShift keyShift-ReturnShift-TabShowFieldsNotesTitlesShow Clipboard commandSize commandSortAdd Ascending KeyAdd Descending KeyAscending KeyDescending KeySort NowSort RangeStyle commandSYLKTab keyTableInput Cell 1Input Cell 2Recalc TableTable RangeTable Range commandTextColorEditFont stylePoint sizeText fieldBorderCell noteChange field sizeCreateEdit textEnter textFind and replace textFormat textFormula inIndentLine spacingLockedMargin settingsNameScroll barSelectSelect textTab settingsTitleWord wrapText filesText ToolTimeEnterTitleHide TitleTitle RangeTool BoxArc ToolButton ToolChart ToolDrawing toolsHideLine ToolObject ToolOval ToolPoly ToolRectangle ToolText ToolWorksheet ToolUndo commandUngroup commandUnix command lineUnlocking objectsVariableDefinition ofWindowActiveDuplicateListMaximize ButtonMinimize ButtonMoveResizingSizeTitleTitle barWindow Menu ButtonWindow menuArrange WindowsColumn Heading commandHelp WindowNew WindowScaleSet TitlesShowWord wrapWorksheetColorGrid linesGrid sizeSelect entireSelect headingsWorksheet Tool3D Bar 3D Combination 3D Layer 3D Line 3D Pie 3D Step @attach script dialog @call DG:DG3DView() @call DG:DGBaseLine() @call DG:DGBaseSideFill() @call DG:DGBaseTopFill() @call DG:DGBorder() @call DG:DGCellBorder() @call DG:DGCombo() @call DG:DGCustom() @call DG:DGFill() @call DG:DGFind() @call DG:DGFontList() @call DG:DGIteration() @call DG:DGLabel() @call DG:DGLine() @call DG:DGMajGrid() @call DG:DGMinGrid() @call DG:DGName() @call DG:DGObjectInfo() @call DG:DGPassword() @call DG:DGPasteFormula() @call DG:DGPlotFill() @call DG:DGPlotLine() @call DG:DGPrecision() @call DG:DGRangeName("Goto") @call DG:DGRangeName("Remove") @call DG:DGScale() @call DG:DGScaleInfo() @call DG:DGShadow() @call DG:DGSurfaceLine() @call DG:DGSymbol() @call DG:DGTextColor("") "@call DG:DGTextColor("negative ") @call DG:DGTextSize() @compile @Edit Script @get script dialog @learn off @learn on @New Script "" @open script dialog @Run "" @run script dialog @save dialog Add Ascending Key Add Descending Key Add Page Break Add Series Align * Ascending Key automatic chart parsing Automatic Layout Automatic Recalc Automatic Stacking axis linear scale axis log scale axis percent scale axis title range Bin Range Bring to Front Chart Range Clear column letters column numbers Column Recalc Combination Contour Copy Copy Down Copy Right create names * Criteria Range Cut Data Delete Data Extract Data Find Data Range Delete Descending Key Determinant Disable Protection Distribute Division Label Range Enable Protection Fill Fill Footnote Center Footnote Left Footnote Range Footnote Right format * format date 1 format date 2 format date 3 format date 4 format date 5 format time 1 format time 2 format time 3 format time 4 go to window "*" Group Hide * hide axis hide axis title hide cells Hide Footnote Hide Legend Hide Report Footer Hide Report Header hide series Hide Title hide zeroes HiLo horizontal axis title Horizontal Bar horizontal chart parsing Input Cell 1 Input Cell 2 Insert Invert Layer Legend Bottom Legend Left Legend Right Legend Top Line Lock Object Manual Layout Manual Recalc Multiply N-Solve Natural Recalc negative text color *() New Window no chart parsing no commas no parenthesis Page Preview page setup Paste paste add paste add paste divide paste divide paste format paste multiply paste multiply paste subtract paste subtract paste values Pie Polar print dialog Protect Cells Recalc Recalc Table Regress Remove All Page Breaks Remove Data Remove Format Remove Formula Remove Page Break Remove Script "*" remove series Report Footer Center Report Footer Left Report Footer Range Report Footer Right Report Header Center Report Header Left Report Header Range Report Header Right Report Print Range Revert to Saved Row Recalc Save Scatter select * Select All Send to Back series axis 1 series axis 2 series data range Series Label Range Series Label Range series pie offset 0 percent series pie offset 50 percent series smoothing off series smoothing on Show * Show All Series show axis show axis line show axis title show cells Show Clipboard show series show zeroes Sort Now Sort Range Stack Chart Step Surface Table Range text color *() text size * text style "B" text style "biuos" text style "I" text style "O" text style "S" text style "U" Title Center Title Left Title Range Title Right Titles Transpose undo Ungroup Unlock Object Unprotect Cells Unstack Chart use commas use parenthesis Values Range vertical axis title Vertical Bar vertical chart parsing window scale * Wireframe XY All contents copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, Informix Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Wingz is a trademark of Informix Software, Inc. HyperScript is also a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. OSF/Motif is a trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. DEC is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. The Help window provides on-line assistance while you are using Wingz. To open the Help window, choose Help Window from the Window menu, press F1, or press the Help key . If the help file "WngzHelp" is not in the same directory with Wingz, you can open the Help Window with the Open command from the File menu. In the Open Wingz Spreadsheet dialog box, type the relative or full path into the Filter field and press Return. Select "WngzHelp" from the Files box and click Ok. The Help window can remain on the screen to provide reference information while you are working on a worksheet. It can be moved and resized so you can see both the Help window and your worksheet at the same time. When the Help window is active, information about a command is displayed when you choose the command from the Wingz menu. Some menu commands perform their normal functions instead of displaying related help information. These include New, Open, Close, Quit, Help Window, and Arrange Windows.  The Help window displays text on a single topic. It also contains a related topics menu, four buttons, and a scroll bar to help you find and read Help information. Use Previous and Next keys to browse through large help topics. BUL The related topics menu pops open when you click it. Select a related topic from the menu to display Help information about that topic. BUL The Next button displays information about the next Help topic. BUL The Previous button displays information about the previous Help topic. BUL The Topics button opens the Help Topics dialog box (much like a table of contents). BUL The Index button opens the Help Index dialog box, which lists keywords alphabetically. The Help window can remain on screen to provide reference information while you are working on a worksheet. It can be moved and resized so you can see both the Help window and your worksheet at the same time. To arrange the Help window and other active windows, choose Arrange Windows from the Window menu. You can open additional Help windows if you want to review information about more than one topic at a time. To close the Help window, click the Window Menu Button or choose Close from the File menu.  The Topics button in the Help window opens the Help Topics dialog box (much like a table of contents). Select a topic and click Ok to display information about that topic; or, double-click the topic.  The Index button in the Help window opens the Help Index dialog box, which contains an alphabetical index of Wingz keywords. Select a keyword in the index, then click Ok to display information about that keyword. When you access Help via the Help Index dialog box, the Next and Previous buttons display the next or previous occurrence of the keyword. If the keyword occurs nowhere else, the Next and Previous buttons are dimmed.  To display information about a menu command, choose the command while the Help window is active. Some commands perform their normal functions when selected regardless of whether Help is active. These commands include New, Open, Close, Quit, Help Window, and Arrange Windows.  When you use Wingz, you work on a worksheet grid. This grid has 32,768 columns, 32,768 rows, and more than one billion cells. To move around the worksheet, use the scroll bars, stepper arrows, and sliders, just as in any other OSF/Motif window. When you drag a slider, Wingz displays an indicator box to let you know where you are in the grid. Wingz provides the Navigator (located to the left of the Entry Bar) and keyboard shortcuts for moving within a worksheet. You can alter the worksheet to meet your needs. You can change column widths and row heights, as well as column headings. You can also insert rows and columns, or a range of blank cells. You can even change the scale of the worksheet to highlight certain information or display more information. In addition, Wingz provides a variety of commands which allow you to audit the contents of your worksheets.  To enter data into a worksheet, select a cell. You can select one cell at a time, a range of cells, or an entire column or row of your worksheet. You can also select a range based on the type of data the cells contain. You can specify text cells, numeric cells, or formula cells within a range. You can then use other worksheet commands to format, protect, or obtain information about these cells.  Before you can enter data in a cell and work with it, you must select the cell. NUM1. Click the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Click the cell to select it. When you select the Worksheet Tool, the pointer appears as a crossbar in the grid. The cell you select becomes the current cell and is highlighted. Its Cell reference appears in the upper-left portion of the Entry Bar. To select two or more non-adjacent cells, select the first cell and hold down the Control key as you select the additional cells.  BUL To select a range within the worksheet, use the Worksheet Tool to click the first cell in the range, then drag to the last cell of the range. BUL To select a large range, click the first cell in the range, scroll to the end of the range, and hold down the Shift key as you click the last cell. BUL To select two or more non-adjacent ranges, select the first range and hold down the Control key as you select additional ranges. The range is highlighted as you select it. The first cell becomes the current cell. Press Return to move the cell highlighter from top to bottom in the selected range. Press Tab to move from left to right in the selected range. Press Shift-Return to move from bottom to top in the range, and Shift-Tab to move from right to left. To change an anchor point in a selected range, hold down the Shift key and click the new anchor point. To select the grid containing the column and row headings, double-click the upper-left corner of the worksheet. To select the entire worksheet, choose Select All from the Edit menu or click the upper-left corner of the worksheet.  BUL Use the Worksheet Tool to select a row or column. BUL To select an entire row, click the row number. BUL To select an entire column, click the column heading. BUL To select several rows or columns at once, drag across the row numbers or column headings. BUL To select two or more non-adjacent ranges, select the first range and hold down the Control key as you select additional ranges. Select non-adjacent rows or columns the same way. You can select an entire row or column or several rows or columns. When you select a row or column, all 32,768 cells of the row or column are selected. The rows or columns are highlighted as you select them. When you select a row, the current cell is the first cell that appears in the window in that row.  BUL Choose Select from the Go menu and the type of cell contents (Text Cells, Value Cells, or Formula Cells) from the submenu. Once you have entered data and formulas in your worksheet, you can select cells by their contents - text, numeric values, or formulas. You can then use other worksheet commands to format these cells, protect them, or modify them. You can move from one selected cell to another by pressing the Tab or Return key.  You must first select an object before you can copy, move, or resize it. NUM1. Click the Object Tool. NUM2. Click the object to select it. When you select the Object Tool, the pointer appears as a crosshair. Use the Object Tool to select an object or an element of a chart. Square handles appear around the perimeter of the selected object or chart. To select two or more objects, select the first object and hold down the Control key as you select the additional objects.  BUL Choose Select All from the Edit menu to select the entire worksheet including all charts, fields, buttons, and objects. The Select All command selects all material on the worksheet, including items currently hidden by the Show command on the Window menu.  BUL Press Return to move the cell highlighter down one row. Press Tab to move right one column. Press Shift-Return to move up one row, and Shift-Tab to move left one column. BUL Click an arrow in the Navigator (located to the left of the Entry Bar) to go to the next filled cell that borders a blank cell. If the Navigator does not find a filled cell in the current row or column, it displays the edge of the worksheet. BUL Use the keys to the right of the main keypad to quickly move around the worksheet. Home displays the first cell on the worksheet, A1. End displays the last cell on the worksheet, AVLH32768. The current cell remains unchanged. Previous Screen and Next Screen displays worksheet cells up or down one screen. Pressing Ctrl plus Previous Screen and Ctrl plus Next Screen displays worksheet cells left and right one screen. Arrow keys move up, down, left, or right one cell. BUL Use the scroll bars to move around the worksheet. An indicator box displays the column and row when dragging a slider.  You can move directly to any cell or range in the worksheet. NUM1. Choose Find from the Go menu. NUM2. Click Cell in the dialog box. NUM3. Type the cell or range reference in the text box. NUM4. Click OK. You can also use the Find command to locate cells that contain the text string, value, formula, or expression result (criteria) you specify in the dialog box.  You can copy the contents of a cell, range, text field, or an object from one part of the worksheet to another or to a separate worksheet. NUM1. Select a cell, range, text field, or object. NUM2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu. NUM3. Select the cell or range where you want this material to appear. NUM4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. When you choose Copy, Wingz makes a copy of the selected worksheet material on the Clipboard. You can paste this copy as many times as you want, in different locations, until you change the contents of the Clipboard. To view the contents of the Clipboard, choose the Show Clipboard command from the Edit menu. If the destination range is larger than the source range, Wingz repeats the copied data to fill the destination range. If the destination range is smaller, Wingz pastes as much of the source range as fits within the destination range. If the destination range is a single cell, the entire source range is pasted, starting at that cell. Data in cells within the destination range is overwritten. If you copy cells that contain formulas, relative cell references in those formulas change automatically.  You can paste the information on the Clipboard into the selected range as values. The result of a formula is pasted in, rather than the formula itself. NUM1. Select a cell or range with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu. NUM3. Select another cell or range. NUM4. Choose Values from the Paste Special submenu in the Edit menu .  You can paste the formatting information of the cells in the Clipboard into the selected ranges. If all cells in the Clipboard contain the same format, that format is applied to all selected ranges. NUM1. Select a formatted cell or range of cells with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu. NUM3. Select another cell or range. NUM4. Choose Format from the Paste Special submenu in the Edit menu.  You can combine the values of a selected range with the values of the range stored on the Clipboard. This operation is useful for consolidating worksheets and performing matrix addition. NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu. NUM3. Select another cell or range or cells. NUM4. Choose Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide from the Paste Special submenu in the Edit menu. For example: Copy a range of two cells with the values 2 and 3, then select another two-cell range with the values 8 and 9. Choose Divide from the Paste Special submenu in the Edit menu. The selected range is divided by the range stored on the Clipboard, and the values 4 (8 divided by 2) and 3 (9 divided by 3) replace 8 and 9 on the worksheet.  NUM1. Select a range. NUM2. Choose Copy Down or Copy Right from the Edit menu. Copy Down duplicates the contents of the top row of a range into the cells below. Copy Right duplicates the contents of the left column of a range into the cells to the right. If you duplicate cells that contain formulas, relative cell references in those formulas change automatically.  You can fill a range of cells with regularly incremented numbers, dates, day names, month names, and quarters with the Fill command. NUM1. Select a range. NUM2. Enter a starting value in the first cell in the range and an ending value in the last cell in the range. NUM3. Choose Fill from the Sheet menu. If the range selected is empty, it is filled by columns with numbers starting at 1.00 and increasing by 1 in each cell. When the first cell contains a number, that number is used as the starting number. If the last cell also contains a number, the cells between the first and last are filled by regular increments from the first number to the last number. When the first cell in the selected range contains a day name, such as Monday, the range is filled by rows with day names. Month names and Quarters (e.g., "1st Quarter") work the same way. If you place a date in the first cell, Wingz fills the range with dates.  To use a range of data from another worksheet, Copy (or Cut) and Paste using the Clipboard. NUM1. Open the worksheet containing the range to be copied. NUM2. Select a range with the Worksheet Tool. NUM3. Choose Cut or Copy from the Edit menu. NUM4. Activate the window containing the destination worksheet. NUM5. Select a range in the destination worksheet. NUM6. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. If the destination range is larger than the source range, Wingz repeats the copied data to fill the destination range. If the destination range is smaller, Wingz pastes as much of the source range as fits within the destination range. If the destination range is a single cell, the entire source range is pasted, starting at that cell. Data in cells within the destination range is overwritten. If you copy cells that contain formulas, relative cell references in those formulas change automatically. You can also use the commands from the Paste Special submenu in the Edit menu to paste information from the Clipboard onto a worksheet. Use the Values command from the Paste Special submenu to paste formula results into the destination range. Use the Format command from the Paste Special submenu to paste format information into the destination range. Use the Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide commands from the Paste Special submenu to combine the values in the destination range with the values of the range stored on the Clipboard.  You can move the contents of a cell, range, text field, or an object from one part of the worksheet to another or to another worksheet. NUM1. Select a cell, range, text field, or object. NUM2. Choose Cut from the Edit menu. NUM3. Select a second cell or range. NUM4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. Cut removes the contents of the worksheet material and saves it on the Clipboard. It does not remove the cells themselves. You can paste the copy as many times as you want, in different locations, until you change the contents of the Clipboard. You can view the contents of the Clipboard with the Show Clipboard command from the Edit menu. If the destination range is larger than the source range, Wingz repeats the copied data to fill the destination range. If the destination range is smaller, Wingz pastes as much of the source range as fits within the destination range. If the destination range is a single cell, the entire source range is pasted, starting at that cell. Data in cells within the destination range is overwritten. If you copy cells that contain formulas, relative cell references in those formulas change automatically. You can also use the commands from the Paste Special submenu in the Edit menu to paste the information from the Clipboard onto a worksheet. Use the Values command from the Paste Special submenu to paste formula results into the destination range. Use the Format command from the Paste Special submenu to paste format information into the destination range. Use the Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide commands from the Paste Special submenu to combine the values in the destination range with the values of the range stored on the Clipboard.  You can combine the values of a selected range with the values of the range stored on the Clipboard. This operation is useful for consolidating worksheets. NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu. NUM3. Select another cell or range or cells. NUM4. Choose Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide from the Paste Special submenu in the Edit menu. For example: Copy a range of two cells with the values 2 and 3, then select a range with the values 8 and 9. Choose Divide from the Paste Special submenu in the Edit menu. The selected range is divided by the range stored on the Clipboard, and the values 4 (8 divided by 2) and 3 (9 divided by 3) replace 8 and 9 on the worksheet.  NUM1. Select a range. NUM2. If desired, enter a starting value in the first cell in the range and an ending value in the last cell in the range. NUM3. Choose Fill from the Sheet menu. The Fill command is a shortcut for entering values into a range in regular increments. If the range selected is empty, it is filled by columns with numbers starting at 1.00 and increasing by 1 in each cell. If the first cell already has a number, that number is used as the starting number. If the last cell also has a number, the cells between the first and last are filled by regular increments from the first number to the last number. If the first cell in the selected range contains a day name, such as Monday, the range is filled by rows with day names. Month names and Quarters (e.g., "1st Quarter") work the same way. If you place a date in the first cell, Wingz fills the range with dates.  BUL Choose Undo from the Edit menu to reverse the effects of many (but not all) worksheet changes. You can undo a Cut, Paste, Clear, Insert, Delete, Copy Right, Copy Down, and Paste Special action. Undo reverses editing commands only; it does not reverse commands that initiate calculations, such as Recalc or Regression. You can toggle between Undo and Redo. Choose Redo to perform the action that was reversed with Undo.  You can remove the contents of a cell, range, text field, button, or object without saving a copy on the Clipboard. NUM1. Select a cell, range of cells, text field, or object on the worksheet. NUM2. Choose Clear from the Edit menu; or, press the Backspace key or Delete key, if available on your keyboard. If you want to save a copy of the worksheet material on the Clipboard, choose Cut instead of Clear. Clear removes the contents of selected cells without removing the cells themselves. If you want to delete both the cells and their contents, choose Delete from the Edit menu. If you accidentally remove worksheet information, you can restore it by immediately choosing Undo from the Edit menu. You can protect your data against accidental loss with the Protection command from the Sheet menu. By choosing commands from the Clear Special submenu, you can remove only a portion of the information that is attached to a cell or range. BUL Choose the Format option to remove any formatting that has been defined for the selected range. BUL Choose the Formula option to remove all formulas and replace the contents of the cells with the formula values. BUL Choose the Data option to remove only the data from the cell without removing any of the defined formatting for the cell.  You can remove a column, row, or range - and all of the contents of their cells - from the worksheet. When you choose Delete, the selected row, column, or range is removed. The remaining cells in the worksheet shift up or to the left to fill the space. NUM1. Select the row, column, or range. NUM2. Choose Delete from the Edit menu. Any object layered over the deleted row, column, or range is resized accordingly. IMPORTANT: If you accidentally remove cells, immediately choose Undo from the Edit menu to restore them.  By default, Wingz is set to calculate a formula result immediately after the formula has been entered. When you change the value in a cell that is referenced in a formula, the formula is automatically recalculated to display the correct value. You can choose to recalculate formulas manually or automatically. If you choose manual recalculation, the formulas in the worksheet are only recalculated when you choose Recalc from the Go menu. If you choose automatic recalculation, all formulas in the worksheet are recalculated when information is entered or changed in the worksheet.  BUL Choose Manual Recalc from the Recalc Info submenu in the Go menu . Manual Recalc delays recalculation until you choose the Recalc command from the Go menu; Automatic Recalc calculates after every entry. Manual Recalc allows you to view values in the worksheet before calculation and between iterations. Cells dependent on changed cells do not change until recalculation updates them.  BUL Choose Automatic Recalc from the Recalc Info submenu in the Go menu. Use Automatic Recalc when you want Wingz to recalculate the worksheet (and all associated charts) immediately after every cell entry or change. Choose this command to reverse a previous manual recalculation selection. Choose Manual Recalc from the Recalc Info submenu to delay recalculation until you choose the Recalc command from the Go menu.  BUL Choose Recalc Info from the Go menu and a selection from the submenu to specify the calculation order. Column or row recalculation is a technique used to analyze certain kinds of financial models. It contrasts with natural recalculation (the default setting), in which the order of dependency of formulas, and not the position of formulas on the worksheet, determines the calculation order.  NUM1. Choose Iteration from the Recalc Info submenu in the Go menu. NUM2. In the dialog box, enter the maximum number of iterations, the maximum change between iterations, and the test cell for the change. NUM3. Click OK. The Iteration options only apply to worksheets that contain circular references. When you select Iterations, Wingz repeatedly calculates the worksheet and compares the results within the Test Cell between each calculation. Recalculation continues until the amount of change in the Test Cell from one iteration to the next is less than or equal to the value defined for the Max Change. Regardless of the change between iterations, the number of recalculations never exceeds the number specified in Max Iterations.  You can change many aspects of the displayed worksheet. Column width, row height, and the scale of the worksheet can be increased or decreased. Columns, rows, and ranges can be inserted anywhere on the worksheet. Worksheet elements can be hidden or displayed. Titles allow you to freeze display of part of the worksheet while scrolling through the worksheet.  You can easily move the lines in the worksheet grid to create the column width you need. NUM1. Click the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Point to the right grid line in the heading of the column you want to change. The crossbar pointer splits in half. NUM3. Drag the grid line right or left to change the column width. Graphic objects, text fields, and buttons layered over the columns may be distorted as you change the column width. To set the column width of several columns: NUM1. Click the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Select the columns you want to change. NUM3. Drag the right grid line in the heading of a selected column. The width of each of the selected columns changes to match the column you resize. To copy the width of another column: NUM1. Click the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Select the column or columns you want to change. NUM3. Click on the right grid line in the heading of the column you want to match.  You can easily move the lines in the worksheet grid to create the row height you need. NUM1. Click the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Point to the bottom grid line in the heading of the row you want to change. The crossbar pointer splits in half. NUM3. Drag the grid line up or down to change the row height. Graphic objects, text fields, and buttons layered over the rows may be distorted as you change the row height. To set the row height of several rows: NUM1. Click the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Select the rows you want to change. NUM3. Drag the bottom grid line in the heading of a selected row. The height of each of the selected rows changes to match the row you resize. To copy the height of another row: NUM1. Click the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Select the row or rows you want to change. NUM3. Click on the bottom grid line in the heading of the row you want to match.  You can use either numbers or letters as column headings. BUL To change column letters to numbers, choose Column Heading from the Window menu and R1C1..R2C2 from the submenu. BUL To change column numbers to letters, choose Column Heading from the Window menu and A1..B2 from the submenu. Wingz automatically converts cell references in formulas to the format you are using.  You can insert rows, columns, or ranges of empty cells anywhere in the worksheet. NUM1. Select a row, column, or range of cells. NUM2. Choose Insert from the Edit menu. If you select a row, Wingz inserts a row before the selected row. The contents of the selected row move down one row. If you select a column, Wingz inserts a column before the selected column. The contents of the selected column move one column to the right. If you select a range, Wingz inserts an equivalent range of blank cells to the left of the selected range and shifts the contents of the selected cells to the right. Any object layered over the inserted row, column, or range is resized accordingly.  You can alter the scale of the entire worksheet, both on screen and in print. BUL Choose Scale from the Window menu and a scale percentage from the submenu. Use the Other command from the submenu to apply a scale between 24% and 400%. All elements of the worksheet (cells, charts, buttons, and so on) are enlarged or reduced, depending on the scale you choose. The Entry Bar and the scroll bars on the window are not reduced. Changing scale allows you to view a larger section of your worksheet or zoom in on information. The default window scale is 100%.  BUL Choose Show from the Window menu and a worksheet element from the submenu. Use the Show command to hide or display a specific type of information on the worksheet (for example, titles, text fields, worksheet notes, graphics, controls, the cell grid, or the Entry Bar). The information is not removed from the worksheet; it is only hidden from view. A check button appears next to each type of information currently displayed. Choose a checked item to hide the information. To show more of the grid in the window, you can hide the Entry Bar and the Tool Box. Use the Titles command from the submenu to hide titles you have set up with the Set Titles command.  You can "freeze" row or column titles so they do not scroll off the screen when you move around the worksheet. NUM1. Select the row or column containing the titles you want fixed on the screen. To set both row and column titles at the same time, select the cell where the row and column containing the titles intersect. NUM2. Choose Set Titles from the Window menu. As you scroll through worksheets that contain long columns or rows of data, you may want to see the column or row labels that apply to the data. These labels are kept in view by using the Set Titles command. The title area can occupy one or more columns or rows. You can set up both horizontal and vertical title areas. The title area is marked by unbroken grid lines. To suppress a title area from view, choose Titles from the Show submenu in the Window menu.  You can select a range based on the type of data the cells contain. You can specify the selection of the current cell, all active cells, related cells, blank cells, cells referring to blank cells, formulas returning errors, all unreferenced cells, and a variety of other selections.  BUL Choose Select from the Go menu and Current Cell from the submenu to display the portion of the worksheet containing the current cell. Wingz highlights the current cell when you use the Current Cell command.  BUL Choose Select from the Go menu and Active Cells from the submenu to highlight a range containing all cells which contain data, a format, or an object. You can use this command with the Report Print Range command from the Sheet menu to prepare a report that displays all worksheet data.  BUL Choose Select from the Go menu and Last Cell from the submenu to select the last cell in the worksheet's active range.  Wingz provides several ways to determine the formula relationships (precedents and dependents) across cells. NUM1. Select a cell. NUM2. Choose Select from the Go menu and the desired command from the submenu. The following commands are available to identify cell formula relationships: BUL All Precedents selects cells referenced, directly or indirectly, by the formula contained in the current cell. BUL All Dependents selects cells containing formulas which reference the current cell directly or indirectly. BUL Direct Precedents selects cells directly referenced in the formula contained in the current cell. BUL Direct Dependents selects cells containing formulas which reference the current cell directly.  BUL Choose Select from the Go menu and Blank Cells from the submenu. Blank cells are cells that have been formatted, but do not yet contain any data. Wingz highlights all blank cells. You can move from range to range and check the format of blank cells - which are not usually visible - by checking the list of options in the Format menu. When a formatting option applies to a cell or range, it is checked in the menu. You can then change the format.  BUL Choose Select from the Go menu and References to Blanks from the submenu. Formulas can refer to blank or empty cells. In some instances, the formula may not yield the planned result. The References to Blanks command highlights all cells containing formulas referring to either blank or empty cells. Both blank and empty cells contain no data. Blank cells, however, are formatted and as such are considered active cells.  BUL Choose Select from the Go menu and Error Cells from the submenu. Error Cells highlights cells containing formulas that return errors.  BUL Choose Select from the Go menu and Unreferenced Cells from the submenu. Unreferenced cells contain data, but are not referenced by any formula in the worksheet.  You can move directly to a named range with the Name command. BUL Choose Name from the Go menu and a range name from the submenu. When you choose Name from the Go menu, Wingz displays all defined cell and range names for the current worksheet.  Wingz worksheets can include text fields, charts, graphic objects, and controls. Controls allow you to automate many worksheet functions. BUL You can open a worksheet from the Unix command line or from the Wingz menu bar. BUL You can save the changes you make to a worksheet as you work, when you close the worksheet window, or when you quit Wingz. BUL You can save more than one version of a worksheet. BUL You can discard the worksheet changes and recall the old version if you decide you like the old one better. BUL You can protect a worksheet so that others cannot access or change it. BUL You can print a worksheet or script.  In addition to opening new or existing Wingz worksheets, Wingz allows you to open worksheets created by different spreadsheet products. You can open and use any worksheet saved in a BIFF, Lotus (version 1A or 2.0), SYLK, DIF, or ASCII Text file format.  BUL To open a new worksheet from the Unix command line, enter "Wingz" and press Return. BUL To open a new worksheet from the Wingz menu bar, choose New from the File menu. When you open a new worksheet, the Wingz worksheet grid is displayed in a window titled "Sheet.wkz" Subsequent new worksheets are titled "Sheet#.wkz" (where # indicates the order in which the worksheet was created and "wkz" represents the file extension). You can open as many new worksheets as your system memory allows. You can name a new worksheet with the Save As command. A dialog box prompts you for a worksheet name and type.  BUL To open an existing Wingz worksheet from the Unix command line, enter the string "Wingz filename.wkz," where filename is the name of the existing worksheet to be opened. BUL To open an existing worksheet from the Wingz Menu Bar, choose Open from the File menu to display a dialog box listing existing files in the current directory. Double-click on the name of the worksheet to be opened. You can open Wingz worksheets and worksheets created with other products. When you choose Open from the File menu, a dialog box displays a list of files you can open. Insert an asterisk (*) in the Filter field and press Return to display all files in the current directory. To list files in a directory other than the current directory, insert the full or relative path in the Filter field. Wingz can open files created in the following formats: BIFF, SYLK, DIF, Lotus 1-2-3 versions 1A and 2.0, and Text. Wingz automatically saves a worksheet in Wingz format. To save a worksheet in a format other than Wingz, choose Save As from the File menu. Click the File Type options menu and drag to the desired format.  NUM1. Choose Open from the File menu. NUM2. Insert an asterisk (*) in the Filter field and press Return. NUM3. Double-click the name of the worksheet to be opened. Wingz can open files created in the following formats: SYLK, BIFF, DIF, Lotus 1-2-3 versions 1A and 2.0, and Text. Wingz automatically saves a worksheet in Wingz format. To save a worksheet in a format other than Wingz, choose Save As from the File menu. Click the File Type options menu and drag to the desired format.  NUM1. Choose Save As from the File menu. NUM2. Type a name in the dialog box. NUM3. Select a File Type to save the worksheet in a format other than Wingz. NUM4. Click OK. A worksheet name can contain as many as 244 characters and can include spaces and alphanumeric characters. IMPORTANT: If you plan to use external ("linked") references to the worksheet, do not use a numeric character as the first character of the file name. In addition, use only alphabetic, numeric, space, and underline characters for the rest of the characters in the file name. Wingz saves a copy of the worksheet in the specified directory and displays the full path and filename in the title bar. You can save the worksheet in a format other than Wingz. Select a File Type in the dialog box to save the worksheet in BIFF, SYLK, DIF, Lotus 1-2-3 versions 1A or 2.0, or Text format. If you have not previously saved a worksheet, the Save command opens the Save Wingz Spreadsheet dialog box.  BUL To save a Wingz worksheet, choose Save from the File menu. BUL To save a worksheet under another name or in another file format, choose Save As from the File menu, specify the File Type, and click OK. Wingz worksheets are automatically saved in Wingz format. If you open a file in another format and make changes to it, the file is also saved as a Wingz worksheet. If you want to save it in a format other than Wingz, use the Save As command and select the File Type.  NUM1. Choose Save As from the File menu. NUM2. Specify the format on the File Type options menu. NUM3. Click OK. Wingz worksheets are automatically saved in Wingz format. Use the Save As command to save worksheets in a format other than Wingz. A confirmation dialog box appears if Wingz cannot save a formula in the format you select. Click Cancel to cancel the save operation or OK to continue. If you choose to continue, click on the All Errors radio button to display all errors as they are encountered, or click on the Total Errors to display the number of errors encountered after the file has been saved. Wingz saves incompatible formulas as text.  NUM1. Choose Revert to Saved in the File menu. NUM2. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. If you decide you do not want to save the changes you made to a worksheet, you can choose Revert to Saved. Wingz discards the new worksheet in memory and displays the worksheet as it was last saved on disk. If you want to save the new version and also keep the old version, use the Save As command to give the new version a different name.  The Sheet Info dialog box displays information about the worksheet. NUM1. Select a cell, a range, or the entire worksheet. NUM2. Choose Sheet Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Click OK after reviewing the information. The Sheet Info dialog box includes the following information about the worksheet: BUL Whether or not the worksheet has been modified since it was last saved. BUL The total number of active cells. BUL The total number of cells that contain formulas. BUL Auto Save status, interval, and file name.  NUM1. Choose Page Setup from the File menu. NUM2. Select the features you want to include (e.g. margins, color output, centering and the report border) when you print the worksheet and click the OK button. NUM3. Use the Report/Report Print Range command from the Sheet menu to select the range in the worksheet containing the information you want to print. Use other commands from the Report submenu to add headers, footers, and page breaks to your report. NUM4. Choose Print from the File menu. NUM5. Specify the desired printer settings in the Print dialog box and click the OK button. Use Page Setup to specify the print features you want when printing a worksheet. Use Print to send the page to the printer. Wingz prints all worksheet information and objects shown in the selected range or ranges. Use the Show command from the Window menu to hide objects you do not want to print. Use the Page Preview command from the File menu to preview sample pages before sending them to the printer. Wingz displays the current worksheet on screen as it will look when printed. Click Next and Prev to display the next and previous pages, or Goto to display a specific page.  NUM1. Use the Report/Report Print Range command from the Sheet menu to select the range in the worksheet containing the information you want to print. Use other commands from the Report submenu to add footers, headers, and page breaks to the printed worksheet. NUM2. Choose Page Preview from the File menu. The first time Page Preview is chosen after creating a file, the Page Setup dialog box is displayed on the screen. Define the desired page setup for the current worksheet and click OK to preview the worksheet. Use Page Preview to preview sample pages before sending them to the printer. Wingz displays the current worksheet on screen as it will look when printed. Click Next and Prev to display other pages to be printed if the file requires more than one page to print. Click Goto and enter a page number in the displayed dialog box to view a specific page. Click Print to print the currently displayed page. Wingz prints all worksheet information and objects shown in the selected range or ranges. Use the Show command from the Window menu to hide objects you do not want to print.  On a network, only the first user to open a worksheet can save the worksheet under its original name. If you open a worksheet that another user has opened, and you make changes to the worksheet, you must use Save As and save your changes under a different worksheet name. IMPORTANT: To ensure the integrity of your Auto Save backup files, if you have multiple worksheets open and Auto Save is activated for each worksheet, or if you are using Auto Save in a network environment, assign a unique Auto Save file name for each of your worksheets.  NUM1. Choose Protection from the Sheet menu and Password from the submenu. NUM2. Click Read Only in the dialog box. NUM3. Enter a password of up to 15 characters for Password 1 to grant read/write permission. NUM4. Enter a password of up to 15 characters for Password 2 to grant read-only permission. NUM5. Click Encrypt File if you want to encrypt the worksheet. NUM6. Click OK. A read-only password permits password holders to read a worksheet but not save changes. A read/write password permits full access to the worksheet. You can assign two passwords to a single worksheet. The first password is always a read/write password. You can set the second password to be read-only. Encryption generates a scrambled worksheet when it is saved. When you open a worksheet with the password, Wingz unscrambles the worksheet so you can work with it. IMPORTANT: Remember your password. If you forget it, you will not be able to open the worksheet. Use Protection/Protect Cells from the Sheet menu to lock cells and prevent changes to individual cells or ranges. Use Select/Locked Cells from the Go menu to find locked cells.  The Wingz Auto Save feature allows you to routinely and automatically save your worksheets during a session. The Auto Save feature can be activated or deactivated for each worksheet. You can also set the interval at which automatic saves occur, specify the name of your Auto Save file, and specify the directory where you want the Auto Save file saved. By default, Auto Save is deactivated. To activate it, select the Sheet Info command from the Format menu. When this menu item is selected, a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify the Auto Save options. IMPORTANT: If you have multiple worksheets open and Auto Save is activated for each worksheet, or if you are using Auto Save in a network environment, assign a unique Auto Save file name for each of your worksheets to ensure the integrity of your Auto Save backup files.  BUL Choose Close from the File menu, or double-click the Window Menu Button in the worksheet window. If a Save Wingz Spreadsheet dialog box appears, click Yes to save changes. Click No if you do not want to save the changes. Click Cancel to continue working with the worksheet without saving changes. When you close a worksheet, Wingz closes the window containing the worksheet (but does not exit Wingz). If you have made changes since you last saved the worksheet, Wingz asks if you want to save them. If you have opened several windows for the same worksheet, Wingz closes only the active window. If you open a file in another format, make changes to it, and choose Save from the File menu, the file is automatically saved as a Wingz worksheet. If you make changes and want to save the file in a format other than Wingz, use Save As in the File menu and specify the desired file type before you Close the file.  NUM1. Choose Exit from the File menu. NUM2. If a Save Wingz Spreadsheet dialog box appears, click Yes to save changes. Click No if you do not want to save the changes. Click Cancel to continue working with Wingz without saving changes. When you quit, Wingz closes the open windows and returns to the command level. If you have made changes to a worksheet since you last saved it, Wingz asks if you want to save the changes. Click Yes to replace the previously-saved version of your worksheet with the current worksheet. If you are working with more than one worksheet, Wingz displays each worksheet you have changed and asks if you want to save changes in each worksheet. If you open a file in another format, make changes to it, and choose Save from the File menu, the file is automatically saved as a Wingz worksheet. If you make changes and want to save the file in a format other than Wingz, use Save As in the File menu and select the desired file type before you Close the window.  Entering data in Wingz worksheets is the starting point for developing and presenting information. You can enter text, numbers, dates, times, and formulas in the cells on the worksheet. Copy, change, and calculate the data to fit your needs. As you type an entry, it appears in the Entry Bar. The entry or formula result is displayed in the cell when you press Return or click the Accept icon in the Entry Bar. When you select a cell, its contents automatically appear in the Entry Bar.  NUM1. Select a range with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Type an entry in the Entry Bar. NUM3. Press Return or click the Accept icon in the Entry Bar. When you press the Return key to enter values and formulas in a range, Wingz moves down the first column of the range, and then moves to the next column of the range. To move up, press Shift-Return. To move to the right, press the Tab key instead of the Return key. To move to the left, press Shift-Tab. As you type an entry, it appears in the Entry Bar. The entry or formula result is displayed in the cell when you press Return or click the Accept icon in the Entry Bar. When you select a cell, its contents automatically appear in the Entry Bar.  NUM1. Select a cell or range with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Type the text in the Entry Bar. NUM3. Press Return or click the Accept icon in the Entry Bar. Text entries can include letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and special characters. To use a number as text, precede the number with a quotation mark, as in "1990. The quotation mark does not appear in the cell; it just specifies the number as text. Cells that contain text can be used in text formulas. See the section "Entering Formulas" for more information. If a text entry is wider than its cell, and the cell to the right is empty or blank, the text automatically extends over the empty (or blank) cell. Otherwise, Wingz displays only the part that fits into the cell.  NUM1. Select a cell or range with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Type the number. NUM3. Press Return or click the Accept icon in the Entry Bar. If you include letters, commas, or any punctuation marks other than a decimal point with a number, the number is considered text (for example, 3rd Quarter). Entering a decimal does not make a number text. To use a number as text, precede the number with a quotation mark (for example, "1989). The quotation mark does not appear in the cell, but specifies the number as text. If a number entry or formula is wider than its cell, the cell is filled with asterisks. You can adjust the width of the column to accomodate the number or enter the number into a text field.  NUM1. Select a cell with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Type the date value (for example, 12-23-88 or 32500). NUM3. Press Return or click the Accept icon in the Entry Bar. Wingz recognizes date information in virtually any format. Wingz automatically converts dates to serial date numbers. This conversion allows you to use dates in formulas.  Enter a time as a decimal number or use the TIME function. NUM1. Select a cell with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Type in a formula using the format: =TIME(hour, minute, second). NUM3. Click the Accept icon in the Entry Bar. NUM4. Choose Number from the Format menu and a time format from the submenu. For example, enter "=TIME(16,35,15)" for 4:35:15 pm. Wingz returns "0.69," which represents a fraction of the 24-hour day. Choose the format "HR:MN:SC AM" from the Number submenu in the Format menu to display "04:35:15PM." You can enter a time as text to specify an explicit format for the time. If you enter a time as text you can still use it as a formula value by first operating on it with the TIMEVALUE function. To enter a time as text, simply type the time. If you do not use letters, precede the numbers of the time with a quotation mark (for example, "6:30).  You can enter a function, an operator, or a range name in a formula by typing it or by choosing Paste Formula from the Go menu. NUM1. Select a cell. NUM2. If appropriate, click in the Entry Bar to set an insertion point in the formula. NUM3. Choose Paste Formula from the Go menu. NUM4. Select a function group, then a function from the dialog box. Click OK. NUM5. Replace the examples in parentheses with arguments. NUM6. Press Return or click the  icon in the Entry Bar. A function is a predefined formula assigned a specific name. When used in a formula, a function takes the place of an operand. A function is expressed as a key word followed by the argument(s) for the function. Arguments are enclosed in parentheses. A function that requires no argument must be followed by an empty pair of parentheses.  A formula expression is a constant, a variable, or any combination of constants, variables, and functions that together represent a numeric, alphanumeric, logical value, or worksheet range. Formulas are composed of a combination of constants, operators, cell references, variables, functions, and expressions.  A constant is a number or a text string in a function that is interpreted literally. Constants are often referred to as "literals." Unlike a variable, worksheet cell reference, or formula expression, a constant represents a single, unchanging value. Constants can be either numeric values or character strings. Numeric constants are expressed as numbers and can contain a decimal separator or a negative (-) sign. String constants must be surrounded by double quotation marks ("string"). The character limitation of a constant is 255 characters. Some examples of constant values are listed below. 2EQ Numeric Constants String Constants 0 "387" l58.37 "Denver" l35123.89209 "" 0.337 "AO32321"  An operator defines an action performed on one or more data items. These data items are often referred to as "operands." The number of operands used depends on the specific operator. Wingz uses five categories of operators: 2EQ Numeric Logical Text Measurement Relational  Numeric operators perform arithmetic operations on numeric data. The numeric operators that may be used in a Wingz formula are listed below. 2EQ Operator Action + Addition - Subtraction or Negative * Multiplication / Division ^ Exponentiation Most of these operators appear as icons on the left side of the Entry Bar. You can enter these operators into a formula by typing the corresponding keyboard character, or by clicking on the appropriate icon in the Entry Bar. An operator may also be entered by choosing the Paste Formula command from the Go menu and clicking on the Operators button. A list of the operators is then displayed, allowing you to select the operator you want. Click OK to enter the operator into the Entry Bar. Numeric data used with these operators can be numeric constants, cells containing numbers, numeric variables, or formulas returning numeric values. In the following examples, constants and cell references are used with the numeric operators to create formulas. Parentheses can be used anywhere in a formula to change the precedence of an operation. Examples: 2EQ 32 + 17 23 / 7 C6 - C7 D4 ^ 3 A1 + A2 + A3 (34 + 22) * 3  A text operator is used to concatenate text strings. The symbol used for concatenation is the ampersand (&). Examples: 2EQ Operation Result "Jane" & " Doe" "Jane Doe" "Cincinnati, " & "Ohio" "Cincinnati, Ohio"  Relational operators express a relationship between two operands that are either numeric or text. When you use a relational operator to describe such a relationship, the result is either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). The relational operators that may be used in a Wingz formula are listed below. 2EQ Operator Action = Equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal to < Less than <= Less than or equal to <> Not equal to When text operands are compared, Wingz compares the ASCII values of the text characters ignoring case. (An ASCII Table is provided in Appendix A in the Reference Manual. The following examples show various relational operations. Examples: 2EQ "a" < "B" "A" = "a" B5 >= 63 345 <> 873 A2 <= G7 A7 + 5 > B4 * 2  Logical operators return 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) and require logical operands. The logical operators are AND, OR, and NOT. AND and OR require operands on both sides of the operator. An AND operation returns 1 (TRUE) only if both of the operands are true. An OR operation returns 1 (TRUE) if either of the operands is true, and 0 when both of the operands are false. Only one operand is required for the NOT operator. A NOT operation returns 1 (TRUE) only when the operand is false. In the first example, the expression is true only when the value in A1 is greater than 3 and the value in B6 is less than 12. In the second example, the formula is true when C7 contains either 8 or 9. The third formula returns 1 (TRUE) only when A1 contains a numeric expression greater than or equal to 25 and H4 contains 5. The last formula checks whether cell A1 equals "B". If it doesn't, a 1 is returned, if it does, a 0 is returned. Examples: A1 > 3 AND B6 < 12 C7 = 8 OR C7 =9 42 - A1 <= 17 AND 5 = H4 IF (NOT(A1="B"),1,0)  Measurement operators convert numbers to "twips", the standard Wingz measurement. A twip is equal to 1/1440th of an inch or 1/20th of a point. The measurement operators that may be used in Wingz are listed in below. 2EQ Operator Action INCH(ES) converts from inches to twips MIL(S) converts from 1/1000th of an inch to twips POINT(S) converts from 1/72nd of an inch to twips DECIPOINT(S) converts from 1/10th of a point to twips MILLIMETER(S) converts from millimeters to twips The following examples illustrate how these operators can be used in formulas. Examples: 1 INCH + 3 POINTS 100 MILS > A7 10 MILLIMETERS - 1000  Operators in a formula are evaluated in the order (1 ranks highest, 8 ranks lowest), listed below. 3EQ Priority Type Operator 1 Measurement INCH, MIL, POINT, DECIPOINT, MILLIMETER 2 Exponent ^ 3 Negative or Positive - or + 4 Multiplication or Division * or / 5 Addition or Subtraction + or - 6 Relational =, >, >=, <, <=, or <> 7 Unary Logical NOT 8 Text or Logical &, AND, or OR Items appearing in parentheses are given highest precedence. When parentheses are nested within other parentheses, the innermost level receives the highest precedence. Evaluation proceeds from left to right when operators of the same precedence level appear in a formula. The following examples show how parentheses can be used to change the order of formula evaluation, and ultimately, the formula's result. Examples: 2EQ Formula Result 1 + 2 * 3 7 (1 + 2) * 3 9  A formula expression is a constant, a variable, or any combination of constants, variables, and functions representing a numeric, alphanumeric, logical value, or worksheet range. The value returned by an expression determines the expression's type. Formulas are limited to 1023 characters; and, those entered in cells must be preceded by an equal (=) sign. Wingz uses five types of expressions: Numeric, Text, Logical, Range, and Error.  Numeric expressions numbers or calculations returning numbers, as shown by the following examples: Examples: 123 (A1 + B1) / C1 SIN(A1) Date and time expressions are numeric expressions. Wingz uses a special type of numeric expression called a "date_number" to represent a date and time. A date_number represents the number of days that have passed since December 30, 1899 and can be any number from 0 to 401768 (December 31, 2999). Times correspond to the fractional portion of the date_number. For example, 0 represents midnight, 0.5 represents noon, 0.75 represents 6:00PM, and 0.875 represents 9:00PM.  Text expressions are either strings surrounded by quotation marks or calculations that return text. When a number is represented as a text string, Wingz does not recognize its numeric value, but instead treats it as a string of characters. The following examples are text expressions. Examples: "Bill Smith" "123" "Washington, " & "D.C." LEFT("Thomas D. Jordan", 5)  A logical expression consists of a relational operator or logical operator joining two expressions of the same type, (the NOT operator precedes only one logical expression). The expression(s) are evaluated according to the rules of the operator used. A logical expression returns either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). Examples: 100 > 90 NOT(A1 OR A2) "A" <> "a" TRUE()  Some functions, as shown in the following examples, return a cell or range reference. The first two examples return the text representation of the range. The last two examples return the actual range. Examples: 2EQ Function Returns MAKERANGE(1, 1, 4, 5) A1..D5 MAKECELL(22,11) V11 RANGE(MAKERANGE(1,1,4,5)) actual range RANGE(MAKECELL(22,11)) actual range  Error expressions are returned when a formula contains an error. An error can result from numerous causes, including input error, invalid functions, or incorrect syntax. The following example expressions return errors. Examples: 2EQ Formula Returns A1 / 0 ERR 09 (division by zero) LOG(-5) ERR 12 (argument is bad) ERR() ERR 26 (user error)  A variable is an identifier, such as a word or a symbol, that can be assigned to contain a number, text string, error, or worksheet range reference. You can use variables in HyperScript to represent numbers, file names, range references, object names, and object numbers. The value you assign to a variable determines what "type" the variable is (e.g., numeric, string, range, or error). Therefore, you are not required to specify a variable type. For example, if the value of 32 is stored in the variable called "inventory_count", the expressions in the following examples can be used in a formula to return the given results. Examples: 2EQ Formula Returns inventory_count - 7 25 inventory_count * .75 24  A formula returns an error when you supply an invalid operator, operand, or function. The error appears in the cell where the formula was entered in the form ERR number. You can select all of the cells that return errors by choosing the Error Cells option from the Select submenu in the Go menu.  A Wingz function is a predefined formula assigned a specific name. When used in a formula, a function takes the place of an operand.  To use a function in a formula, the correct syntax must be entered. The syntax for these functions can be seen by choosing the Paste Formula command from the Go menu. A list of functions is then displayed. The functions are grouped according to function type. Functions can be entered in either uppercase or lowercase letters. In the Paste Formula dialog box, functions are shown in uppercase; function arguments are shown in lowercase. A function is expressed as a key word followed by the argument(s) for the function. Arguments are enclosed in parentheses. A function that requires no argument must be followed by an empty pair of parentheses. When multiple arguments are required, each item in the argument "list" must be separated by an argument separator (e.g., a comma).  To enter a Wingz function into the Entry Bar, type an equal sign and the function name, followed by the required number of arguments. The function arguments must be surrounded by parentheses. The type and number of arguments are determined by the function. An argument can be any expression of the required type. Examples: =SUM(A1, B1) =INTEREST(25000, Script.scz:PMT, Script.scz:Period)  A single cell reference can be used as an operand in a formula. When a cell reference is used in a formula, Wingz replaces the reference with the contents of the cell at the time the formula is evaluated. A cell reference is not a constant since the cell contents can be changed. The following are valid cell references: 2EQ A1 R1C1 B3..D8 R3C2..R8C4 Cell references in formulas can be relative, absolute, or combined. You can refer to a cell in either letter/number form (e.g., A1), or in number/number form (r1c1). You can also refer to a cell by a name you have assigned using the Define Name command in the Go menu. Names with spaces must be enclosed in single quotes (e.g., 'January Sales'). A relative reference modifies itself automatically to preserve cell relationships when the formula that contains it is copied or pasted. For example, suppose a formula in C3 refers to D4, the cell one row down and one column to the right. If you copy this formula to B2, the reference changes to C3, which is, again, the cell one row down and one column to the right. In contrast, an absolute reference is a reference that does not change when the formula is copied. Absolute cell references are denoted with a dollar sign. For example $A$1 ($r1$c1) means absolute column A and absolute row 1. A$1 (r1$c1) means relative column A and absolute row 1. A1 (r1c1) means relative column A and relative row 1. Cell references entered into the Entry Bar by cell or range selection are initially entered as relative references. You can change the type of an existing reference (and all subsequent selected references) to relative, absolute, or combined by selecting the reference and clicking the $ icon in the Entry Bar. After you have done this once, you can click the icon again to change the type of reference for the row, and again to change the column.  The following function types are available in Wingz: Business functions compute bond rates, mortgage values, and a number of other commonly used business calculations. Database functions are used to obtain statistical information on data in a Wingz database. Date and time functions manipulate date and time information. With the functions provided in Wingz, you can calculate the time elapsed between two dates or times, add or subtract increments of time, or return a date or time in a format you specify. HyperScript functions query both global worksheet information and information about selected Wingz objects. Their primary use is to supply current settings to the various Wingz dialog boxes. Logical functions query information and return either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). Numeric functions perform general mathematical computations. Spreadsheet functions query information in worksheet cells and ranges. Statistical functions perform general statistical operations such as average, standard deviation, and variance. Text functions enable you to locate, compare, and manipulate text strings.  Business functions compute bond rates, mortgage values, depreciation, and a variety of other financial calculations. BONDPRICE(yld, face_value, rate, ytm, pmts_yr) BONDPRICE calculates the price of a bond based on its yield (yld), face_value, coupon rate (rate), number of years to maturity (ytm), and number of coupon payments per year (pmts_yr). Yld, face_value, and rate are positive numeric expressions. Ytm and pmts_yr are positive integer expressions. BONDYTM(price, face_value, rate, ytm, pmts_yr) BONDYTM calculates the yield to maturity for a bond based on its price, face value, coupon rate (rate), number of years to maturity (ytm), and number of coupon payments per year (pmts_yr). Price, face_value, and rate are numeric expressions. Ytm and pmts_yr are positive integer expressions. CTERM(interest, future_value, present_value) The CTERM function calculates the number of compounding periods required for the present_value to grow into future_value based on the periodic interest rate (interest). DDB(original_cost, salvage, life, year_number) This function calculates the depreciation allowance for an asset over a given period using the double-declining balance method. Using this method, the depreciation rate is accelerated so the greatest depreciation occurs during the first period and declines during each subsequent period. When the book value of the asset reaches the salvage value (salvage), the asset is fully depreciated. The book value in any given period is the total cost (cost) of the asset minus the depreciation charged over all prior periods. Cost and salvage are positive numeric expressions. Life and year_number are positive integer expressions. FV(payment, interest, term) This function calculates the future value of a series of fixed payments (an annuity) based on the payment amount, periodic interest rate, and period (term). FVL(payment, interest, term) This function calculates the future value of a lump sum payment received today, based on the interest rate for the term. INTEREST(principal, payment, term) The INTEREST function calculates the interest rate paid on a principal amount based on the given payment amount and number of payments (term). The result reflects the periodic interest rate. If payments are made monthly, the result reflects a monthly interest rate, not a yearly interest rate. To obtain the yearly interest rate, multiply the monthly rate by 12. IRR(initial_guess, cash_flow) This function calculates an approximate internal rate of return generated by an investment and series of cash flows (cash_flow). The internal rate of return is the rate at which the present value of an expected series of cash flows equals the value of the initial investment. The calculation repeatedly approximates the internal rate of return, starting with the initial_guess. If the function has not resolved a consistent internal rate of return after 20 approximations, it returns ERR 24 (no convergence). Initial_guess, your estimate of the internal rate of return, can be any numeric expression. Cash_flow is the range containing projected cash flow amounts in the order in which they will be paid out or received. Positive numbers represent inflows of cash and negative numbers represent outflows. The first item in cash_flow represents an initial investment and must be negative. A blank cell in a range referenced by the list is interpreted as 0. LOANTERM(principal, payment, interest) This function returns the number of fixed payments (payment) which must be made to yield the principal at the given interest rate. Principal, payment, and interest (per payment period) are non-negative numeric expressions. NPV(interest, income_flow) The NPV function calculates the net present value of a series of cash flows (income_flow) assuming a fixed periodic interest rate. Interest is any non-negative numeric expression. Income_flow is a range containing numeric income amounts in the order they are received. The first amount in income_flow represents the initial investment and must be negative. PMT(principal, interest, term) The PMT function calculates the fixed payment amount needed to pay off the principal at the interest during the specified term. The arguments are positive numeric expressions. PRINCIPAL(payment, interest, term) The PRINCIPAL calculates the principal amount paid off by fixed payments (payment) at the specified interest rate over the term. Payment, interest and term are positive numeric expressions. PV(payment, interest, term) The PV function performs the same calculation as the PRINCIPAL function. It returns the principal amount paid off by fixed payments (payment) at the specified interest rate over the term. Payment, interest and term are positive numeric expressions. PVL(payment, interest, term) This function calculates the present value of a lump sum payment due in the future based on a specified periodic interest rate over a given term. The arguments are positive numeric expressions. RATE(future_value, present_value, term) The RATE function calculates the interest rate required for the present_value to grow to the specified future_value when compounded over the given term. SLN(original_cost, salvage, life) This function computes the straight-line depreciation of an asset's value for one period based on the original_cost, salvage value, and term of useful life. Salvage represents the value an asset holds at the end of its useful life. The asset's useful life determines the number of periods during which an asset depreciates. Unlike the double-declining balance function (DDB) and the sum-of-the-years-digits function (SYD), which accelerate depreciation, the straight line method depreciates an asset at the same rate throughout its life. SYD(original_cost, salvage, life, year_number) This function computes the periodic depreciation of an asset's original_cost at an accelerated rate. The greatest depreciation occurs early in the asset's useful life. Salvage indicates the value an asset holds at the end of its useful life. The depreciable cost is the original_cost less the salvage value. Original_cost and salvage are positive numeric expressions. Life is a positive integer representing the anticipated useful life of the asset. This number is typically expressed in years. Year_number is a non-negative integer indicating for which period the depreciation is desired. TERM(payment, interest, future_value) The TERM function computes the number of payment periods required for the given payment and interest rate to accrue to the specified future_value.  Database functions compute the average, standard deviation, and other general statistical operations on data in a Wingz database. DAVG(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the average of the values in the offset column of the database range which meet the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database range is 0. DCOUNT(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the number of non-blank cells in the offset column of the database range which meet the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0. DMAX(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the maximum value in the offset column of the database range which meets the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0. DMIN(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the minimum value in the offset column of the database range which meets the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0. DSTD(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the population standard deviation of the offset column values in the database range which meet the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0. DSTDEV(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the sample standard deviation of values in the offset column of the database range which meet the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0. DSUM(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the sum of the offset column values in the database range which meet the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0. DSUMSQ(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the sum of the squares of the offset column values in the database which meet the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0. DVAR(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the population variance of the offset column values within the database range which meet the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0. DVARIANCE(database, offset, criteria) This function returns the sample variance of the offset column values in the database range which meet the criteria specified in the criteria range. The offset for the first column of the database is 0.  Date/Time functions manipulate the serial date number which represents the date and time in a numeric representation. The integer part of a serial date number represents the date; the fractional part represents the time. ADATE(date_number, picture) This function converts a serial date_number to a text string using the specified picture format. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899. Picture defines the format used when creating the date string. Picture elements can include: d. A one-digit or two-digit number representing the day of the month (e.g., "1" for day 1 and "30" for day 30). dd. A two-digit number representing the day of the month (e.g., "01" for day 1 and "30" for day 30). dy. An abbreviated version of the day name (e.g., "Sat" or "Sun"). day. A full-text version of the day name (e.g., "Saturday" or "Sunday"). m. A one-digit or two-digit number representing the month of the year (e.g., "1" for January and "12" for December). mm. A two-digit number representing the month of the year (e.g., "01" for January and "12" for December). mon. An abbreviated version of the month name (e.g., "Jan" or "Dec"). month. A full-text version of the month name (e.g., "January" for "December"). y. A one-digit or two-digit number representing the year (e.g., "1" for the year 2001 and "89" for the year 1989). yy. A two-digit number representing the year (e.g., "01" for the year 2001 and "89" for the year 1989). yyyy. A four-digit number representing the year (e.g., "2001" or "1989"). ADDDAYS(date_number, days) This function adds the number of days specified to the given serial date_number. If the second argument is negative, the days are subtracted from the serial date_number. The value returned from this function is a serial date number between 0 and 401768 representing the days since December 30, 1899. ADDHOURS(date_number, hours) This function adds the number of hours specified to the given serial date_number. If the second argument is negative, the hours are subtracted from the serial date_number. The value returned from this function is a serial date number between 0 and 401768 representing the days since December 30, 1899. The integer portion of the resulting date number represents a number of days. The decimal portion represents a fraction of one day. ADDMINUTES(date_number, minutes) This function adds the number of minutes specified to the given serial date_number. If the second argument is negative, the minutes are subtracted from the serial date_number. The value returned from this function is a serial date number between 0 and 401768 representing the days since December 30, 1899. The integer portion of the resulting date number represents a number of days. The decimal portion represents a fraction of one day. ADDMONTHS(date_number, months) This function adds the number of months specified to the given serial date_number. If the second argument is negative, the months are subtracted from date_number. The value returned from this function is a serial date number between 0 and 401768 representing the days since December 30, 1899. The integer portion of the resulting date number represents a number of days. The decimal portion represents a fraction of one day. ADDSECONDS(date_number, seconds) This function adds the number of seconds specified to the given serial date_number. If the second argument is negative, the seconds are subtracted from date_number. The value returned from this function is a serial date number between 0 and 401768 representing the days since December 30, 1899. The integer portion of the resulting date number represents a number of days. The decimal portion represents a fraction of one day. ADDYEARS(date_number, years) This function adds the number of years specified to the given serial date_number. If the second argument is negative, the years are subtracted from date_number. The value returned from this function is a serial date number between 0 and 401768 representing the days since December 30, 1899. The integer portion of the resulting date number represents a number of days. The decimal portion represents a fraction of one day. ATIME(date_number, picture) This function converts the specified serial date number (date_number) to a text string using the specified picture format (picture). The serial date_number is between 0 and 401768 and represents the days since December 30, 1899. The integer portion of date_number represents a number of days. The decimal portion represents a fraction of one day. (e.g., 0 = midnight, .5 = noon, and .75 = 6:00PM). The picture format defines the time format used when creating the time string. The time units can be separated by spaces, colons, or dashes. Picture elements can include the following: hh. A number representing the 24-hour version for the hour of the day (e.g., "16" represents four o'clock in the afternoon). hr. A number representing the 12-hour version for the hour of the day (e.g., "4" represents four o'clock in the afternoon). mn. A number representing the minutes portion of a time. sc. A number representing the seconds portion of a time. hn. A number representing the hundredths of a second portion of a time. am. A two-letter text entry indicating the time of day (e.g., "AM" for times between midnight and noon and "PM" for times between noon and midnight). CMONTH(month_number) This function returns a text string representing the month name corresponding to the given month_number. Month_number is an integer inclusively between 1 and 12. Otherwise, this function returns ERR 12. CWEEKDAY(day_number) This function returns a text string representing the weekday name which corresponds to the number specified by day_number. Day_number is any integer from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday). If day_number does not fall in this range, this function returns ERR 12. DATE (year, month, day) This function returns a serial date number based on the specified year, month and day. The three arguments are numeric expressions within their respectively-defined ranges. Enter a year prior to 1900 or after 1999 as a four-digit number. DATEVALUE(text_date) This function converts the specified text_date into a serial date number. DAY(date_number) This function returns the day of the month for the specified serial date_number. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899. DAYNAME(date_number) This function returns the name of the weekday in a text string for the specified serial date_number. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899. HOUR(date_number) This function calculates the hour component of the specified date_number and returns it in 24-hour format. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899. The decimal portion of date_number represents a fraction of one day. MINUTE(date_number) This function calculates the number of minutes past the hour expressed by date_number. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899. The decimal portion of date_number represents a fraction of one day. MONTH(date_number) The MONTH function calculates the month number corresponding to the serial date_number. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899. MONTHNAME(date_number) This function returns the month name of the specified date_number as a string. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899. NOW() This function returns a serial date number which represents the current date and time. The integer portion of the resulting date number represents the number of days since December 30, 1899. The decimal portion represents the fraction of a 24-hour day. When a cell containing NOW() is date-formatted or time-formatted, the cell displays the current date and time. SECOND(date_number) The SECOND function returns the number of seconds passed since the last full minute in the specified serial date_number. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899. The fractional component of the date_number represents the time as a fraction of a 24-hour day. TIME(hour, minute, second) This function returns a serial date number corresponding to the specified hour, minute, and second arguments. The arguments are numeric expressions within their respective ranges. The resulting serial date number is a decimal between 0 and 1 representing the time as a fraction of a 24-hour day. TIMEVALUE(time_string) This function converts the time_string into a serial date number. TIMEVALUE recognizes and converts times in many different formats, including "11:59:00 AM," "11:59:00," "11:59:00P," and "23:59:00." YEAR(date_number) This function returns a four-digit number representing the year of the specified serial date_number. Date_number is a numeric expression between 0 and 401768 indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899.  Logical functions query information and return either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). FALSE() FALSE always returns a value of 0. Use FALSE to clarify IF statements and functions. IF(condition, true_expression, false_expression) This function returns one of the two specified expressions (true_expression or false_expression) depending on whether the given condition is true or false. Use IF to enter information in cells that meet specific criteria. Condition is any logical expression. If the condition is true (any non-zero numeric result is considered true), the function returns the true_expression; otherwise, it returns false_expression. The returned expressions can be numeric, logical, or text. ISBLANK(range) This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the first cell in the specified range is blank or empty. It returns 0 (FALSE) if the cell contains information. Both empty and blank cells are considered blank by this function. ISERR(expression) This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the specified expression returns an error and 0 (FALSE) if it does not. You can use ISERR in a logical expression to determine whether a function returns an error when provided certain arguments. ISNA(expression) This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the expression returns N/A and 0 (FALSE) if not. The value N/A is returned by the NA function. You can use ISNA in conjunction with NA() to test your worksheet for valid information. ISNUMBER(expression) This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the specified expression returns a number and 0 (FALSE) if expression does not return a number. ISRANGE(expression) This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the specified expression is a range and 0 (FALSE) if expression is not a range. ISSTRING(expression) The ISSTRING function returns 1 (TRUE) if the specified expression is a text string and 0 (FALSE) if it is not. TRUE() This function always returns a value of 1. Use TRUE in an IF statement to clarify the conditional portion of the function.  Numeric functions are used for general mathematical computations. ABS(number) This function returns the absolute value of the specified expression. The absolute value of a number is the non-negative value of the number. ACOS(number) This function returns the arc cosine of the specified expression. The argument, expression, is the cosine of the resulting angle. The argument can be any number from -1 to 1. The result is in radians and ranges from 0 to PI. ACOSH(number) This function returns the hyperbolic arc cosine of the numeric expression, expression. Number is the hyperbolic cosine of the angle returned by the function. The argument value is any numeric expression greater than or equal to 1. The result is a non-negative value. ASIN(number) This function returns the arc sine of the specified numeric expression, expression. The argument is any numeric expression from 1 to -1. Number is the sine of the resulting angle. The result is in radians and ranges from PI/2 to -PI/2. ASINH(number) This function returns the hyperbolic arc sine of the specified expression. The number expression is the hyperbolic sine of the resulting value. ATAN(number) This function returns the arc tangent of the specified expression. The argument is any real number. The result is in radians and ranges between PI/2 and -PI/2. ATAN2(X, Y) This function returns the angle, in radians, between the positive X axis and the line starting at the origin which passes through the specified coordinates, (X, Y). The arguments, X and Y, are real numbers. The result ranges between -PI and PI. ATANH(number) This function returns the hyperbolic arc tangent of the specified expression. The argument is any value less than 1 and greater than -1. COS(number) This function returns the cosine of the specified expression. The argument number can be any numeric expression given in radians. The result ranges inclusively from -1 to 1. COSH(number) This function returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified numeric expression, expression. Number is any real number. The result is greater than or equal to 1. DEGREES(number) This function converts the measurement of angle, expression, from radians to degrees. Number is any real number. E() This function returns the value of the constant E (natural logarithmic base), which is approximately 2.718282. EXP(number) This function calculates the value of E() raised to the power of expression. E() is the natural logarithm with constant value of approximately 2.718282. Number is any real number. EXPONENTIAL(number) This function returns a number selected randomly from an exponential distribution with the argument, expression, representing the distribution mean. Number is any real number. FACTORIAL(number) This function computes the factorial of a non-negative number, expression. The factorial of a number is the product of the number and all numbers less than the number but greater than 0. The factorial of 0 is 1. Number is any non-negative real number. Negative arguments do not have a defined mathematical factorial; this function returns ERR 12 when a negative argument is used. GOAL(inital_estimate, desired_result, formula_using_GUESS()) This function attempts to determine a value for an argument in the formula, formula_using_GUESS(), which returns the desired result. Specify a formula with an unknown argument (represented by the function GUESS()), a desired_result, and an initial estimated value, initial_estimate for GUESS(). Using your initial estimate, GOAL calculates the result of the formula and compares it with the desired_result. Based on the difference between the actual and desired results, GOAL makes another estimate and calculates a new result. The process continues until either two successive results differ less than 1E-7 or until the maximum of 20 recalculations is reached. Your initial estimate should closely approximate the value you expect for the variable GUESS(). Otherwise, the calculated result and the desired result may not converge sufficiently within 20 recalculations. If the results do not converge, the function returns ERR 20 (no convergence). The initial_estimate and desired_result are numeric expressions. The formula_using_GUESS() is any numeric formula which can use GUESS() as an argument. GUESS() This specialized function is used as the unknown argument in the formula supplied to the GOAL function. The result of the GUESS function is undefined when not used with the GOAL function. INT(number) This function returns the integer portion of any numeric expression, expression. Number is truncated to its integral value. LN(number) This function calculates the natural logarithm (base e) of expression. Number is any positive numeric expression. LOG(number) This function calculates the common logarithm (base 10) of expression. Number is any positive numeric expression. LOGN(number, base) This function calculates the logarithm of expression using the specified base. Both argument values positive numeric expressions. MOD(number, divisor) This function returns the remainder after expression is divided by divisor. Number is any real number. Divisor is any non-zero numeric expression. NORMAL(number) This function returns a random numeric value selected from a normal distribution for which expression represents the standard deviation. The mean of the distribution is 0. Number is any real number. PI() This function returns the value of PI which is approximately 3.14159. RADIANS(number) This function converts the measurement of angle, expression, from degrees to radians. Number is any real number. RAND() This function returns a number selected randomly from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. ROUND(number, precision) The ROUND function rounds expression to the number of decimal places specified by precision. Number and precision are numeric expressions. A number rounded to more than 15 significant places (with precision greater than 15) is rounded to the 15th significant digit. ROUND() does not affect a number's displayed precision. When rounding a number to a negative precision, all digits to the right of the specified decimal position are hidden in the cell. However, the Entry Bar displays the full number. SIGN(number) The SIGN function returns a value representing the sign of expression. Number is any numeric expression. If the number is positive, SIGN returns 1. If expression is negative, this function returns -1. If expression is 0, SIGN returns 0. SIN(number) This function calculates the sine of expression. Number represents an angle defined in radians. It is any numeric expression. The result ranges from -1 to 1 inclusively. SINH(number) This function calculates the hyperbolic sine of a number. Number is any numeric expression. SQRT(number) The SQRT function calculates the square root of the positive number, expression. TAN(number) The TAN function returns the tangent of expression, which is an angle expressed in radians. The tangent function is not defined mathematically at odd multiples of PI/2 and -PI/2. Number is any numeric expression except PI/2. TANH(number) The TANH function returns the hyperbolic tangent expression. Number is any real number. The result is between -1 and 1 inclusively. UNIFORM(number) This function returns a number selected randomly from a uniform distribution between 0 and expression. Number is any numeric expression.  Spreadsheet functions query information in spreadsheet cells and ranges. CELL() This function returns the contents of the current cell. If the cell contains a formula, it returns the result of the formula, not the formula text. CELLTEXT(cell) The function returns a text string representing the displayed contents of cell. Cell is any valid cell reference. CHOOSE(number, expressions) This function returns the specified item, expression, from the list, expressions. The count of list items begins with 0. The second item in the list is assigned position 1. Subsequent items are counted in sequence. Number is any non-negative number one less than the number of items in the list, expressions. The list can contain as many as 49 items. String items in the list must be surrounded by quotation marks. However, the function returns the string excluding the punctuation. If the expression is not an available list item (either less than 0, or greater than the number of items in the list minus 1), an error is returned. COL() This function returns the column number of the current cell. If a range is selected, the column number of the current cell in the range is returned. COLOF(range) This function returns the number of the first column in range. Range is any valid cell or range reference. COLS(range) This function returns the number of columns in the specified range expression. Any valid cell or range reference can be used. ERR() This function returns the text error expression, ERR26. Use it to indicate when another function fails logical evaluation. HLOOKUP(search_item, range, offset) This function returns the contents of the cell within range whose position is determined by the location of search_item and the number of offset rows. HLOOKUP searches the top row of the specified range for search_item. The function stops when it finds the cell with the greatest value that is less than or equal to search_item. It then returns the cell which is offset the specified number of rows from the found cell. The offset row number of the located cell is 0. An offset of 1 returns the value in the contents of the cell whose location is in the same column, one row below the found cell. Search_item is either a numeric or text expression; offset is any non-negative integer. If an offset value exceeds the range, HLOOKUP returns ERR 25 (out of bounds). When search_item is a numeric expression, the numbers searched must appear in ascending order within the row. String values can be entered in any order. If the search_item is a string, the item must match a cell in the search row exactly. This function is not case-sensitive; "Smith" matches "smith." If no match is found, ERR 06 is returned. Range is any valid range reference. INDEX(range, columns, rows) This function returns the contents of a cell whose position is determined by range, column offset, columns, and row offset, rows. Range is any valid range reference; columns and rows are non-negative integers. The top left cell in the specified range serves as the reference point (column 0, row 0) for INDEX. It then finds the desired cell by moving right the number of columns specified by columns and moving down the number of rows specified by rows. The function returns the contents of that cell. INDIRECT(string) This function returns the contents of the cell specified by string. String is any text expression which represents a valid cell reference. MAKECELL(column, row) This function creates a string in the form of a cell reference using column and row expressions, the specified column and row. Column and row are numeric expressions ranging from 1 to 32768, inclusively. MAKECELL does not accept column letters as arguments. MAKERANGE(column1, row1, column2, row2) The MAKERANGE function creates a string in the form of a range reference whose top left cell is specified by the values of column1 and row1 and whose bottom right cell is specified by the values of column2 and row2. Argument values are numeric expressions each ranging from 1 to 32768, inclusively. MAKERANGE does not accept column letters. N(range) This function returns the numeric value of the top left cell of range. If the cell contains a string or is blank, N returns 0. Range is any valid range reference. NA() This function always returns the value N/A (not available). Use NA to indicate that a cell's value has not yet been determined and needs to be updated. All cells dependent upon a cell with the value of N/A also return N/A. RANGE(string) This function converts string to a range reference. It is used in formulas to reference a valid range. String is a text expression which represents a valid cell or range reference. ROW() This function returns the row number of the current cell. ROWOF(range) The ROWOF function returns the row number of the first row of range. Range is any valid range reference. ROWS(range) This function returns the number of rows in range. Range is any valid range reference. S(range) This function returns the string stored in the top left cell of range. If this cell contains a number or is blank, a null string is returned. VLOOKUP(search_item, range, offset) VLOOKUP returns the contents of a cell within range whose position is determined by the location of search_item and the number of offset columns, offset. VLOOKUP searches the left column of the specified range for search_item. The function stops when it finds the cell with the greatest value that is less than or equal to search_item. It then returns the cell which is offset the specified number of columns from the found cell. The offset column number of the located cell is 0. An offset of 1 returns the value in the contents of the cell whose location is in the same row, one column to the right of the found cell. Search_item is either a numeric or text expression; offset is any non-negative integer. If an offset value exceeds the range, VLOOKUP returns ERR 25 (out of bounds). When search_item is a numeric expression, the numbers searched must appear in ascending order within the row. If the search_item is a string, the item must match a cell in the search row exactly. This function is not case-sensitive; "Smith" matches "smith." If no match is found, ERR 06 is returned. String values can be entered in any order.  Statistical functions compute the average, standard deviation, and other general statistical operations on numeric data. AVG(expressions) This function returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in the specified list, expressions. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0 and is included in the count of list items. A blank cell in a range reference is not included in the average or count. This function is equivalent to SUM(list)/COUNT(list). COUNT(expressions) This function counts the number of expressions in the list, expressions. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is included in the count of list items. A blank cell in a range reference is not included. MAX(expressions) This function returns the maximum value from a list, expressions. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0. A blank cell in a range reference is ignored. The list, expressions, can contain as many as 50 items. MIN(expressions) This function returns the minimum value from a list, expressions. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0. A blank cell in a range reference is ignored. The list, expressions, can contain as many as 50 items. STD(expressions) This function calculates the standard deviation of a population for the specified list, expressions. The standard deviation of a population defines the average deviation from the population mean which occurs in a list of numbers. It equals the square root of the variance calculated by the VAR function. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0. A blank cell in a range reference is ignored. STDEV(expressions) This function calculates the standard deviation of a sample for the expressions in the specified list, expressions. The standard deviation of a sample defines the average deviation from the sample mean. It is equal to the square root of the sample variance as calculated by the VARIANCE function. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0. A blank cell in a range reference is ignored. SUM(expressions) The SUM function calculates the sum of expressions. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0. A blank cell in a range reference is ignored. SUMSQ(expressions) This function calculates the sum of the squares of the items in the list, expressions. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0. A blank cell in a range reference is ignored. VAR(expressions) The VAR function calculates the population variance for the expressions specified in the list, expressions. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0. A blank cell in a range reference is ignored. VARIANCE(list) The VARIANCE function calculates the sample variance for the lsit, expressions. A text expression or cell reference to a blank cell is evaluated as 0. A blank cell in a range reference is ignored.  Text functions locate, compare, and manipulate text strings. CHAR(number) This function returns the ASCII representation of expression as a string. Number is any numeric expression. Add 32 to the value of an uppercase letter to obtain its lowercase equivalent. A complete list of ASCII characters is provided in Appendix A of your Reference Manual . CODE(string) This function returns the ASCII decimal value of the first character in string. COLLATE(string1, string2) This function determines which of two specified strings, string1 and string2 appears first when sorted. While COLLATE accepts numeric and logical expressions, it always sorts these expressions before strings. COLLATE evaluates the accented, unaccented, uppercase, and lowercase versions of a letter as equal. COLLATE returns -1 if string1 is sorted before string2. It returns 1 if string2 is sorted before string1 and 0 if the two strings are equal. CONTAINS(string,search_string) This function determines if search_string is contained in string. String and search_string are text expressions and must be enclosed in quotes. CONTAINS returns a value of 1 (TRUE) if search_string is a substring of string. It also returns 1 (TRUE) if search_string is equal to string. If search_string is neither contained in or equal to string this function returns a 0 (FALSE). This function is case sensitive. CURRENCY(number) This function converts the specified numeric expression, expression, into a string including the currency symbol, value, and two decimal places. Use CURRENCY to format function results for display in worksheets, notes, legends, and charts. EXACT(string1, string2) This case-sensitive function compares two text expressions, string1 and string2, to determine if they match. A value of 1 (TRUE) is returned if the two strings match exactly; it returns 0 (FALSE) if the expressions differ in any way. FIND(string, search_string, number) This function searches for search_string within string starting at the position specified by the expression argument. The first character of the string is assigned position 0; numbering of subsequent positions increments by 1. The strings are text expressions; and, expression is any non-negative integer expression. The FIND function returns a number representing the position of search_string within string. ERR 12 is returned if the string is not found. LEFT(string, number) This function returns the specified number expression of characters from the left side of the specified string string. String is any text expression; expression is any non-negative integer less than or equal to the number of characters in string. LENGTH(string) This function returns the number of characters in the text expression, string. LOWER(string) The LOWER function converts all characters in string to lowercase. MATCH(string, search_string, number) This case-sensitive function searches for search_string within string starting at the given character position, expression, in string. The first character of string is assigned position 1; numbering of subsequent positions increments by 1. String and search_string are text expressions; expression is any positive integer less than or equal to the length of string. Beginning with the character in position, expression, MATCH determines if string contains search_string. It does not evaluate whether a match exists prior to the expression position. If a match exists, the function returns a number representing the first character in string where search_string is found. If no match exists, the function returns 0. MID(string, position, length) The MID function returns the substring of string which begins at position and includes the number of characters specified by length. The first position in the string is position 0. String is any text expression. Position is a non-negative integer. Length is a positive integer less than the length of string minus 1. NFORMAT(number, format) This function converts the numeric expression, expression, into a string formatted according to the information provided by format. Formatting affects numeric display, attribute, and precision. Precision formats range from -15 through +15 and must be used in with a numeric format value. The sum of the numeric, attribute, and precision values becomes the format argument. PROPER(string) This function converts the first character of each word in string to uppercase. REPEAT(string, number) This function returns a text expression composed of expression copies of string. REPLACE(string1, position, length, string2) This function replaces length characters of string1 starting at the designated character, position, with string2. String1 and string2 are text expressions. Position is a non-negative integer; length is a positive integer. The first character in string1 is assigned position 0. Subsequent positions increment by 1. If you designate a start position greater than the number of characters in string1, string2 is appended to the end of string1. RIGHT(string, number) The RIGHT function returns the expression characters from the right side of the given string expression. STR(number) This function converts the numeric expression, expression, to a string. STRING(number, precision) This function converts the specified numeric expression, expression, to a string displaying the number of decimals defined by precision. TRIM(string) The TRIM function removes all leading and trailing spaces and removes duplicate spaces from between words in the text expression, string. UPPER(string) UPPER converts all characters in the text expression, string, to uppercase. VALUE(string) This function converts the numbers in string to a numeric expression. Conversion proceeds from left to right and stops with the first character that cannot be interpreted as part of a number.  HyperScript functions query both global worksheet information and information about selected Wingz objects. Their primary usage is to supply current settings to the various Wingz dialog boxes. In the following sections, HyperScript functions are listed in groups. These groups include: BUL Arrow Functions BUL Border Functions BUL Chart Functions BUL Chart Functions (3D) BUL Color Functions BUL Environment Functions BUL Error Functions BUL Field Functions BUL Fill Functions BUL Line Functions BUL Miscellaneous Functions BUL Operator Functions BUL Poly Functions BUL Selection Functions BUL Shadow Functions BUL Text Functions BUL Worksheet Functions Click "Functions" in this window and select a group from the options menu to find information on the functions in the group.  ARROWHEAD() This function returns the arrowhead placement mode for the selected line or polyline ( 0 - NO ARROW, 1 - BACK ARROW, 2 - SINGLE ARROW, 3 - DOUBLE ARROW). ARROWLENGTH() This function returns the arrowhead length (in twips) for the selected line or polyline.  BORDERBG() This function returns the RGB value of the border shadow background color for the selected object. BORDERFG() This function returns the RGB value of the border shadow foreground color for the selected object. BORDERPATTERN() This function returns the border shadow pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected object. BORDERSTRENGTH() This function returns the border shadow strength (0 - 255) for the selected object. BORDERSTYLE() This function returns the border style value for the selected object. BORDERSTYLE can be used in conjunction with the BITAND function to obtain a style value. To obtain the drop shadow style for the border, the returned value of the BORDERSTYLE function is compared to the value 3 with the function BITAND(BORDERSTYLE(),3) which returns: 2EQ Drop Shadow Style Return Value No drop shadow 0 2D drop shadow 1 3D drop shadow 2 To obtain the line style for the border, the returned value of the BORDERSTYLE() function is compared to the value 28 with the function BITAND(BORDERSTYLE(), 28) which returns: 2EQ Line Border Style Return Value No line border 0 Single line border 4 Double line border 8 Thick inner line border 12 Thick outer line border 16 Button border 20 Outline 1 border 24 Outline 2 border 28 To obtain the corners border style, the returned value of the BORDERSTYLE function is compared to the value 32 with the function BITAND(BORDERSTYLE(),32) which returns: 2EQ Corner Border Style Return Value Square corners 0 Round corners 32 BORDERX() This function returns the border X offset (in twips) for the selected object. BORDERY() This function returns the border Y offset (in twips) for the selected object.  AXISHASHLENGTH This function returns the length (in twips) of the axis hash line for the selected chart axis. AXISHASHTYPE() This function returns the axis hash display type for the selected chart axis. There are four possible values returned by this function: 2EQ Axis Hash Line Type Return Value No hash line 0 Interior hash line 1 Centered hash line 2 Exterior hash line 3 AXISHASHWIDTH This function returns the width (in twips) of the axis hash line for the selected chart axis. AXISMAJGRIDBG() This function returns the RGB value of the major grid background color for the selected axis. AXISMAJGRIDFG() This function returns the RGB value of the major grid foreground color for the selected axis. AXISMAJGRIDPAT() This function returns the major grid line pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected axis. AXISMAJGRIDWIDTH() This function returns the major grid line width (in twips) for the selected axis. AXISMINGRIDBG() This function returns the RGB value of the minor grid background color for the selected axis. AXISMINGRIDFG() This function returns the RGB value of the minor grid foreground color for the selected axis. AXISMINGRIDPAT() This function returns the minor grid line pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected axis. AXISMINGRIDWIDTH() This function returns the minor grid line width (in twips) for the selected axis. CHARTTYPE() This function returns the gallery type of the selected chart. If no chart is selected, it returns 0. The available types follow: 2EQ 0 - Bar 10 - Pie 1 - Line 11 - 3D Pie 2 - Layer 12 - HiLo 3 - Step 14 - XY 4 - Combination 16 - Scatter 5 - 3D Bar 17 - Polar 6 - 3D Line 18 - Wireframe 7 - 3D Layer 19 - Contour 8 - 3D Step 20 - Surface 9 - 3D Combination 21 - Horizontal Bar COMBCOLUMN() This function returns the Combination chart series column for the selected chart series. If the selected chart is not a Combination chart, this function returns the series axis. COMBLEGEND() This function returns the Combination chart legend mode for the selected chart series (0 - Hidden Series, 1 - Hidden Legend Entry). COMBSTACK() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if Combination chart stacking is enabled for the selected chart series and 0 (FALSE) if stacking is disabled. COMBTYPE() This function returns the Combination chart type (0 - Bar, 1 - Line, 2 - Layer, 3 - Step) for the selected chart series. PIEANGLE() This function returns the starting angle (in degrees) from which the pie slices are drawn for the selected pie chart. If no chart is selected or the selected chart is not a pie chart, this function returns 0. PIESORT() The PIESORT function returns the pie slice sorting mode (0 - No Sorting, 1 - Ascending, 2 - Descending) for the selected pie chart. PIEWEIGHT() This function returns the pie weighting mode (0 - No Weighting, 1 - Pie Sum Weighting, 2 - Weighting by Range) for the selected pie chart. PIEWGTRANGE() This function returns the defined range reference containing the pie weight values for the selected Pie chart. The value returned is a range. Use REFERENCE(PIEWGTRANGE()) to display the range as text. If no chart is selected or the selected chart is not a pie chart, this function returns 1. PLOTBRUSHBG() This function returns the RGB value of the interior plot background color for the selected chart. PLOTBRUSHFG() This function returns the RGB value of the interior plot foreground color for the selected chart. PLOTBRUSHPATTERN() This function returns the interior plot pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected chart. PLOTPENBG() This function returns the RGB value of the plot line background color for the selected chart. PLOTPENFG() This function returns the RGB value of the plot line foreground color for the selected chart. PLOTPENPATTERN() This function returns the plot line pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected chart. PLOTPENWIDTH() This function returns the plot line width (in twips) for the selected chart. SCALELOGBASE() This function returns a number representing the logarithmic base for the selected numeric chart axis. If no chart is selected, this function returns the default log base, 10. SCALEMAJDIV() This function returns the number of major divisions for the selected chart axis. The major divisions on an axis are designated by the displayed values along the axis. SCALEMANUAL() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the selected numeric chart axis is in manual scale mode or 0 (FALSE) if automatic scaling is selected. It returns 0 (FALSE) if no chart is selected. SCALEMAXIMUM() This function returns the maximum value for the selected chart axis. If multiple numeric axes are selected, SCALEMAXIMUM returns the maximum scale value for the first-selected axis. When the series axis is defined by a percent scale, the maximum scale value defaults to the maximum value in the range. SCALEMINDIV() This function returns the number of minor divisions for the selected chart axis. Minor divisions appear on the axis as hash marks within a major division. SCALEMINIMUM() This function returns the minimum value for the selected chart axis. SERIESWIDTH() This function returns the width of a series as a percent of the total series column width for the selected chart. SERLABELDISPLAY() This function returns the chart series data label placement mode for the selected series (1 - Hidden, 2 - Interior, 3 - Centered, 4 - Exterior). SERLABELTYPE() This function returns the chart series data label type for the selected chart series (1 - Text, 2 - Value, 3 - Percent). SYMBOLCOLOR() This function returns the RGB value of the symbol color for the selected chart series. It returns 0 if no chart is selected or if no symbol is defined. SYMBOLSIZE() This function returns the symbol size (in twips) for the selected chart series. It returns the default value of 240 if no chart is selected or no symbol is defined. SYMBOLTYPE() This function returns the symbol type (0 - 15) for the selected chart series. It returns 0 if no chart is selected or no symbol is defined. SYMBOLWIDTH() This function returns the symbol width (in twips) for the selected chart series. It returns the default width of 20 if no chart is selected or no symbol is defined.  BASEPENBG() This function returns the RGB value of the 3D base line background color for the selected 3D chart. BASEPENFG() This function returns the RGB value of the 3D base line foreground color for the selected 3D chart. BASEPENPATTERN() This function returns the 3D base line pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected 3D chart. BASEPENWIDTH() This function returns the 3D base line width (in twips) for the selected 3D chart. BASESIDEBG() This function returns the RGB value of the 3D base side background color for the selected 3D chart. BASESIDEFG() This function returns the RGB value of the 3D base side foreground color for the selected 3D chart. BASESIDEPATTERN() This function returns the 3D base side pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected 3D chart. BASETOPBG() This function returns the RGB value of the 3D base top background color for the selected 3D chart. BASETOPFG() This function returns the RGB value of the 3D base top foreground color for the selected 3D chart. BASETOPPATTERN() This function returns the 3D base top pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected 3D chart. DTOHRATIO() This function returns the depth to height ratio for the selected 3D chart. ELEVATION() This function returns the degree of elevation at which the selected 3D chart is being viewed. The value is returned in degrees. PERSPECTIVE() This function returns the perspective distance (as a percent of the distance from the front to back of the object) at which the selected 3D chart is viewed. The perspective viewing distance can range from 50 to 1001 percent. If no chart is selected, the function returns the default perspective value, 400. ROTATION() The ROTATION function returns the angle of rotation at which the selected 3D chart is viewed. If multiple charts are selected, the rotation of the chart selected first is returned. If a two-dimensional chart is selected, or if no chart is selected, the default rotation of 30 is returned. SURFACEPENBG() This function returns the RGB value of the surface line background color for the selected Surface or Wireframe chart. If no chart is selected, this function returns 0. If the chart selected is not a Surface or Wireframe chart, SURFACEPENBG returns 16777215, the value of white. SURFACEPENFG() This function returns the RGB value of the surface line foreground color for the selected Surface or Wireframe chart. If no chart is selected, this function returns 0. If the chart selected is not a Surface or Wireframe chart, SURFACEPENFG returns 16777215, the value of white. SURFACEPENPATTERN() This function returns the surface line pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected Surface or Wireframe chart. SURFACEPENWIDTH() This function returns the surface line width (in twips) for the selected Surface or Wireframe chart. If no chart is selected, of if the selected chart is not a Surface or Wireframe chart, this function returns the default width of 5. SURFAXES() This function returns 4 if axes are displayed on the selected Surface or Wireframe chart. It returns 0 if the axes are not displayed. SURFBASE() This function returns 8 if the base appears on the selected Surface or Wireframe chart. It returns 0 if the base is not displayed. It returns 1 if no chart is selected. SURFCLIP() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the selected Surface chart has clipping activated and 0 (FALSE) if clipping is not activated. SURFCONT() This function returns a value indicating the type of contour bands and contour lines used on the selected Contour, Surface, or Wireframe chart. When base contour bands and lines are defined for Surface and Wireframe charts, the base of the chart reflects the surface of the chart as a two-dimensional image. The bands represent the different value ranges on a Contour chart and the lines divide the bands. SURFCONT is used in conjunction with the BITAND function to return the status of contour bands and lines: 3EQ Function Return Value Description BITAND (SURFCONT(), 1) 1 Surface contour bands defined BITAND (SURFCONT(), 1) 0 Surface contour bands not defined BITAND (SURFCONT(), 2) 2 Contour bands projected onto base BITAND (SURFCONT(), 2) 0 Contour bands not projected onto base BITAND (SURFCONT(), 4) 4 Contour lines shown BITAND (SURFCONT(), 4) 0 Contour lines not shown BITAND (SURFCONT(), 8) 8 Contour lines projected onto base BITAND (SURFCONT(), 8) 0 Contour lines not projected onto base BITAND (SURFCONT(), 256) 0-255 Manual base offset SURFDISP() This function returns a value based on whether certain features are defined for the selected Contour, Surface, or Wireframe chart. Use SURFDISP with the BITAND function to return a value representing the current state of various chart elements, as follows: 3EQ Function Return Value Description BITAND (SURFDISP(), 1) 1 Clipping on BITAND (SURFDISP(), 1) 0 Clipping off BITAND (SURFDISP(), 4) 4 Axes are visible BITAND (SURFDISP(), 4) 0 Axes are not visible BITAND (SURFDISP(), 8) 8 Pedestal is visible BITAND (SURFDISP(), 8) 0 Pedestal is not visible BITAND (SURFDISP(), 16) 16 Manual offset defined for base BITAND (SURFDISP(), 16) 0 Offset for base determined automatically SURFSMOOTH() This function returns the number of splines used for smoothing a Surface or Wireframe chart. It returns 0 when smoothing is disabled. VANISHINGX() This function returns the X location of the perspective vanishing point for the selected 3D chart. The vanishing point is expressed as a percent of the chart window width with 0 at the left side and 100 at the right. If the selected chart is a two-dimensional chart, or if no chart is selected, this function returns the default value of 50. VANISHINGY() This function returns the Y location of the perspective vanishing point for the selected 3D chart. The vanishing point is expressed as a percent of the chart window height with 0 at the bottom and 100 at the top. If the selected chart is a two-dimensional chart, or if no chart is selected, this function returns the default value of 50. WTOHRATIO() This function returns the width-to-height ratio for the selected 3D chart. If the selected chart is two-dimensional, WTOHRATIO returns 175. If no chart is selected, this function returns 250.  BLACK() This function returns the RGB value for pure black (0). BLUE() This function returns the RGB value for pure blue (16711680). CYAN() This function returns the RGB value for pure cyan (16776960). GREEN() This function returns the RGB value for pure green (65280). GREY() This function returns the RGB value for pure grey (12632256). MAGENTA() This function returns the RGB value for pure magenta (16711935). RED() This function returns the RGB value for pure red (255). RGB(red,green,blue) This function returns the RGB (red, green, blue) value for a color with the given red, green, and blue intensities. The value of each color intensity ranges from 0 to 255. WHITE() This function returns the RGB value for pure white (16777215). YELLOW() This function returns the RGB value for pure yellow (65535).  DESKBOTTOM() This function returns the Y coordinate (in twips) of the bottom right corner of the defined desktop. DESKLEFT() This function returns the X coordinate (in twips) of the top left corner of the defined desktop. DESKRIGHT() This function returns the X coordinate (in twips) of the bottom right corner of the defined desktop. DESKTOP() This function returns the Y coordinate (in twips) of the top left corner of the defined desktop.  CERROR() This function returns the error number of the HyperScript command most recently executed in Wingz. If the command did not generate an error, the function returns 0 (FALSE). This function is reinitialized before each command. ERRCOUNT() The ERRCOUNT function returns the total number of errors generated by HyperScript commands since Wingz was last launched. ERRNR(expression) This function returns the number of the error generated by string. If no error is generated, 0 is returned. LERROR() This function returns the error number of the most recent error. Unlike CERROR, LERROR is not cleared at the beginning of each command. SERROR() This function returns the text of the most recent error. SERROR is not reinitialized before each command.  BOTTOMMARGIN() This function returns the bottom margin value (in twips) for the selected field. INDENT() The INDENT function returns the value defined for paragraph indention (in twips) for the selected field. If more than one field is selected, the indent value for the first-selected field is returned. LEFTINDENT() This function returns the left indent value (in twips) for the selected field. LEFTMARGIN() This function returns the amount of left margin (in twips) for the selected field. LINELEADING() This function returns the amount of space (in twips) between lines of text in the selected field. It returns 0 if line leading is not previously set. LINESPACING() This function returns the number of line spaces set for the current text field. There are five possible values returned by this function. 2EQ Line Spacing Return Value Single 1 Double 2 l.5 3 Fixed Height 4 Extra leading on each line 5 LOCKED() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the selected field is locked and 0 (FALSE) if it is not. RIGHTINDENT() This function returns the right indent value (in twips) for the selected field. RIGHTMARGIN() This function returns the right margin value (in twips) for the selected field. SCROLLBAR() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the selected field displays a scroll bar and 0 (FALSE) if it does not. TABS() This function returns the distance between tab positions (in twips) for the selected field. TITLE() This function returns the title of the selected control. TOPMARGIN() This function returns the amount of space defined (in twips) for the top margin of the selected field. WORDWRAP() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if word wrap is turned on for the selected field and 0 (FALSE) if word wrap is disabled.  FILLBG() This function returns the RGB value of the brush background color for the selected object. FILLFG() This function returns the RGB value of the brush foreground color for the selected object. FILLPATTERN() This function returns the brush pattern number for the selected object (0 - 38).  LINEBG() This function returns the RGB value of the line background color for the selected object. LINEFG() This function returns the RGB value of the line foreground color for the selected object. LINEPATTERN() Returns the line pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected object. LINEWIDTH() This function returns the line width (in twips) of the selected line or polyline. If any other object is selected, the border line width is returned. If a cell is selected, LINEWIDTH returns the cell grid width.  CONTROLHEIGHT() This function returns the height (in twips) of the current control during a MOUSEDOWN, MOUSEMOVE, MOUSESTILLDOWN, MOUSEUP, MOUSEDOUBLECLICK, or REPAINT event. CONTROLWIDTH() This function returns the width (in twips) of the current control in MOUSEDOWN, MOUSEMOVE, MOUSESTILLDOWN, MOUSEUP, MOUSEDOUBLECLICK, or REPAINT event. CTSTRING(object_number, item_number) This function returns a string corresponding to the current state of the control, object_numberI, and item_number. Object_number is the object number of the desired control. The object selected must be a control or an error is returned. Item_number is in the range of item numbers specified for the control. If item_number is not within the range of items for the control, an error is returned. CTVALUE(object_number, item_number) This function returns a number corresponding to the current state of the control, object_number, and item specified, item_number. Object_number is the object number of the desired control. The object selected must be a control or an error is returned. Item_number is in the range of item numbers specified for the control. If item_number is not within the range of items for the control, an error is returned. ENCRYPTED() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the current worksheet is encrypted and 0 (FALSE) if it is not. FILE(filename) This function returns 1 (TRUE) if there is an existing file with the specified filename in the current directory. Otherwise, it returns 0 (FALSE). Use the full or related path to verify a file exists in a different directory. FORMAT() This function returns the numeric format value of the selected text. This function is used in conjunction with the BITAND function to retrieve format information. To obtain the precision for the format, the returned value of the FORMAT() function is compared to the value of 15 with the BITAND(FORMAT(),15) function which returns the defined precision. The BITAND(FORMAT(),32768) function returns whether the value is positive or negative. To obtain the numeric format display, the returned value of the FORMAT() function is compared to the value of 240 with the BITAND(FORMAT(),240) function which returns the following: 2EQ Format Type Return Value General 0 Fixed 16 Currency 32 Percent 48 Scientific 64 Date 1 80 Date 2 96 Date 3 112 Date 4 128 Date 5 144 Time 1 160 Time 2 176 Time 3 192 Time 4 208 Custom 224 BUL BITAND(FORMAT(),256) returns 0 for no parentheses, 256 for show parentheses. BUL BITAND(FORMAT(),512) returns 0 for no commas, 512 for show commas. BUL BITAND(FORMAT(),1024) returns 0 for show zeroes, 1024 for hide zeroes. BUL BITAND(FORMAT(),2048) returns 0 for show cell, 2048 for hide cell. To obtain the cell alignment, the returned value of the FORMAT() function is compared to the value of 12288 with the BITAND(FORMAT(),12288) function which returns the following: 2EQ Alignment Return Value General 0 Left justified 4096 Centered 8192 Right justified 12288 MEMFREE() This function returns the number of bytes of memory currently available for use. MOUSEX() This function returns the X position corresponding to the coordinate (in twips) where the mouse is located in a control. The left side of the control is 0, the right side of the control is the width of the control (in twips). MOUSEY() This function returns the Y position corresponding to the coordinate (in twips) where the mouse is located in a control. The top of the control is 0, the bottom of the control is the length of the control (in twips). SCRIPT() This function returns a string containing the first 255 characters of the script text attached to the selected object. TRANSPARENT() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the selected button is transparent and 0 (FALSE) if it is visible. If more than one button is selected, the value returned is for the button selected first. WINDOWTYPE() This function returns a number corresponding to the window type of the current window. The seven possible values returned by this function follow. 2EQ Window Type Return Value No windows open -1 Worksheet 0 Modal dialog box 1 Clipboard 3 Help 4 Modeless dialog box 5 Script editor 7  BITAND(expression1, expression2) BITAND calculates the bitwise AND of the given arguments, expression1 and expression2. Both arguments are numeric, logical, or text expressions. A text expression is evaluated as zero. A logical expression has a value of 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE), depending on the result of the evaluation. The arguments are converted to their binary (base 2) representation. The function then compares each digit of both binary numbers. If a 1 appears in the same position in both numbers, a 1 is placed in the same position of the result number. If either of the original numbers contains a 0 in the evaluated position, a 0 is placed in the resulting digit. The value returned is the decimal (base 10) equivalent of the binary result. BITOR(expression1, expression2) BITOR calculates the bitwise "OR" of the given arguments, expression1 and expression2. Both arguments are numeric, logical, or text expressions. A text expression is evaluated as zero. A logical expression has a value of 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE), depending on the result of the evaluation. The values are compared as binary (base 2) numbers. Each digit of the binary number is compared to see if either number contains a1 in the evaluated position or if both numbers contain a 1 in the evaluated position. A 1 appears in the resulting digit if either or both numbers contain a 1. If neither number contains a 1 in the evaluated position, the resulting digit is a 0. The value returned is the decimal (base 10) equivalent of the binary result. BITXOR(expression1, expression2) BITXOR calculates the bitwise exclusive or of the given arguments, expression1 and expression2. Both arguments are numeric, logical, or text expression. A text expression is evaluated as zero. A logical expression has a value of 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE), depending on the result of the evaluation. The values are compared as binary (base 2) numbers. Each digit of the binary number is compared to see if it is a 1 in that position of either of the arguments but not in both numbers. If only one number contains a 1 in the evaluated position, a 1 is placed in the same position in the binary result. If neither number contains a 1 in the evaluated position, a 0 is placed in the position. Similarly, if both numbers contain a 1 in the evaluated position, a 0 is placed in the position. The value returned is the decimal (base 10) equivalent of the binary result.  POLYCLOSED() This function determines if the selected poly object is open or closed. If the selected poly object is closed (a polygon), this function returns 1 (TRUE). If the object is an open polyline, 0 (FALSE) is returned. SMOOTH() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the selected polygon or polyline is smoothed and 0 (FALSE) otherwise. If multiple polygon or polylines are selected, the smoothing state of the first-selected object is returned.  NRSELECTIONS() This function returns the number of objects and worksheet ranges selected in the current worksheet. SELECTION(selection_number) This function returns the object number of a selected object or the range reference of a selected range. Selection_number is an integer ranging from 1 to NRSELECTIONS(). When the specified selection_number is not selected, an error is returned. SELECTIONTYPE(selection_number) This function returns the worksheet element number for a selection. Selection_number is an integer ranging from 1 to NRSELECTIONS(). The nine possible values returned by this function follow: 2EQ Selection Type Number Return Value No selection ERR 62 Cell or range 1 Object 3 Component of a chart 4 Report footer 6 Report header 7 Report border 8 Worksheet heading 9 Defined title area 10 SUBSELECTION(selection_number) This function returns either a series number for a specified chart series selection or an axis number for a selected chart axis or a chart axis title. Selection_number is an integer defining the object desired out of a group of selected objects. SUBSELECTIONTYPE(selection_number) The return value of SUBSELECTIONTYPE depends on the type of worksheet element selected (as returned by SELECTIONTYPE). When SELECTIONTYPE returns 3 (object), SUBSELECTIONTYPE returns the following, determined on the type of object selected: 2EQ Object Type Return Value Control 2 Field 3 Chart 4 Line 5 Arc 6 Oval 7 Rectangle 8 Polyline or Polygon 9 Picture 10 Group of objects 11 When SELECTIONTYPE returns 4 (chart component), SUBSELECTIONTYPE returns the following, based on the type of chart component selected: 2EQ Chart Component Return Value Title 1 Footnote 2 Legend 3 Series 4 Plot area 5 Axis 6 Axis title 7 Series labels 8  SHADOWBG() This function returns the RGB value of the 3D chart shadow background color for the selected 3D Bar, Line, Layer, Step, or Pie chart. SHADOWFG() This function returns the RGB value of the 3D chart shadow foreground color for the selected 3D Bar, Line, Layer, Step, or Pie chart. SHADOWPATTERN() This function returns the 3D chart shadow pattern number (0 - 38) for the selected 3D Bar, Line, Layer, Step, or Pie chart. SHADOWSTRENGTH() This function returns the 3D chart shadow intensity (0 - 255) for the selected 3D Bar, Line, Layer, Step, or Pie chart. An intensity value of 0 displays no shadow; an intensity of 255 displays a solid shadow.  TEXTCOLOR() This function returns the RGB color value of the selected text. TEXTFONT() This function returns the font name of the selected text (e.g., "Helvetica"). TEXTHEIGHT() This function returns the height of the current text size in the current drawing units. TEXTHEIGHT can only be used with the DRAW TEXT string command. TEXTLENGTH(string) This function returns the length of the text, string, in the current drawing units. TEXTLENGTH can only be used with the DRAW TEXT string command. TEXTSIZE() This function returns the size of the selected text (in points). TEXTSTYLE() This function returns the text style value of the selected text. The returned text style value is interpreted as follows: BUL BITAND(TEXTSTYLE(),1) returns 0 for bold off, 1 for bold on. BUL BITAND(TEXTSTYLE(),2) returns 0 for italic off, 2 for italic on. BUL BITAND(TEXTSTYLE(),4) returns 0 for underline off, 4 for underline on. BUL BITAND(TEXTSTYLE(),8) returns 0 for outline off, 8 for outline on. BUL BITAND(TEXTSTYLE(),16) returns 0 for shadow off, 16 for shadow on.  AUTOSAVEEVERY() This function returns the defined Automatic Save interval for the current worksheet as a serial date number fraction. The resulting number represents a fraction of a 24-hour day and indicates the amount of time which elapses between saves. This function divides the number of minutes defined as the Automatic Save interval by the number of minutes per hour (60) and divides this number by the number of hours in a day (24). AUTOSAVENAME() This function returns the Automatic Save name for the current worksheet. AUTOSAVEON() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if Automatic Save is enabled and 0 (FALSE) if Automatic Save is disabled. CELLBORDER() This function returns information about the cell border defined for the selected cell or range of cells. This function is used with the BITAND function to retrieve cell border information. CELLS() This function returns the number of non-blank cells in the current worksheet. COLUMNWIDTH() This function returns the width (in twips) of the first column of the selected range. CUSTOMFORMAT() This function returns the custom format string for the current selection, if one exists. If one does not exist, a null string is returned. If more than one cell is selected, this function returns the custom format string of the first cell in the selection (or a null string if the first cell does not contain a custom format). DELTARANGE() This function returns the iteration test cell reference. When iterating circular formulas, use the change in the test cell (delta range) to determine whether to stop recalculating. DELTARANGE returns a range formatted for use as a range argument within a function; the range can not be displayed. DELTAVALUE() This function returns the upper limit of change (Max Change in the Iteration dialog box) within the iteration test cell (delta range). Recalculation stops when the change in the test cell value from one iteration to the next becomes less than the defined delta value. Recalculation also stops when the maximum number of recalculations have occurred. FORMULAS() This function returns the number of cells containing formulas in the current worksheet. FORMULATEXT(range) This function returns the formula text in the first cell of range. If the cell does not contain a formula, ERR 12 is returned. Range is any valid range reference. FRAC(range, Y_upper, X_left, Y_lower, X_right) This function can be substituted for any range argument. FRAC is useful when you want to specify a location other than on cell boundaries. The range argument identifies the range on which the rectangular region lies. Y_upper indicates where the top of the region lies in the upper left cell (linearly between 0 for the top and 255 for the bottom of the cell). X_left indicates where the left of the region lies in the upper left cell (linearly between 0 for the left and 255 for the right of the cell). Similarly, Y_lower and X_right indicate where the lower right corner of the region lies in the lower right cell of the range. Note that the coordinate values do not represent a definite measurement, but a fraction of the cell size (e.g., x1/255). The coordinates 0 and 255 for X and Y are the cell boundaries and their linear measurement, as compared to 1 through 254, and can vary depending on the line width of the cell boundary. Thus, as row and column sizes change, reference corners of the objects are moved proportionately within the cells. ISBLANK(range) This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the first cell in range is blank or empty and 0 (FALSE) if the cell contains information. Both empty and blank cells are considered to be blank by this function. ISCALC() This function returns a value of 1 (TRUE) if the current worksheet needs to be recalculated when using Manual Recalc. If recalculation is not required, this function returns 0 (FALSE). ISCIRCULAR() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the selected worksheet contains formulas with circular references or 0 (FALSE) if there are no circular references. ISNOTE() This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the selected field is defined as a cell note and 0 (FALSE) if it is not. ITERATIONS() This function returns the maximum number of iterations defined for recalculation. MODIFIED() This function queries the selected worksheet and returns 1 (TRUE) if changes have been made to it since it was last saved. Otherwise, it returns 0 (FALSE). NAME() This function returns the name defined for the selected object. If the object is unnamed, NAME returns a null string. If no object is selected, the name of the current worksheet is returned. If no worksheet is opened, an error is returned. NUMBER() This function returns the object number of the selected object. If more than one object is selected, the number of the object selected first is returned. An object must be selected to return a value, otherwise ERR 62 is returned. PASSWORD(number) This function returns the password assigned to the specified password number, expression. If no password is assigned for a given number, PASSWORD returns a null string. The password expression is either 1 or 2. If the current worksheet was opened with a read-only password, this function does not display the password; instead it returns ERR 12 (argument is bad). PASSWORDRO(number) This function evaluates whether the specified password provides read-only access or read-write access. It returns 1 (TRUE) if the specified password number, expression is read only and 0 (FALSE) if it is not. The password expression is either 1 or 2. If the current worksheet was opened with a read-only password, ERR 12 is returned. RANGENAME(range) This function returns the name of the cell or range, range, if a name has been defined. If the range is not named, a null string is returned. When more than one named range is specified, the range name defined first is returned. REFERENCE(range) This function converts a range reference, range, to a text representation of the range. The reference is converted as an absolute reference. ROWHEIGHT() This function returns the row height (in twips) of the current row in the worksheet. SCALE() The SCALE function returns the displayed scale of the current window. The returned value can be any number from .24 to 4. This number corresponds to the Scale setting from the Window menu.  This command is used to assign a name to a cell or range. The name can then be used in a formula in place of the range it identifies. Names apply to the cells, not to the cell contents. NUM1. Select a range. NUM2. Choose Define Name from the Go menu. NUM3. Type the new name in the name area of the dialog box and click the OK button. Names must begin with a letter and may contain only letters, numbers, and spaces. When you include spaces in the name you must enclose the name in single quotation marks when using it in a formula. If the selected range already has a name assigned to it, the current name is displayed in this area. Avoid assigning names to ranges that can be misinterpreted as cell references. For example, if the range name, "ABC123" is selected from the Name menu, the worksheet cell ABC123 is selected instead of the range defined for that range name. Use Name from the Go menu to move to a named range. Use Remove Name from the Go menu to remove a range name.  By using the Create Names command from the Go menu, you can assign names to columns or rows in a selected range, corresponding to the text entered in the top row or left column of the range. NUM1. Select a range. NUM2. Choose Create Names from the Go menu and Top Row or Left Column from the submenu. There are two options from which to select when using Create Names: Top Row. When you choose this option, the columns in the selected range are assigned a name based on the text in the first cell of each column. When you choose the new name from the Name submenu, the cells below the column name in the defined range are selected. Left Column. When you choose this option, the rows in the selected range are assigned a name based on the text in the first cell of each row. When you choose the new name from the Name submenu, the cells to the right of the row name in the defined range are selected. You can use Name from the Go menu to move to a named range. You can use Remove Name from the Go menu to remove a range name.  You can remove a defined name from the current worksheet with the Remove Name command, without affecting the data stored in the defined range. If you attempt to remove a name used in a formula, an error message informs you that Wingz is unable to remove a name that is in use. BUL Choose Remove Name from the Go menu and select the range name you want to delete. To find out where the formulas are that use the range name you want to remove, choose the Find command in the Go menu, select the Formula option, and enter the desired range name as the formula text.  Wingz supports the standard system text editing features. NUM1. Select a cell with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Click in the Entry Bar to select an insertion point. Drag to select all or part of the contents of the cell. NUM3. Type to insert new characters. Press Backspace to delete the characters. NUM4. Press Return or click the Accept icon to enter the changed contents into the cell.  You can apply various format commands to enhance information on your Wingz worksheet. As you create the worksheet you can specify display formats for information in cells, graphic objects, text fields, buttons, and charts.  Through global formatting, you can change text and numeric fonts, point sizes, styles, and alignment. Cell borders highlight portions of your worksheet for emphasis. You can also specify colors and patterns to emphasize data and worksheet elements.  NUM1. Select a cell, a range of cells, or a block of text in a text field or script. NUM2. Choose Font from the Format menu and the name of the font from the submenu. You can use any combination of fonts in a single Wingz worksheet, but only one font style per cell may be selected. Text fields allow fonts to be set on a character-by-character basis. The default font for Wingz worksheets is helvetica. The default font for scripts is courier. The default size for all Wingz windows is 12 points. These defaults can be changed through your OSF/Motif window manager. You can choose fonts either before or after you enter text and numbers. You can also apply other formatting features before or after you choose the font itself. All of the fonts installed on your system are displayed in the Font submenu in the Format menu. A check button appears in the submenu listing to the left of the font being used for the current cell, range, field, or script.  NUM1. Select a cell, a range of cells, or a block of text in a text field or script. NUM2. Choose Size from the Format menu and a point size from the submenu. Wingz automatically displays both text and numbers in 12-point size. The Size submenu lists commonly used point sizes. You can enter any size from 1 to 255 points in the Other dialog box. You can specify the point size before or after you enter text and numbers. You can specify other formatting features before or after choosing the point size. The point size used for the selected cell, range, text field, or script appears with a check button next to it. The appearance of your worksheet data on the screen and when printed is dependent on the point sizes you have selected and the printer you are using.  NUM1. Select a cell, a range of cells, or a block of text in a text field or script. NUM2. Choose Style from the Format menu and the name of a font style from the submenu. A font style is a variation of the current font type. You can choose a style such as Bold or Underline to add visual emphasis. You can apply more than one style if you wish. Choose Plain from the Style submenu to remove all style formatting. You can change the font style before or after you enter text or numbers. You can also apply other formatting features before or after changing the style. The font style used in the selected cell, range, text field, or script appears with a check button next to it.  You can change the justification of text and numbers in the selected cell or range of cells. NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells. NUM2. Choose Align from the Format menu and the desired alignment from the submenu. The Align command positions the characters within the selected cell or text field. A check button in the submenu indicates the alignment setting in effect for the selected cell or text field. You can choose to align the contents of cells to the left, right, or center. Text assigned a general format is aligned to the left; numbers are aligned to the right.  There may be times when you want to add emphasis to specific grid lines in your worksheet. Using Cell Border in the Format menu, you can add solid border lines to accent selected cells or cell ranges. NUM1. Select the cell or range around which you want to place a border. NUM2. Choose Cell Border from the Format menu to display the Cell Border dialog box. NUM3. The pointer changes to a hand when you move it over selections in the dialog box. To choose any of the five cell border options, click on the check button next to the desired option, using the hand pointer. NUM4. Click OK when you have finished selecting the cell border options. NUM5. Click Cancel to leave the dialog box without making any changes to the selected cell or range. The Outline, Left, Right, Top, and Bottom cell border options may be used independently or in combination with each other. BUL Outline. Choose Outline to put a border around the outer edges of the selected cell or range. BUL Left. Choose Left to add a vertical border on the left edge of the selected cell or each cell in the range. BUL Right. Choose Right to add a vertical border on the right edge of the selected cell or each cell in the range. BUL Top. Choose Top to add a border on the top edge of the selected cell or each cell in the range. BUL Bottom. Choose Bottom to put a border on the bottom edge of the selected cell or each cell in the range. NOTE: When the line width, pattern, or color of either the worksheet grid lines or the heading grid lines are modified, cell borders on the worksheet are also adjusted. Changes made to the heading grid pattern and color are reflected in cell borders. To remove or change the borders for a cell, select the cell or range with the cell border. Choose the Cell Border command in the Format menu. The Cell Border dialog box appears. If any of the five cell border options already has a filled check button, it is currently in effect. Clicking the check button removes the fill and turns the border off. If a check button is shaded for an option, the option is in effect for some of the cells in the selected range and is not in effect for others. Click this button once to activate the option for all cells in the range. Click the button a second time to remove the cell border line from all cells in the range.  NUM1. Select a cell, a range of cells, a button, or a block of text in a text field. NUM2. Choose Color from the Format menu and select a color from the submenu. By default, Wingz displays text and positive numbers in the users foreground color and negative numbers in red. You can use the Color command to emphasize text and numbers in cells, ranges, buttons, or text fields. The Color command displays the characters in the selected cells or text fields in the chosen color. In addition to the standard colors (Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, and White), the Other option lets you create your own colors using the Color Picker dialog box. A check button in the submenu indicates the color in effect for the selected cell(s).  You can change the appearance of the worksheet grid by applying color and patterns to the cells and the grid lines. To change the appearance of grid lines: NUM1. Select a cell or range. NUM2. Choose Line from the Format menu. NUM3. Choose a pattern, foreground and background color, and line width in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. Changes made to the color of grid lines are applied to the entire worksheet. Changes made to the color of cells, however, are applied only to the selected cells. NUM1. Select a cell or range. NUM2. Choose Fill from the Format menu. NUM3. Choose a pattern and a foreground and background color in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. You can select the entire worksheet by choosing Select All from the Edit menu or by clicking in the upper-left corner of the heading grid.  NUM1. Choose Select from the Go menu and Heading from the submenu. NUM2. Choose the following options from the Format menu. Use the Font, Size, Style, and Color commands to change the appearance of the row and column headings. Use the Fill and Line commands to change the appearance of the heading grid. You can also select the headings by double-clicking in the upper-left corner of the heading grid.  NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells. NUM2. Choose Number from the Format menu and the appropriate format from the submenu. If you include a comma in a number you enter, the number is treated as text and cannot be formatted as a number. However, you can display the numbers with commas by using the Attribute command from the Format menu. If the selected range is blank, numbers assume the selected format as they are entered. If you have entered numbers in the range previously, their format changes.  When you choose this option, the value in the selected cell or range is displayed in a fixed decimal format. The number of fixed decimal positions is designated by the Precision command in the Format menu. For example, a value of 250 is displayed as 250.00 when the precision is 2 and as 250 when the precision is set to 0. Fixed is the default setting for numeric cells.  In General format, the number, if large enough, fills the cell width. The number is displayed with a floating number of places to the right of the decimal point, which are truncated if the cell is not wide enough to accommodate all of the decimal numbers. In this format, the amount of precision defined is ignored. For example, .054 is displayed as .054 and 1.000 is displayed as 1.  When you choose Scientific format, cells are displayed in scientific notation. The currently defined precision applies to the mantissa of the displayed value. For example, if the precision is set at 2, the number 1,000,000 is displayed as 1.00E+06 (1.00 mulitplied by ten to the power of six).  When Currency format is chosen, numbers in the selected cell or range are displayed with a currency symbol. A fixed decimal format is maintained and the defined precision is unchanged. For example, when the number 52.56 is placed in a cell that has been formatted for currency and the precision is set to 2, the number is displayed as $52.56. When the precision is changed to 0, the value is displayed as $53.  Choosing the Percent option formats the selected cell or range to display the number as a percentage. The number is multiplied by 100 and displayed in a fixed decimal format with the defined precision. A percent sign is displayed behind the number. For example, if a cell contains a value of 1 and the cell has a precision of 0, it is displayed as 100%. A value of 0.7 with a precision of 2 is displayed as 70.00%. Like Fixed notation, the Scientific, Currency, and Percent formats all display numbers according to the degree of precision you set.  NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells. NUM2. Choose Number from the Format menu and the appropriate Date format from the submenu. The following date formats are available: 2EQ FORMAT EXAMPLE D-Mon-YY 23-Dec-88 D-Mon 23-Dec Mon-YY Dec-88 MM-DD-YY 12-23-88 MM-DD 12-23 You can change these formats with the HyperScript DATE command. When you format a blank range, numbers take on the selected format as you enter them. If you have entered numbers already, their format changes. You can format dates as text strings. To use these strings in formulas, you must first use the DATEVALUE function. A check button appears next to the selected option.  NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells. NUM2. Choose Number from the Format menu and the appropriate Time format from the submenu. The following time formats are available: 2EQ FORMAT EXAMPLE HR:MN:SC AM 01:23:16PM HR:MN AM 01:23PM HH:MN:SC 13:23:16 HH:MN 13:23 You can change these formats with the HyperScript TIME command. Use the TIME function to enter time information into a cell. For example, use =TIME(13,23,16) for 1:23:16 pm. Wingz returns 0.56, which you can then format as a time. You can format times as text strings. To use these strings in formulas, you must first use the TIMEVALUE function. When you format a blank range, numbers take on the selected format as you enter them. If you have already entered numbers, their format changes. A check button appears next to the selected option.  A Custom Format consists of a "picture" of the format you want to use. The picture is composed of characters used to specify both the type of numbers to be displayed and the format in which they will be displayed in the formatted cell. Custom formats override all other numeric format settings including all other options in the Number submenu, all options in the Attribute submenu, and the Precision setting. IMPORTANT: When you define a custom numeric format in a worksheet, the format is saved with the worksheet in which it was defined. The Custom Format option in the Format menu can be used to create a number format not currently available on the Number submenu. A custom format can contain up to four sections, separated by semicolons, consisting of three number sections and a text section. The text section is optional and may be omitted. In addition, the number sections can be combined into one or two sections. When three sections exist in a custom format, the first section is interpreted as the format used for positive numbers, the second section is interpreted as the format used for negative numbers, and the third section is interpreted as the format used for zeroes. When two sections exist in the custom format, the first section is interpreted as the format used for both positive numbers and zeroes, and the second section is interpreted as the format used for negative numbers. When only one section is used in the custom format, it is interpreted as the format used for all numbers (positive, negative, and zero). When a text section exists in the custom format, it must be the last section in the format. If the text section is not preceded by three number sections, it must include the text placeholder character "@." A text format can be used to display cell text embedded in a specified string. The format string contains an "@" character to represent where the cell text is to be inserted. The examples in the following table show the cell text, the text format used, and the text displayed. 3EQ Cell Text Custom Format Displayed Text A "Region" @ Region A Rent @ "Expense" Rent Expense AF234 "Item" @ "is out of stock." Item AF234 is out of stock. You can prevent the display of certain types of numbers by omitting a picture string and including an extra semicolon. The first example below prevents the display of negative values. The second example prevents the display of negative and zero values. Examples: ;;; ;;; By omitting a picture string between the semicolons, you indicate that a value type represented by that format position is not to be displayed. NOTE: Custom formats override all other numeric format settings, including all other options in the Number submenu, all options in the Attribute submenu, and the Precision setting. The picture symbols listed in the following table can be used to construct a numeric format: 2NW 0 This symbol displays a numeric digit. If there is no significant digit in this location in the cell value, a zero is displayed in that position. If a cell value contains more digits to the left of the decimal than there are zeroes to the left of the decimal in the custom format string, the digits are displayed. If a cell value contains more digits to the right of the decimal than there are zeroes to the right of the decimal in the custom format string, the number is rounded to as many decimal places as there are zeroes to the right of the decimal in the custom format. # This symbol displays a numeric digit. The rules described above for 0 are also followed for this symbol, with the exception that extra zeroes are not displayed if the number has fewer digits on either side of the decimal than there are #'s on either side in the format. . This symbol represents a decimal point. , This symbol represents a thousands separator or to display a date format. A comma, preceded by a zero, moves the decimal point three digits to the left. (e.g., A custom format of "0," for the number 2,619,500 displays the number as 2620.) % This symbol represents a percent sign. The cell value is multiplied by 100 and the % character is displayed. e- E- These symbols display a value using scientific notation with either a lowercase or an uppercase letter (e or E). The number of # or 0 symbols to the right of one of the e- or E- symbols determines the number of digits in the exponent. If the value is negative, a minus sign is displayed; if the value is positive, no sign is displayed. e+ E+ These symbols display a value using scientific notation with either a lowercase or an uppercase letter (e or E). The number of # or 0 symbols to the right of one of the e+ or E+ symbols determines the number of digits in the exponent. If the value is negative, a minus sign is displayed; if the value is positive, a plus sign is displayed. $ - + : ( ) / space Any of these characters can be displayed in the format without having to surround the character(s) with quotation marks or provide a leading backslash (see "text" and \ below). These characters are commonly used for value formatting. The parentheses, ( ), identify negative numbers. The dollar sign, $, displays numbers as currency. The slash character, /, is displayed as a date separator and the colon, :, is displayed as a time separator. The plus sign, +, is displayed with positive numbers and the minus sign, -, is displayed with negative numbers. A blank space displays a space in the string. "text" Quotation marks display any character or string of characters as part of a custom format picture. This symbol can be used in a custom format to indicate that the next character in the string is to be displayed in the formatted cell. A backslash can be used as an alternative to enclosing a single character in quotation marks. * The character that follows an asterisk in a format string is used to fill the width of the selected cell. A maximum of 10 asterisks in each section of a format may be used. d This character displays a one- or two-digit number representing the day of the month (e.g., 1 for day 1, 30 for day 30). dd These characters display a two-digit number representing the day of the month (e.g., 01 for day 1, 30 for day 30). ddd These characters display an abbreviated version of the day name (e.g., "Sat" or "Sun"). dddd These characters display a full-text version of the day name (e.g., "Saturday" or "Sunday"). m This character displays a one- or two-digit number representing the month of the year (e.g., 1 for January, 12 for December). mm These characters display a two-digit number representing the month of the year (e.g., 01 for January, 12 for December). mmm These characters display an abbreviated version of the month name (e.g., "Jan" or "Dec"). mmmm These characters display the full-text version of the month name (e.g., "January" or "December"). yy These characters display a two-digit number representing the year (e.g., 01 for the year 2001 and 90 for the year 1990). yyyy These characters display a four-digit number representing the year (e.g., 2001 or 1990). h This character displays a one- or two-digit number representing the hour of the day (e.g., 4 for 4:00 AM; 11 for 11:00 AM). If a/p, A/P, am/pm, or AM/PM are used in the format, the hour is displayed using a 12-hour clock (e.g., 4 for 4:00 PM). If a time-of-day format is not used, the hour is displayed using a 24-hour clock (e.g., 16 for 4:00 PM). hh These characters display a two-digit number representing the hour of the day (e.g., 04 for 4:00 AM). If a/p, A/P, am/pm, or AM/PM are used in the format, the hour is displayed using a 12-hour clock (e.g., 04 for 4:00 PM). If a time-of-day format is not used, the hour is displayed using a 24-hour clock (e.g., 16 for 4:00 PM). m This character displays a one- or two-digit number representing the minutes portion of a time (e.g., 7 for 11:07; 13 for 11:13). The "m" must follow an "h" or an "hh" in the custom format. Otherwise, the month number is displayed instead of the minutes. mm These characters display a two-digit number representing the minutes portion of a time (e.g., 07 for 11:07). The "mm" must follow an "h" or an "hh" in the custom format. Otherwise, the month number is displayed instead of the minutes. s This character displays a one-or two-digit number representing the seconds portion of a time (e.g., 3 for 8:32:03; 23 for 8:32:23). ss These characters display a two-digit number representing the seconds portion of a time (e.g., 03 for 3:32:03). a/p A/P These characters display a single character entry indicating the time of day using a 12-hour clock (e.g., "a" or "A" for times from midnight until noon and "p" or "P" for times between noon and midnight). If a/p, A/P, am/pm, or AM/PM symbols are not used, the time is displayed using a 24-hour clock. am/pm AM/PM These characters display a two-character string entry indicating the time of day using a 12-hour clock (e.g., "am" or "AM" for times from midnight until noon and "pm" or "PM" for times between noon and midnight). If a/p, A/P, am/pm, or AM/PM symbols are not used, the time is displayed using a 24-hour clock. Examples of custom formats are shown in the following table. 3EQ Cell Value Custom Format Displayed Value 123456789 000-00-0000 123-45-6789 l3456.70 $###,##0.00 $l3,456.70 l560000.00 O.00E-00 l.56E06 O.005 O.00% O.50% l32l8.00 "Total Sales: " $##,##0.00 Total Sales: $l3,2l8.00 32198 MMDDYYYY 02251988 32178 MMMM D, YYYY February 5, 1988 32178 MM/DD/YY 02/05/88 O.6878 HHMMSS 163025 O.3981 HH MM SS A/P 09 33 15 A O.6750 H:M:S am/pm 4:12:0 pm When you choose the Custom option of the Number command in the Format menu, the Custom Format dialog box is displayed. The following options are available in this dialog box: BUL List Box. The list box displays all of the defined custom formats for the current worksheet. To select a custom format for the current cell or range, either double-click the list box item, or click the list box item and then click OK. BUL Format Entry. If the current cell is formatted using a custom format, the cells current format is displayed here. You can select a new format for the cell by choosing a format in the list box or by entering a new format. Click OK when you are finished. If you define a new format, it will appear in the list box the next time you choose the Custom command. BUL OK. Click OK to save the current format for the selected cell or range. BUL Cancel. Click Cancel to cancel any changes made in the dialog box. BUL Delete. Click Delete to remove the selected format from the list box. If a format is currently in use by any cell in the worksheet, the format cannot be removed and an error message is displayed. IMPORTANT: Custom formats are saved with the current worksheet. If additions or changes are made to the list of custom formats, they are not retained until the worksheet is saved.  In addition to numeric formatting, you can use attributes to hide cells that contain zeroes, insert commas as thousands separators, display negative numbers in parentheses, and hide cells from view.  NUM1. Select a range of cells. NUM2. Choose Hide Zero from the Attribute submenu in the Format menu. Hide Zero shows all the cells containing the value zero as blank. Note that these cells are not empty; they simply contain zero values which are not being displayed. A check button appears next to Hide Zero when this option is selected. To reverse the command and show the zeros, choose Hide Zero again.  NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells. NUM2. Choose Commas from the Attribute submenu in the Format menu. When you choose Commas, Wingz displays a comma in front of every third number to the left of the decimal point. If you include a comma as you enter a number, the number is treated as text and cannot be formatted with the Number command. Attribute menu options do not affect the way numbers are stored or how they are used in calculations. A check button appears next to Commas when this option is selected. To remove the commas from the numbers in a selected range, choose Commas again.  NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells. NUM2. Choose Parenthesis from the Attribute submenu in the Format menu. Use Parenthesis to display negative numbers in selected cells in parentheses (instead of preceding the number with a minus sign). A check button appears next to Parenthesis when this option is selected. To remove the parentheses and restore the minus sign to numbers in the selected range, choose Parenthesis again. On color systems, Wingz automatically displays negative numbers in red. Use the Negatives command from the Format menu to specify a different color.  The Hidden command hides the contents of the selected cells. The selected cells are not deleted from the worksheet. NUM1. Select a range of cells. NUM2. Choose Hidden from the Attribute submenu in the Format menu. Use Hidden to protect cell information that you do not want others to view or that you do not wish to print. Note that this command does not prevent you (or others) from making changes to a cell. A check button appears next to Hidden when this option is selected. To redisplay hidden cells in a selected range, choose Hidden again. Use the Show command from the Window menu to hide objects (or all cells) on the worksheet from view.  To set the number of fixed decimal places displayed for selected cell values, choose the Precision command. NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells. NUM2. Choose Precision from the Format menu. NUM3. In the dialog box, set the desired number of decimal places. NUM4. Click OK. When the command is chosen, a stepper button (ranging from -15 to 15) is displayed. The default precision is 2. When the precision is set to a negative number, the decimal point is moved to the left and the displayed number is rounded. For example, if the number 1,348,697.48 is in the current cell and the precision is set to -3, the number is displayed as 1,349. IMPORTANT: The Precision command does not change the values stored in the selected cells, it merely rounds the number for display purposes. Formulas that reference these cells are not affected by the precision you set. If there are cells in the selected range that do not contain numbers, they are preformatted to the specified precision. Therefore, when numbers are entered into these cells, they are automatically formatted. The Precision command does not affect numbers formatted as General, nor does it affect the way numbers are stored or used calculations. Custom format settings override the defined precision.  If you are using a color system, you can display negative numbers in a contrasting color by specifying the color desired from the Negatives command option. NUM1. Select a cell or range of cells. NUM2. Choose a color from the Negatives submenu in the Format menu. The submenu options are Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, White, and Other. If you choose the Other option, the Color Picker dialog box is displayed, enabling you to select your own color. The default color for negative cell values is Red. To blend a color using the color options dialog box, move the sliders within each scale to the desired color position. The selected color is displayed in the bottom color box. The top box displays the color that was selected when the dialog box was opened.  Use the Color command from the Format menu to change the color of text in the cells. Use the Fill, Line, and Border commands from the Format menu to modify the appearance of objects and worksheet cells. If your terminal does not display color, foreground and background colors appear as black, white, or shades of grey. You apply a background color directly to the background of an object or cells. The foreground color is applied to a pattern that overlays the background. The patterns allow varying amounts of the background to show through. Patterns range from a transparent pattern to a solid color. The background and foreground color picker controls offer a choice of eight colors (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, white, and black). In addition, you can blend your own colors by clicking on the center square of a color picker.  The Fill command in the Format menu enables you to choose the foreground color, background color, and pattern for selected cells, objects, and chart elements.  NUM1. Select the object. NUM2. Choose Fill from the Format menu. NUM3. Choose a background color in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. By default, Wingz applies a white background color to the worksheet grid, text fields, objects, buttons, and chart elements. You can also choose a foreground color and pattern to apply additional color, shading, and texture. See the next section titled Filling With Patterns for more information.  NUM1. Select the object. NUM2. Choose Fill from the Format menu. NUM3. Choose a foreground color and pattern in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. A pattern uses the selected foreground color when added to any Wingz object. To blend colors on a system with a color monitor, choose a pattern with varying foreground and background colors. On a monochrome screen, using patterns is necessary to differentiate chart series elements. The pattern picker at the bottom of the dialog box provides 39 available patterns. The displayed patterns show a mix of the foreground and background colors selected with the color pickers described above. Using the N option causes no pattern to be shown; the fill area of the object is made transparent.  The Line command is used to specify the width, pattern, and color of lines, polylines, and arcs, as well as border lines used in objects, reports, report headers, and report footers. When a cell or range is selected, the Line command affects the grid lines for the entire worksheet.  NUM1. Select an object. NUM2. Choose Line from the Format menu. NUM3. Choose a color from the Foreground color picker in the Line dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. You can change the line color for any Wingz object. By default, Wingz applies a solid pattern in the foreground color specified in your .Xdefaults. To apply additional color, shading, and texture to the line, use a different pattern, foreground color, or background colors. See the section titled Changing a Line Pattern for more information. See the next section titled Changing Line Width for information about specifying the width of the line.  NUM1. Select an object. NUM2. Choose Line from the Format menu. NUM3. Select a line width from the options in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. Each line width option is displayed with a sample line and the width of the line in points. You can use options in the Line dialog box to specify the color, pattern, and width of a line, polyline, or the worksheet grid lines. Use the Line options also for modifying the border lines of an object, chart element, report, report header, or report footer. Use the Border command in the Format menu to change the border style of these elements.  NUM1. Select an object. NUM2. Choose Line from the Format menu. NUM3. Choose a pattern and a background color in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. To create a broken line or a textured outline for an object, define a new pattern. By default, Wingz applies a solid pattern line (a solid pattern with a foreground color specified in your .Xdefaults). To blend colors or to produce shades of grey on a monochrome monitor, combine a pattern with different foreground and background colors. To change the border style of an object, text field, button, or chart element, choose the Border command from the Format menu.  NUM1. Select a line or a polyline. NUM2. Choose Line from the Format menu. NUM3. In the dialog box, specify an arrow for one or both ends of the line. NUM4. Select the arrow length in the Length stepper button. NUM5. Click OK. You can display an arrow at either the starting point of a line or polyline, at the ending point, or both. By default, Wingz displays an arrow 27 points in length. You can specify an arrow length of up to 999 points.  You can add patterns and colors to chart elements in the same way you add them to any other Wingz object. BUL To add color or a pattern to the chart background area, plot area, legend, title, or footnote, select a chart element, choose Fill from the Format menu, and choose the colors and pattern from the dialog box. BUL To change the color or pattern of a chart series, select the series in the legend, choose Fill from the Format menu, and select the dialog box options. BUL To add a color or pattern to an axis, select the axis, choose Line from the Format menu, and select the colors and pattern from the dialog box. BUL To change the color or pattern of the plot area, select the chart or an element of the chart and choose Plot Interior Brush from the General submenu in the Graph menu. Choose the color combination and pattern in the dialog box. BUL To change the color, pattern, and width of the lines that define the plot area, select the chart or an element of the chart and choose Plot Interior Pen from the General submenu in the Graph menu. Select the line width, colors, and pattern from the dialog box. BUL To change the color or pattern of the chart grid lines, select a chart axis and choose Major Grid or Minor Grid from the Axes submenu in the Graph menu. Select the colors, pattern, and line width from the dialog box. On a monochrome monitor, Wingz automatically assigns patterns instead of colors to data series. If you have a grey-scale monitor, each series is assigned a shade of grey, which you can change with the Fill or Line command in the Format menu.  You can customize a 3D chart by adding colors and a pattern to its various elements. BUL To change the border of the base, select the chart and choose Base Pen from the 3D Info submenu in the Graph menu. Select the line width, colors, and pattern from the dialog box, and click OK. BUL To change the side of the base, select the chart or a chart element and choose Base Side from the 3D Info submenu in the Graph menu. Specify the colors and pattern from the dialog box, and click OK. BUL To change the top of the base, select the chart or a chart element and choose Base Top from the 3D Info submenu in the Graph menu. Specify the colors and pattern from the dialog box, and click OK. BUL To change the cross-hatch lines on a Surface or Wireframe chart, select the chart or a chart element and choose Surface Pen from the 3D Info submenu in the Graph menu. Specify the line width, colors and pattern from the dialog box, and click OK. BUL To change the color, pattern, and intensity of the shadow for the series elements, select the chart or chart element and choose Shadow from the 3D Info submenu in the Graph menu. Specify the colors, pattern and degree of intensity in the dialog box, and click OK. Note that shadows seen on series elements appear only in 3D charts. You can change the border style of a 3D chart by choosing the Border command from the Format menu. See the next section titled Changing Object Borders for more information.  NUM1. Select an object. NUM2. Choose Border from the Format menu. NUM3. Choose the border style from the dialog box. You can change the border style of rectangles, text fields, buttons, charts, reports, report headers, and report footers. Polylines, polygons, ovals, lines, and arcs do not have border styles. The default border depends on the type of object selected. In the dialog box, you can vary the offset of a drop shadow border, specify round or square corners, and specify the kind of border. Other options in the dialog box allow you to add colors and a pattern to the drop shadow border. Use the Line command from the Format menu to change the border line.  You can change the way Wingz automatically prints a worksheet by creating a report. In a report, you can place page breaks that divide the worksheet into meaningful sections. You can specify headers for the top and footers for the bottom of each page of the report. You can also hide headers or footers if you want to print one or more pages without them. You can also take advantage of the Show commands in the Window menu to change the way the worksheet appears in the printed report.  Wingz prints all worksheet information and objects that appear in the selected Report Print Range. NUM1. Select the range that contains the information you want to print. NUM2. Choose Report Print Range from the Report submenu in the Sheet menu. You can use the Show command from the Window menu to hide objects or worksheet elements to prevent them from printing. Other commands from the Report submenu add headers, footers, and page breaks to the printed worksheet. The Page Preview command from the File menu allows you to preview sample pages before printing. Preview displays the current worksheet on the screen as it will appear when printed. To view additional pages, click the Next or Prev buttons. Click Goto and enter the desired page number to view a specific page.  Wingz automatically paginates your worksheet when you print it. You can override automatic pagination by setting your own page breaks. NUM1. Select the last row or column you want to appear on a page (click on a row or column heading), or the cell that marks the lower-right corner of a page. NUM2. Choose Add Page Break from the Report submenu in the Sheet menu. You can set a page break after any row or column in the worksheet. If you select a row, anything below that row appears on a subsequent page. If you select a column, anything to the right of that column appears on a separate page. If you select a cell, that cell marks the lower right corner of the printed page. If any of the pages you create with page breaks are longer than the page size you have selected with the Page Setup command, Wingz automatically inserts additional page breaks to fit the page size.  NUM1. Select the cell that marks the lower right corner of the page. NUM2. Choose Remove Page Break from the Report submenu in the Sheet menu. When you select a cell and choose the Remove Page Break option, Wingz removes any page breaks immediately adjacent to it. You can then scroll to find the next page break and repeat the procedure to remove it. To remove all page breaks that have been added, choose the Remove All Page Breaks option from the Report submenu. You cannot remove page breaks that are set automatically by Wingz to fit the Page Setup options.  You can create a header or footer that appears on each page of the printed report. NUM1. Select the cell or range containing the text of the header or footer. NUM2. Choose Report Header Range from the Report submenu in the Sheet menu to create a header. Choose Report Footer Range to define a footer. The text of the header or footer is entered in a cell or range of cells. Header or footer text can cross over the cell boundary, but the length cannot exceed 255 characters. If you select a range of cells, the text in each cell appears on a separate line of the header or footer. Use Page Preview in the File menu to view the report headers and footers. To find an existing header or footer, choose Report Header or Report Footer from the Select submenu in the Go menu. You can change the font, size, style, or color of the header or footer text. The style of the header or footer border can also be modified. For more information, refer to the section titled Global Formatting .  BUL Choose the desired justification from the Report submenu in the Sheet menu. When you create a report with a header, the header automatically appears centered at the top of the page. You can align it with the left or right margin, or center it on the report. Use Page Preview from the File menu to preview these choices before you print. Set the margins with the Page Setup command from the File menu.  BUL Choose the desired justification from the Report submenu in the Sheet menu. Like headers, footers can be aligned with the left or right margin or centered on the printed page of a worksheet report. Use Page Preview from the File menu to preview these settings before you print. Set the margins with the Page Setup command from the File menu.  BUL To print your report without headers, choose Hide Report Header from the Report submenu in the Sheet menu. BUL To print your report without footers, choose Hide Report Footer from the Report submenu in the Sheet menu.  With Wingz you can open and work with several worksheets at the same time and even display duplicate copies of a worksheet in separate windows. The Clipboard allows you to cut, copy, and paste cell data and objects from Wingz worksheets and other applications onto your current worksheet. Furthermore, you can resize, relocate, and activate a Wingz window like any other OSF/Motif window.  Wingz provides two ways to make a window active: BUL Click in a portion of the window or on the window border. BUL Choose the window name from the list of open windows at the bottom of the Window menu. You can also select a window with your mouse pointer. The Keyboard Focus Policy parameter in your .Xdefaults determines whether you must click your pointer on the desired window (explicit selection) or just position the pointer within the desired window (implicit selection).  BUL Choose New Window from the Window menu to display a duplicate version of the active worksheet in a second window. The same worksheet now appears in two separate windows. The new window is named "filename.wkz:2" and the original window is renamed "filename.wkz:1." Use the Arrange Windows command from the Window menu to display both windows on your screen at the same time. Changes made to a worksheet in one window are reflected in the other window. Use the two windows to work on different sections of the same worksheet.  BUL To fit all open windows on the screen at the same time, choose Arrange Windows from the Window menu. This includes worksheet windows, script windows, and the Help window. BUL To make a window active and bring it to the front of all other windows, click on the window border or choose the window name from the list of open windows at the bottom of the Window menu. View different parts of a worksheet at the same time in different windows. Choose New Window from the Window menu to display the same worksheet in another window. When you open a new window, Wingz displays the worksheet title and the window number (filename.wkz:1, filename.wkz:2, etc.). The number of open windows is limited only by your system memory.  You can change the size and location of a Wingz window in the usual OSF/Motif fashion: BUL To change the size of a window, click on the border with the resizing tool and drag it to the desired location. BUL To fill the entire screen with a window, click on the Maximize Button in the top right corner of the window. Repeat this action to reduce the window to its former size. BUL To reduce the window to an icon, click on the Minimize Button, which is just to the left of the Maximize Button. Double-click on the icon to expand the window to its former size. BUL To move a window, drag the window's title bar.  BUL Choose Show Clipboard from the Edit menu. Wingz displays the Clipboard and its current contents (text or object most recently cut or copied) in a separate window. You can paste this material onto a Wingz worksheet. You cannot edit the contents of the Clipboard. The Clipboard can only hold the contents of one cut or copy action at a time. If you cut or copy something else before pasting the current contents of the Clipboard, the current contents are lost. You can use the Clipboard to import graphics and text from other application programs. The following Wingz commands use the Clipboard: BUL The Cut command from the Edit menu removes the selected cell, range, object, or text field from the active worksheet and places it on the Clipboard. In contrast, the Clear command removes material from a worksheet but does not place it on the Clipboard. BUL The Copy command from the Edit menu places a copy of the selected cell, range, object, or text field on the Clipboard. BUL The Paste command from the Edit menu copies the contents of the Clipboard to the selected worksheet location. You can paste any Clipboard object (including scanned images and imported graphics and text) onto a worksheet. Paste does not delete the material on the Clipboard; you can Paste multiple copies of the same material into a worksheet. The data and objects remain on the Clipboard until Cut or Copy are chosen again or until you exit Wingz. The Clipboard window can be moved and resized like any other OSF/Motif window.  Charts allow you to analyze worksheet data at a glance. They present information in a visual format that is both appealing and meaningful. You can select from among 20 different chart types, including simple Bar charts, Pie charts, Scatter charts and XY charts. For a more impressive presentation, you can create various three-dimensional charts, Hi-Lo charts, Polar charts, or Surface charts. Titles, footnotes, labels, and colors can also be used to enhance the chart.  A chart contains the following elements: BUL The Background Area is the large box used as the background for all of the chart elements. When you select a chart, the Background Area is displayed with square handles around it. BUL The Plot Area is the box within the background area that contains the chart. BUL The Title Area is the box that contains the chart title. BUL The Footnote Area is the box that contains the footnote. BUL The Legend Area is the box that contains the legend. Here, the color, pattern, and name of each series in the chart is shown. BUL The Axes are the horizontal or vertical lines in a chart which show the chart divisions and the value scale represented by the chart range. In a three-dimensional chart, an additional axis is used to show the chart series. BUL The Series is a row of worksheet values which are shown on the chart as a bar, line, symbol, or as a slice in a pie chart. Each series has a unique name and a color, pattern, or symbol that distinguishes it from the other series in the chart. The series are displayed in the chart's legend. BUL A Division is a column of worksheet values represented by a set of bars, lines, steps, layers, or a combination of these. Each division contains one value from each series.  Creating a chart in Wingz is very simple: NUM1. Select a range of data to chart. NUM2. Click on the Chart Tool. NUM3. Click and drag the mouse to select the location of the chart on the worksheet. When you release the mouse button, Wingz creates a two-dimensional bar chart using the data you selected. When large ranges are selected, a Wireframe chart is created. To select another type of chart, choose a chart type from the Gallery command in the Graph menu. To align the chart with the worksheet grid lines, hold down the Control key as you drag the mouse to define the chart area.  Once you have created a chart, you can choose from one of the following chart types in the Wingz gallery: 3EQ Bar 3D Bar XY Line 3D Line Scatter Layer 3D Layer Polar Step 3D Step Contour Pie 3D Pie Surface Combination 3D Combination Wireframe Horizontal Bar HiLo To change your chart to one of the above chart types: NUM1. Select a chart. NUM2. Choose a chart type from the Gallery submenu in the Graph menu. On a 2D chart, the vertical axis shows the value scale of bars, lines, and layers. The horizontal axis shows the separation of the chart divisions. On a 3D chart, a third axis appears along the depth of the chart. This axis is used to separate the individual series of the chart. The location of a value in the chart data range corresponds to its location on the 3D chart.  The Wingz gallery provides eight different 3D chart types. These include 3D Bar, 3D Line, 3D Layer, 3D Step, 3D Combination, 3D Pie, Surface, and Wireframe. A 3D chart displays data from your chart range using three axes. The vertical axis provides the measurement scale for your data; the horizontal axis displays the divisions; and the depth axis displays the series elements in each division. Using the View command options from the 3D Info submenu in the Graph menu, you can modify the rotation, elevation, and perspective of your 3D chart.  Wingz allows you to change the three-dimensional positioning of a 3D chart. You can rotate the chart, change the chart elevation, or change the perspective of the chart by following these steps: NUM1. Select a 3D chart. NUM2. Choose View from the 3D Info submenu in the Graph menu. NUM3. Use the controls in the dialog box to change the perspective, elevation, and rotation of the figure. NUM4. Click OK. The 3D View dialog box contains an image of a 3D cube and controls to set the rotation, elevation, X and Y vanishing points, and distance for a 3D chart. Adjust the controls to change the viewing angle of a 3D chart. Changes are shown on the 3D cube image in the dialog box. Use the scale below the cube to set the horizontal rotation of the chart. Use the scale to the left of the cube to set the elevation (vertical rotation) of the chart. Use the remaining three controls to set the perspective (X and Y vanishing points, and distance). The intersection of the X and Y vanishing points determines where on the horizon the chart lines converge. Distance indicates how near the chart appears. You can also change the X and Y vanishing points by clicking on a point of perspective on the sample box. The cross symbol used to designate the perspective is moved to the selected location and the Vanishing X and Vanishing Y settings are changed accordingly.  There are many ways that you can manipulate charts in Wingz. You can move chart elements to new locations; change the colors, patterns, and borders of the chart elements; change the parsing mode used for the chart; or change the data range used to draw the chart.  Parsing is the method Wingz uses to divide the various components of a chart based on the data range selected. There are two methods of parsing in Wingz: horizontal and vertical. To change the current method of parsing for a chart: NUM1. Select a chart. NUM2. Choose Horizontal Parsing, Vertical Parsing, Automatic Parsing, or No Parsing from the General submenu in the Graph menu. When horizontal parsing is used, series data flows horizontally from left to right. Horizontal parsing is the default parsing mode for 2D and 3D Bar, Line, Layer, Step, Combination, Pie, and Horizontal Bar charts. Series data flows vertically from top to bottom when vertical parsing is in effect. Vertical parsing is the default method for HiLo, XY, Polar, and Scatter charts. When Automatic Parsing is chosen, the default method of parsing for the current chart type is used. Parsing is deactivated (No Parsing) when menu commands that change the chart's title range, series range, data range, series label, or division label are chosen. Wireframe, Contour, and Surface charts do not use series data and are, therefore, unaffected by changes in parsing.  You can change the range used for the chart data, or change the range used for series or division labels by following these steps: NUM1. Select the new range NUM2. Click on the Object Tool. NUM3. Hold down the Control key and select the chart. NUM4. Choose Chart Range, Series Label Range, or Division Label Range from the General submenu in the Graph menu. If you choose the Chart Range command, the entire chart is redrawn based on the new range of data. Any other changes that have been made to the chart, except for the parsing method, remain in effect. The parsing method is changed to Automatic Parsing. When you choose Series Label Range, the text in the selected range is used for the series labels appearing in the legend. If the selected chart is a 3D chart, the labels on the series axis are also changed. When Division Label Range is chosen, the text in the selected range is used for the division labels that appear along the division axis of the selected chart.  To further enhance your charts, you can place a title in the chart. When you first create a chart, if the cell in the upper left corner of the selected chart range contains text, this will, by default, be used for the chart title. You can change the chart title or you can move the title to another position of the chart.  To add a title to a chart: NUM1. Select the cell or range containing the text to be used for the title. NUM2. Click on the Object Tool. NUM3. While holding down the Control key, select a chart. NUM4. Choose Title Range from the Title submenu in the Graph menu. Wingz uses the text in the top left cell of the selected range for the chart title when the chart is first created. The text for the title can appear in a single cell, a row of cells, or a column of cells. When a row or column of cells is used for the Title Range, text from each cell is placed on a separate line in the title. If the top left cell of the selected range does not contain text when the chart is created, a title will not appear in the chart. To relocate the title, choose Left, Center, or Right from the Title submenu in the Graph menu. Choose Hide Title to hide it from view. To change the color or pattern of the title area, select the title area and choose Fill from the Format menu. Choose Border to format the title area border and Line to change the color, pattern, and width of the border line. To change the format of the title text, select the cell(s) containing the text and use the text formatting commands from the Format menu.  Once a chart has been defined, you can move the chart title to a new position along the top of the chart region by following these steps: NUM1. Select a chart. NUM2. Choose an option (Left, Right, or Center) from the Title submenu in the Graph menu. Choose Hide Title to hide it from view. To change the color or pattern of the title area, select the title area and choose Fill from the Format menu. Choose Border to format the title area border and Line to change the color, pattern, and width of the border line. To change the format of the title text, select the cell(s) containing the text and use commands from the Format menu.  When you create a chart, the chart legend is placed on the right side of the chart area by default. You can move the legend to another location in the chart area by following these steps: NUM1. Select a chart. NUM2. Choose Legend from the Graph menu and the desired location (Top, Bottom, Left, or Right) from the submenu. Choose Hide Legend to hide it from view. The chart area is automatically reproportioned to accommodate the new legend position. To change the color or pattern of the legend area, select the legend and choose Fill from the Format menu. Choose Border to format the legend area border and Line to change the color, pattern, and width of the border line. To change the format of the legend text, select the cell containing the text and use the commands from the Format menu.  Once you have created a chart, you can annotate the chart by adding footnotes. A footnote is a region of text located in the bottom portion of the chart. Use text from the worksheet to create the footnote. Once defined, the footnote can be moved to different locations on the chart.  Once you have created a chart, you can add a footnote to your chart by doing the following: NUM1. Select a range containing the text that you want to appear in a footnote. NUM2. Hold down the Control key and select the chart. NUM3. Choose Footnote Range from the Footnote submenu in the Graph menu. The footnote is first displayed in a box beneath the legend. The footnote range can be a single cell, a row of cells, or a column of cells. When multiple cells are selected, the text from each cell appears on a separate line. To relocate the footnote, choose Left, Right, or Center from the Footnote submenu in the Graph menu. Choose the Hide Footnote option to hide it from view. To change the color or pattern of the footnote area, select the footnote and choose Fill from the Format menu. Choose Border to format the footnote area border and Line to change the color, pattern, and width of the border line. To change the format of the footnote text, select the cell containing the text and use commands from the Format menu.  You can move a footnote to a new location in the chart by following these steps: NUM1. Select a chart. NUM2. Choose one of the location options (Left, Right, or Center) from the Footnote submenu in the Graph menu. Choose Hide Footnote to hide it from view. To change the color or pattern of the footnote area, select the footnote and choose Fill from the Format menu. Choose Border to format the footnote area border and Line to change the color, pattern, and width of the border line. To change the format of the footnote text, select the cell containing the text and use commands from the Format menu.  Every chart in Wingz has at least 2 axes used to either set the scale for the worksheet values or to label and group the series and divisions. By default, most two-dimensional charts have two axes. For Bar, Line, Layer, Step, and Combination charts, the horizontal axis is used to group series elements into divisions. The vertical axis is the dependent axis where the scale is defined for the chart range values. The two axes are reversed in a Horizontal Bar chart. In XY and Scatter charts, both the horizontal and vertical axes are dependent. Three-dimensional charts have three axes; the additional depth axis is where individual series are labeled. In Wingz, there are commands that allow you to hide axes, display axes titles, change the axes scales, and add additional axes.  To change the scale of a chart axis: NUM1. Select a chart's dependent axis. NUM2. Choose a scale (Linear, Log, or Percent) from the Axes submenu in the Graph menu. Linear Scale, the default option, uses a scale that represents the actual chart range values. Log Scale displays the axis values using a logarithmic scale. The default log base is 10. Percent Scale ranks the largest series value as 100 percent and displays all values as percentages of the largest series. Scale Info displays a dialog box where you can manually scale the axis by defining the log base, the minimum and maximum values for the axis, and the number of major and minor divisions for the scale.  Some two-dimensional charts can have an additional dependent axis to represent one or more series in a chart. To add an auxiliary axis for a series, perform the following steps: NUM1. Select a chart series. NUM2. Choose the Aux Axis command from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. The scale of the auxiliary axis is based on the values in the series selected. If more than one series has a defined auxiliary axis, the largest series value determines the maximum scale value of the axis. To hide the auxiliary axis, select the Aux Axis command again for all series represented by the auxiliary axis. A check button appears next to the command when an auxiliary axis is in effect for the selected series.  You can display or hide a chart axis or display the axis line only. NUM1. Select a chart axis. NUM2. Choose an option (Hide Axis or Axis Line Only) from the Axes submenu in the Graph menu. The Axes submenu includes the following choices for hiding and displaying axes: BUL Hide Axis makes the selected axis and its grid lines and hash marks invisible. Even though the axis is invisible, you can still select it by pointing to the spot where it would normally appear. To redisplay the axis, choose the Hide Axis command again. BUL Axis Line Only displays the axis as a line with no hash marks at the division boundaries. To change the color, width, and pattern of the grid lines that extend from the axis hash marks across the plot area, choose one of the following commands from the Axes submenu: BUL Major Grids brings up a dialog box with format choices for major grids. BUL Minor Grids brings up a dialog box with format choices for minor grids.  You can define a title for an axis by following these steps: NUM1. Select a cell containing the text for the axis title. NUM2. Hold down the Control key and select a chart axis. NUM3. Choose the Title Range command from the Axes submenu in the Graph menu. To hide an axis title from view, choose the Hide Title command from the Axes submenu in the Graph menu. To redisplay the axis title, choose the Hide Title command again. The orientation of the axis title depends on which axis was selected. By default, the vertical axis title is displayed vertically with the text appearing sideways and a horizontal axis title is displayed horizontally. To change the orientation of the axis title, choose the Rotate Title command. A check button appears next to the command when the title for the selected axis is vertical.  A series is a set of data values represented in the Legend area by a square, line, or symbol with a color and pattern that matches its graphic representation in the chart. For charts that use horizontal parsing, a series represents one row of data in the chart data range. When vertical parsing is used, a series represents one column of data. If you want to change the chart series values, simply change the corresponding worksheet cells. If, however, you want to redefine the range of values used for a particular series, you need to do the following: NUM1. Click a series label or symbol in the Legend area of a chart to select a series. NUM2. Hold down the Control key and use the Worksheet Tool to select a range. NUM3. Choose Range from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. The Range command redefines the range of values used to chart the selected series. Select only one data set for most chart types. Select two data sets for XY charts and Scatter charts. The first data set generates the X values and the second data set generates the Y values. For example, your current chart range is A1..D5 and you want to redefine a series in your XY chart. NUM1. Click a series label in the Legend of the chart. NUM2. Hold down the Control key and select the range E1..E5. Then select the range F1..F5 while still holding down the Control key. NUM3. Choose Range from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. Polar charts also require two data sets. The first data set represents the distance from the center of the chart and the second data set is for the angle (in radians) along the circle. Select three data sets for HiLo charts: the first data set for the high values, the second data set for the low values, and the third data set for the close values. Use the example XY chart example above, selecting three ranges instead of two.  You can add a copy of any series in a chart by following these steps: NUM1. Select a series by clicking on the series in the legend. NUM2. Choose Add Series from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. The new series appears next to the original series in the legend area and the plot area. The newly added series becomes the selected series. You can redefine the range of values used for a series by using the Range command from the Series submenu in the Graph menu.  If you decide not to include a particular series in a chart, delete it from both the chart and the legend. To remove a series from a chart: NUM1. Select a series by clicking on the series in the legend. NUM2. Choose Delete Series from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. Use the Hide command from the Series submenu to temporarily hide a series on the chart. You can redisplay a hidden series with the Show All Series command; you cannot redisplay a deleted series. If you want to remove more than one series, hold down the Control key as you select the additional series.  On XY and Scatter charts, two columns of values from the chart range make up a single series. Each pair of series values represents a horizontal and vertical coordinate which intersect at a point in the plot region of the chart. On a Scatter chart, each point in a series is represented in the chart by a symbol. XY charts use lines to connect these points, but symbols can also be defined for the coordinate points. To define a symbol for a series or to change the current symbol: NUM1. Select a series by clicking on the series in the legend. NUM2. Choose the Symbol command from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. NUM3. Select the symbol type, size, color, and width from the Symbol dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. If you want more than one series to have the same symbol, hold down the Control key and select the additional series before choosing the Symbol command.  You can temporarily suppress the display of a series in the plot area by hiding a series. NUM1. Select a series by clicking on the series in the legend. NUM2. Choose Hide from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. When you hide a series, those columns that were occupied by series in the plot area are left blank and the legend entry is removed. A solid check button next to the Hide command indicates that the selected series is hidden. To redisplay the series, choose the Hide command again. Use the Show All Series command from the Series submenu to display all series for a chart, including those that were previously hidden. Series that were deleted are not displayed. Click the series label or symbol in the legend to select it. To select more than one series, hold down the Control key while selecting additional series.  The range used for series labels in a chart can be changed. NUM1. Select the range containing the series labels. NUM2. Hold down the Control key and select the appropriate chart. NUM3. Choose the Series Label Range command from the General submenu in the Graph menu. The series label range must be in a single column or row and should contain as many cells as there are series in the chart.  In a chart, you can display labels for series elements in the plot area to add emphasis or clarity to the chart. Use the following steps to display series labels. NUM1. Select the series that you want to label. NUM2. Choose Label from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. NUM3. In the dialog box, click one of the options for the position of the label, then click the type of label you want to display. NUM4. Click OK. When you label a series, the label appears in the plot area of the chart. You can choose the label placement (Base, Center, or Exterior), and the type of label. BUL Choose Text to display labels as text. BUL Choose Value to display labels as the values of the selected series. BUL Choose Percent to display labels as percentages of the largest chart value. To suppress the display of the series label, choose the Hide option under Display. To select a series, click on the series symbol or label from the chart legend. You can select more than one series to label by holding down the Control key while selecting the additional series.  You can display any series that you have hidden with the following steps: NUM1. Select a series in the legend. NUM2. Choose Show All Series from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. Deleted series are not displayed. Use the Hide command from the Series submenu to hide a data series.  Series in a chart can be stacked or unstacked: BUL To stack all of the series in a chart, select the chart and choose Stack Chart from the General submenu in the Graph menu. BUL To unstack the chart series, select the chart and choose Unstack Chart from the General submenu in the Graph menu. BUL To use the default stacking mode for the selected chart, select the chart and choose Automatic Stacking from the General submenu in the Graph menu. Stacking only applies to two-dimensional charts in Wingz. By default, Bar, Line, and Combination charts are unstacked; Layer and Step charts are stacked. When you choose Stack Chart, Wingz stacks all the values within each division, so you see the sum of the series values. When charts are unstacked, the values are separated and the scale reflects the greatest value in the chart range. You can manually stack series elements in a chart. Follow these steps to manually stack a chart series: NUM1. Select the chart. NUM2. Choose Combination from the Gallery submenu in the Graph menu. NUM3. Select two or more series on the chart Legend. NUM4. Choose Combination from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. NUM5. Click Stack in the Dialog box. NUM6. Enter the column where you want the stacked series to appear. NUM7. Click OK. Click the series label or symbol in the legend to select it. To select more than one series, hold down the Control key to select the additional series.  The lines that represent series in a Line chart, Layer chart, and XY chart can be smoothed. NUM1. Select a series by clicking on the series in the legend. NUM2. Choose Smooth from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. Choose Smooth again to return the chart data to normal. A check button appears next to the menu command when the current series is smoothed. To select a series, click the series label or symbol in the legend area. You can select more than one series by holding down the Control key as you select the additional series.  You can emphasize a particular series in a pie chart by separating the pie slice representing the series from the rest of the pie. To explode a pie slice, use the following steps: NUM1. Select a series symbol in the legend area. NUM2. Choose Explode from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. To return the pie slice back to the pie, choose Explode again. A check button appears next to Explode in the submenu when this option is in effect for the current series. Click the series label or symbol in the legend to select it. To select more than one series, hold down the Control key while selecting the additional series.  A Combination chart lets you combine the way your series values are represented. You can use any combination of bars, lines, layers or steps in a Combination or 3D Combination chart. NUM1. Select a chart. NUM2. Choose the Combination or 3D Combination command from the Gallery submenu in the Graph menu. NUM3. Select one or more series from the legend area. NUM4. Choose the Combination command from the Series submenu in the Graph menu. NUM5. Select a chart Type for the selected series. NUM6. Set the Column where you want the series to appear, if appropriate. NUM7. Click Hide Legend Entry to suppress the display of the series label in the legend. NUM8. Click Stack to stack the series with other series in the same column. NUM9. Click OK. When you choose a style for a series, you can also change the series display order by selecting a column position. Column 1 is always the leftmost element in a 2D chart, or the deepest element in a 3D chart. When there are more than one series in the same column, you can select the Stack option to stack the series elements in that column. Click the series label or symbol in the legend to select it. To select more than one series, hold down the Control key and select the additional series.  When you create a chart, Wingz determines the best size and location for chart elements. However, you can manually arrange and resize the elements of a chart with the Manual Layout command. NUM1. Select a chart. NUM2. Choose the Automatic Layout command from the General submenu in the Graph menu. NUM3. Unselect all chart elements by clicking on the worksheet outside of the chart. NUM4. Click on one of the chart elements and resize it or move it to a new location. When you select Manual Layout, all elements in the chart are selected. To move or resize an individual element, you must unselect the chart elements and reselect the desired element. If you wish to return to automatic layout mode, choose the Automatic Layout command again. A check button appears next to Automatic Layout when it is in effect. When you return to automatic layout mode, all changes made in manual mode are abandoned and Wingz repositions and resizes all elements of the chart.  If you want more information about your chart or want to check some of the chart's current settings, follow these steps: NUM1. Select a chart. NUM2. Choose the Chart Info command from the Format menu. NUM3. Select options from the Chart Info dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. The Chart Info dialog box displays different options according to the type of chart that you have selected.  You can add a text field to your worksheet to present information in a text format. You can place the text field anywhere on the worksheet to describe charts, objects, or worksheet information. Text fields can be formatted, moved, and resized in the same manner as other objects in the worksheet. You can hide a text field and redisplay it whenever you desire. To delete a text field, select it with the Object Tool and select Clear or Cut from the Edit menu, or press the Backspace key.  NUM1. Select the Text Tool. NUM2. Click on the worksheet and drag to select the area for the text field. To align the text field with worksheet grid lines, press the Control key while dragging.  NUM1. Select the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Click in the text field to set the insertion point. NUM3. Type text at the insertion point. A blinking cursor appears in the text field to mark the insertion point. If the text field is empty, the insertion point appears in the upper left corner. Enter text as you would with a word processor. Press the Return key to start a new paragraph. When you create a new text field, it is automatically selected and ready for you to enter text at the insertion point.  To find or replace text in a field: NUM1. Select the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Click in a text field at the place where you want to begin the search. NUM3. Choose Find from the Go menu. NUM4. Enter the text you want to Find or Replace in the specified fields. NUM5. Click Find, Replace, or Replace All. Use the Worksheet Tool to select the text that you want to edit. You can edit the text in a field as follows: BUL Click to set the insertion point within the field text. BUL Drag to select a portion of the text. BUL Shift-click to change the anchor point of a selected portion of text. BUL Double-click to select a word. BUL Triple-click to select a line of text.  You can enter formulas into text fields by starting the formula with an equal sign, surrounding the formula with parentheses, and locking the text field containing the formula. NUM1. Select the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Click in the text field to set the insertion point. NUM3. Type a formula surrounded by parentheses, such as (=ADATE(NOW(),"MM/DD/YY")) for the current date. NUM4. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM5. Click Locked in the dialog box. When you lock the field, Wingz displays formula results in the field. To change the formula, click Locked again to unlock the field and display the formula text. Text field formulas can refer to worksheet cells (e.g., (=A1)). The formula in the text field is updated when the worksheet cell is changed or recalculated.  You can select options in the Field Info dialog box to customize your text field. NUM1. Select the text field with the Object Tool. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Select the appropriate options in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK.  You can add a scroll bar to your text field to easily view any text that extends beyond the displayed text field boundaries. NUM1. Select the text field with the Object Tool. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Click the Scroll Bar check button in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. The scroll bar appears on the right side of the text field. Click the Scroll bar check button in the Field Info dialog box again to remove the scroll bar.  NUM1. Select the text field with the Worksheet Tool. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Click the appropriate radio button in the Line Space section of the dialog box. NUM4. Change the Leading stepper button in the dialog box, if appropriate. NUM5. Click OK. Line spacing can be set to single, double, and 1.5 spacing. Fixed Height sets a single height for text lines, regardless of font size. Extra Leading represents the amount of extra space to leave between the bottom of one line and the top of the largest font on the next. The number entered is specified in points (72 points = 1 inch). The Leading stepper button specifies the amount of fixed height or the amount of extra leading to include for each line of the selected field. The number entered is specified in points. Double-click to select the current Leading setting. Type in a new setting or click the stepper arrows to increase or decrease current leading settings.  When a text field is locked, you cannot edit or change its text. NUM1. Select the text field. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Click the Locked check button in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. You can click the Locked check button in the Field Info dialog box again to unlock the text field. Unlocked text fields display formulas as text. Locked text fields display the formula results.  The margins of a text field can be customized. NUM1. Select the text field. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Change the margin settings in the Margins section of the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. Double-click to select current margin settings. Type in new settings or click the stepper arrows to increase or decrease current margin settings. NOTE: Margin settings are measured in points (72 points = 1 inch).  NUM1. Select the text field with the Object Tool. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Enter the name in the Name field in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. The name, followed by a colon, appears in the worksheet to the left of the text field. Text field names are used in scripts to access fields by name.  NUM1. Select the text field. NUM2. Select one or more paragraphs with the Worksheet Tool. NUM3. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM4. Change indent settings in the Para. Indent control in the dialog box. NUM5. Click OK. Double-click to select the current value in the Indent stepper button; then type in a new Indent setting or click the stepper arrows to increase or decrease current setting. NOTE: Indent settings are measured in points (72 points = 1 inch).  NUM1. Select the text field. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Change the tab setting in the Tabs control in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. Double-click to select the current value in the Tab stepper button; then type in a new Tab setting or click the stepper arrows to increase or decrease the current setting. NOTE: Tab settings are measured in points (72 points = 1 inch).  NUM1. Select the text field with the Object Tool. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Enter the title in the Title field. NUM4. Click OK. The title appears in the area at the top of the text field.  To show some text fields while hiding others, simply change these text fields to cell notes. NUM1. Select a text field. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Click Cell Note in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. Cell notes and text fields are similar, except that you can select, show, or hide them as separate groups. Cell notes are not linked to cells or ranges. To find existing cell notes, choose Select from the Go menu and Notes from the submenu. To find existing text fields that are not cell notes, choose Fields from the Select submenu in the Go menu. To display or hide cell notes, choose Notes from the Show submenu in the Window menu. To display or hide text fields which are not cell notes, choose Fields from the Show submenu in the Window menu.  NUM1. Select the text field. NUM2. Choose Field Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Click Word Wrap in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. Automatic Word wrap starts a new line of text when you reach the right margin of the text field. By default, Word wrap is selected. Click Word wrap a second time to disable it. When Word wrap is not selected, text continues to the right without starting a new line. You can view long lines by making the text field wider.  NUM1. Select the text field with the Object Tool; handles appear at the corners of the text field. NUM2. Drag a handle to change the size of the text field. The text in a field is reformatted automatically to fit the new field size if Word wrap is selected. The length of text lines is determined by the field width and margins defined in the Field Info dialog box from the Format menu. When Word wrap is not selected, text does not reformat to fit the new field size. A line of text continues to the right without starting a new line. You can view long lines by making the text field wider.  You format text fields the same way that you format other items in Wingz. You can: BUL Change text font. BUL Change font size. BUL Change font style. BUL Change text color. BUL Change the colors and pattern of the field. BUL Change the border around the field. A full description of formatting options appears in the "Formatting Data and Objects" section.  Buttons are controls that can monitor user events within attached scripts. Use the following steps to create a button with an attached script. NUM1. Select the Button Tool. NUM2. Click on the worksheet and drag to draw the button. NUM3. Choose Button Script from the Script menu. NUM4. Enter the HyperScript commands (for example: Message "You can't do that now!") NUM5. Save and Close the Button Script window. For each button, you create a script is attached to it. When you click the button with the Worksheet Tool, Wingz performs the operations in the script. You can add as many buttons to your worksheet as you need (or as many as your system resources allow). Use the Object Tool to select a button or change its size. Since a button is an object, you can move, copy, or remove a button as you would any other object. Use the Worksheet Tool to click the button. Use the Fill, Line, and Border commands from the Format menu to Add color and texture to the button. Choose Button Info from the Format menu and click Transparent in the dialog box to make the button transparent. To find existing buttons in a worksheet, choose Controls from the Select submenu in the Go menu.  You can assign a name and a title to a button. The title appears above the name on the button. NUM1. Select the button with the Object Tool. NUM2. Choose Button Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Type the name of the button in the Name field. NUM4. Type a title in the Title field. NUM5. Click OK.  The Wingz Tool Box contains drawing tools that allow you to create lines, arcs, rectangles, ovals, polygons, and polylines. Graphic objects can be used to highlight and explain the data contained in a Wingz worksheet or the information displayed in a Wingz chart. You can import pictures from other Wingz worksheets and other programs and Cut, Copy, and Paste them into your current worksheet via the Clipboard. Each graphic you draw is an object. You can work with a graphic the same way you work with other Wingz objects: select it, move it, copy it, format it, lock it, and change its size. You can group several objects together so that Wingz can manipulate them as a single object. The entire group can be copied, moved, formatted, and resized. To change just one part, ungroup the graphic objects, make the change, and regroup the objects.  NUM1. Select a drawing tool. NUM2. Click on the worksheet and drag to draw an object. Select a drawing tool from the Tool Box. Click on the worksheet to mark the anchor point, then drag until the desired area for the object is defined. To align the object with worksheet grid lines, press the Control key while dragging. The Wingz Tool Box contains five drawing tools: BUL The Line Tool draws a line between two points. BUL The Arc Tool draws a curved line between two points. BUL The Oval Tool draws an oval or circle. BUL The Rectangle Tool draws a rectangle or square. BUL The Poly Tool draws a polygon or polyline. Naming an object allows you to quickly access it in scripts. To name an object, select it, and then choose the Info command (Line Info, Arc Info, etc.) at the bottom of the Format menu. Enter a name in the dialog box. BUL To draw a polyline, select the Poly Tool and click on a starting point. Move the cursor and click to mark a corner point. Repeat this process until you finish the polyline. Double-click to finish the polyline. BUL To draw a polygon, draw a polyline so that the last point where you click is the starting point. The area defined by the lines in a polygon is filled. BUL To change a polygon to a polyline, choose Polygon Info from the Format menu. and click the Polyline radio button in the dialog box. Choose Polyline Info and click the Polygon radio button to change a polyline to a polygon. BUL To round the corners of a polygon or polyline, click the Smooth check button in the Polygon Info dialog box. BUL To add a corner handle to a polyline or polygon, double-click on the line or edge. To delete a corner handle from a polyline or polygon, double-click on the handle.  All objects (e.g., graphic objects, text fields, buttons, charts, and controls) provide you with the ability to resize, name, arrange, move, and lock them. You can import GIF files from other programs to place on the worksheet. Once pasted, these "pictures" have the same attributes as any other object on the worksheet.  NUM1. Select an object with the Object Tool. NUM2. Click on a handle and drag it away from the center of the object to enlarge it, or toward the center of the object to shrink it. You can expand an object up to 22 by 22 inches. You can shrink it until it seems to disappear. Because objects are attached to the cells beneath them, the size of the objects automatically changes if you change the size of the rows or columns to which they are attached.  NUM1. Cut or copy an image to the Clipboard. NUM2. Open a Wingz worksheet. NUM3. Select a cell or range with the Worksheet Tool. NUM4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. Any image which can be brought to the Clipboard and conforming to pixel map format can be used in Wingz, whether the image comes from a scanner, a clip art collection, or another application. You can also import GIF format images with the HyperScript command: READ PICTURE string RANGE range. Once the image is placed in Wingz, you can move and modify it like any other Wingz object. To find existing graphic objects in a worksheet, choose Graphics from the Select submenu in the Go menu.  You can assign a name to worksheet objects and imported pictures. NUM1. Select the object with the Object Tool. NUM2. Choose Object Info (where Object is a Line, Arc, Oval, Rectangle, Polygon, or Polyline, or Picture Info from the Format menu. NUM3. Enter a name for the object in the dialog box. Wingz automatically assigns a reference number to every worksheet object. The name and reference number are useful when you work with scripts. The Polygon Info and Polyline Info dialog boxes include options to smooth the object and specify the type of object: closed (polygon) or open (polyline).  BUL To move an object within the window, select the object with the Object Tool then drag it to its destination. BUL To move an object to a new location, Copy or Cut the object and Paste it in its new location. BUL To move a chart, select the background area. Hold down the mouse button over the background area and drag the chart to its new location.  The Graph menu contains special commands for arranging objects in a worksheet. NUM1. Select one or more objects with the Object Tool. Press the Control key to select multiple objects. NUM2. Choose a command from the Graph menu to arrange the object: BUL Choose Bring to Front to place a selected object on top of other objects in the same location. BUL Choose Send to Back to place a selected object underneath other objects in the same location. BUL Choose Group to combine several objects into one object. Any changes in size, location, or appearance affect all the objects. BUL Choose Ungroup to separate grouped objects into individual objects. Any changes in size, location, or appearance affect the objects individually.  The Lock Object command is used to lock the selected objects to prevent any modifications. When an object is locked, it is displayed with grey handles and all of the menu items that normally can be used to change the object are greyed. A locked object can be copied, grouped, ungrouped, or unlocked. If the locked object is copied and pasted, the new object is not locked. The Unlock Object command is used to unlock an object that was locked using the Lock Object command. When an object is unlocked, the handles become white and all of the options of the command can again be used.  You format graphic objects the same way that you format other items in Wingz: BUL Add colors and patterns to objects using the Fill command in the Format menu. BUL Add colors and patterns to lines using the Line command in the Format menu. BUL Create borders around objects using the Border command in the Format menu. For more information, refer to the "Formatting Data and Objects" section.  Combining your worksheet data enables you to manage your worksheets more efficiently. You can link worksheets data using external ("linked") formula references. You can arrange information by creating databases and by sorting. Wingz also lets you generate frequency distributions, create data tables, and perform matrix mathematics.  A cell or range on another open worksheet can be referenced by preceding the cell or range name with the worksheet name and a colon. This is known as an "external" or "linked" reference. You can return the value of a single cell or use the range reference in a function. To refer to the cell, simply enter the reference worksheet name and extension, a colon, and the cell name or reference. You can use a worksheet range or a named range when using an external reference in a function that requires a range (e.g., SUM(Quarter1.wkz:A1..A10) or SUM(Quarter1.wkz:Sales)). To reference a range from another sheet, select the range in the current sheet to reference the external range. Enter a formula that references the top left cell of the external range in the first cell of the selected range. Use Copy Down and Copy Right from the Edit menu to copy the relative range. Examples of external references are shown below. In the first example, the value in cell C20 in the worksheet named "Sydney.wkz" is returned. Example: Sydney.wkz:C20 SUM(Monthly.wkz:C8..I12) An externally referenced worksheet must be open. If the worksheet is not open, an error is returned.  You can sort information in any range on your worksheet, including the records in the database. If you have not previously defined a sort range, perform these two steps: NUM1. Select the range to be sorted. NUM2. Choose Sort Now from the Sort submenu in the Sheet menu. Wingz sorts the selected range. Sort Now orders the rows in ascending order according to the values in the key columns, using the first column as the first key, the second column as the second key, and so on. You can define a sort range that remains in effect until you define a new sort range. Once defined, the same range is sorted each time you choose Sort Now, regardless of which range is selected. You can specify the key column(s) or row(s) and the order by which each key is sorted, either ascending or descending. You can sort a range using up to 255 sorting keys. NUM1. Select the range to be sorted. NUM2. Choose Sort Range from the Sort submenu in the Sheet menu. NUM3. Select the column to be used as the first sort key. NUM4. Choose Ascending Key or Descending Key from the Sort submenu in the Sheet menu. NUM5. For each additional sort key, select a column, then choose Add Ascending Key or Add Descending Key from the Sort submenu in the Sheet menu. NUM6. Choose Sort Now from the Sort submenu in the Sheet menu. You can specify key columns to sort rows of information, or key rows to sort columns of information. Select a key column by selecting two or more cells in the column or by selecting the entire column. To select a key row, however, you must click the row heading to select the entire row.  Wingz database management facilities allow you to locate, extract, or delete selected worksheet information. The Database command is used to perform database operations on a specified range. A worksheet database is a defined range where the rows represent database records and the columns represent fields within those records. The first row of the database range is reserved for field names and the rest of the range contains the data. You can locate, extract, or delete records from your database based on specified criteria.  NUM1. Select a range of cells that includes the database field names in the first row and all the database records in the subsequent rows. NUM2. Choose Data Range from the Database submenu in the Sheet menu. The first row of the database range must include only the database field names. Wingz accepts only one database range at a time. Define a new database range if you want to work with a different database. A database range can include blank rows or columns of cells. You can enter new field names or records into this portion of the database after you specify the range.  If you want to search the database to find rows of data that meet particular criteria, define a criteria range. A criteria range consists of a row containing the same field names as the database range. In the row(s) beneath the field names, the actual search criteria is specified. NUM1. Select a new range of cells that includes the database field names and the selection criteria. NUM2. Choose Criteria Range from the Database submenu in the Sheet menu. The first row of the criteria range must include only database field names. Names can appear in any order. Include the name of every field in the databasefor which selection criteria are defined. When a string or value is used as a criterion, all of the rows with matching field values are selected. The following characters may be used in the criterion range to match multiple records to the same criteria: The question mark (?) can be used as a wild card to match any single character in the fields being searched. For example, "r?d" matches "red," "rid," and "rod," but not "reed." The asterisk (*) can be used to match all of the characters in the database field being searched. For example, "ben*" matches "bent," "beneath," and "benefit," but not "beside." When the tilde (~) is used at the beginning of the criterion string, Wingz is instructed to select any record EXCEPT those whose field values match the string following the tilde. When a logical expression is used as a cell criterion, it must be entered with a reference to the cell in the first data record in the database range. When the formula is calculated, the logical expression is processed once for each record in the database. Wingz sequentially replaces the cell reference in the formula with the appropriate references for succeeding records as calculation proceeds. If you enter more than one criterion in the same row of the criteria block, all must either match or return TRUE (1) in order for a row to be selected (implied AND). If you enter criteria in more than one row, one of the criteria must match or return TRUE (1) in order for the row to be selected (implied OR).  NUM1. Define the database range. NUM2. Define the criteria range. NUM3. Choose Find from the Database submenu in the Sheet menu. The Find command locates the records in the database that match the criteria you specify in the criteria range. When you choose Find, Wingz highlights all records that match the criteria.  NUM1. Define the database range. NUM2. Define the criteria range. NUM3. Select a range of cells to hold rows extracted from the database. NUM4. Choose Extract from the Database submenu in the Sheet menu. When Extract is chosen, all of the records from the database range that match the specified criteria are copied and placed in the selected extract range. The first row of the extract range must contain the titles of the fields to be extracted from the database. If the extract range contains only a single row of titles, all of the extracted records are placed immediately under the row. Otherwise, only those rows that can fit in the defined range are extracted.  NUM1. Define the database range. NUM2. Define the criteria range. NUM3. Choose Delete from the Database submenu in the Sheet menu. Choosing Delete causes all records from the database range that match the specified criteria to be removed. The records below the deleted records are moved up to fill the empty space. NOTE: The Undo command in the Edit menu cannot reverse a Delete action.  The Distribution command is used to generate a frequency distribution of the values in a selected range. A frequency distribution shows how many values in a specified range occur within the intervals defined in a specified bin range. When a distribution is calculated, a counter is kept for each interval defined in the bin range. NUM1. Enter some random values in a worksheet range. NUM2. Enter a sequence of test values in a second range. This will serve as the bin range. NUM3. Select the range containing the values to analyze. NUM4. Choose Values Range from the Distribution submenu in the Sheet menu. NUM5. Select the bin range. NUM6. Choose Bin Range from the Distribution submenu. NUM7. Choose Distribute from the Distribution submenu. When the values range is searched, the bin range counter is incremented by 1 each time a value falls within the interval. When all of the value range numbers have been examined, the count for each interval is entered into the column immediately to the right of the bin range. The first cell of the result column represents the number of occurrences of values less than or equal to the bin value in the adjacent cell. The rest of the values indicate the frequency of occurrences less than or equal to the adjacent bin value, but greater than the bin value in the previous row. The last value in the result column is in the row below the last bin value and represents the frequency of values greater than the highest bin value.  The Table command is used to record the effects of changing one or two values in one or more formulas. Two types of table formats are available. In the first format, a single input cell is defined as an input cell value to be used with one or more formulas to build the table. The second format uses two input cell values in a single formula to calculate the table values.  You can create a table that calculates the value of one or more formulas, given different values for one variable in a cell on the worksheet. NUM1. Select a range. NUM2. Enter the formulas you want to test in the first row of the range. Leave the first cell empty. Your formulas should reference the input cell directly, or another cell that indirectly references the input cell. NUM3. Enter the values of the variable that you want to test in the first column of the range. Leave the first cell empty. NUM4. Select the cell you referenced in the formulas. NUM5. Choose Input Cell 1 from the Table submenu in the Sheet menu. NUM6. Select the range that contains your formulas and variable values. NUM7. Choose Table Range from the Table submenu. NUM8. Choose Recalc Table from the Table submenu. In a single input data table, the top left cell in a table range is left blank. The remainder of the cells in the first column of the range are the variable cells. The cells in the top row of the range and to the right of the top left cell contain the formula cells. The Input Cell 1 reference is a cell outside of the table range. Input Cell 1 is a dependent cell of each of the formula cells. When the table is calculated, each variable cell value is copied to the Input Cell 1 location and each formula in the first row of the range is calculated based on the Input Cell 1 value. The result of each calculation is recorded in the cell where the formula column intersects the variable row.  You can create a table that answers "what if" questions about two variables in a single formula. NUM1. Select a range. NUM2. Enter the formula you want to test in the first cell of the range. Use any two cell references to represent the two variables that you want to test. NUM3. Enter the values of the first variable that you want to test in the first column of the range, below the formula. Enter the values of the second variable that you want to test in the first row of the range, to the right of the formula. NUM4. Select the cell that represents the first variable. NUM5. Choose Input Cell 1 from the Table submenu in the Sheet menu. NUM6. Select the cell that represents the second variable. NUM7. Choose Input Cell 2 from the Table submenu. NUM8. Select the range that contains both sets of variables and your formula. NUM9. Choose Table Range from the Table submenu. NUM10. Choose Recalc Table from the Table submenu. In a two variable data table, the top left cell of the table range is the formula cell, the cells below the formula cell are the variable 1 cells, and the cells to the right of the formula are the variable 2 cells. In addition to defining a table range, both an Input Cell 1 cell and an Input Cell 2 cell must be defined. The first input cell is where each variable 1 value is copied for table recalculation. The second input cell is where the variable 2 cell values are copied. Both of the input cells defined are dependent cells of the formula in the top left corner of the table range. When the table is calculated, each value in the variable 1 column is copied to Input Cell 1, each value in the variable 2 row is copied to Input Cell 2, and the table formula is recalculated. The result of each formula is recorded in the table location where the variable 1 row intersects the variable 2 column.  The Matrix command is used to perform matrix calculations on specified ranges. Wingz recognizes a rectangular array of numbers as a matrix. The following sections provide specific information about working with matrix data.  NUM1. Select a square range containing data entries. NUM2. Select an empty range that is the same size as the original matrix. NUM3. Choose Invert from the Matrix submenu in the Sheet menu. This command inverts a selected range using the Gauss-Jordan method. Two ranges must be selected to use Invert. The first range contains the matrix to be inverted and the second range defines the destination for the inverted matrix. The Invert command requires a square range. (A square range has the same number of rows as columns.) If the first selected range is not square, the largest possible square matrix in the selected range is used. If the matrix cannot be inverted, the message "Matrix is singular" is returned.  NUM1. Select a range containing data entries. NUM2. Choose Transpose from the Matrix submenu in the Sheet menu. When the Transpose command is chosen, the rows of the selected range are changed to columns and the columns are changed to rows. Data previously in the first row of the range is now in the first column of the new range. Transpose works only if a single range is selected. Performing Transpose twice on the same range restores the range to its original layout. Range or cell references in cell formulas are not adjusted when a range is transposed.  NUM1. Select three ranges. Data entries should appear in the first two ranges. NUM2. Choose Multiply from the Matrix submenu in the Sheet menu. The Multiply command multiplies two selected ranges together to produce a third range. Before executing this command, you must select three ranges. The number of rows in the second range must equal the number of columns in the first range. The third range must have the same number of rows as the first range and the same number of columns as the second range. If you specify a single cell for the third range, Wingz makes it the upper left cell of a resulting range of the required size.  NUM1. Select the range containing the matrix you want to analyze. NUM2. Hold down the Control key and select a cell to receive the results of the analysis. NUM3. Choose Determinant from the Matrix submenu in the Sheet menu. The Determinant command calculates the determinant of a square matrix. Before executing this command, you must select a square matrix to analyze and an output range consisting of a single cell. If the range you select is not square, the largest square subrange starting at the upper left corner of the range is analyzed. The output cell must not overlap the matrix to be analyzed.  The N-Solve command is used to solve a system of simultaneous linear equations. The Gauss-Jordan elimination method is used with full pivoting. Before executing this command, two ranges must be selected. The first range is the matrix to which the N-Solve operation is applied (augmented coefficient matrix). The results of the N-Solve are placed in the second range. NUM1. Select a range of N rows and N+1 columns. NUM2. Press the Control key and select a second range of N cells. NUM3. Choose N-Solve from the Matrix submenu in the Sheet menu. The first range must be an N:N+1 sized matrix (one more column than rows; for example, three rows by four columns) where the coefficients are located in the left N:N (square) matrix and the constants are located in the right column. The second range is a row of minimum size N:1 (N rows and one column), or a column of minimum size 1:N (one row and N columns). However, if you select a range that is larger, the results are placed within the range starting in the upper left cell and continuing along the top row or the left column. If a unique solution cannot be computed, an "Equations not independent" error message is generated.  You can perform a regression analysis with up to 14 independent variables. NUM1. Enter the values of the dependent variable in a single worksheet column. NUM2. Enter the values of each independent variable in successive columns to the right of the dependent variable column. NUM3. Select the regression range containing these columns and their rows of data. NUM4. Hold down the Control key and select a second range one row in depth but the same number of columns wide as the regression range. NUM5. Hold down the Control key and select a single cell to mark the upper left corner of the regression report range. NUM6. Choose Regress from the Matrix submenu in the Sheet menu. The Regress command performs multiple linear regression analysis on a selected range. Before executing this command, you must select two or three ranges. The first range contains the regression data and can have up to 14 independent variables. The first column of the range contains the dependent variables (y's) and the remaining columns are the various independent variables (x's). Up to 14 independent variables may be used. If the first row contains text, this text is used as labels for the variables and the first observation will be in the second row. The regression coefficients are placed in the second range. If the second range is a single cell, this cell defines the upper left cell of the column of coefficients. The first cell is the constant and the remainder are the coefficients for the independent variables. The third range selected is for an optional regression report. If a single cell or small range is selected for the report range, a range large enough for the regression report is automatically used. The results include the following: Analysis of variance table (ANOVA) Root of the mean square error (Root MSE) Mean of the dependent variable Coefficient of variation r-square and adjusted r-square values Mean (for each variable) Parameter estimates (for each variable) Standard error of the estimate (for each variable) T value of zero for the test of the null hypothesis (for each variable)  You can execute a series of commands repeatedly and on demand, without the need for retyping. To do so, create a script file. A script is a special file built from HyperScript commands. The WZScript.scp and DG.scp script files found in the Wingz directory contain the HyperScript commands used to create the menus, dialog boxes, and other features found in the Wingz interface. You can create a special type of script called Startup.scz. When placed in the Wingz application directory, Startup.scz executes automatically each time you run Wingz. You can use a startup script to create a custom environment that includes your own special menus, dialog boxes, and custom functions. You can attach a script to a worksheet, control, or dialog box. You can also load a script into memory for access by menus, worksheet formulas, or other scripts. The Wingz script editor is a text editor used to create and edit script files. The script editor commands, summarized below, are located in the Script menu. Use the Open Script command in the Script menu to open an existing script. It opens any standard text file or Wingz script file. Use New Script to display an empty script editor window. Sheet Script appears on the Script menu when a worksheet range is selected. Use Sheet Script to access a script that has been attached to the worksheet. Button Script appears on the Script menu when a button is selected. Use Button Script to access a script that has been attached to the button. Field Script appears on the Script menu when a text field is selected. Use Field Script to access a script that has been attached to the text field. Control Script appears on the Script menu when a control other than a button or text field is selected. Use Control Script to access a script that has been attached to the control. Multiple scripts, like multiple worksheets, can be open at any time. Each script window can be independently resized and moved. You can apply various formatting changes to each script. These include changing the font, size, style, and color of the text. Unlike text fields, however, script attributes are set for the entire script. In addition, formatting information is not saved with the script file.  A simple way to automate a task is to use the Learn command to create a script of operations you want to perform. Wingz records your operations as you perform them. NUM1. Choose New Script from the Script menu. NUM2. Select your Worksheet to make it the current window. NUM3. Choose Learn from the Script menu to start recording. NUM4. Perform the operations you want the script to perform. NUM5. Choose Learn again to toggle the recording off. When you choose New Script, a script window fills the screen. To perform your worksheet operations, you must make your worksheet the current window. You can choose Arrange Windows from the Window menu to view both the worksheet and the script. When you choose Learn, a check button indicates that Wingz is recording. Wingz records everything you do until you choose Learn again. Use the Save command from the File menu to save the script. You can edit a script that you created with the Learn command. Choose Open Script from the Script menu and use the standard editing commands to add, delete, or change HyperScript commands in the file. You can also use Learn to place new commands in the script. Attach an existing script to a worksheet, button, control, or text field by choosing the Attach Script command from the Script menu. You can also create a new script that is already attached by choosing the Sheet Script, Button Script, Control Script or Field Script command. Only one script can be attached to each worksheet, button, control, or text field at one time. Attaching a new script replaces the existing script. You can save a script as a Wingz script file or as text. A Wingz script contains compiled and text information and can be opened only from Wingz. You can use other text programs to edit a script saved as text. Both types of scripts can be run by Wingz. IMPORTANT: The Learn command records your operations in the current script, that is, the one you have used most recently. If you have more than one script open, you must specify the script where you want to record your operations before you choose Learn. Make the desired script your current window, then click the worksheet window and choose Learn.  You can create a script manually by typing the HyperScript commands for the operations that you want the script to perform. NUM1. Choose New Script from the Script menu. NUM2. Enter the HyperScript commands for the operations that you want to perform. HyperScript commands are made up of keywords and arguments. The arguments may be numbers, text strings, cell or range references, screen coordinates, or mathematical or logical expressions. Arguments can fall between or after keywords, depending on the particular command. Not all commands include keywords. When the arguments refer to named files, windows, or objects, you must type them exactly as they appear on the screen. Wingz matches uppercase and lowercase characters. Wingz reads HyperScript commands and arguments sequentially, ignoring carriage returns, spaces, tabs, and semicolons. You can use blank lines, tabs, and blank spaces to make the script more readable. NOTE: You can type the commands on separate lines or on a single line. If you type the commands on a single line, you must use either spaces or semicolons to separate them. To include a comment in a script, surround the comment text with braces. Comments can be placed anywhere in a script, and they can be nested. Double-click on a brace to highlight all information between that set of braces. This highlighting feature also works for quotation marks, parentheses and brackets, making it easy to identify levels of nested quotation marks, parentheses and brackets. When you use the New Script command, the Wingz script window is displayed in a window titled "Script.scz". Subsequent scripts are titled "Script#.scz" (where # indicates the number of new scripts). You can name a new script with the Save As command. A dialog box prompts you for a worksheet name and type. You can open as many new scripts as your system resources allow. However, you can attach only one script to each worksheet, button, control, or text field.  You can print a script just as you would any other file. NUM1. Open the script. NUM2. Choose Print from the File menu. NUM3. Specify the desired printer settings in the dialog box. NUM4. Click OK. You can use Page Setup from the File menu to determine options such as paper orientation. Scripts are automatically printed with a header. The left side of the header lists the date and time of the printing, the right side lists the page number. Centered on the heading is the name of the script file.  When you save a script, two format options are available: Text and Script. BUL To name a script and save it, choose Save As from the File menu, type a name in the dialog box that appears, and click OK. BUL To save changes as you work, choose Save from the File menu. BUL To save a script as a text file, choose Save As from the File menu and choose Text from the options menu, and click OK. Choosing Text saves the script into a standard text file. You might save a script in this format so you can perform further editing with an editor other than the Wingz script editor. Choosing Script saves the script into the Wingz script format. This format includes both a text version of the script and a compiled version. If changes are made to the script (through editing for example) the script is automatically recompiled before it is saved. When closing a script that has been modified, you are prompted to save it. A script name can contain as many as 244 characters. You can use any character on the keyboard except a colon (:). You can use uppercase and lowercase letters and spaces between words. NOTE: If you plan to access the script from another script, do not include spaces in the script name or begin the name with a number.  NUM1. Choose Open Script from the Script menu. NUM2. Double-click in the dialog box the name of the script that you want to open. You can also select the script name and click OK. If the script you want to open has been saved as text, enter *.txt in the File Filter field and click on the Filter button. You can open a script attached to a worksheet, button, control, or text field by selecting the object and then choosing Sheet Script, Button Script, Control Script, or Field Script from the Script menu. When you open a script, it appears in a window on the screen. You can edit the script file manually or choose an insertion point and choose Learn from the Script menu to record operations automatically. You can use commands from the Edit menu to edit in this window. You can open as many scripts as your system resources allow. However, you can attach only one script to each worksheet, button, control, or text field.  You can compile a text script to check for syntax errors or to avoid the need to compile the script each time you run it. NUM1. Open the script you want to compile. NUM2. Choose Compile from the Script menu. When you compile a script, Wingz checks it for syntax errors and informs you of any errors it finds. Wingz automatically compiles a script when you save it, unless you save it as a text file. Wingz compiles a text script when you run the script.  You can attach an existing script to a worksheet or control. The actions contained within the script are executed upon the occurrence of a predefined event, such as a mouse click. NUM1. Select the worksheet or control. NUM2. Choose Attach Script from the Script menu. NUM3. Select the script in the dialog box. NUM4. Click the OK button. The original script remains unaltered, and a copy is attached to the worksheet or control. You can also create a new script that is automatically attached to a worksheet or control. NUM1. Select a worksheet cell, a text field, or a control. NUM2. Choose Sheet Script, Button Script, Control Script, or Field Script from the Script menu. NUM3. Enter HyperScript commands. NUM4. Choose Save and Close from the File menu. You need not name the script before saving it; a name is automatically assigned, based on the item to which the script is attached. Only one script can be attached to each worksheet, button, control, or text field at one time.  You can load a script into memory and make it available for later use. NUM1. Choose Get Script from the Script menu. NUM2. Select the script from the dialog box. NUM3. Click the OK button. A memory resident script may contain variables or functions that can be accessed from other scripts or from a worksheet. Once a script file has been loaded, it must be removed using the Remove Script command before the script can be opened for editing.  Before you can edit a script that has been loaded into memory using the Get Script command, you must unload the script using the Remove Script command in the Script menu. When you choose this command, a submenu of currently loaded script files is displayed. You can then choose the name of the file that you want to remove from memory.  BUL To run a script, choose Run Script from the Script menu, select the script in the dialog box that appears, and click OK. BUL To run the script in the most recent Script window, choose Run from the Script menu. If you run a script, the script is executed immediately. Note that this differs from the Get Script command, which loads a script into memory but does not run the script. The name of the current script window is listed first in the Window menu. You can make a script window the current script window by clicking in it or selecting it from the list displayed in the Window menu.  HyperScript is the control language of Wingz. Using HyperScript, "scripts" containing command statements, functions, programming constructs, and event handlers can be used to create or modify worksheets, menus, and dialog boxes. A "script" is defined as a set of instructions created to perform one or more tasks automatically. HyperScript can be used as a tool for automating standard spreadsheet tasks. Even if you are a novice to computers, with no knowledge of programming, by selecting the Learn command in the Script menu on the Wingz Menu Bar and easily record a series of worksheet activities in a script file. The script can then be used at a later time, if desired, to repeat the same series of tasks. Hyperscript also allows you to control the user interface of Wingz. In addition to setting your own system defaults via HyperScript, you can create your own menus and dialog boxes. If you need to define a custom function, you can use HyperScript. If you load a script with custom functions using the Get Script command from the Script menu, you can use it like any standard Wingz function, both in worksheet cells or in script files.  Commands are composed of commands, options, and arguments which are used in combination to invoke the execution of one or more activities. The selections appearing in each of the menus (e.g., Open, Save, Cut, Paste, Select) are commands. Options (e.g., Manual Recalc, Report Header, Currency) appear on the submenus invoked when a command keyword is selected. Arguments are the choices you supply, (e.g., worksheet names to open, object numbers to select). In addition to keywords, many command formats contain arguments that require you to supply specific information before the command can be executed. Number, string, range, and coordinate arguments are used in HyperScript command statements. An argument may be one or more number(s), text string(s), range(s), or coordinate(s). When multiple arguments are used, the argument items must be separated by commas (i.e., SELECT OBJECT 1,2,3 ). If you have used the ARGUMENT SEPARATOR command, the comma separator must be replaced by the character you have supplied with this command. A numeric argument consists of a number, an arithmetic expression, or a functional expression which yields a number. A string argument is one or more alphabetic, numeric, or "special" characters. When you supply a number argument to a command that expects a string argument, Wingz converts the number to the text representation of the number. Literal strings must be surrounded by quotation marks. The command FIND TEXT string contains a string argument. There may be instances when you need to "nest" quotation marks in strings. A literal string argument always begins and ends with double quotation marks ("). Any quotations occurring within the literal string must be prefaced by double quotation marks. If there is yet another string argument specified within the internal quotation, ultimately four sets of double quotation marks must surround the string argument. Any reference to a specified area within a worksheet is a range. A range may consist of a single cell or a group of cells. If a range consists of multiple cells, the first cell is specified, followed by two periods and concluding with the ending cell reference (e.g., A1..A10). The reference style may be alphabetic columns and numeric rows, (e.g., A1), or row and column numbers, (e.g., r1c1). A coordinate denotes a specific location on the screen, and consists of an X and Y component enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma. The X component defines the horizontal location and the Y component defines the vertical location. Coordinates must be accompanied by a measurement operator (e.g., inches, points, decipoints, or millimeters). If no measurement operator is specified, the measurement defaults to twips. One twip is equal to 1/1440th of an inch.  You can type HyperScript commands directly into the Entry Bar for immediate execution. This procedure is referred to as direct command entry. After typing the command into the Entry Bar, press Control-Return to execute the command or commands. Since Wingz automatically recognizes a complete command (for example, TEXT SIZE 12), you can enter multiple commands on a single line. You can use spaces or semicolons to separate individual commands. Example: SELECT RANGE A1..E5; PUT "text" INTO A1..E5; TEXT STYLE "B"; ALIGN CENTER; UNSELECT  Wingz provides several control structures for situations where the sequence of script commands do not flow sequentially. They include decision making structures (e.g., IF and CASE) and looping structures (e.g., FOR and WHILE).  By using conditional commands in a script, decision-making constructs can be established that determine whether or not a section of a script is executed. In a conditional command, the flow of execution depends on whether the conditional expression is true or false. Two conditional commands are available in HyperScript: IF and CASE. The IF statement is used to make decisions based on whether or not the conditional expression immediately following the IF or ELSEIF statement is true (non-zero). The IF Structure IF commands ELSEIF (optional) commands ELSE (optional) commands END IF If a choice must be selected from multiple sets of possibilities, the CASE command is a very usefule decision-making tool. There are two types of CASE constructs available in HyperScript: the "matching" CASE and the "boolean" CASE. The matching CASE tests whether or not an expression matches a controlling expression, and then acts accordingly. When a match is found, the commands following the match are executed. When no match is found, and an OTHERWISE statement is included, the commands following the OTHERWISE are executed. The boolean CASE searches for the first true (non-zero) expression. When a true expression is found, the commands following the true expression are executed. When no true expression is found, and an OTHERWISE statement is included, the commands following the OTHERWISE statement are executed. The Case Structure 2EQ Matching Case: Boolean Case: CASE CASE WHEN WHEN commands commands EXIT CASE (optional) EXIT CASE (optional) commands commands WHEN WHEN commands commands OTHERWISE OTHERWISE commands commands END CASE END CASE When using less than (<) conditions in a CASE or IF..ELSEIF command, you must test the least possible value before testing the greater conditional values. If a greater than (>) condition is used, test the highest conditional value first.  HyperScript's FOR loop command and WHILE loop command can be used to repeat the execution of a group of script commands. Each of the loop commands controls how many times the series of commands is executed. The FOR loop is used in a script when you know how many times you want the commands in the loop to be executed. The FOR Structure FOR = TO STEP commands CONTINUE FOR (optional) commands EXIT FOR (optional) commands END FOR The WHILE loop is used when you want to continue executing a series of commands until the results of a conditional expression are false (zero). The WHILE Structure WHILE commands CONTINUE WHILE (optional) commands EXIT WHILE (optional) commands END WHILE  The "event" is a key HyperScript concept. Events are the mechanisms through which scripts are informed about actions and environment status. When using a script that contains an event, you can control the script's behavior by clicking the mouse, or by opening, closing, repainting, or recalculating a worksheet.  Eleven types of events, grouped into five different categories, can be monitored and can trigger a response by scripts. For an event to be monitored, an "event handler" must be used in a script and the script containing the event handler must be attached to the corresponding sheet, button, field, or control. The event handler can also be entered directly into a sheet, button, field, or control script. An event handler in a script begins with the word ON, followed by the name of the event the script will monitor. The body of the event handler contains the commands to be executed when the event is triggered. To exit the event handler early, use the word EXIT followed by the event name. The end of an event handler is marked by the word END, followed by the event name. All event handlers share the following syntax: ON event commands EXIT event (optional) commands END event The events that are monitored by a script differ according to the script and the item to which it is attached. 2EQ Control Scripts: Dialog Scripts: mousedown mousedown mousedoubleclick mousedoubleclick mousestilldown mousestilldown mousemove mousemove mouseup mouseup repaint repaint idle 2EQ Sheet Scripts: All Scripts: activate error deactivate idle recalc  Any function from the extensive library of Wingz built-in functions can be used in a script. Additionally, custom functions can be defined and used in scripts to perform specific, unique operations. A function can be called from a script where it is defined, from another open script, or from a formula in an active worksheet cell, provided the script containing the function is in memory. Functions created in HyperScript can be referenced by an assigned name. These names can be defined in the script that uses them. When defined in this manner, the function can be referenced simply by using its name and supplying the appropriate arguments. However, HyperScript allows you to define a function in one script and then use that function in a different script or in a worksheet formula. To reference a function defined in another script, the function script must be active in Wingz memory. You must specify the name of the script where the function is defined, the name of the function, and the appropriate argument list. Example: CALL Scriptname:FunctionName (, ...)  When you use the Wingz menus, you are using HyperScript. For every command you choose from any of the eight Wingz menus, there is a HyperScript command used to implement the menu command. The next series of Help topics are HyperScript commands grouped by menu. The commands are listed under each menu heading in the same order as the menu commands used to implement them.  BUL NEW WORKSHEET string BUL NEW WORKSHEET string LOCATION (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL OPEN string BUL OPEN DIALOG BUL CLOSE BUL CLOSE NOW BUL SAVE BUL SAVE DIALOG BUL SAVE AS string BUL SAVE DIF string BUL SAVE SYLK string BUL SAVE 123-1A string BUL SAVE 123-2.0 string BUL SAVE TEXT string BUL REVERT TO SAVED BUL RENAME SHEET TO string BUL PAGE SETUP BUL PAGE PREVIEW BUL PRINT DIALOG BUL PRINT NOW BUL APPEND string BUL READ PICTURE string RANGE range BUL QUIT BUL QUIT NOW  BUL UNDO BUL CUT BUL COPY BUL PASTE BUL CLEAR BUL SELECT ALL BUL SHOW CLIPBOARD BUL INSERT BUL DELETE BUL COPY RIGHT BUL COPY DOWN BUL PASTE VALUES BUL PASTE FORMAT BUL PASTE ADD BUL PASTE SUBTRACT BUL PASTE MULTIPLY BUL PASTE DIVIDE BUL REMOVE FORMAT BUL REMOVE FORMULA BUL REMOVE DATA  BUL RECALC BUL RECALC RANGE range BUL MANUAL RECALC BUL AUTOMATIC RECALC BUL NATURAL RECALC BUL ROW RECALC BUL COLUMN RECALC BUL ITERATE UNTIL range CHANGES LESS THAN number1 MAX number2 TIMES BUL ITERATE expression TIMES BUL BACKGROUND CALC STEP expression BUL FIND FORMULA TEXT string BUL FIND TEXT string BUL FIND VALUE expression BUL FIND CRITERIA expression BUL GO TO WINDOW string BUL GO TO CELL range BUL GO TO OBJECT expression BUL GO TO OBJECT string BUL NAME RANGE string1 AS string2 BUL REMOVE NAME string BUL CREATE NAMES TOP ROW BUL CREATE NAMES LEFT COLUMN BUL CHANGE NAME string1 TO string2  BUL UNSELECT BUL SELECT ALL BUL SELECT RANGE range BUL SELECT MORE RANGE range BUL SELECT HEADING BUL SELECT TITLE BUL SELECT OBJECT number(s) BUL SELECT CHART number(s) TITLE BUL SELECT CHART number(s) FOOTNOTE BUL SELECT CHART number(s) LEGEND BUL SELECT CHART number(s) SERIES number(s) BUL SELECT CHART number(s) ALL SERIES BUL SELECT CHART number(s) PLOT BUL SELECT CHART number(s) AXIS number(s) BUL SELECT CHART number(s) ALL AXES BUL SELECT CHART number(s) AXIS number(s) TITLE BUL SELECT CHART number(s) BACKGROUND BUL SELECT CHART number(s) SERIES DATA LABELS BUL SELECT MORE OBJECT number(s) BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) TITLE BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) FOOTNOTE BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) LEGEND BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) SERIES number(s) BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) ALL SERIES BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) PLOT BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) AXIS number(s) BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) ALL AXES BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) AXIS number(s) TITLE BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) BACKGROUND BUL SELECT MORE CHART number(s) SERIES DATA LABELS  BUL SELECT CURRENT CELL BUL SELECT DIRECT DEPENDENTS BUL SELECT DIRECT PRECEDENTS BUL SELECT ERROR CELLS BUL SELECT FORMULA CELLS BUL SELECT LOCKED CELLS BUL SELECT REFERENCES TO BLANKS BUL SELECT TEXT CELLS BUL SELECT UNREFERENCED CELLS BUL SELECT VALUE CELLS BUL SELECT LAST CELL BUL SELECT ACTIVE CELLS BUL SELECT ALL PRECEDENTS BUL SELECT ALL DEPENDENTS BUL SELECT BLANK CELLS BUL SELECT CRITERIA expression BUL SELECT REPORT BORDER BUL SELECT REPORT HEADER BUL SELECT REPORT FOOTER BUL SELECT MORE CURRENT CELL BUL SELECT MORE DIRECT DEPENDENTS BUL SELECT MORE DIRECT PRECEDENTS BUL SELECT MORE ERROR CELLS BUL SELECT MORE FORMULA CELLS BUL SELECT MORE LOCKED CELLS BUL SELECT MORE REFERENCES TO BLANKS BUL SELECT MORE TEXT CELLS BUL SELECT MORE UNREFERENCED CELLS BUL SELECT MORE VALUE CELLS BUL SELECT MORE ACTIVE CELLS BUL SELECT MORE ALL PRECEDENTS BUL SELECT MORE ALL DEPENDENTS BUL SELECT MORE BLANK CELLS BUL SELECT MORE CRITERIA expression BUL SELECT MORE REPORT BORDER BUL SELECT MORE REPORT HEADER BUL SELECT MORE REPORT FOOTER BUL SELECT NOTES BUL SELECT FIELDS BUL SELECT CONTROLS BUL SELECT GRAPHICS BUL SELECT MORE NOTES BUL SELECT MORE FIELDS BUL SELECT MORE CONTROLS BUL SELECT MORE GRAPHICS  BUL FORMAT FIXED BUL FORMAT CURRENCY BUL FORMAT PERCENT BUL FORMAT SCIENTIFIC BUL FORMAT GENERAL BUL FORMAT DATE expression BUL FORMAT TIME expression BUL FORMAT CUSTOM string BUL REMOVE CUSTOM FORMAT string BUL USE COMMAS BUL NO COMMAS BUL USE PARENTHESIS BUL NO PARENTHESIS BUL HIDE ZEROES BUL SHOW ZEROES BUL HIDE CELLS BUL SHOW CELLS BUL PRECISION expression BUL CELL BORDER string BUL TEXT FONT string BUL TEXT SIZE expression BUL TEXT STYLE string BUL TEXT COLOR expression BUL MAP FONT fontname TO fontname BUL NEGATIVE TEXT COLOR expression BUL ALIGN CENTER BUL ALIGN GENERAL BUL ALIGN LEFT BUL ALIGN RIGHT BUL FILL FG expression BUL FILL BG expression BUL FILL PATTERN expression BUL AUTO SAVE ON BUL AUTO SAVE OFF BUL AUTO SAVE SHEET NAME string BUL AUTO SAVE SHEET EVERY expression BUL POLYGON BUL POLYLINE BUL POLY SMOOTHING ON BUL POLY SMOOTHING OFF BUL LINE FG expression BUL LINE BG expression BUL LINE PATTERN expression BUL LINE WIDTH expression BUL NO ARROW BUL BACK ARROW BUL SINGLE ARROW BUL DOUBLE ARROW BUL ARROW LENGTH expression BUL NO LINE BORDER BUL SINGLE LINE BORDER BUL DOUBLE LINE BORDER BUL THICK INNER LINE BORDER BUL THICK OUTER LINE BORDER BUL BUTTON BORDER BUL OUTLINE 1 BORDER BUL OUTLINE 2 BORDER BUL 2D DROP SHADOW BUL 3D DROP SHADOW BUL NO DROP SHADOW BUL BORDER X OFFSET expression BUL BORDER Y OFFSET expression BUL BORDER OFFSET expression BUL SQUARE CORNERS BUL ROUND CORNERS BUL SHADOW FG expression BUL SHADOW BG expression BUL SHADOW PATTERN expression BUL SHADOW STRENGTH expression  BUL REPORT PRINT RANGE BUL ADD PAGE BREAK BUL REMOVE PAGE BREAK BUL REMOVE ALL PAGE BREAKS BUL REPORT HEADER RANGE BUL REPORT HEADER LEFT BUL REPORT HEADER RIGHT BUL REPORT HEADER CENTER BUL HIDE REPORT HEADER BUL REPORT FOOTER RANGE BUL REPORT FOOTER LEFT BUL REPORT FOOTER RIGHT BUL REPORT FOOTER CENTER BUL HIDE REPORT FOOTER BUL PROTECT CELLS BUL UNPROTECT CELLS BUL DISABLE PROTECTION BUL ENABLE PROTECTION BUL PASSWORD 1 string BUL PASSWORD 2 string BUL PASSWORD 2 string READ ONLY BUL ENCRYPTION ON BUL ENCRYPTION OFF BUL FILL BUL SORT NOW BUL SORT RANGE BUL ASCENDING KEY BUL DESCENDING KEY BUL ADD ASCENDING KEY BUL ADD DESCENDING KEY BUL TABLE RANGE BUL INPUT CELL 1 BUL INPUT CELL 2 BUL RECALC TABLE BUL VALUES RANGE BUL BIN RANGE BUL DISTRIBUTE BUL DATA RANGE BUL CRITERIA RANGE BUL DATA FIND BUL DATA EXTRACT BUL DATA DELETE BUL TRANSPOSE BUL INVERT BUL REGRESS BUL N-SOLVE BUL DETERMINANT BUL MULTIPLY  BUL BAR BUL LINE BUL LAYER BUL STEP BUL PIE BUL COMBINATION BUL 3D BAR BUL 3D LINE BUL 3D LAYER BUL 3D STEP BUL 3D PIE BUL 3D COMBINATION BUL HILO BUL XY BUL SCATTER BUL POLAR BUL CONTOUR BUL SURFACE BUL WIREFRAME BUL VERTICAL BAR BUL HORIZONTAL BAR  BUL TITLE LEFT BUL TITLE RIGHT BUL TITLE CENTER BUL HIDE TITLE BUL TITLE RANGE BUL FOOTNOTE LEFT BUL FOOTNOTE RIGHT BUL FOOTNOTE CENTER BUL HIDE FOOTNOTE BUL FOOTNOTE RANGE BUL LEGEND LEFT BUL LEGEND RIGHT BUL LEGEND BOTTOM BUL LEGEND TOP BUL HIDE LEGEND  BUL AXIS LOG SCALE BUL AXIS LINEAR SCALE BUL AXIS PERCENT SCALE BUL AXIS LOG BASE expression BUL AUTOMATIC SCALING BUL MANUAL SCALING FROM number1 TO number2 WITH number3 MAJOR AND number4 MINOR DIVISIONS BUL HIDE AXIS BUL SHOW AXIS BUL SHOW AXIS LINE BUL HIDE AXIS HASH BUL AXIS HASH INTERIOR BUL AXIS HASH EXTERIOR BUL AXIS HASH CENTERED BUL AXIS HASH LENGTH expression BUL AXIS MINOR GRID WIDTH expression BUL AXIS MINOR GRID FG expression BUL AXIS MINOR GRID BG expression BUL AXIS MINOR GRID PATTERN expression BUL AXIS MAJOR GRID WIDTH expression BUL AXIS MAJOR GRID FG expression BUL AXIS MAJOR GRID BG expression BUL AXIS MAJOR GRID PATTERN expression BUL AXIS TITLE RANGE BUL HIDE AXIS TITLE BUL SHOW AXIS TITLE BUL HORIZONTAL AXIS TITLE BUL VERTICAL AXIS TITLE  BUL SERIES DATA RANGE BUL SHOW SERIES BUL HIDE SERIES BUL SERIES SMOOTHING ON BUL SERIES SMOOTHING OFF BUL SERIES AXIS 1 BUL SERIES AXIS 2 BUL HIDE SERIES LABEL BUL SERIES LABEL BASE BUL SERIES LABEL CENTERED BUL SERIES LABEL EXTERIOR BUL SERIES LABEL TEXT BUL SERIES LABEL VALUE BUL SERIES LABEL PERCENT BUL SYMBOL TYPE expression BUL SYMBOL WIDTH expression BUL SYMBOL COLOR expression BUL SYMBOL SIZE expression BUL SERIES WIDTH expression  BUL SERIES TYPE BAR BUL SERIES TYPE LINE BUL SERIES TYPE LAYER BUL SERIES TYPE STEP BUL HIDE SERIES LEGEND BUL SERIES COLUMN expression BUL STACK SERIES BUL UNSTACK SERIES  BUL ADD SERIES BUL REMOVE SERIES BUL SHOW ALL SERIES  BUL SERIES PIE OFFSET expression PERCENT BUL PIE WEIGHTING OFF BUL PIE WEIGHTING SUM BUL PIE WEIGHT RANGE BUL PIE STARTING ANGLE expression BUL PIE SORTING OFF BUL PIE SORTING ASCENDING BUL PIE SORTING DESCENDING  BUL ROTATION expression BUL ELEVATION expression BUL ROTATE expression BUL ELEVATE expression BUL VANISHING X expression BUL VANISHING Y expression BUL DISTANCE expression BUL BASE LINE WIDTH expression BUL BASE LINE FG expression BUL BASE LINE BG expression BUL BASE LINE PATTERN expression BUL BASE TOP FG expression BUL BASE TOP BG expression BUL BASE TOP PATTERN expression BUL BASE SIDE FG expression BUL BASE SIDE BG expression BUL BASE SIDE PATTERN expression BUL BASE CONTOUR BANDS ON BUL BASE CONTOUR BANDS OFF BUL BASE CONTOUR LINES ON BUL BASE CONTOUR LINES OFF BUL SURFACE LINE WIDTH expression BUL SURFACE LINE FG expression BUL SURFACE LINE BG expression BUL SURFACE LINE PATTERN expression BUL SURFACE CONTOUR BANDS ON BUL SURFACE CONTOUR BANDS OFF BUL SURFACE CONTOUR LINES ON BUL SURFACE CONTOUR LINES OFF BUL SURFACE CLIPPING ON BUL SURFACE CLIPPING OFF BUL SURFACE AXES ON BUL SURFACE AXES OFF BUL SURFACE PEDESTAL ON BUL SURFACE PEDESTAL OFF BUL SURFACE SMOOTHING expression BUL MANUAL BASE PLACEMENT OFF BUL MANUAL BASE PLACEMENT expression PERCENT BUL 3D CHART SHADOW BG expression BUL 3D CHART SHADOW FG expression BUL 3D CHART SHADOW PATTERN expression BUL 3D CHART SHADOW STRENGTH expression BUL 3D DEPTH HEIGHT expression BUL 3D WIDTH HEIGHT expression  BUL AUTOMATIC LAYOUT BUL MANUAL LAYOUT BUL AUTOMATIC STACKING BUL UNSTACK CHART BUL STACK CHART BUL NO CHART PARSING BUL AUTOMATIC CHART PARSING BUL HORIZONTAL CHART PARSING BUL VERTICAL CHART PARSING BUL CHART RANGE BUL SERIES LABEL RANGE BUL DIVISION LABEL RANGE BUL PLOT INTERIOR FG expression BUL PLOT INTERIOR BG expression BUL PLOT INTERIOR PATTERN expression BUL PLOT INTERIOR LINE WIDTH expression BUL PLOT INTERIOR LINE FG expression BUL PLOT INTERIOR LINE BG expression BUL PLOT INTERIOR LINE PATTERN expression BUL ADD CHART RANGE range1 USING range2 BUL ADD ARC RANGE range QUADRANT expression BUL ARC ANGLE number1 FOR number2 BUL ADD LINE RANGE range1 TO range2 BUL ADD OVAL RANGE range BUL ADD POLYGON ranges BUL ADD POLYLINE ranges BUL ADD RECT RANGE range  BUL BRING TO FRONT BUL SEND TO BACK BUL GROUP BUL UNGROUP BUL LOCK OBJECT BUL UNLOCK OBJECT BUL OBJECT NUMBER expression BUL OBJECT NAME string BUL OBJECT SIZE range BUL OBJECT LOCATION range  BUL HELP string BUL SHOW HELP COMMAND string BUL SHOW HELP ITEM expression IN "string" BUL NEW WINDOW BUL NEW WINDOW LOCATION (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ARRANGE WINDOWS BUL TITLES BUL WINDOW SCALE expression BUL WINDOW LOCATION (X,Y) BUL WINDOW SIZE (X,Y) BUL ZOOM WINDOW BUL UNZOOM WINDOW BUL MINIMIZE WINDOW BUL MAXIMIZE WINDOW BUL RESTORE WINDOW BUL COLUMN NUMBERS BUL COLUMN LETTERS BUL DESKTOP (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL TOOL SHEET BUL TOOL OBJECT EDITOR BUL TOOL BUTTON BUL TOOL FIELD BUL TOOL CHART BUL TOOL LINE BUL TOOL ARC BUL TOOL OVAL BUL TOOL RECT BUL TOOL POLY BUL COLUMN WIDTH expression BUL ROW HEIGHT expression BUL COLUMN WIDTH RANGE range TO expression BUL ROW HEIGHT RANGE range TO expression BUL COLUMN HEADING HEIGHT expression BUL ROW HEADING WIDTH expression  BUL SHOW SHEET BUL HIDE SHEET BUL SHOW TITLES BUL HIDE TITLES BUL SHOW NOTES BUL HIDE NOTES BUL SHOW FIELDS BUL HIDE FIELDS BUL SHOW CONTROLS BUL HIDE CONTROLS BUL SHOW GRAPHICS BUL HIDE GRAPHICS BUL SHOW TOOL BOX BUL HIDE TOOL BOX BUL SHOW ENTRY BAR BUL HIDE ENTRY BAR BUL SHOW CELL GRID BUL HIDE CELL GRID BUL SHOW TITLE GRID BUL HIDE TITLE GRID BUL SHOW HEADING GRID BUL HIDE HEADING GRID BUL SHOW HEADINGS BUL HIDE HEADINGS BUL SHOW FORMULA TEXT BUL HIDE FORMULA TEXT  You can customize Wingz to fit your needs through the use of custom menus, dialog boxes, controls, and the DRAW commands. Custom menus allow you the flexibility of adding menus and submenus to the Wingz menu bar. Additionally, you can create your own menu bars. Controls on the worksheet and in dialog boxes can be used to display information, query general information, and query specific information within defined limits. 2D and 3D graphic images can be created with the DRAW commands.  BUL ADD MENUBAR string BUL ADD MENUBAR string WITH expression MENUS BUL SELECT MENUBAR string BUL REMOVE MENUBAR BUL RENAME MENUBAR TO string BUL SHOW MENUBAR string BUL ADD MENU string BUL ADD MENU string WITH expression ITEMS BUL ADD WINDOW MENU string BUL ADD WINDOW MENU string WITH expression ITEMS BUL SELECT MENU string BUL REMOVE MENU BUL RENAME MENU TO string BUL ADD MENUITEM string BUL ADD MENUITEM string WITH expression ITEMS BUL ADD MENUITEM string1 COMMAND string2 BUL ADD MENUITEM string1 TYPE expression KEY string2 COMMAND string3 BUL ADD MENUITEM string1 SUBMENU string2 BUL ADD MENU SEPARATOR BUL SELECT MENUITEM string BUL REMOVE MENUITEM BUL RENAME MENUITEM TO string BUL DISABLE MENUITEM BUL ENABLE MENUITEM BUL CHECK MENUITEM BUL UNCHECK MENUITEM BUL MENUITEM TEXT STYLE string BUL ADD SUBMENU string BUL ADD SUBMENU string WITH expression ITEMS BUL ADD SUBMENU string1 COMMAND string2 BUL ADD SUBMENU string COMMAND string2 WITH expression ITEMS BUL ADD FONT SUBMENU string1 COMMAND string2 BUL ADD NAME SUBMENU string1 COMMAND string2 BUL ADD REMOVE-SCRIPT SUBMENU string1 COMMAND string2  BUL HIDE CONTROL BUL SHOW CONTROL BUL DISABLE CONTROL BUL ENABLE CONTROL BUL GREY CONTROL BUL UNGREY CONTROL BUL HIDE CONTROL NAME BUL SHOW CONTROL NAME string BUL HIDE CONTROL TITLE BUL SHOW CONTROL TITLE string BUL CONTROL NAME string BUL SELECT CONTROL number(s) BUL CONTROL ITEMS string(s) BUL RENAME CONTROL ITEM string1 TO string2 BUL SELECT CONTROL ITEM string(s) BUL UNSELECT CONTROL ITEM string(s) BUL ADD CONTROL ITEMS string(s) BUL CONTROL TITLE TEXT FONT string BUL CONTROL TITLE TEXT SIZE expression BUL CONTROL TITLE TEXT STYLE string BUL CONTROL TITLE TEXT COLOR expression BUL CONTROL TITLE FILL FG expression BUL CONTROL TITLE FILL BG expression BUL CONTROL TITLE PATTERN expression BUL CONTROL SORTING ON BUL CONTROL SORTING OFF BUL ACCEPT CARRIAGE RETURNS BUL DO NOT ACCEPT CARRIAGE RETURNS  In HyperScript, check buttons are referred to as "check boxes." BUL ADD CHECK BOX string(s) AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD CHECK BOX string(s) RANGE range BUL CHECK BOX ITEMS string(s) BUL ADD CHECK BOX ITEMS string(s) BUL CHECK BOX expression BUL UNCHECK BOX expression BUL THREE STATE CHECK BOX string(s)  BUL ADD COLOR PICKER AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD COLOR PICKER RANGE range BUL COLOR PICKER expression  BUL ADD CUSTOM BUTTON AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD CUSTOM BUTTON RANGE range  BUL ADD LINE PICKER number(s) AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD LINE PICKER number(s) RANGE range BUL LINE PICKER expression BUL LINE PICKER FG expression BUL LINE PICKER BG expression BUL LINE PICKER PATTERN expression  BUL ADD LIST BOX string(s) AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD LIST BOX string(s) RANGE range BUL LIST BOX ITEMS string(s) BUL ADD LIST BOX ITEMS string(s) BUL CURRENT LIST BOX ITEM expression BUL LIST BOX NAME ITEMS BUL LIST BOX CUSTOM FORMATS BUL SHOW SCROLL BAR LIST BOX BUL HIDE SCROLL BAR LIST BOX BUL SINGLE SELECTION LIST BOX BUL MULTIPLE SELECTION LIST BOX BUL TOP LIST BOX ITEM string  In HyperScript, stepper buttons are referred to as "number wheels." BUL ADD NUMBER WHEEL AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD NUMBER WHEEL RANGE range BUL NUMBER WHEEL RANGE expression TO expression BUL NUMBER WHEEL STEP expression BUL NUMBER WHEEL POSITION expression BUL NUMBER WHEEL PRECISION expression  BUL ADD PATTERN PICKER AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD PATTERN PICKER RANGE range BUL PATTERN PICKER expression BUL PATTERN PICKER FG expression BUL PATTERN PICKER BG expression  BUL ADD POPUP MENU string(s) AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD POPUP MENU string(s) RANGE range BUL POPUP MENU ITEMS string(s) BUL ADD POPUP MENU ITEMS string(s) BUL CURRENT POPUP MENU ITEM expression  BUL ADD PUSH BUTTON string(s) AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD PUSH BUTTON string(s) RANGE range BUL INVISIBLE BUTTON BUL VISIBLE BUTTON  BUL ADD RADIO BUTTON string(s) AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD RADIO BUTTON string(s) RANGE range BUL RADIO BUTTON ITEMS string(s) BUL ADD RADIO BUTTON ITEMS string(s) BUL RADIO BUTTON expression  BUL ADD SCROLL BAR AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD SCROLL BAR RANGE range BUL SCROLL BAR RANGE expression TO expression BUL SCROLL BAR STEP expression BUL SCROLL BAR PAGE expression BUL SCROLL BAR POSITION expression  In HyperScript, scroll bar sliders are referred to as "scroll boxes." BUL SCROLL BOX FIXED SIZE BUL SCROLL BOX RELATIVE SIZE BUL ALL SCROLL BOXES FIXED SIZE BUL ALL SCROLL BOXES RELATIVE SIZE BUL USE DEFAULT SCROLL BOX SIZE  In HyperScript, scale controls are referred to as "slide bars." BUL ADD SLIDE BAR AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD SLIDE BAR RANGE range BUL SLIDE BAR RANGE expression TO expression BUL SLIDE BAR POSITION expression BUL SLIDE BAR MAJOR DIVISIONS expression BUL SLIDE BAR MINOR DIVISIONS expression BUL SLIDE BAR PRECISION expression  BUL ADD SYMBOL PICKER AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD SYMBOL PICKER RANGE range BUL SYMBOL PICKER expression BUL SYMBOL PICKER COLOR expression  BUL ADD TEXT string AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD TEXT string RANGE range BUL SHOW TEXT string BUL TEXT ROTATE ON BUL TEXT ROTATE OFF  BUL ADD FIELD AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL ADD FIELD RANGE range BUL ACTIVATE FIELD expression BUL SELECT FIELD LINE expression BUL SELECT FIELD TEXT FROM expression TO expression BUL FIELD SINGLE FONT BUL FIELD MULTIPLE FONTS BUL FIELD TOP MARGIN expression BUL FIELD BOTTOM MARGIN expression BUL FIELD LEFT MARGIN expression BUL FIELD RIGHT MARGIN expression BUL INDENT expression BUL LEFT INDENT expression BUL RIGHT INDENT expression BUL FIELD TABS EVERY expression BUL REMOVE ALL FIELD TABS BUL LINE SPACING SINGLE BUL LINE SPACING DOUBLE BUL LINE SPACING 1.5 BUL LINE SPACING SINGLE PLUS expression BUL LINE SPACING FIXED expression BUL FIELD JUSTIFICATION LEFT BUL FIELD JUSTIFICATION RIGHT BUL FIELD JUSTIFICATION CENTER BUL FIELD JUSTIFICATION FLUSH BUL FIELD WORD WRAP OFF BUL FIELD WORD WRAP ON BUL FIELD TEXT string BUL SHOW SCROLL BAR FIELD BUL HIDE SCROLL BAR FIELD BUL LOCK FIELD TEXT BUL UNLOCK FIELD TEXT BUL FIELD CHARACTER expression BUL FIELD NOT A NOTE BUL FIELD NOTE BUL FIND FIELD TEXT string1 OPTIONS string3 BUL REPLACE FIELD TEXT string1 WITH string2 OPTIONS string3 BUL REPLACE ALL FIELD TEXT string1 WITH string2 OPTIONS string3 BUL MAXIMUM FIELD LENGTH expression  BUL CTVALUE(control number, item number) BUL CTSTRING(control number, item number) Examples: CTVALUE(1,0) If control #1 is a radio button, CTVALUE returns the number of the selected item. CTSTRING(1,0) If control #1 is a radio button, CTSTRING returns the text of the selected item. CTVALUE(1,2) If control #1 is a radio button, CTVALUE returns "1" if the second item is selected; otherwise "0" is returned. CTSTRING(1,2) If control #1 is a radio button, CTSTRING returns the text of the second item if selected, otherwise a "" (null string) is returned.  BUL NEW MODAL DIALOG BOX AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL NEW MODELESS DIALOG BOX string AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL SELECT DIALOG BOX string(s) BUL SELECT DIALOG BOXES BUL DIALOG BOX LOCATION AT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL DIALOG FILL FG expression BUL DIALOG FILL BG expression BUL DIALOG PATTERN expression BUL USE DIALOG BOX BUL QUIT DIALOG BOX BUL NAME DIALOG BOX string BUL ENABLE QUIT DIALOG BOX BUL DISABLE QUIT DIALOG BOX BUL SELECT CONTROL number(s) BUL SELECT DIALOG CONTROLS BUL DIALOG DEFAULT PUSH BUTTON BUL DIALOG CANCEL PUSH BUTTON BUL REMOVE CONTROL BUL SHOW QUICK KEYS BUL HIDE QUICK KEYS BUL ENABLE QUICK KEYS BUL DISABLE QUICK KEYS  BUL VIEWPORT (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL SCALED WINDOW (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL SQUARE WINDOW (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL SCALED WINDOW 3D (X,Y,Z) (X,Y,Z) BUL SQUARE WINDOW 3D (X,Y,Z) (X,Y,Z)  BUL DRAW ARC (X,Y) (X,Y) start_angle FOR delta_angle BUL MOVE ARC (X,Y) (X,Y) start_angle FOR delta_angle BUL DRAW SEGMENT ARC (X,Y) (X,Y) start_angle FOR delta_angle BUL MOVE SEGMENT ARC (X,Y) (X,Y) start_angle FOR delta_angle  BUL SAVE CLIP BUL RESTORE CLIP BUL EXCLUDE CLIP RECTANGLE (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL INTERSECT CLIP RECTANGLE (X,Y) (X,Y)  BUL MOVE (X,Y) BUL DRAW (X,Y) BUL MOVE 3D (X,Y,Z) BUL DRAW 3D (X,Y,Z)  BUL DRAW ARROWHEAD (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL DRAW TEXT string BUL DRAW SYMBOL (X,Y) BUL PAINT BORDER (X,Y) (X,Y)  BUL FRAME PIE (X,Y) (X,Y) start_angle FOR delta_angle BUL FILL PIE (X,Y) (X,Y) start_angle FOR delta_angle BUL PAINT PIE (X,Y) (X,Y) start_angle FOR delta_angle  BUL OPEN POLYGON BUL CLOSE POLYGON BUL FRAME POLYGON BUL FILL POLYGON BUL PAINT POLYGON BUL KILL POLYGON  BUL FRAME RECTANGLE (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL FILL RECTANGLE (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL PAINT RECTANGLE (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL FRAME ROUND RECTANGLE (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL FILL ROUND RECTANGLE (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL PAINT ROUND RECTANGLE (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL FRAME OVAL (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL FILL OVAL (X,Y) (X,Y) BUL PAINT OVAL (X,Y) (X,Y)  BUL LOAD SPLINE (X,Y) BUL DRAW SPLINE (X,Y) BUL LOAD SPLINE 3D (X,Y,Z) BUL DRAW SPLINE 3D (X,Y,Z)  BUL NO AUTO MOVE BUL AUTO MOVE BUL DATE expression string BUL TIME expression string BUL DATE INPUT FORMAT MMDDYY BUL DATE INPUT FORMAT DDMMYY BUL DATE INPUT FORMAT YYMMDD BUL AFTER CURRENCY string BUL BEFORE CURRENCY string BUL ARGUMENT SEPARATOR string BUL DECIMAL SEPARATOR string BUL THOUSANDS SEPARATOR string  BUL START TIMER BUL WAIT UNTIL expression SECOND(S) BUL WAIT FOR expression SECOND(S)  BUL SOUND EFFECT sound BUL PLAY string1 TEMPO expression NOTES string2  BUL BREAK OFF BUL BREAK ON BUL RESET ERRORS BUL PUT TEXT string BUL PUT expression INTO range BUL MESSAGE string  BUL REPAINT OFF BUL REPAINT ON BUL REPAINT ALL WINDOWS BUL REPAINT WINDOW BUL REPAINT RANGE range BUL REPAINT OBJECTS BUL REPAINT OBJECT expression BUL REPAINT CONTROL BUL REPAINT DIALOG BUL REPAINT SELECTIONS OFF BUL REPAINT SELECTIONS ON BUL INVALIDATE ON BUL INVALIDATE OFF  Wingz gives you an error message when an error occurs on the worksheet. Error messages are listed by number. Refer to Appendix B in the Wingz HyperScript Manual for more information about these error messages. BUL 1 Missing '(' BUL 2 Missing ')' BUL 3 Bad number of arguments BUL 4 Bad syntax BUL 5 Error from other cell BUL 6 Lookup Failed BUL 7 Reference Error BUL 8 Insufficient data BUL 9 Division by zero BUL 10 Bad cell reference BUL 11 Too complex BUL 12 Argument is bad BUL 13 Missing Worksheet BUL 14 Missing range name BUL 18 Bad date BUL 19 Bad time BUL 20 Choose failed BUL 21 Not enough memory BUL 22 Out of string space BUL 23 Expected range BUL 24 No convergence BUL 25 Out of bounds BUL 26 User error BUL 27 Missing END IF BUL 28 ELSE without IF BUL 29 Missing END WHILE BUL 31 CONTINUE without WHILE BUL 37 Missing END FOR BUL 40 FUNCTION's cannot be nested BUL 41 Too many LOCALS BUL 42 Missing END FUNCTION BUL 43 RETURN without FUNCTION BUL 47 Unable to resolve labels BUL 48 Bad EXIT BUL 49 Bad ON BUL 50 Bad END BUL 51 Duplicate ON BUL 52 Missing END CASE BUL 53 Missing WHEN BUL 54 OTHERWISE without CASE BUL 55 WHEN without CASE BUL 56 Missing '=' BUL 57 FOR without TO BUL 58 Too many symbols BUL 59 Bad function name BUL 60 Missing script BUL 61 Unable to call function BUL 62 Missing selection BUL 63 Duplicate name BUL 64 Bad range BUL 65 Bad worksheet reference BUL 66 Missing control About Help The Help Window Help Topics Help Index Interactive Help Editing Worksheets Selecting Cells Selecting a Single Cell Selecting a Range of Cells Selecting a Row or Column Selecting Cells by Contents Selecting Objects Selecting All Worksheet Information Moving Around Worksheets Moving to a Cell Copying Worksheet Information Pasting Cell Values Pasting Cell Formats Paste Special Mathematics Filling Ranges Through Copying Filling Ranges Copying External Ranges Moving Worksheet Information Combining Cell Values Filling a Range Undo Editing Changes Removing Worksheet Information Removing Columns, Rows, or Ranges Recalculating Worksheet Data Manual Recalculation Automatic Recalculation Calculation Order Iterations Changing Worksheet Display Changing Column Width Changing Row Height Changing Column Headings Inserting Columns, Rows, or Ranges Changing Worksheet Scale Hiding Worksheet Information Displaying Titles When Scrolling Finding Information Finding Current Cell Finding All Active Cells Finding Last Cell Finding Related Cells Finding Blank Cells Finding References to Blanks Finding Formulas That Return Errors Finding All Unreferenced Cells Moving to a Named Range Using Wingz Worksheets Opening Worksheets Opening New Worksheets Opening Existing Worksheets Opening Imported Files Naming Worksheets Saving Worksheets Saving Imported Files Revert to Saved Worksheet Displaying Worksheet Information Printing Worksheets Previewing Worksheets Running Wingz on a Network Protecting Worksheets Automatically Saving Worksheets Closing Worksheets Quitting Wingz Entering Data Entering Data in a Range Entering Text Entering Numbers Entering Dates Entering Times Pasting Functions Entering Formulas Constants Operators Numeric Operators Text Operator Relational Operators Logical Operators Measurement Operators Precedence of Operators Formula Expressions Numeric Expressions Text Expressions Logical Expressions Range Expressions Error Expressions Variables Error Messages Functions Function Formats Function Arguments Cell References Function Types Business Functions Database Functions Date/Time Functions Logical Functions Numeric Functions Spreadsheet Functions Statistical Functions Text Functions HyperScript Functions Arrow Functions Border Functions Chart Functions Chart Functions (3D) Color Functions Environment Functions Error Functions Field Functions Fill Functions Line Functions Miscellaneous Functions Operator Functions Poly Functions Selection Functions Shadow Functions Text Functions Worksheet Functions Naming Ranges Column and Row Range Names Removing Range Names Changing Cell Entries Formatting Data and Objects Global Formatting Changing Fonts Changing Point Sizes Changing Font Styles Aligning Cell Entries Drawing Borders Around Cells Adding Color to Data Adding Color to Worksheets Adding Color to Headings Numeric Formatting Fixed General Scientific Currency Percent Dates Times Custom Formats Numeric Attributes Hide Zero Commas Negative Numbers in Parentheses Hide Cell Contents Precision Adding Color to Negative Numbers Formatting Objects Filling Objects Filling With Color Filling With Patterns Changing Object Lines Changing Line Color Changing Line Width Changing a Line Pattern Adding Arrows to Lines and Polylines Adding Color to Charts Adding Color to 3D Charts Changing Object Borders Preparing a Report Specifying Report Print Ranges Setting Page Breaks Removing Page Breaks Creating Headers and Footers Aligning Headers Aligning Footers Removing Headers and Footers Manipulating Windows Activating a Window Multiple Views of a Worksheet Arranging Multiple Windows Resizing and Moving Windows Displaying the Clipboard Window Charts Major Elements of a Chart Creating a Chart Changing Chart Types Using 3D Charts Changing the 3D Viewing Angle Manipulating Charts Parsing Chart Data Changing Chart Ranges Using Chart Titles Adding a Title to a Chart Positioning Chart Titles Positioning Chart Legends Using Chart Footnotes Adding a Footnote to a Chart Positioning Footnotes Modifying Chart Axes Changing Chart Axes Scales Adding an Auxiliary Axis Displaying and Hiding Axes Adding Axes Titles Defining Chart Series Adding a Copy of a Series Removing Chart Series Using Symbols as Series Hiding Chart Series Changing Series Label Ranges Labeling Series Showing All Data Series Stacking the Chart Series Smoothing the Display of Chart Data Exploding Pie Chart Series Creating Combination Charts Arranging Chart Elements Manually Accessing Chart Information Creating Text Fields Creating a Text Field Entering Text Into a Text Field Editing Field Text Entering a Formula in a Text Field Customizing a Text Field Adding a Scroll Bar Line Spacing Locking Text Fields Margins Naming Text Fields Paragraph Indention Tabs Titling Text Fields Using Cell Notes Word Wrap Resizing Text Fields Formatting Text Fields Creating Buttons Name a Button Creating Graphic Objects Drawing Graphic Objects Manipulating Objects Resizing and Shaping Objects Importing Pictures Naming Objects Moving Objects Arranging Objects Locking and Unlocking Objects Formatting Objects Combining Worksheet Data Linking Worksheets Sorting Worksheet Information Defining and Using Databases Defining a Database Range Defining Database Criteria Finding Database Information Extracting Database Information Deleting Database Information Calculating a Frequency Distribution Using Data Tables One-Variable Table Two-Variable Table Working With Matrix Mathematics Inverting a Matrix Transposing a Matrix Multiplying Matrices Finding Matrix Determinants Solving Simultaneous Equations Performing a Regression Analysis Using Scripts Automatically Creating Scripts Manually Creating Scripts Printing Scripts Saving Scripts Opening Existing Scripts Compiling Scripts Attaching Scripts Loading Scripts Into Memory Removing Scripts From Memory Running Scripts The HyperScript Language Environment Command Arguments Direct Command Entry Control Structures Decision Making Looping Monitoring Events Event Handling User Defined Functions HyperScript Commands By Menu File Menu Commands Edit Menu Commands Go Menu Commands Select Ranges and Objects Select Other Information Format Menu Commands Sheet Menu Commands Graph Menu Commands Chart Titles Footnotes and Legends Chart Axis Commands Chart Series Commands Combination Chart Commands Add/Remove Series Commands Pie Chart Commands 3D Chart Commands General Chart Commands General Object Commands Window Menu Commands Show/Hide Commands Customizing With HyperScript Menu Commands Control Commands Check Box Commands Color Picker Commands Custom Button Commands Line Picker Commands List Box Commands Number Wheel Commands Pattern Picker Commands Popup Menu Commands Push Button Commands Radio Button Commands Scroll Bar Commands Scroll Box Size Commands Slide Bar Commands Symbol Picker Commands Text Control Commands Text Field Commands Using Control Values Dialog Box Commands DRAW Commands Arcs Clipping Commands Lines Other DRAW Commands Pie Slices Polygons Rectangles and Ovals Splines Environment Commands Timer Commands Sound Commands Miscellaneous Commands Repaint Commands Error Messages