/*--------------------------------*-C-*---------------------------------* * File: * fftn.h * * Singleton's multivariate complex Fourier transform, computed in * place using mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. * * Called here `fftn' since it does a radix-n FFT on n-dimensional data * * Copyright(c)1995,97 Mark Olesen * Queen's Univ at Kingston (Canada) * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for * any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this * entire notice is included in all copies of any software which is * or includes a copy or modification of this software and in all * copies of the supporting documentation for such software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR QUEEN'S * UNIVERSITY AT KINGSTON MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS * FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * All of which is to say that you can do what you like with this * source code provided you don't try to sell it as your own and you * include an unaltered copy of this message (including the * copyright). * * It is also implicitly understood that bug fixes and improvements * should make their way back to the general Internet community so * that everyone benefits. * * Brief overview of parameters: * ---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Re[]: real value array * Im[]: imaginary value array * nTotal: total number of complex values * nPass: number of elements involved in this pass of transform * nSpan: nspan/nPass = number of bytes to increment pointer * in Re[] and Im[] * isign: exponent: +1 = forward -1 = reverse * scaling: normalizing constant by which the final result is DIVIDED * scaling == -1, normalize by total dimension of the transform * scaling < -1, normalize by the square-root of the total dimension * * * Slightly more detailed information: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------* * void fft_free (void); * * free-up allocated temporary storage after finished all the Fourier * transforms. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * int fftn (int ndim, const int dims[], REAL Re[], REAL Im[], * int iSign, double scaling); * * NDIM = the total number dimensions * DIMS = a vector of array sizes * if NDIM is zero then DIMS must be zero-terminated * * RE and IM hold the real and imaginary components of the data, and * return the resulting real and imaginary Fourier coefficients. * Multidimensional data *must* be allocated contiguously. There is * no limit on the number of dimensions. * * ISIGN = the sign of the complex exponential * (ie, forward or inverse FFT) * the magnitude of ISIGN (normally 1) is used to determine * the correct indexing increment (see below). * * SCALING = normalizing constant by which the final result is DIVIDED * if SCALING == -1, normalize by total dimension of the transform * if SCALING < -1, normalize by the square-root of the total dimension * * example: * tri-variate transform with Re[n3][n2][n1], Im[n3][n2][n1] * * int dims[3] = {n1,n2,n3} * fftn (3, dims, Re, Im, 1, scaling); * * or, using a null terminated dimension list * int dims[4] = {n1,n2,n3,0} * fftn (0, dims, Re, Im, 1, scaling); * ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _FFTN_H #define _FFTN_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern void fft_free (void); /* double precision routine */ extern int fftn (int /* ndim */, const int /* dims */[], double /* Re */[], double /* Im */[], int /* isign */, double /* scaling */); /* float precision routine */ extern int fftnf (int /* ndim */, const int /* dims */[], float /* Re */[], float /* Im */[], int /* isign */, double /* scaling */); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _FFTN_H */ /*----------------------- end-of-file (C header) -----------------------*/