# The Morris-Lecar model as in our chapter in Koch & Segev # A simple membrane oscillator. # params iapp=0.0,phi=.333 param v1=-.01,v2=0.15,v3=0.1,v4=0.145,gca=1.33 params vk=-.7,vl=-.5,gk=2.0,gl=.5,om=1 minf(v)=.5*(1+tanh((v-v1)/v2)) ninf(v)=.5*(1+tanh((v-v3)/v4)) lamn(v)= phi*cosh((v-v3)/(2*v4)) ica=gca*minf(v)*(v-1) v'= (iapp+gl*(vl-v)+gk*w*(vk-v)-ica)*om w'= (lamn(v)*(ninf(v)-w))*om # aux I_ca=ica b v-v' b w-w' @ TOTAL=30,DT=.05,xlo=-.6,xhi=1.2,ylo=-.25,yhi=1.2 @ xplot=v,yplot=w @ dsmin=1e-5,dsmax=.1,parmin=-.5,parmax=.5,autoxmin=-.5,autoxmax=.5 @ colormap=5 @ autoymax=.4,autoymin=-.5 set vvst {xplot=t,yplot=v,xlo=0,xhi=100,ylo=-.6,yhi=.5,total=100 \ dt=.5,meth=qualrk,iapp=.1} " Channnels for the ML Eqns " The ML eqns have three channels Calcium, potassium and leak. " To set parameters click on the asterisks " {total=100,iapp=.1} We first set the integration time to 100 and increase the current " Integrate the equations and see the nice limit cycle. Draw the nullclines. " {gk=0} Now we block potassium. Integrate again and look at what happens " Draw the nullclines. Where is the V nullcline? " {gk=0,gca=0} Now we block both currents and integrate " {gk=2,gca=0} Now calcium is blocked. Explore this " {gk=2,gca=1.33} Back to normal. Both currents are required for oscillations! " {gl=0} What happens with no leak??? done