## Set file for lin.ode on Sat Mar 9 15:52:45 2002 2 Number of equations and auxiliaries 4 Number of parameters # Numerical stuff 1 nout 40 nullcline mesh 8 Qual RK 20 total 0.05 DeltaT 0 T0 0 Transient 100 Bound 1e-12 DtMin 1 DtMax 1e-06 Tolerance 1e-06 Abs. Tolerance 0 Max Delay 100 Eigenvector iterates 0.001 Eigenvector tolerance 0.001 Newton tolerance 0 Poincare plane 1e-05 Boundary value tolerance 1e-05 Boundary value epsilon 20 Boundary value iterates 0 Poincare None 1 Poincare variable 1 Poincare sign 0 Stop on Section 0 Delay flag 20 Current time 20 Last Time 1 MyStart 1 INFLAG # Delays 0.0 0.0 # Bndry conds 0 0 # Old ICs 0.05127612038651552 X 0.102241354850477 Y # Ending ICs 0.2296211585712104 X 0.490253352374793 Y # Parameters 1 a 2 b -2 c -1 d # Graphics 0.7071097251469876 rm -0.4999999999826661 rm 0.4999958366025516 rm 0.7071038372138505 rm 0.5000041633974484 rm -0.4999999999826661 rm 0 rm 0.7071038372138505 rm 0.7071097251469876 rm 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 -1000 1000 0 0 3DFlag 0 Timeflag 0 Colorflag 0 Type 1 color scale 0 minscale 1 xmax -1 xmin 1 ymax -1 ymin 12 zmax -12 zmin 0 1 0 1 0 0.08333333333333333 45 Theta 45 Phi 0 xshft 0 yshft 0 zshft -1 xlo -1 ylo 0 -1 1 xhi 1 yhi 20 1 # Transpose variables etc X 2 n columns 1 n rows 1 row skip 1 col skip 1 row 0 # Coupling stuff for H funs 0 0 # Array plot stuff 1 NCols 0 Row 1 50 NRows 8 RowSkip 0 Zmin 1 Zmax # Torus information 0 Torus flag 1=ON 6.283185307179586 Torus period # Range information a -1 eq-range stab col 0 shoot flag 1=on 10 eq-range steps 0 eq_range low 1 eq_range high X X 20 Range steps 0 Cycle color 1=on 1 Reset data 1=on 1 Use old I.C.s 1=yes 0 Par1 low 0 Par2 low 1 Par1 high 1 Par2 high a 0 BVP side 0 color cycle flag 1=on 10 BVP range steps 0 BVP range low 1 BVP range high RHS etc ... dX/dT=A*X+B*Y dY/dT=F(C*X+D*Y) User-defined functions: F(Z) = Z/(1+Z^2)