# Comment out the following line to produce Makefiles that generate debuggable code: NODEBUG=1 # The following definition ensures that we are properly matching # the WinSock2 library file with the correct header files. # (will link with "ws2_32.lib" and include "winsock2.h" & "Ws2tcpip.h") TARGETOS = WINNT # If for some reason you wish to use WinSock1 instead, uncomment the # following two definitions. # (will link with "wsock32.lib" and include "winsock.h") #TARGETOS = WIN95 #APPVER = 4.0 !include UI_OPTS = $(guilflags) $(guilibsdll) # Use the following to get a console (e.g., for debugging): CONSOLE_UI_OPTS = $(conlflags) $(conlibsdll) CPU=i386 TOOLS32 = c:\Program Files\DevStudio\Vc COMPILE_OPTS = $(INCLUDES) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) -I. -I"$(TOOLS32)\include" C = c C_COMPILER = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\cl" C_FLAGS = $(COMPILE_OPTS) CPP = cpp CPLUSPLUS_COMPILER = $(C_COMPILER) CPLUSPLUS_FLAGS = $(COMPILE_OPTS) OBJ = obj LINK = $(link) -out: LIBRARY_LINK = lib -out: LINK_OPTS_0 = $(linkdebug) msvcirt.lib LIBRARY_LINK_OPTS = LINK_OPTS = $(LINK_OPTS_0) $(UI_OPTS) CONSOLE_LINK_OPTS = $(LINK_OPTS_0) $(CONSOLE_UI_OPTS) SERVICE_LINK_OPTS = kernel32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib -subsystem:console,$(APPVER) LIB_SUFFIX = lib LIBS_FOR_CONSOLE_APPLICATION = LIBS_FOR_GUI_APPLICATION = MULTIMEDIA_LIBS = winmm.lib EXE = .exe PLATFORM = Windows rc32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\rc" .rc.res: $(rc32) $<