 *  $Id: config.h 1742 2007-03-05 10:08:50Z miconda $
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 FhG Fokus
 * This file is part of openser, a free SIP server.
 * openser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version
 * openser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * History:
 * --------
 * 2003-04-05  DEFAULT_*_URL introduced (jiri)
 * 2003-07-04  fixed SRV lookup prefix for TLS/sips (andrei)
 * 2007-02-16  Added an OPENSER_OID define to localize OpenSER's IANA assigned
 *             OID under the enterprise branch (jmagder)

#ifndef config_h
#define config_h

#include "types.h"

/* default sip port if none specified */
#define SIP_PORT  5060
#define SIPS_PORT 5061

#define CFG_FILE CFG_DIR "openser.cfg"

#define TLS_PKEY_FILE CFG_DIR "tls/cert.pem" 
#define TLS_CERT_FILE CFG_DIR "tls/cert.pem"
#define TLS_CA_FILE 0 /* no CA list file by default */

/* maximum number of addresses on which we will listen */
#define MAX_LISTEN 16

/* default number of child processes started */
#define CHILD_NO    8

#define RT_NO 40 /* routing tables number */
#define FAILURE_RT_NO RT_NO /* on_failure routing tables number */
#define ONREPLY_RT_NO RT_NO /* on_reply routing tables number */
#define BRANCH_RT_NO  RT_NO /* T-branch routing tables number */
#define DEFAULT_RT 0 /* default routing table */

#define MAX_REC_LEV 100 /* maximum number of recursive calls */
#define ROUTE_MAX_REC_LEV 100 /* maximum number of recursive calls
							   for route()*/

#define MAX_URI_SIZE 1024	/* used when rewriting URIs */

#define MAX_PATH_SIZE 255	/* maximum length of Path header */

#define MY_VIA "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP "
#define MY_VIA_LEN (sizeof(MY_VIA) - 1)

#define CONTENT_LENGTH "Content-Length: "

#define USER_AGENT "User-Agent: OpenSER (" VERSION " (" ARCH "/" OS"))"
#define USER_AGENT_LEN (sizeof(USER_AGENT)-1)

#define SERVER_HDR "Server: OpenSER (" VERSION " (" ARCH "/" OS"))"
#define SERVER_HDR_LEN (sizeof(SERVER_HDR)-1)

#define MAX_WARNING_LEN  256

#define MY_BRANCH ";branch="
#define MY_BRANCH_LEN (sizeof(MY_BRANCH) - 1)

#define MAX_PORT_LEN 7 /* ':' + max 5 letters + \0 */
#define CRLF "\r\n"
#define CRLF_LEN (sizeof(CRLF) - 1)

#define RECEIVED        ";received="
#define RECEIVED_LEN (sizeof(RECEIVED) - 1)

#define TRANSPORT_PARAM ";transport="

#define TOTAG_TOKEN ";tag="
#define TOTAG_TOKEN_LEN (sizeof(TOTAG_TOKEN)-1)

#define RPORT ";rport="
#define RPORT_LEN (sizeof(RPORT) - 1)

#define ID_PARAM ";i="
#define ID_PARAM_LEN (sizeof(ID_PARAM) - 1)

#define SRV_UDP_PREFIX "_sip._udp."
#define SRV_UDP_PREFIX_LEN (sizeof(SRV_UDP_PREFIX) - 1)

#define SRV_TCP_PREFIX "_sip._tcp."
#define SRV_TCP_PREFIX_LEN (sizeof(SRV_TCP_PREFIX) - 1)

#define SRV_TLS_PREFIX "_sips._tcp."
#define SRV_TLS_PREFIX_LEN (sizeof(SRV_TLS_PREFIX) - 1)


/*used only if PKG_MALLOC is defined*/
#define PKG_MEM_POOL_SIZE 1024*1024

/*used if SH_MEM is defined*/
#define SHM_MEM_SIZE 32

#define TIMER_TICK   1  /* one second */
#define UTIMER_TICK  100*1000 /* 100 miliseconds*/

/* dimensioning buckets in q_malloc */
/* size of the size2bucket table; everything beyond that asks for
   a variable-size kilo-bucket
#define MAX_FIXED_BLOCK   3072
/* distance of kilo-buckets */
#define BLOCK_STEP        512
/* maximum number of possible buckets */
#define MAX_BUCKET        15

/* receive buffer size -- preferably set low to
   avoid terror of excessively huge messages; they are
   useless anyway
#define BUF_SIZE 65535

/* forwarding  -- Via buffer dimensioning */
#define MAX_VIA_LINE_SIZE	240
#define MAX_RPORT_SIZE		13

/* maximum number of branches per transaction */
#define MAX_BRANCHES    12

/* maximum length of Contact header field in redirection replies */

/* magic cookie for transaction matching as defined in RFC3261 */
#define MCOOKIE "z9hG4bK"
#define MCOOKIE_LEN (sizeof(MCOOKIE)-1)
/* Maximum length of values appended to Via-branch parameter */
#define MAX_BRANCH_PARAM_LEN  (MCOOKIE_LEN+8 /*int2hex*/ + 1 /*sep*/ + \
								MD5_LEN + 1 /*sep*/ + 8 /*int2hex*/ + \
								1 /*extra space, needed by t_calc_branch*/)

/* maximum path length */
#define PATH_MAX_GUESS	1024

#define DEFAULT_DB_URL "mysql://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser"
#define DEFAULT_DB_URL_LEN (sizeof(DEFAULT_DB_URL) - 1)

#define DEFAULT_RODB_URL "mysql://openserro:openserro@localhost/openser"

/* table holding versions of other openser tables */
#define VERSION_TABLE     "version"
#define VERSION_COLUMN    "table_version"
#define TABLENAME_COLUMN  "table_name"

/* minimum packet size; smaller packets will be dropped silently */
#define MIN_UDP_PACKET        32

#define OPENSER_OID   1,3,6,1,4,1,27483


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