First of all connect as usual. (Some servers require authentication to get the RootDSE entry) $config = array( 'host' => 'localhost' ); $ldap = Net_LDAP::connect( $config ); if( Net_LDAP::isError( $ldap ) ) die( $ldap->getMessage() ); Now we can get the entry: $dse = $ldap->rootDSE(); if( Net_LDAP::isError( $dse ) die( $dse->getMessage() ); You can give an array of attributes to fetch as an parameter ro rootDSE(). If none are given these ones are fetched: namingContexts altServer supportedExtension supportedControl supportedSASLMechanisms supportedLDAPVersion subschemaSubentry Then you can work with the object: $basedn = $dse->getValue( 'namingContexts' ); if( $dse->supportedVersion( 3 ) == 3 ) { do_something_only_ldap_v3_can_do(); } Public functions: getValue( string ) get the value of this attribute. same syntax as Net_LDAP_Entry::get_value() supportedControl( oid ) supportedExtension( oid ) check if the given control/extension is supported by the server supportedSASLMechanism( mechanism ) check if the given sasl mechanism is supported by the server supportedVersion( version ) check if the given ldap version is supported by the serve These are alias functions of the above, to make the api perl-ldap compatible. get_value() supported_control() supported_extension() supported_sasl_mechanism() supported_version()