setup.py - Setup package with the help Python's DistUtils
See http://python-ldap.sourceforge.net for details.
$Id: setup.py,v 1.61 2007/07/16 10:40:29 stroeder Exp $
has_setuptools = False
from setuptools import setup, Extension
has_setuptools = True
except ImportError:
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import sys,os,string,time
# Weird Hack to grab release version of python-ldap from local dir
exec_startdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
package_init_file_name = reduce(os.path.join,[exec_startdir,'Lib','ldap','__init__.py'])
f = open(package_init_file_name,'r')
s = f.readline()
while s:
s = string.strip(f.readline())
if s[0:11]=='__version__':
version = eval(string.split(s,'=')[1])
s = f.readline()
#-- A class describing the features and requirements of OpenLDAP 2.0
class OpenLDAP2:
library_dirs = []
include_dirs = []
extra_compile_args = []
extra_link_args = []
extra_objects = []
libs = ['ldap', 'lber']
defines = [ ]
extra_files = []
#-- Read the [_ldap] section of setup.cfg
cfg = ConfigParser()
if cfg.has_section('_ldap'):
for name in dir(LDAP_CLASS):
if cfg.has_option('_ldap', name):
print name + ': ' + cfg.get('_ldap', name)
setattr(LDAP_CLASS, name, string.split(cfg.get('_ldap', name)))
for i in range(len(LDAP_CLASS.defines)):
for i in range(len(LDAP_CLASS.extra_files)):
destdir, origfiles = string.split(LDAP_CLASS.extra_files[i], ':')
origfileslist = string.split(origfiles, ',')
LDAP_CLASS.extra_files[i]=(destdir, origfileslist)
#-- Let distutils/setuptools do the rest
name = 'python-ldap'
# Python 2.3.6+ and setuptools are needed to build eggs, so
# let's handle setuptools' additional keyword arguments to
# setup() in a fashion that doesn't break compatibility to
# distutils. This still allows 'normal' builds where either
# Python > 2.3.5 or setuptools (or both ;o) are not available.
kwargs = dict()
if has_setuptools:
kwargs = dict(
include_package_data = True,
install_requires = ['setuptools'],
zip_safe = False)
#-- Package description
name = name,
version = version,
description = 'Various LDAP-related Python modules',
author = 'David Leonard, Michael Stroeder, et al.',
author_email = 'python-ldap-dev@lists.sourceforge.net',
url = 'http://python-ldap.sourceforge.net/',
#-- C extension modules
ext_modules = [
libraries = LDAP_CLASS.libs,
include_dirs = ['Modules'] + LDAP_CLASS.include_dirs,
library_dirs = LDAP_CLASS.library_dirs,
extra_compile_args = LDAP_CLASS.extra_compile_args,
extra_link_args = LDAP_CLASS.extra_link_args,
extra_objects = LDAP_CLASS.extra_objects,
runtime_library_dirs = (not sys.platform.startswith("win"))*LDAP_CLASS.library_dirs,
define_macros = LDAP_CLASS.defines + \
('ldap_r' in LDAP_CLASS.libs or 'oldap_r' in LDAP_CLASS.libs)*[('HAVE_LIBLDAP_R',None)] + \
('sasl' in LDAP_CLASS.libs or 'sasl2' in LDAP_CLASS.libs or 'libsasl' in LDAP_CLASS.libs)*[('HAVE_SASL',None)] + \
('ssl' in LDAP_CLASS.libs and 'crypto' in LDAP_CLASS.libs)*[('HAVE_TLS',None)] + \
#-- Python "stand alone" modules
py_modules = [
package_dir = {'': 'Lib',},
data_files = LDAP_CLASS.extra_files,
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