2003-05-30 Friday 08:44 sfpavel * VERSION, src/hptsqfix.c (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.[1,5]): hptsqfix 1.2.4 release 2003-05-30 Friday 08:25 sfpavel * debian/: changelog, control, rules (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.[4,2,2]): New debian release 2003-05-27 Tuesday 09:39 d_sergienko * make/makefile.bsd (1.1): file makefile.bsd was initially added on branch hptsqfix-1_2-stable. 2003-05-27 Tuesday 09:39 d_sergienko * make/makefile.bsd (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.1): added makefile for BSD 2003-02-26 Wednesday 06:15 stas_degteff * VERSION (1.2): hptsqfix don't require fidoconfig 2003-02-11 Tuesday 09:49 sfpavel * VERSION (1.1): Add HISTORY and VERSION 2003-01-05 Sunday 09:26 sfpavel * debian/changelog (tags: hptsqfix-1_2_2-release) (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.3): Update debian version 2002-12-30 Monday 10:31 stas_degteff * src/hptsqfix.c (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.4): Change version to hptsqfix 1.2.2-stable 2002-12-30 Monday 10:29 stas_degteff * src/hptsqfix.c (tags: hptsqfix-1_2_2-release) (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.3): hptsqfix 1.2.2 released 2002-12-30 Monday 10:20 stas_degteff * make/makefile.cyg (tags: hptsqfix-1_2_2-release) (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.1): Fix cygwin/mingw makefile 2002-11-06 Wednesday 08:28 sfpavel * debian/changelog, src/hptsqfix.c (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.[2,2]) (utags: hptsqfix-1_2-release): New debian package 2002-10-04 Friday 18:17 sfpavel * debian/changelog, debian/control (tags: hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release), debian/rules (tags: hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release), src/hptsqfix.c (hptsqfix-1_2-stable.[1,1,1,1]): Create hptsqfix-1_2-stable branch 2002-10-04 Friday 13:26 sfpavel * Makefile (1.5, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release), debian/changelog (1.2), debian/rules (1.2), src/hptsqfix.c (1.8): New debian package 2002-10-04 Friday 06:10 sfpavel * make/: makefile.djg (1.1), makefile.emx (1.1) (utags: hptsqfix-1_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release): Add makefiles for DJGPP and OS2/EMX 2002-09-24 Tuesday 03:50 nssoft * Makefile (1.4): Added default target. Rename 'man' target to 'hptsqfix.1.gz' target. 2002-09-20 Friday 11:27 sfpavel * src/hptsqfix.c (1.7): Fix compiler warnings 2002-09-20 Friday 11:21 sfpavel * Makefile (1.3), debian/changelog (1.1), debian/control (1.1), debian/copyright (1.1, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release), debian/dirs (1.1, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release), debian/docs (1.1, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release), debian/huskymak.cfg (1.1, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release), debian/rules (1.1): Add debian files 2002-09-20 Friday 10:28 sfpavel * Makefile (1.2): Support debian build and install/uninstall man page with Makefile 2002-09-20 Friday 10:15 sfpavel * man/hptsqfix.1 (1.1, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release): Write man page 2002-09-20 Friday 07:01 sfpavel * make/: makefile.cyg (1.2), makefile.lnx (1.2, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release), makefile.mgw (1.2, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release), makefile.mvc (1.2, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release), makefile.mvcdll (1.2, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release), makefile.sun (1.2, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release), makefile.wco (1.2, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release), makefile.wcw (1.2, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release) (utags: hptsqfix-1_2-release): Build at make/ directory 2002-09-20 Friday 05:52 sfpavel * COPYING (1.1, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release), make/makefile.cyg (1.1), make/makefile.lnx (1.1), make/makefile.mgw (1.1), make/makefile.mvc (1.1), make/makefile.mvcdll (1.1), make/makefile.sun (1.1), make/makefile.wco (1.1), make/makefile.wcw (1.1): Change directory structure, add COPYING and cvsdate.h 2002-08-18 Sunday 16:36 d_sergienko * Makefile (1.1): added Makefile (thanx to Viatcheslav Odintsov) 2002-08-18 Sunday 16:35 d_sergienko * .cvs2cl (1.1, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release): make ChangeLog to be autogenerated 2002-07-16 Tuesday 11:08 mche * src/hptsqfix.c (1.6): sorting msgbase by msg written date bugfixing 2002-07-16 Tuesday 10:21 mche * src/hptsqfix.c (1.5): sorting msgbase by msg written date 2002-07-15 Monday 16:06 mche * src/hptsqfix.c (1.4): fix emty messages 2002-07-15 Monday 12:38 mche * h/squish.h (1.2, hptsqfix-1_2_2-release, hptsqfix-1_2-release): corrected prototypes of functions 2001-08-18 Saturday 04:07 ml * src/hptsqfix.c (1.3): restore deleted messages (-u switch) [patch by Serguei Revtov] 2000-12-02 Saturday 16:03 ml * src/hptsqfix.c (1.1), h/squish.h (1.1): Initial revision