/* * SMAPI; Modified Squish MSGAPI * * Squish MSGAPI0 is copyright 1991 by Scott J. Dudley. All rights reserved. * Modifications released to the public domain. * * Use of this file is subject to the restrictions contain in the Squish * MSGAPI0 licence agreement. Please refer to licence.txt for complete * details of the licencing restrictions. If you do not find the text * of this agreement in licence.txt, or if you do not have this file, * you should contact Scott Dudley at FidoNet node 1:249/106 or Internet * e-mail Scott.Dudley@f106.n249.z1.fidonet.org. * * In no event should you proceed to use any of the source files in this * archive without having accepted the terms of the MSGAPI0 licensing * agreement, or such other agreement as you are able to reach with the * author. */ #ifndef __API_SDM_H__ #define __API_SFM_H__ struct _msgh { MSG *sq; dword id; /* Must always equal MSGH_ID */ dword bytes_written; dword cur_pos; /* For *.MSG only! */ sdword clen; byte *ctrl; sdword msg_len; sdword msgtxt_start; word zplen; int fd; }; /* * This following junk is unique to *.MSG! * NO APPLICATIONS SHOULD USE THESE! */ struct _sdmdata { byte base[80]; unsigned *msgnum; /* has to be of type 'int' for qksort() fn */ word msgnum_len; dword hwm; word hwm_chgd; word msgs_open; }; int EXPENTRY WriteZPInfo(XMSG * msg, void (_stdc * wfunc)(byte * str), byte * kludges); int read_omsg(int, struct _omsg *); int write_omsg(int, struct _omsg *); #endif