This is very much preliminary. 1. Edit the Makefile, set SPOOLDIR and LIBDIR to the appropriate directories. 2. Create a "news" user if you don't have one. 3. make installall 4. Edit /usr/local/lib/leafnode/config so the server points to your upstream news server (generally, your IP provider's). Make sure $NNTPSERVER or /etc/nntpserver points to your own host so clients will talk to leafnode rather than try to go to the upstream server. 5. Set up a cron job (as user "news") to run texpire every night or maybe every week. Here is my crontab line, which runs nightly: 0 4 * * * /usr/local/sbin/texpire I did "crontab -u news -e" as root to edit the crontab file, and added this line. Substituting "1" for the third "*", thus: 0 4 * * 1 /usr/local/sbin/texpire tells cron to run texpire at 4am Monday morning. 6. Make sure fetchnews is run at the appropriate time. If you have a full-time link, run it out of cron (as "news" again), if not, run it when your connection to the net is established. If it is run as root, it will change user to "news". 7. Edit /etc/inetd.conf so /usr/local/sbin/leafnode is executed for incoming NNTP connections. HUP inetd. Here is my inetd.conf line: nntp stream tcp nowait news /usr/local/sbin/leafnode This starts leafnode for all connections on the nntp port. 8. Run fetchnews, then read news using an NNTP client (with $NNTPSERVER or /etc/nntpserver pointing to your own host), then run fetchnews again. The second run of fetchnews should pick up all the groups you read. Arnt Gulbrandsen Modified by Kazushi (Jam) Marukawa