=== Developers === David Nečas (Yeti) Infrastructure, main app, module and plug-in system, data windows, file import, utilities, packaging, artwork, developer docs, web site, translation coordination. Petr Klapetek SPM expertise, 1D and 2D data processing, graphs, most of nontrivial tools and data filters, user guide. Christopher Anderson 2D FFT filtering, MI file import, GwyCurve, Gradient editor, user interface improvements, docs, miscellaneous. Martin Šiler OpenGL 3D data display, Levenberg-Marquardt minimization. Jindřich Bílek Fractal algorithms. Nenad Ocelic Ruby dump module and plug-ins, Distance tool. Rok Zitko Createc and stmprg import modules, Kuwahara filter. Lukáš Chvátal Nanoindentation modules (the original ones, no longer present). Sven Neumann JPK file import, miscellaneous improvements. Jan Hořák SPML import module, Python interface, Win32 remote control. Александр Ковалев Nanotop import module. Owain Davies Single point spectra, Win32 maintenance. Rolf Würdemann OS X porting, Shader mixer. Dirk Kähler Scale improvements. Miroslav Valtr Win32 nightly builds, miscellaneous. Martin Hasoň ISO roughness tool. === Translators === Livia Della Seta Italian. Philipp Leufke German. François Riguet French. === Copies === Gtk+ and GLib by Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball, Josh MacDonald, and the GTK+ and GLib Teams, see the AUTHORS file in Gtk+ and GLib for a complete list. GwyColorButton was originally taken (backported) from Gtk+2.4 GtkColorButton. GwyRuler, GwyHRuler, GwyVRuler originated as GtkRuler, GtkHRuler, and GtkVRuler forks. GtkStatusbar resize grip implementation was used as Gwy3DWindow resize grip code base. GwyCurve code was based on GtkCurve from Gtk+2.4. The GIMP by Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis and other people, see the AUTHORS file in The GIMP for complete list. The splashscreen code was mostly copied from The GIMP. The X11 remote control code too. MD5 code in gwymd5 was copied from The GIMP, which seems to use a public domain implementation by Colin Plumb. See gwymd5.c for details. John Villarrubia, National Institute of Standards and Technology Tip algorithms in libprocess/morhp_lib.c, see this file for more. The Wine project VT_DATE to normal unix date conversion in APE file module was copied from Wine (with minor formal modifications). The GNU C library gwy_math_sort() is a direct specialization of glibc's quicksort(), written by Douglas C. Schmidt, for doubles, see libgwyddion/gwymath.c for more. Percy Zahl, Andreas Klust, and other GXSM authors, see file AUTHORS in GXSM source tarball. RHK SPM32 plug-in helped us in writing our rhk-spm32 import module, although we wrote it from scratch. Mindaugas Rackaitis, Penn State University ReadSTP Matlab method helped us in writing our stpfile import module, although we wrote it from scratch. Markus Pristovsek Several file import modules were written or improved using the source code of Snomputz, particularly: HDF4/PSI, ECS, Hitachi AFM, Omicron, Nanoscope, Seiko. See the respective modules for more information. Hans-Peter Doerr The Burleigh file module was written using the source code of the readimg library. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois The list of HDF tags in the hdf4file module was taken from libHDF4 header files (the rest is a clean-room implementation).