raidutil  -c device OS relative
                 -d device hardware relative
                 [ -a action (task) control ]
                 [ -e View event log ]
                 [ -f Force state ]
                 [ -g drive group ]
                 [ -h create hot spare ]
                 [ -l RAID level ]
                 [ -r background task rate ]
                 [ -s logical drive capacity ]
                 [ -w write caching ]
                 [ -z stripe size ]
                 [ -A alarm status and control ]
                 [ -C load/save configuration ]
                 [ -D delete logical drive ]
                 [ -H delete hot spare ]
                 [ -F update controller firmware ]
                 [ -I display inquiry information ]
                 [ -L display list of devices ]
                 [ -P paginate output ]
                 [ -X reset NVRAM configuration ]
                 [ -Z clear all array information from devices ]
                 [ -q suppress message output during execution ]
                 [ -? display usage information ]


       Use  raidutil  to  perform  initial  configuration of a disk array when
       installing the disk array on a system. The parameters -g,  -l,  -n,  -s
       and  -z  are used together for logical drive creation. These parameters
       MUST precede the -g parameter. See the following explanations. You  can
       also  use  it to change the array configuration if required and perform
       other controller and array maintenance functions. It allows you to cre-
       ate  and  delete logical drives and hot spare drives, or display device
       information from a command line or script.

       raidutil can also update the firmware on  the  adapter  card.  It  will
       automatically  recognize  whether  the supplied image is new controller
       firmware, BIOS, SMOR or NVRAM default image and place the image in  the
       appropriate flash memory location.

       This  utility  performs operations as soon as it has enough information
       from the command line to do so. It will not parse  the  entire  command
       line  before  performing an operation. It performs operations in series
       as long as there are actions on the command line for it to  carry  out,
       up to the first failure it encounters. If raidutil does not have all of
       the necessary information when it decides to perform an action, it will
       return  an error. Furthermore, it is possible for raidutil to partially
       succeed. That is, it was able to perform the first  <n>  actions,  then
       encountered  something it could not do. In this case, it will exit with
       an appropriate error message. Each major operation  taken  by  raidutil
         [-A off]     Silences the audible alarm when it is on.
         [-A enable]  Allow the alarm to be heard when a failure occurs.
         [-A disable] Prevents the alarm from sounding for any reason.

         Specify the device name, as assigned by your operating system, of the
         RAID controller to configure (this is a required parameter).

         -c c1   to specify controller 1

         This switch has two options:

         which will load the specified configuration file.

         which saves the current configuration to the file name specified.

         A  file  name  must follow the load or save parameter. This is a .DSM
         file, which can also be loaded or saved using Storage Manager.

         Specify the device name, in Adaptec format, of the RAID controller to
         configure  (this  is a required parameter).  Controllers are assigned
         IDs starting with 0 based on the PCI slot  location  from  lowest  to

         Delete a logical drive and return the capacity to unassigned space.

         raidutil -c c1 -D all

         all logical drives are deleted.

         raidutil -c c1 -D 1,2

         The logical drives with IDs 1 and 2 on controller 1 are deleted.

         This  switch lets you display or delete the entries in the controller
         event log using the following parameters:

         [-e soft]     Display all log data (Level 1)
         [-e recov]    Display only recoverable hard errors (Level 2)
         [-e nonrecov] Display only nonrecoverable hard errors (Level 3)
         [-e status]   Display only status changes (Level 4)
         [-e delete]   Delete all log entries for the controller.
         d#            The target controller ID for this command.


         Updates the controller firmware. Specify a file  name  that  contains
         the  new  flash firmware image. If no file name is provided, stdin is
         assumed. The utility will automatically  determine  the  flash  image
         type  and  ensure  that the image is written to the appropriate flash
         memory region.

         NOTE: After flashing a new NVRAM default image, perform a reset NVRAM
         configuration command (-X) to transfer the new default image to NVRAM
         space on the adapter.

         Specify drive group (for  example, -g c1t1d0,c2t1d0,c3t1d0) for logi-
         cal drive creation. In the standard address form: cXtXdXsX to specify
         logical controller ID (cX), physical target ID (tX), Drive  LUN  (dX)
         and slice or partition (sX).

         To create a RAID 10 configuration specify groups in pairs as follows:

         raidutil -c c1 -l 1 -g c1t1d0,c1t2d0,c1t3d0,c1t4d0

         To create a RAID 50 configuration specify groups in pairs as  follows
         using the + character to indicate the parity group:

         raidutil           -c           c1          -l          5          -g

         See associated parameters -l, -n, -s, -z. If used,  these  parameters
         MUST precede the -g parameter.  You must use commas to separate drive
         identifiers.  The list of drives in a drive group cannot contain  any

         RAID 0 can be 1 to 64 drives
         RAID 1 can be 2 to 64 drives (must be multiples of two.)
         RAID 5 can be 3 to 64 drives
         RAID 10 can be 4 to 64 drives (must groups of two drives each.)
         RAID 50 can be 6 to 64 drives

         Create  one  or  more hot spare drives. In the standard address form:
         cXtXdXsX to specify logical controller ID (cX),  physical  target  ID
         (tX), Drive LUN (dX) and slice or partition (sX). Use commas to sepa-
         rate device addresses.

         raidutil -c c1 -h c1t0d0,c2t0d0

         creates hot spares using drive ID 0 on bus 0 and drive ID 0 on bus 1.

         NOTE: Each bus on the adapter card forms a new controller identifier.
         Use the [-L controllers] and [-L physical] results to confirm  device
         locations and addresses.
         Display device inquiry information.  If  no  parameters  follow  this
         switch, it displays only the controller information such as, firmware
         revision, BIOS version, and  serial  number.  If  a  physical  device
         address is used, the information for that device is displayed.

         Specify  RAID level (0, 1 or 5). If the -l parameter is omitted, RAID
         5 is the default. See associated parameters -n, -s, -z. These parame-
         ters MUST precede the -g parameter.

         Display  list  of  devices.  If  a  controller is not specified, each
         information for controller is listed along with all attached devices.

         The following formats can be used:

         [-L battery]     displays information about the battery module

         [-L controller]  lists controller information

         [-L cache]       displays the device caching mode.

         [-L  inquiry]     displays the device capabilities as reported to the

         [-L logical]     lists logical drives (arrays) by number

         [-L physical]    lists all devices attached to a controller

         [-L raid]        returns a list of logical drives (arrays)
         [-L array]       and constituent physical drives

         [-L redirect]    displays a list of any redirected devices

         [-L spare]       lists hot spare drive

         [-L speed]       displays a list of the bus speed for  all  connected

         [-L   version]       displays  the  version  numbers  for  controller
         firmware, SMOR, BIOS, and NVRAM.

         [-L all]         to return all of the above listings.

         Specify the logical drive number (LUN) to be created.  You MUST spec-
         ify  the  logical  drive  number when creating a logical drive or the
         logical drive will not be created. If you are creating multiple logi-
         cal  drives on the same drive group, there must be commas between the
         logical drive numbers (e.g. -n 1,2).

         See associated parameters -l, -s, -z. These parameters  MUST  precede

         This switch sets a task priority for the device or logical drive. The
         parameter can be 0 - 9; with 0 being the  slowest  and  9  being  the
         fastest. You can also specify the rate as follows:

            -r slow    = 1
            -r medslow = 3
            -r med     = 5
            -r medfast = 7
            -r fast    = 9

         The  device  address  is  required.  Specify  logical drives by their
         device addresses. You can set the rate for all logical  drives  on  a
         controller by using the device address of the controller.

         Specify  logical  drive capacity (in megabytes). For example, -s 1000
         would create a 1 gigabyte logical drive. If this switch is omitted or
         if the capacity specified exceeds the available capacity, the maximum
         available capacity is used. See associated  parameters  -l,  -n,  -z.
         These parameters MUST precede the -g parameter.

         Options are on and off. The default (on) uses write-back caching. [-w
         off] enables write-through operation. Specify drives using the device

         Reset NVRAM configuration. This option resets the controller configu-
         ration to its default settings.

         Specify stripe size (in kilobytes) for RAID 0 or 5. The  stripe  size
         is  the  number of contiguous blocks written to a single drive before
         writing to the next drive in the logical drive. See associated param-
         eters -l, -n, -s. These parameters MUST precede the -g parameter.

         If  this parameter is omitted, the default stripe size is used. Valid
         values are 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128.

         Clear RAID table information from devices. The device can  be  speci-
         fied as a controller, array or target. You can also specify groups of
         these devices. Separate multiple device specifications with commas.

         raidutil -Z c2

         clears all RAID tables for controller 2.

         raidutil -Z c1t2d0,c1t3d0,c1t4d0

         clears RAID tables on the specified target drives (2,3,4)

       If  you  are  going to delete a hot spare (-H) or a logical drive (-D),
       always perform that operation as the first  parameter  on  the  command
       line (after the -c or -q).

       If  you  are doing multiple logical drive creations on the same command
       line, make sure that you have commas between the drives specified  with
       the -g parameter.


       The command line entry:

       raidutil -c c1 -D all -n 0 -l 5 -s 1000 -z 32 -g c1t1d0,c2t1d0,c3t1d0

       would perform the following actions on the device:

       (1) delete all existing logical drives

       (2) create a new logical drive (number 0) using RAID 5, with a capacity
           of 1 GB, a 32 KB stripe size, and consisting of the 3 drives  indi-
           cated after the -g parameter.

       The command target device name takes the form
       [cXtXdXsX]; you must specify at least the controller number (cX).


                                   Aug 2000                        raidutil(8)

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