clockspeed(1) clockspeed(1) NNAAMMEE clockspeed - speed up or slow down the local clock, continuously SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS cclloocckkssppeeeedd DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN cclloocckkssppeeeedd resets the local UNIX clock every three seconds according to (1) an internal hardware tick counter and (2) occasional real-time mea- surements from a reliable source. cclloocckkssppeeeedd reads the real-time measurements from //uussrr//llooccaall//cclloocckk-- ssppeeeedd//aaddjjuusstt. Each real-time measurement must be a single 16-byte packet, expressed as a TAI64NA time adjustment to the local UNIX clock. cclloocckkssppeeeedd does not place any limits on the possible adjustments. It is your responsibility to make sure that the measurements are reliable. After two real-time measurements, cclloocckkssppeeeedd can figure out the number of real attoseconds per tick. It saves this number in TAI64NA format in //uussrr//llooccaall//cclloocckkssppeeeedd//eettcc//aattttoo, overwriting //uussrr//llooccaall//cclloocckk-- ssppeeeedd//eettcc//aattttoo..ttmmpp for reliability. It reads //uussrr//llooccaall//cclloocckk-- ssppeeeedd//eettcc//aattttoo when it starts up again. cclloocckkssppeeeedd must be run by rroooott. SSEEEE AALLSSOO clockadd(1), clockview(1), sntpclock(1), taiclock(1), adjtime(2), get- timeofday(2) clockspeed(1)