sntpclock(1) sntpclock(1) NNAAMMEE sntpclock - check a system's clock through NTP SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ssnnttppcclloocckk _h_o_s_t DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ssnnttppcclloocckk connects to an NTP server on _h_o_s_t. _h_o_s_t must be a dotted- decimal IP address. ssnnttppcclloocckk prints a 16-byte TAI64NA adjustment that, when added to the local UNIX clock, will produce the TAI clock on _h_o_s_t. ssnnttppcclloocckk limits the adjustment to 2 days. ssnnttppcclloocckk does not bind to port 123; this means that it does not need to run as root. Note that some firewalls will not permit ssnnttppcclloocckk requests. NNOOTTEESS An NTP timestamp is a count of non-leap seconds. ssnnttppcclloocckk uses a local leap-second table to convert the NTP timestamp to TAI with an epoch of 1970-01-01 00:00:10 TAI. For a discussion of the difference between UTC and TAI see hhttttpp::////ppoobbooxx..ccoomm//~~ddjjbb//pprroottoo//uuttccttaaii..hhttmmll. The current NTP time scale will break down in 2036. SSEEEE AALLSSOO clockspeed(1), clockadd(1), clockview(1), taiclock(1), leapsecs(3), xntpd(8) sntpclock(1)