taiclockd(1) taiclockd(1) NNAAMMEE taiclockd - announce the system's clock through TAICLOCK SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ttaaiicclloocckkdd DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ttaaiicclloocckkdd announces the local UNIX clock through the TAICLOCK protocol. It listens for TAICLOCK requests through UDP and responds with the sys- tem's current time. DDOO NNOOTT RRUUNN ttaaiicclloocckkdd IIFF YYOOUURR SSYYSSTTEEMM IISS TTUUNNEEDD BBYY xxnnttppdd.. See hhttttpp::////ppoobbooxx..ccoomm//~~ddjjbb//pprroottoo//uuttccttaaii..hhttmmll for further discussion. ttaaiicclloocckkdd does not need to run as root. SSEEEE AALLSSOO taiclock(1) taiclockd(1)