#include <alloc.h>

       char *alloc(new);

       void alloc_free(x);

       void alloc_re(&x,old,new);

       char *x;
       unsigned int old;
       unsigned int new;


       alloc  allocates enough space from the heap for new bytes of data, ade-
       quately aligned for any data type.  new may  be  0.   alloc  returns  a
       pointer to the space.  If space is not available, alloc returns 0, set-
       ting errno appropriately.

       alloc_free returns space to the heap.

       alloc_re expands the space allocated to x from old bytes to new  bytes.
       It  allocates new space, copies old bytes from the old space to the new
       space, returns the old space to the heap, and changes x to point to the
       new  space.   It  then  returns 1.  If space is not available, alloc_re
       returns 0, leaving the old space alone.


       sbrk(2), malloc(3), error(3)


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