""" Python logging module - Version 1.3.1 Loglevels: LOGLEVEL_NONE, LOGLEVEL_ERROR, LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG Format-Parameters: %C -- The name of the current class. %D -- Program duration since program start. %d -- Program duration for the last step (last output). %F -- The name of the current function. %f -- Current filename %L -- Log type (Error, Warning, Debug or Info) %M -- The actual message. %N -- The current line number. %T -- Current time (human readable). %t -- Current time (machine readable) %U -- Current fully qualified module/file. %u -- Current module/file. %x -- NDC (nested diagnostic contexts). Pre-defined Formats: FMT_SHORT -- %M FMT_MEDIUM -- [ %C.%F ] %D: %M FMT_LONG -- %T %L %C [%F] %x%M FMT_DEBUG -- %T [%D (%d)] %L %C [%F (%N)] %x%M """ # Logging levels LOGLEVEL_NONE = 1 << 0 LOGLEVEL_ERROR = 1 << 1 LOGLEVEL_NORMAL = 1 << 2 LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE = 1 << 3 LOGLEVEL_DEBUG = 1 << 4 # Pre-defined format strings FMT_SHORT = "%M" FMT_MEDIUM = "[ %C.%F ] %D: %M" FMT_LONG = "%T %L %C [%F] %x%M" FMT_DEBUG = "%T [%D (%d)] %L %C [%F (%N)] %x%M" # Special logging targets TARGET_MYSQL = "MySQL" TARGET_POSTGRES = "Postgres" TARGET_SYSLOG = "Syslog" TARGET_SYS_STDOUT = "sys.stdout" TARGET_SYS_STDERR = "sys.stderr" TARGET_SYS_STDOUT_ALIAS = "stdout" TARGET_SYS_STDERR_ALIAS = "stderr" SPECIAL_TARGETS = [ TARGET_MYSQL, TARGET_POSTGRES, TARGET_SYSLOG, TARGET_SYS_STDOUT, TARGET_SYS_STDERR, TARGET_SYS_STDOUT_ALIAS, TARGET_SYS_STDERR_ALIAS ] # Configuration files CONFIGURATION_FILES = {} CONFIGURATION_FILES[1] = "log4py.conf" # local directory CONFIGURATION_FILES[2] = "$HOME/.log4py.conf" # hidden file in the home directory CONFIGURATION_FILES[3] = "/etc/log4py.conf" # system wide file # Constants for the FileAppender ROTATE_NONE = 0 ROTATE_DAILY = 1 ROTATE_WEEKLY = 2 ROTATE_MONTHLY = 3 # The following constants are of internal interest only # Message constants (used for ansi colors and for logtype %L) MSG_DEBUG = 1 << 0 MSG_WARN = 1 << 1 MSG_ERROR = 1 << 2 MSG_INFO = 1 << 3 # Boolean constants TRUE = "TRUE" FALSE = "FALSE" # Color constants BLACK = 30 RED = 31 GREEN = 32 YELLOW = 33 BLUE = 34 PURPLE = 35 AQUA = 36 WHITE = 37 LOG_MSG = { MSG_DEBUG: "DEBUG", MSG_WARN: "WARNING", MSG_ERROR: "ERROR", MSG_INFO: "INFO"} LOG_COLORS = { MSG_DEBUG: [WHITE, BLACK, FALSE], MSG_WARN: [WHITE, BLACK, FALSE], MSG_ERROR: [WHITE, BLACK, TRUE], MSG_INFO: [WHITE, BLACK, FALSE]} LOG_LEVELS = { "DEBUG": LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "VERBOSE": LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE, "NORMAL": LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "NONE": LOGLEVEL_NONE, "ERROR": LOGLEVEL_ERROR } SECTION_DEFAULT = "Default" from time import time, strftime, localtime from types import StringType, ClassType, InstanceType, FileType, TupleType from string import zfill, atoi, lower, upper, join, replace, split, strip from re import sub from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError from os import stat, rename import sys import traceback import os import copy import socket import locale if (os.name == "posix"): import syslog try: import MySQLdb mysql_available = TRUE except: mysql_available = FALSE def get_homedirectory(): if (sys.platform == "win32"): if (os.environ.has_key("USERPROFILE")): return os.environ["USERPROFILE"] else: return "C:\\" else: if (os.environ.has_key("HOME")): return os.environ["HOME"] else: # No home directory set return "" # This is the main class for the logging module class Logger: cache = {} instance = None configfiles = [] hostname = socket.gethostname() def __init__(self, useconfigfiles = TRUE, customconfigfiles = None): """ **(private)** Class initalization & customization. """ if (customconfigfiles): if (type(customconfigfiles) == StringType): customconfigfiles = [customconfigfiles] Logger.configfiles = customconfigfiles if (not Logger.instance): self.__Logger_setdefaults() if (useconfigfiles == TRUE): self.__Logger_appendconfigfiles(Logger.configfiles) # read the default options self.__Logger_parse_options() self.__Logger_timeinit = time() self.__Logger_timelaststep = self.__Logger_timeinit Logger.instance = self if (useconfigfiles == TRUE): # read and pre-cache settings for named classids self.__Logger_cache_options() def get_root(self): """ Provides a way to change the base logger object's properties. """ return Logger.instance def get_instance(self, classid = "Main", use_cache = TRUE): """ Either get the cached logger instance or create a new one Note that this is safe, even if you have your target set to sys.stdout or sys.stderr """ cache = Logger.cache if (type(classid) == ClassType): classid = classid.__name__ elif (type(classid) == InstanceType): classid = classid.__class__.__name__ elif (type(classid) == StringType): pass else: # Unknown object, so convert it to a string to make it usable classid = str(classid) # classid has to be lowercase, because the ConfigParser returns sections lowercase classid = lower(classid) if ((cache.has_key(classid)) and (use_cache == TRUE)): cat = Logger.cache[classid] else: instance = Logger.instance # test for targets which won't deep copy targets = instance.__Logger_targets deepcopyable = TRUE for i in range(len(targets)): if (type(targets[i]) == FileType): deepcopyable = FALSE if (deepcopyable == FALSE): # swap the non-copyable target out for a moment del instance.__Logger_targets cat = copy.deepcopy(instance) instance.__Logger_targets = targets cat.__Logger_targets = targets else: cat = copy.deepcopy(instance) cat.__Logger_classname = classid # new categories have their own private Nested Diagnostic Contexts self.__Logger_ndc = [] self.__Logger_classid = classid cat.debug("Class %s instantiated" % classid) if (use_cache == TRUE): cache[classid] = cat return cat # Log-target handling (add, remove, set, remove_all) def add_target(self, target, *args): """ Add a target to the logger targets. """ if (not target in self.__Logger_targets): if (target == TARGET_MYSQL): if (mysql_available == TRUE): # Required parameters: dbhost, dbname, dbuser, dbpass, dbtable try: self.__Logger_mysql_connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=args[0], db=args[1], user=args[2], passwd=args[3]) self.__Logger_mysql_cursor = self.__Logger_mysql_connection.cursor() self.__Logger_mysql_tablename = args[4] self.__Logger_targets.append(target) except MySQLdb.OperationalError, detail: self.error("MySQL connection failed: %s" % detail) else: self.error("MySQL target not added - Python-mysql not available") else: if (type(target) == StringType): if (target not in SPECIAL_TARGETS): # This is a filename target = FileAppender(target, self.__Logger_rotation) if ((target == TARGET_SYSLOG) and (os.name != "posix")): self.warn("TARGET_SYSLOG is not available on non-posix platforms!") else: self.__Logger_targets.append(target) def remove_target(self, target): """ Remove a target from the logger targets. """ if (target in self.__Logger_targets): if (target == TARGET_MYSQL): self.__Logger_mysql_connection.close() self.__Logger_targets.remove(target) def set_target(self, target): """ Set a single target. """ if (type(target) == StringType): if (target not in SPECIAL_TARGETS): # File target target = FileAppender(target, self.__Logger_rotation) self.__Logger_targets = [ target ] def remove_all_targets(self): """ Remove all targets from the logger targets. """ self.__Logger_targets=[] def get_targets(self): """ Returns all defined targets. """ return self.__Logger_targets # Methods to set properties def set_loglevel(self, loglevel): """ Set the loglevel for the current instance. """ self.__Logger_loglevel = loglevel def set_formatstring(self, formatstring): """ Set a format string. """ self.__Logger_formatstring = formatstring def set_use_ansi_codes(self, useansicodes): """ Use ansi codes for output to the console (TRUE or FALSE). """ self.__Logger_useansicodes = useansicodes def set_time_format(self, timeformat): """ Set the time format (default: loaded from the system locale). """ self.__Logger_timeformat = timeformat def set_rotation(self, rotation): """ Set the file rotation mode to one of ROTATE_NONE, ROTATE_DAILY, ROTATE_WEEKLY, ROTATE_MONTHLY """ self.__Logger_rotation = rotation for i in range(len(self.__Logger_targets)): target = self.__Logger_targets[i] if (isinstance(target, FileAppender)): target.set_rotation(rotation) # Method to get properties def get_loglevel(self): """ Returns the current loglevel. """ return self.__Logger_loglevel def get_formatstring(self): """ Returns the current format string. """ return self.__Logger_formatstring def get_use_ansi_codes(self): """ Returns, wether ansi codes are being used or not. """ return self.__Logger_useansicodes def get_time_format(self): """ Returns the current time format. """ return self.__Logger_timeformat def get_rotation(self): """ Returns the current rotation setting. """ return self.__Logger_rotation # Methods to push and pop trace messages for nested contexts def push(self, message): """ Add a trace message. """ self.__Logger_ndc.append(message) def pop(self): """ Remove the topmost trace message. """ ct = len(self.__Logger_ndc) if (ct): del(self.__Logger_ndc[ct-1]) def clear_ndc(self): """ Clears all NDC messages. """ self.__Logger_ndc = [] # Methods to actually print messages def debug(self, *messages): """ Write a debug message. """ if (self.__Logger_loglevel >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG): message = self.__Logger_collate_messages(messages) self.__Logger_showmessage(message, MSG_DEBUG) def warn(self, *messages): """ Write a warning message. """ if (self.__Logger_loglevel >= LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE): message = self.__Logger_collate_messages(messages) self.__Logger_showmessage(message, MSG_WARN) def error(self, *messages): """ Write a error message. """ if (self.__Logger_loglevel >= LOGLEVEL_ERROR): message = self.__Logger_collate_messages(messages) self.__Logger_showmessage(message, MSG_ERROR) def info(self, *messages): """ Write a info message. """ if (self.__Logger_loglevel >= LOGLEVEL_NORMAL): message = self.__Logger_collate_messages(messages) self.__Logger_showmessage(message, MSG_INFO) # Private methods of the Logger class - you never have to use those directly def __Logger_collate_messages(self, messages): """ **(private)** Create a single string from a number of messages. """ return strip(reduce(lambda x, y: "%s%s" % (x, y), messages)) def __Logger_tracestack(self): """ **(private)** Analyze traceback stack and set linenumber and functionname. """ stack = traceback.extract_stack() self.__Logger_module = stack[-4][0] self.__Logger_linenumber = stack[-4][1] self.__Logger_functionname = stack[-4][2] self.__Logger_filename = stack[-4][0] if (self.__Logger_functionname == "?"): self.__Logger_functionname = "Main" def __Logger_setdefaults(self): """ **(private)** Set default values for internal variables. """ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) self.__Logger_classid = None self.__Logger_targets = [ TARGET_SYS_STDOUT ] # default target = sys.stdout self.__Logger_formatstring = FMT_LONG self.__Logger_loglevel = LOGLEVEL_NORMAL self.__Logger_rotation = ROTATE_NONE self.__Logger_useansicodes = FALSE self.__Logger_functionname = "" self.__Logger_filename = "" self.__Logger_linenumber = -1 try: self.__Logger_timeformat = "%s %s" % (locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_FMT), locale.nl_langinfo(locale.T_FMT)) except (AttributeError): self.__Logger_timeformat = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" self.__Logger_classname = None self.__Logger_configfilename = "" self.__Logger_module = "" self.__Logger_ndc = [] # ndc = Nested Diagnostic Context def __Logger_find_config(self): """ **(private)** Search for configuration files. """ if (not self.__Logger_configfilename): priorities = CONFIGURATION_FILES.keys() priorities.sort() configfilename = "" for i in range(len(priorities)): filename = CONFIGURATION_FILES[priorities[i]] home_directory = get_homedirectory() if (os.sep == "\\"): home_directory = replace(home_directory, "\\", "\\\\") filename = sub("\$HOME", home_directory, filename) if (os.path.exists(filename)): configfilename = filename break self.__Logger_configfilename = configfilename return self.__Logger_configfilename def __Logger_parse_options(self, section = SECTION_DEFAULT): """ **(private)** Parse main options from config file. """ configfilename = self.__Logger_find_config() if (configfilename != ""): parser = ConfigParser() parser.read(configfilename) self.__Logger_set_instance_options(parser, section, self) return TRUE def __Logger_set_instance_options(self, parser, section, instance): """ **(private)** Set the options for a given instance from the parser section """ for i in range(len(parser.options(section))): option = lower(parser.options(section)[i]) value = parser.get(section, option) if (option == "format"): instance.set_formatstring(value) elif (option == "timeformat"): instance.set_time_format(value) elif (option == "ansi"): instance.set_use_ansi_codes(upper(value)) elif (option == "loglevel"): instance.set_loglevel(LOG_LEVELS[upper(value)]) elif (option == "target"): splitted = split(value, ",") instance.remove_all_targets() for i in range(len(splitted)): instance.add_target(strip(splitted[i])) def __Logger_cache_options(self): """ **(private)** Read and cache debug levels for categories from config file. """ configfilename = self.__Logger_find_config() if (configfilename != ""): parser = ConfigParser() parser.read(configfilename) for i in range(len(parser.sections())): section = parser.sections()[i] if (section != SECTION_DEFAULT): instance = self.get_instance(section) self.__Logger_set_instance_options(parser, section, instance) return TRUE def __Logger_appendconfigfiles(self, filenames): """ **(private)** Append a filename to the list of configuration files. """ filenames.reverse() for i in range(len(filenames)): keys = CONFIGURATION_FILES.keys() CONFIGURATION_FILES[min(keys) - 1] = filenames[i] def __Logger_get_ndc(self): """ **(private)** Returns the NDC (nested diagnostic context) joined with single-spaces. """ if (len(self.__Logger_ndc)): return join(self.__Logger_ndc) else: return "" def __Logger_showmessage(self, message, messagesource): """ **(private)** Writes a message to all targets set. """ if (isinstance(message, Exception)): (exc_type, exc_value, tb) = sys.exc_info() exception_summary = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, tb) message = 'Exception caught:\n' for line in exception_summary: message = "%s%s" % (message, line) currenttime = time() self.__Logger_tracestack() timedifference = "%.3f" % (currenttime - self.__Logger_timeinit) timedifflaststep = "%.3f" % (currenttime - self.__Logger_timelaststep) self.__Logger_timelaststep = currenttime milliseconds = int(round((currenttime - long(currenttime)) * 1000)) timeformat = sub("%S", "%S." + (zfill(milliseconds, 3)), self.__Logger_timeformat) currentformattedtime = strftime(timeformat, localtime(currenttime)) line = self.__Logger_formatstring line = sub("%C", str(self.__Logger_classname), line) line = sub("%D", timedifference, line) line = sub("%d", timedifflaststep, line) line = sub("%F", self.__Logger_functionname, line) line = sub("%f", replace(self.__Logger_filename, "\\", "\\\\"), line) line = sub("%U", replace(self.__Logger_module, "\\", "\\\\"), line) line = sub("%u", os.path.split(self.__Logger_module)[-1], line) ndc = self.__Logger_get_ndc() if (ndc != ""): line = sub("%x", "%s - " % ndc, line) else: line = sub("%x", "", line) message = replace(message, "\\", "\\\\") if (self.__Logger_useansicodes == TRUE): line = sub("%L", self.__Logger_ansi(LOG_MSG[messagesource], messagesource), line) line = sub("%M", self.__Logger_ansi(message, messagesource), line) else: line = sub("%L", LOG_MSG[messagesource], line) line = sub("%M", message, line) line = sub("%N", str(self.__Logger_linenumber), line) line = sub("%T", currentformattedtime, line) line = sub("%t", `currenttime`, line) for i in range(len(self.__Logger_targets)): target = self.__Logger_targets[i] if (target == TARGET_MYSQL): sqltime = strftime("'%Y-%m-%d', '%H:%M:%S'", localtime(currenttime)) sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO %s (host, facility, level, date, time, program, msg) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s')" % (self.__Logger_mysql_tablename, self.hostname, self.__Logger_functionname, LOG_MSG[messagesource], sqltime, str(self.__Logger_classname), sub("'", "`", message + " " + ndc)) self.__Logger_mysql_cursor.execute(sqlStatement) elif (target == TARGET_SYSLOG): # We don't need time and stuff here syslog.syslog(message) elif (isinstance(target, FileAppender)): target.writeline(line) elif (target == sys.stdout) or (lower(target) == TARGET_SYS_STDOUT) or (lower(target) == TARGET_SYS_STDOUT_ALIAS): sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % line) elif (target == sys.stderr) or (lower(target) == TARGET_SYS_STDERR) or (lower(target) == TARGET_SYS_STDERR_ALIAS): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % line) else: target.write("%s\n" % line) def __Logger_ansi(self, text, messagesource): """ **(private)** Converts plain text to ansi text. """ bold = LOG_COLORS[messagesource][2] fg = str(LOG_COLORS[messagesource][0]) bg = LOG_COLORS[messagesource][1] if (bold == TRUE): fg = "%s;1" % fg bg = bg + 10 text = "\033[%d;%sm%s\033[0m" % (bg, fg, text) return text class FileAppender: def __init__(self, filename, rotation = ROTATE_NONE): """ **(private)** Class initalization & customization. """ self.__FileAppender_filename = sub("\$HOME", get_homedirectory(), filename) self.__FileAppender_filename = os.path.expanduser(self.__FileAppender_filename) self.__FileAppender_filename = os.path.expandvars(self.__FileAppender_filename) self.__FileAppender_rotation = rotation def __FileAppender_rotate(self, modification_time): """ **(private)** Check, wether the file has to be rotated yet or not. """ if (self.__FileAppender_rotation == ROTATE_DAILY): strftime_mask = "%Y%j" elif (self.__FileAppender_rotation == ROTATE_WEEKLY): strftime_mask = "%Y%W" elif (self.__FileAppender_rotation == ROTATE_MONTHLY): strftime_mask = "%Y%m" return (strftime(strftime_mask, localtime(time())) != strftime(strftime_mask, localtime(modification_time))) def __FileAppender_date_string(self, modification_time): """ **(private)** Returns a new filename for the rotated file with the appropriate time included. """ if (self.__FileAppender_rotation == ROTATE_DAILY): return strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(modification_time)) elif (self.__FileAppender_rotation == ROTATE_WEEKLY): return strftime("%Y-Week %W", localtime(modification_time)) elif (self.__FileAppender_rotation == ROTATE_MONTHLY): return strftime("%Y-Month %m", localtime(modification_time)) def get_rotation(self): """ Returns the current rotation setting. """ return self.__FileAppender_rotation def set_rotation(self, rotation): """ Set the file rotation mode to one of ROTATE_NONE, ROTATE_DAILY, ROTATE_WEEKLY, ROTATE_MONTHLY """ self.__FileAppender_rotation = rotation def write(self, text): """ Write some text to the file appender. """ if ((os.path.exists(self.__FileAppender_filename)) and (self.__FileAppender_rotation != ROTATE_NONE)): statinfo = stat(self.__FileAppender_filename) if (self.__FileAppender_rotate(statinfo[8])): splitted = os.path.splitext(self.__FileAppender_filename) target_file = "%s-%s%s" % (splitted[0], self.__FileAppender_date_string(statinfo[8]), splitted[1]) rename(self.__FileAppender_filename, target_file) file = open(self.__FileAppender_filename, "a") file.write(text) file.close() def writeline(self, text): """ Write some text including newline to the file appender. """ self.write("%s\n" % text)