Usage ===== The hachoir.desktop file goes in: /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus The hachoir-metadata-kde goes in: /usr/bin (or anywhere in the PATH) Effect ====== When right-clicking on any file in konqueror, produces a "hachoir metadata" entry under "Actions" menu. This produces a pop-up which displays the file's metadata. Optional ======== Replace Exec=kdialog --passivepopup "`hachoir-metadata %F`" 30 --title "%N" --caption "%c" with Exec=echo " " > /tmp/hachoir.tmp || exit; hachoir-metadata-kde %F > /tmp/hachoir.tmp; kdialog --textbox /tmp/hachoir.tmp 500 600 --title "%N" --caption "%c"; unlink /tmp/hachoir.tmp for a real kdialog pop-up