The k8temp utility displays temperature readings from AMD K8 processors
     using their on-die thermal diode(s).

     k8temp requires read-write access to /dev/pci, and thus must be run as

     The following options are available:

     -v      Display version and copyright information.

     -h      Display help text.

     -n      Show only temperature values.

     -d      Display debug information, including raw register contents and
             interpreted subvalues, and an Advanced Power Management feature

     Selectors specify which CPU, core and sensor to read, and are of the form
     cpu[:core[:sensor]].  Note, output order is fixed, and not (yet) defined
     by the order of selectors.


     k8temp 1:0:0
              Display reading for CPU1, core 0, sensor 0.

     k8temp 1:0
              Display reading for CPU1, core 0, all available sensors.

     k8temp -d 0 2
              Display reading for CPU 0 and CPU2, all available cores and sen-
              sors.  Display debug output.


     k8temp may cause unsupported systems to reboot, crash or explode.

     Core numbers on single core systems may be incorrect (e.g. core 1 but no
     core 0).

     Running multiple copies of k8temp at once could result in readings being
     taken from incorrect cores.


     0.1.0, 2007-10-21
             First release.

     0.1.1, 2007-10-22
             Fixes a serious error resulting in writes to a bogus PCI regis-



     Thomas Hurst <>

BSD                            October 21, 2007                            BSD

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