mediadetectplugin.cpp - description
begin : 日 10月 26 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Sheldon Lee Wen
email : leewsb@hotmail.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <config.h>
#include <lineak/lconfig.h>
#include <lineak/lkbd.h>
#include <lineak/lkey.h>
#include <lineak/lobject.h>
#include "soundctrl.h"
#include "mdloader.h"
#include <lineak/cdromctrl.h>
#include <lineak/plugin_definitions.h>
#include <lineak/displayctrl.h>
#include <lineak/lineak_util_functions.h>
#include <lineak/lineak_core_functions.h>
#include <lineak/pluginmanager.h>
#include <lineak/xmgr.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace lineak_core_functions;
#include "mediadetectplugin.h"
#include "mdloader.h"
/** These are required */
#define NUM_MACROS 1
string mediadetect_symbols[NUM_MACROS] = { "EAK_MEDIADETECT" };
macro_info* mediadetect_macinfo = NULL;
identifier_info* idinfo = NULL;
LConfig* myConfig = NULL;
LObject* mdobj = NULL;
extern bool verbose;
extern bool global_enable;
bool enable;
bool trayopen = false;
PluginManager* plugins = NULL;
string dname = "";
displayCtrl* mediadetect_Display = NULL;
//Xmgr mX;
extern "C" int initialize(init_info init) {
verbose = init.verbose;
enable = init.global_enable;
myConfig = init.config;
plugins = init.plugins;
mdobj = new LObject();
return true;
extern "C" identifier_info* identifier() {
idinfo = new (identifier_info);
idinfo->description = "Media Detect";
idinfo->identifier = "mediadetect";
idinfo->type = "MACRO";
idinfo->version = VERSION;
return idinfo;
extern "C" int exec(LObject* imyKey,XEvent xev) {
LCommand command;
if (imyKey->getType() == CODE || imyKey->getType() == SYM) {
command = imyKey->getCommand(xev.xkey.state);
dname = imyKey->getCommandDisplayName(xev.xkey.state);
if (imyKey->getType() == BUTTON) {
command = imyKey->getCommand(xev.xbutton.state);
dname = imyKey->getCommandDisplayName(xev.xbutton.state);
/* Give verbose output about the command and display name */
if (verbose) {
cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl;
//cout << "For keycode: " << keycode << endl;
cout << " Key: " << endl << *(imyKey) << endl;
cout << " XOSD Display: " << dname << endl;
cout << " Command: " << command << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl;
/* lookup the key in our EAKeylist */
if (!command.isEmpty()) {
if (verbose) cout << "enable = " << enable << endl;
if (enable) {
if (verbose) cout << "... that's the " << imyKey->getName() << " key" << endl;
/* check if the key has to run a SPECIAL command */
if ( command.getMacroType() == "EAK_MEDIADETECT" )
{ /* Eject */
macroEAK_MediaDetect(imyKey, command, xev);
} else if (command.getCommand() == snull) { /* no command defined */
if (verbose) cout << "... but it has no command bound to it :(" << endl;
if (verbose) cout << *(imyKey);
/** Rotate the key state if it's a toggleable key */
if (imyKey->isUsedAsToggle())
return true;
extern "C" macro_info* macrolist() {
mediadetect_macinfo = new (macro_info);
mediadetect_macinfo->num_macros = NUM_MACROS;
mediadetect_macinfo->macro_list = mediadetect_symbols;
return mediadetect_macinfo;
extern "C" void cleanup() {
msg("Cleaning up plugin mediadetectplugin");
if (mediadetect_macinfo != NULL) {
delete (mediadetect_macinfo);
mediadetect_macinfo = NULL;
if (idinfo != NULL) {
delete (idinfo);
idinfo = NULL;
if (mdobj != NULL) {
delete (mdobj);
mdobj = NULL;
msg("Done cleaning up plugin mediadetectplugin");
extern "C" void initialize_display(displayCtrl *imyDisplay) {
msg("Initializing display!");
mediadetect_Display = imyDisplay;
void macroEAK_MediaDetect(LObject *obj, LCommand &command, XEvent xev) {
const vector<string>& args = command.getArgs();
if (args.size() != 0) {
map<int, ConfigDirectives*> heur;
string macro = command.getMacroType();
string home = getenv("HOME");
string usrconffile = home + LINEAKDIR;
string sysconffile = string(CONFDIR) + "/";
string arg = args[0];
string carg = "";
if (args.size() == 2)
carg = args[1];
usrconffile += "media-detect.conf";
sysconffile += "media-detect.conf";
map < string, ConfigDirectives* >* sysdefs = NULL;
map < string, ConfigDirectives* >* defs = NULL;
ConfigDirectives *dir = NULL;
if (lineak_util_functions::file_exists(sysconffile)) {
MDLoader ldr(sysconffile);
sysdefs = ldr.loadDef();
if (lineak_util_functions::file_exists(usrconffile)) {
MDLoader ldr(usrconffile);
defs = ldr.loadDef();
// If there are use and system wide configurations merge them
// together.
if (sysdefs != NULL && defs != NULL) {
map < string, ConfigDirectives* >::iterator it = sysdefs->begin();
while (it != sysdefs->end()) {
if ( defs->find(it->first) != defs->end() ) {
(*defs)[it->first] = it->second;
//If sysdefs is not empty, but the user defs are the use the system configuration.
else if (defs == NULL && sysdefs != NULL)
defs = sysdefs;
if (defs != NULL ) {
map < string, ConfigDirectives* >::iterator it = defs->begin();
/** Determine which of the configured apps are running and
* add them to a list heur of the running programs. From
* this list, look at the application priorities to try
* and determine which one to act on. */
for (;it != defs->end(); it++) {
// cout << "Definition for: " << it->first << endl;
// cout << *(it->second);
// cout << endl;
dir = it->second;
string name = dir->getValue(PROGRAM);
// If carg is empty (meaning that there is only 1 argument to the macro)
// then proceed without caring about application classes. However if it is not empty
// (meaning that there is an argument to the macro for application class) check the
// class of the entry before deciding to do this. The classes must match.
if (carg == "" || carg == dir->getValue(CLASS) ) {
if (verbose) cout << "Checking to see if: " << name << " is running." << endl;
if (is_running(name)) {
int pri = atoi((dir->getValue(PRIORITY)).c_str());
heur[pri+1] = dir;
if (verbose) cout << "Found: " << name << " running." << endl;
dir = NULL;
/** heur should have a list of the programs that are running. We should determine
* which one to pick and then act accordingly. */
if (heur.size() == 1) {
dir = (heur.begin())->second;
else if (heur.size() > 1) {
map<int, ConfigDirectives*>::iterator ita = heur.begin();
int pria = 0;
int prib = 0;
string name = "";
for (; ita != heur.end(); ita++) {
// If there isn't an object pointed to yet, point to the first one.
if (dir == NULL) {
dir = ita->second;
pria = ita->first;
else {
prib = ita->first;
if ( prib < pria ) {
pria = prib;
dir = ita->second;
/** dir should now point to the configuration that we want.
* The next step is to carry out the execution of the desired action.
* */
if ( dir != NULL && arg != "" && heur.size() >= 1 ) {
string type = dir->getValue(TYPE);
if (type == "dcop" || type == "DCOP" )
dispatch_dcop(obj, command, dir);
if (type == "program" || type == "PROGRAM" )
dispatch_program(obj, command, dir);
if (type == "macro" || type == "MACRO" )
dispatch_macro(obj, command, dir, xev);
void dispatch_dcop(LObject *obj, LCommand &command, ConfigDirectives *dir) {
const vector<string>& args = command.getArgs();
string arg = args[0];
string type = dir->getValue(TYPE);
string comm = type + " ";
comm += dir->getValue(PROGRAM) + " ";
comm += dir->getValue(arg);
msg("Executing on command: " + arg);
//obj->getType() == SYM
if (global_enable) {
if (!fork()) {
//string comm = lineak_util_functions::unescape(command.getCommand(), "\"#");
comm += " &";
/* child process that tries to run the command, and then exits */
/* all specials done, let's go for it... ;) */
msg("... running " + comm);
msg("... displaying " + comm);
/* NOTE: no, we don't wait() for the child. we just ignore the SIGCLD signal */
/** Use the OSD to show the output */
if ( mediadetect_Display != NULL ) {
if (dname == "" || dname == snull) {
string lname = dir->getValue(NAME) + ": ";
lname += arg;
void dispatch_program(LObject *obj, LCommand &command, ConfigDirectives *dir) {
const vector<string>& args = command.getArgs();
string arg = args[0];
string comm;
string prog = dir->getValue(PROGRAM) + " ";
string controller = dir->getValue(CONTROLLER) + " ";
if (controller == " ")
comm = prog;
comm = controller;
comm += dir->getValue(arg);
msg("Executing on command: " + comm);
//obj->getType() == SYM
if (global_enable) {
if (!fork()) {
//string comm = lineak_util_functions::unescape(command.getCommand(), "\"#");
comm += " &";
/* child process that tries to run the command, and then exits */
/* all specials done, let's go for it... ;) */
if (verbose) cout << "... running " << comm << endl;
//if (verbose) cout << "... displaying " << comm << endl;
/* NOTE: no, we don't wait() for the child. we just ignore the SIGCLD signal */
/** Use the OSD to show the output */
if ( mediadetect_Display != NULL ) {
if (dname == "" || dname == snull) {
string lname = dir->getValue(NAME) + ": ";
lname += arg;
void dispatch_macro(LObject *obj, LCommand &command, ConfigDirectives *dir, XEvent xev) {
const vector<string>& args = command.getArgs();
string arg = args[0];
string comm = dir->getValue(arg);
exec_t execute = NULL;
msg("Executing on command: " + arg);
/** Replace the LCommand object of the LObject with one that contains the macro to run. */
// do it here.
LCommand newcomm = command;
// Copy the LObject to our our internal LObject. We do not want to alter the
// users configuration permanently, so may a copy and use it.
*mdobj = *obj;
if ( !obj->isUsedAsToggle() ) {
if (obj->getType() == CODE || obj->getType() == SYM) {
if (obj->getType() == BUTTON) {
else {
string name = mdobj->getNextToggleName();
msg("Setting command for toggle name: " + name);
mdobj->setCommand(newcomm, name);
if (verbose) cout << "dispatch_macro: " << *mdobj << endl;
if (global_enable) {
execute = plugins->exec(mdobj, xev);
/** Use the OSD to show the output */
/** We should not show the display here. Instead, we should allow
* the macro to handle the display itself as it may have contextual
* information to display that we cannot get here. */
if ( mediadetect_Display != NULL ) {
if (dname == "" || dname == snull) {
string lname = dir->getValue(NAME) + ": ";
lname += arg;
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