_____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ /( )` | ___| | | |/ ___/ ___|| _ \| __ )| _ \ \ \___ / | | |_ | | | | | _\___ \| |_) | _ \| |_) | /- _ `-/ ' | _| | |_| | |_| |___) | __/| |_) | _ < (/\/ \ \ /\ |_| \___/ \____|____/|_| |____/|_| \_\ / / | ` \ O O ) / | ------------------------------------------- `-^--'`< ' (_.) _ ) / `.___/` / Brazilian Group of FreeBSD Users `-----' / http://www.fugspbr.org <----. __ / __ \ FreeBSD LiveCD <----|====O)))==) \) /==== 24/june/2002 <----' `--' `.__,' \ Disclaimer ========== This software is offered to you "as is", and it is your responsibility to deal with its results. The authors do not take any responsibility for any loss, problems or any other kind of misfortunes that might come from its use. This is a work in progress and some features described below may not be present yet. Also, some functionality may be present and not yet documented. Always check the main website (http://livecd.sourceforge.net/) to an up to date status of the developments. Using this tool in the wrong way may cause data loss ! Make sure you read the instructions carefully ! Objective ========= The FreeBSD LiveCD Toolkit has the objective of allowing the generation of custom bootable CDs based on a working FreeBSD system. The project itself was born in October 2001, due to a necessity of the Brazilian FreeBSD User Group, whose goal was to have a diagnostic and recovery tool for emergency situations like a disk crash and others. What is it after all ? ====================== In short, the FreeBSD LiveCD itself is a set of scripts that will prepare an ISO image of a working FreeBSD system, based on some questions asked to the user. A custom made kernel will allow this ISO to be bootable and to have iteration with other partitions that might exist on the original or other hard disk(s). Some of the uses for the FreeBSD LiveCD include: live operating system for system recovery, implement firewalls (packet filtering), NAT, bridges, installing the system on another machine, among other applications. Most of those NOT NEEDING a hard disk !!!! Distribution and Downloads ========================== The FreeBSD LiveCD follows the BSD license agreement. You will find the FreeBSD LiveCD available in two flavors: LiveCD-[version_number].tgz and LiveCD-[version_number]_ISO[FreeBSD_version].ISO As the names indicate, que .tgz file is a package that contains the FreeBSD LiveCD scripts, that will create the ISO image and allow you to run your LiveCD system. The ISO file is a READY TO RUN LiveCD image featuring the indicated FreeBSD version, all set for you to record your CD and use it. Burn it and go ! :) Requirements ============ * To use the FreeBSD LiveCD system: - Run it as ROOT ! You must have write permission to several places. - A working FreeBSD machine running version 4.5-stable or higher (not tested with 5.x yet. Please let us know if you do it) - your sources (/usr/src mandatory !) synchronized with the above version. - 2 GB of free disk space under /usr/local - mkisofs Of course you need a CD Recorder to burn the CD image, but it does not need to be in the FreeBSD system. * To recover/install the system based on a FreeBSD LiveCD A computer with a equivalent configuration of the original machine (pay special attention to disk controllers and network cards, not to mention disk space, in case you are recovering/installing the system on a hard drive) Instructions ============ You will find detailed instructions on the HOWTO.english file, within the FreeBSD LiveCD documentation. There you will learn how it works and will have many examples of how to perform several tasks. Also you will find a HOWTO.QUICKLY.english that will basically have step-by-step instructions, without comments. It is basicaly the HOWTO.english with the comments stripped down. For the impatient and also those already familiar with the tool. Warning !!! =========== The FreeBSD LiveCD will attempt to use you frist IDE drive as default. Currently it will not accept any other IDE drive as your base installation. SCSI disks have a different treatment, and can be freely used. In any case, recovering/installing the system using the FreeBSD LiveCD system offers considerably less options than a regular installation, regarding the ability of using disks. You will more likely loose all the pre existing data on the target hard disk when performing a LiveCD installation. Remember: the goal of this tool is to be a repair/replication instrument. For a complete and customized fresh installation you should refere to the Official FreeBSD distribution CD. Comments ======== All comments and suggestions are VERY welcome. Please, feel free to email the FreeBSD LiveCD Development Team at livecd@fugspbr.org just making sure that the term "LiveCD" (caps does not matter) is within the subject line, or the message will be rejected.