Project standards ----------------- * Bug fixes and small code changes are updated in the CVS and the mailing list is notified later. * Adding new Features is the other way around. A proposal for a new Feature is first sent to the mailing list, discussed there (and possible voted on in case of major changes). If accepted, the CVS is updated with the new code. Adding new features also include updating the monit.pod file, the CHANGES.txt and other relevant documentation files, like ./monitrc for configuration syntax or semantic changes. It is important that the documentation is *always* aligned with the lates codebase. * Add yourself as an author to any files you have changed substantially. Substantially changes means adding a new method or adding more than a couple of new code lines in a file so the program behavior was changed. The reason is mainly that you get the credit for the work you have done and partly that others will know whom to blame. Decision Making --------------- * All Contributors are encouraged to participate in decisions, but the decision itself is made by those that have Committer status in the Project. In other words, the Project is a "Minimum Threshold Meritocracy". * Each vote can be made in one of three flavors: +1 "Yes," "Agree," or "the action should be performed." On some issues this is only binding if the voter has tested the action on their own system(s). 0 "Abstain," "no opinion". An abstention may have detrimental effects if too many people abstain. -1 "No." On issues where consensus is required, this vote counts as a veto. All vetos must contain an explanation of why the veto is appropriate. Vetos with no explanation are void. No veto can be overruled. If you disagree with the veto, you should lobby the person who cast the veto. Voters intending to veto an action item should make their opinions known to the group immediately so that the problem can be remedied as early as possible. Programs you will need to build a monit package ----------------------------------------------- * GNU make * pod2html and pod2man * flex * yacc or bison (bison is recommended) * Perl * GNU tar and GNU gzip * autoconf (v. >= 2.53) * automake (v. >= 1.5) * doxygen (v. >= 1.2.15) Setting up the developing environment ------------------------------------- 1. Run to create and run configure, or alternatively do: autoheader autoconf ./configure Pass any configure arguments on the command line of if you are running 2. You will now have a Makefile for building the program. The Makefile will handle any additional source files you add to the project and will link everything to monit. 3. The man file for the project is monit.pod and a monit.1 man file is created by using perl-pod and pod2man. 4. To build a new release run the make_dist script. This will create a monit-{release-number}.tar.gz file in the current directory. CVS standards ------------- * ONLY check-in files that will compile without any warnings. (Change the CFLAGS macro in the Makefile to include -Wall; CFLAGS = -Wall .. to compile with all warnings turned on) * Regularly do a 'cvs update -d .' to keep your local copy in sync with the master repository. * To check out a certain release you can do: export CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -z3 co -r release-2-4-3 monit Where uname is your developer name at Savannah. * To check a files current tags, use: 'cvs status -v {filename}' For Project Managers: * Every file in the project *must* be tagged with a release tag matching the version number in before a new release is released. We use the following release tag standard: release-x-y(-z) e.g. release-2-4-2 * The release numbers explained: x is for major feature releases y is for minor feature releases z is for bug fix releases * To tag a new relase, use: 'cvs tag release-x-y-z .' This will tag all the files in current directory, and (recursively), files in any subdirectories. You can force a tag if you had to change files after the first tag *BUT* before the release is official: 'cvs tag -F release-2-4-2 .' * Only the project manager is allowed to create and tag a new release --