/* display.c * $Id: display.c,v 2005/07/28 12:35:20 becker Exp $ * Ralf Becker */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "slist.h" #include "display.h" #ifndef HAVE_STRUCT_LDAT struct ldat { chtype *text; /* text of the line */ NCURSES_SIZE_T firstchar; /* first changed character in the line */ NCURSES_SIZE_T lastchar; /* last changed character in the line */ NCURSES_SIZE_T oldindex; /* index of the line at last update */ }; #endif static char cvsid[] = "$Id: display.c,v 2005/07/28 12:35:20 becker Exp $"; /* there are three windows * the headerlines * the table itself * the msgline */ WINDOW *win; WINDOW *hdrwin; WINDOW *htwin; WINDOW *msgwin; /* the sizes of the windows */ int HLINES, HCOLS; int HTLINES, HTCOLS; int MLINES, MCOLS; /* set to 0 */ int resize = 0; /* scroll indikator */ int scrlpos = 0; /* the messages */ char *msg[] = { "q,Q-Quit j,KEY_UP-up k,KEY_DOWN-down" , "unknown command"}; /* hoide the cursor */ void hidecursor(void) { leaveok(hdrwin,TRUE); leaveok(msgwin,TRUE); leaveok(htwin,TRUE); curs_set(0); } /* initialize display: * initialize curses structures and allocate windows * set terminal line */ int display_init() { /* initialize curses display & window */ if ((win = initscr()) == NULL) { display_kill(); fprintf(stderr, "curses error (initscr)\n"); return -1; } /* allocate windows */ HLINES = 2; MLINES = 1; HTLINES = LINES - HLINES -MLINES; if ((hdrwin = newwin(HLINES, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) { display_kill(); fprintf(stderr, "curses error (newwin, hdrwin)\n"); return -1; } if ((htwin = newwin(HTLINES, 0, HLINES, 0)) == NULL) { display_kill(); fprintf(stderr, "curses error (newwin, htwin)\n"); return -1; } if ((msgwin = newwin(MLINES, 0, LINES-1, 0)) == NULL) { display_kill(); fprintf(stderr, "curses error (newwin, msgwin)\n"); return -1; } /* initialize terminal */ noecho(); cbreak(); hidecursor(); /* setting of message window */ nodelay(msgwin,TRUE); keypad(msgwin,TRUE); nodelay(hdrwin,TRUE); keypad(hdrwin,TRUE); nodelay(htwin,TRUE); keypad(htwin,TRUE); /* enable scrolling of table */ scrollok(htwin, TRUE); /* print header and initial message */ display_header(); display_msg(0); /* check scrlpos, only usefull for resize */ if (scrlpos > slist_size(hlist)-HTLINES) { scrlpos = slist_size(hlist) - HTLINES; if (scrlpos < 0) { scrlpos = 0; } } resize = 0; return 0; } /* remove curses structures */ void display_kill() { if (hdrwin != NULL) { delwin(hdrwin); hdrwin = NULL; } if (htwin != NULL) { delwin(htwin); htwin = NULL; } if (msgwin != NULL) { delwin(msgwin); msgwin = NULL; } win = NULL; endwin(); } /* get new window size and set curses variables */ void display_resize(void) { struct winsize ws; if (ioctl(1,TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) != -1) { LINES = ws.ws_row; COLS = ws.ws_col; } display_kill(); refresh(); display_init(); display_refresh(); } /* display the header lines */ void display_header() { wattron(hdrwin,A_REVERSE); mvwprintw(hdrwin,0,0,"%-10s %-20s %-17s %-26s %3s", "Node","Load Avg.","CPU states (%)", \ "MEM(KB)","#"); mvwprintw(hdrwin,1,0,"%-10s %-20s %5s %5s %5s %8s %8s %8s %3s", " "," ","user","sys","idle","used","free","total"," "); wattroff(hdrwin,A_REVERSE); } void display_msg(int n) { wprintw(msgwin,"%-*s\r",COLS-1,msg[n]); } /* print line without WRAPPING */ void display_line(WINDOW *win, int i, int n, char *line) { int k; if (i > win->_maxy) { return; } for (k = 0; (k <= win->_maxx) && (k < n); k++) { win->_line[i].text[k] = line[k]; } win->_line[i].firstchar = 0; win->_line[i].lastchar = k; } /* print hoststatus line */ int print_hostline(WINDOW *win, int i, struct hostlist_t *p, int COLS, int scroll) { char line[81]; if (p->error != NULL) { snprintf(line,81,"%-10.10s %-69s",p->name,p->error); display_line(win,i,81,line); return -1; } if (p->act == 0) { snprintf(line,81,"%-10.10s %-69s",p->name, "Resource temporarily unavailable"); display_line(win,i,81,line); return -1; } snprintf(line,81, "%-10.10s %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %8d %8d %8d %3d", p->name, p->hoststat.loadavg[0], p->hoststat.loadavg[1], p->hoststat.loadavg[2], (double)p->hoststat.cpu[0]/10.0, (double)p->hoststat.cpu[2]/10.0, (double)p->hoststat.cpu[3]/10.0, p->hoststat.mem[1], p->hoststat.mem[2], p->hoststat.mem[0], p->hoststat.nusers); display_line(win,i,81,line); p->act-=scroll; return 0; } /* print host status table */ void display(void) { struct hostlist_t *p; int i,k; if (resize) { display_resize(); } i = -1; k = 0; slist_foreach(hlist, p) { i++; if (i < scrlpos) { continue; } if (i >= scrlpos + HTLINES) { break; } print_hostline(htwin, k, p,COLS,1); k++; } } /* scroll table */ void display_scroll(int n) { struct hostlist_t *p; int i,k,l; int lbound, ubound; scrlpos += n; if (scrlpos < 0) { scrlpos = 0; return; } if (HTLINES >= slist_size(hlist)) { scrlpos = 0; return; } if (scrlpos > slist_size(hlist)-HTLINES) { scrlpos = slist_size(hlist) - HTLINES; return; } wscrl(htwin,n); if (n > 0) { k = HTLINES - n; ubound = scrlpos + HTLINES; lbound = ubound - n; } else { k = 0; lbound = scrlpos; ubound = scrlpos - n; } i = -1; l=0; slist_foreach(hlist, p) { i++; if (i < lbound) { continue; } if (i > ubound) { break; } print_hostline(htwin,k,p,COLS,0); k++; } wrefresh(htwin); } void display_refresh(void) { wnoutrefresh(hdrwin); wnoutrefresh(htwin); wnoutrefresh(msgwin); doupdate(); } /* handle keyboard events */ int key_handler(void) { int ch; switch (ch = wgetch(msgwin)) { case 'q': { /* fall through */ } case 'Q': { return 0; break; } case KEY_DOWN: { /* fall through */ } case 'k': { display_scroll(1); break; } case KEY_UP: { /* fall through */ } case 'j': { display_scroll(-1); break; } case KEY_RESIZE: { /* resize event */ break; } default: { display_msg(1); display_refresh(); } } return 1; } void sig_resize (int signal) { resize = 1; } /* print host status table in batch mode */ void printlist(void) { struct hostlist_t *p; slist_foreach(hlist, p) { if (p->error != NULL) { printf("%-10.10s %-69s\n", p->name,p->error); continue; } if (p->act == 0) { printf("%-10.10s %-69s\n", p->name,"Resource temporarily unavailable"); continue; } printf( "%-10.10s %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %8d %8d %8d %3d\n", p->name, p->hoststat.loadavg[0], p->hoststat.loadavg[1], p->hoststat.loadavg[2], (double)p->hoststat.cpu[0]/10.0, (double)p->hoststat.cpu[2]/10.0, (double)p->hoststat.cpu[3]/10.0, p->hoststat.mem[1], p->hoststat.mem[2], p->hoststat.mem[0], p->hoststat.nusers); } }