/* Direct.h v1.3 Definitions for directory access routines */ /* This is part of ODS2 written by Paul Nankervis, email address: Paulnank@au1.ibm.com ODS2 is distributed freely for all members of the VMS community to use. However all derived works must maintain comments in their source to acknowledge the contibution of the original author. */ struct dir$rec { vmsword dir$size; vmsword dir$verlimit; vmsbyte dir$flags; vmsbyte dir$namecount; char dir$name[1]; }; struct dir$ent { vmsword dir$version; struct fiddef dir$fid; }; unsigned direct(struct VCB *vcb,struct dsc_descriptor *fibdsc, struct dsc_descriptor *filedsc,unsigned short *reslen, struct dsc_descriptor *resdsc,unsigned action);