This script provides functionality for manipulating collections of con-
     figuration files which can be organised so as to alter the personality of
     a system.

     Initially, the base personality is established. This personality contains
     the reference copies of configuration files, and is used when creating
     new personalities.  The files which are currently considered part of the
     system's personality are those contained in the base personality.

     A new personality is established by making a copy of the base personality
     under a new name. Each personality maintains a separate copy of all con-
     figuration files under /etc/personality.

     To install a new personality, the files currently in place are saved back
     to the current personality as indicated in /etc/personality/current, and
     the files for the new personality copied into place.

     The select and menu commands which perform these installations are imple-
     mented in such a fashion as to only require the tools available on the
     root filesystem, so that they may be invoked at the earliest stage during
     system startup.

     If the current personality has become damaged, it can be restored from
     the saved copy.

     Files can be added to and removed from the personality set. When a new
     file is added, it is copied from the current system into all personali-
     ties and added to the list file. When a file is removed the current ver-
     sion is kept in place, but all copies are removed from saved personali-
     ties and the file is removed from the list.


     /etc/personality          configuration base
     /etc/personality/_base    system files under management of personality
     /etc/personality/current  backup location of current files before new
                               personality is copied into place




     Currently none.


     The personality script has been written 1997 by Mike Smith
     <>.  The personality manual page has been written by
     Andreas Klemm <>.

BSD                             March 25, 2001                             BSD

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